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黑眼圈的中医辩证论文 随着经济的发展,人们美容意识的提高,绝大多数都市女性都在频繁的出入美容院。尽管如此,还是有很大一部分人群每天顶着一对“熊猫眼”穿梭于城市的大街小巷,其实很多顾客都希望通过美容院的专业护理来改善黑眼圈、眼袋等眼部损美问题。美容师也常常发现:顾客无论年龄大小,黑眼圈现象都很明显,有的年轻顾客甚至比年龄大者还严重,有时美容师自己也会有轻重不同的黑眼圈。试问,眼圈这般黑究竟是谁惹的祸?又该如何避免这样的美丽危机呢?要有效防治,就得先弄清黑眼圈的形成原因,再采取相应的措施。中医理论认为:五脏六腑之精气皆上注于目,故目与五脏六腑皆有联系,而与心肝肾的关系更为密切:心,主血脉,其华在面,主神志,血液是神志活动的物质基础,心气足则血液在脉管中运行顺畅,上行于颜面、面部血液循环良好。肝,主藏血,开窍于目,肝脏具有贮藏血液和调节血量的功能,其经脉上连目系,目得肝血的濡养才能发挥正常的生理功能,肝血充足,肝气调畅则目睛得养。肾,为先之本,休息不足,疲劳过度可引起肾亏损,肾亏损则两眼缺少精气的滋润濡养,黑是肾之本色,肾气耗伤则肾之黑色浮于上,因此眼圈发黑。针对黑眼圈的护理:(1)辨证施治(2)加强眼部护理(3)生活要有规律、保持充足的睡眠,精神愉快。典型案例:杨小姐 26岁 销售经理面上出现黑眼圈三年之久,夏天特别怕热,经常自觉五心烦热,手脚心出汗,特别是由于最近工作繁忙,应酬较多,而睡眠不足,黑眼圈加重。诊断:肾阴虚,肾水不足,虚火上炎,导致营卫受损,精气不能上荣于目,睡眠不足,影响局部微循环。治疗:内服外用,标本兼治。口服:海棠美VII号,此产品从沙棘、黑芝麻、桑椹中提取的植物精华,能起到调养肝肾、滋阴、调节情志的作用,有效祛除黑眼圈、眼袋。外用:海棠眼护系列,此系列产品富含VE、VC、磷脂囊、鱼蛋白、脱色沙棘油等营养修护成分,可活跃细胞、抗御老化、修护眼部肌肤,有效解决黑眼圈、眼袋、眼部皱纹等问题,并具有防治眼部汗管瘤的特点。操作:(1)眼部按摩油点穴3-5分钟,疏通眼周经脉,促进血液循环,加快氧吸收。(2)眼部按摩膏按摩眼部8-10分钟,可促进血液循环,提高鱼蛋白、海藻,VE等纯天然中药活性成分的渗透吸收,锁住水分,增强皮肤弹性。(3)敷眼膜15-20分钟,它富含维生素、鲜骨胶原及珍贵眼角膜提取液,能迅速修复眼部受损纤维细胞,消除黑眼圈、眼袋等眼部疾患,可在眼膜上加盖一层热倒膜,促进眼膜的吸收。(4)眼霜,以打圈的方式在眼周涂抹,能快速激活细胞、使细胞增殖,促进眼部皮肤血液循环,所含海藻提取成分能软坚散结,可防治眼部汗管瘤。(5)温灸,以眼霜打底,覆盖一层薄纱布,作滚动式按摩6-8分钟。以上操作1次/3天,1疗程/10次。1个月后,杨小姐黑眼圈消失,身体烦热现象明显好转,之后坚持使用海棠眼霜,生活逐渐规律,半年后复诊,未出现反复。中医认为人体具有统一性和完整性,有诸内必行于诸外,我们在治疗的过程中一定要根据它的外在表现寻找到真正的病因,辨证论治,内调外养,真正做到标本兼治,还爱美女性娇丽容颜!广州美铭公司 佘宗恒电话:020-8358248513631485963Chinese methods of curing the black-circles around eyesFollowing the economic development, the pressure of life, work and spirit are growing. And this leads to lots of people have “Pandas eyes”black-circles around eyes. Its a kind of pathological changes. This can affect peoples image and disserve peoples body. Whatever, who provoke this kind of bale? And how to avoid this kind of bane? The Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that all of the Qi of five-zang and six-fu organs run up to eyes. Especially, the organs of heart, liver and kidney are very important. Liver and kidney being of same source. Eye as window of liver. And liver governing blood and eyes. Liver Meridian contacts with eyes. So, deficiency of liver-blood can lead to eye-dryness and photophobia. Kidney being the prenatal functions of organism. It can store essence and governing water. Black being the prenatal function of kidney. Deficiency of kidney-qi will lead to black run upon the face and heart also governing blood. The complexion reflects the condition of the heart. But blood is the base thing of the spirits action. So, it can make the black-circles of eyes much deeper. For this condition, we just use TCM methods:1. Determination of treatment based on differentiation of syndromes. 2. intensify eyes protection3. the life must be in plan, keeping enough time to sleep, and keep your mood pleasantTypical example: Miss yang, 26 years old, manager of sale-marketThere are some black-circles around her eyes. And it had been kept three years. She often felt that heat sensation in the palms, soles and chest, being afraid of summer hot, especially, present years, heavy business lead her to sleep less. So, her “pandas eyes” must be very heavy.Diagnostic: kidney deficiency of yin. Deficiency of kidney-yin. Hyperactivity of kidney-five. Lead to disharmony between ying and wei systems. Vital substance cant run up to give eyes nutrient.Treating methods: internal ant external treatment. Simultaneous treatment of symptoms and root cause.Taking orally: Hai tang mei No. 7 this kind of production, distilled quintessence of plant from semen sesame nigrum and mulberry. It can make efficiency of regulating function of liver and kidney, replenishing yin and regulating the mental activities and anchoring the mood. It s the best product to leave out “Pandas eyes”.External treatment: the range of hai tang contained lots of VE, VC, pertain of fish, fading oil of hippophae rhamnoides L, and other nutritional ingredient which can solve the problems of a circle around eyes and furrow of eyes.Operation:1. Put tuinas oil around eyes and digital point pressure for 35 minutes. It can dredge meridians around eyes accelerate cycle of blood, promote oxides sucking2. Using ointment of eyes tuina for 810 minutes. It also can accelerate cycle of blood, and promote bodies sucking of VE and efficacy pertain of fish. Keep water and increase elasticity of skin.3. Applying eyes remembrance for 15-20 minutes. It contains lots of VC. Fresh efficacy pertain of bone and expensive water of cornea, it can rebuild the cell of eye which is damaged and leave out black-circles around eyes.4. Effacing the eyes cream around eyes in the way of drewing circles. It can active cell fast, and increase the number of cell also can promote the cycle of blood.5. Mild moxibustion, base on eyes cream. Covering a piece of thin qauze. Make the tuina in the way of roll for 68 minutes. Following the operation every three days for one time .Continue to do this for ten times. After one month. Miss yangs “pandas eyes” and was disappeared and she stick to the range of Hai tang series. Her life becomes much wonderful. Furthermore, after half a year ,she hasnt have the black-circles.


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