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绵阳中学高2011级第三学期末市统考模拟高二英语试卷(Mr Bai 审核:王伟)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节 单项选择题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. To be frank, I dont think the carpets and curtains in your room _ well.A.fit B. suit C. match D. go2. His movie won several awards at the film festival, _ was beyond his wildest dream.A.which B. that C. where D. it3. Did you see who the driver was?-No,so quickly _ that I couldnt get a good look at his face.A. did the car speed by B. the car sped by C. does the car speed by D. the car speeds by4. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left _. A. unsatisfying B. unsatisfied C. to be unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied5. You should apologize to her, Barry. -_, but its not going to be easy. A. I feel so B. I prefer to C. I like to D. I suppose so6. What surprised me most was not what he said but _ he said it. A. in the way that B. in the way C. the way D. the way which7. This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it, _. A. how much may it cost B. no matter how it may cost C. however much it may cost D. how may it cost8. It was yesterday _ I saw her and it was almost 10 oclock _ she arrived. A.when, when B. that, that C. when, that D. that, when9. Do you need any help, Lucy? -Yes. The job is _ I could do myself. A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than10. It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe yourself. A. how B. what C. which D. when11. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. A. that B. which C. until D. if12. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise. A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand13. Id like to book a room for tonight. -Sorry, sir, but we dont have any rooms _ at the moment. A. available B. usable C. suitable D. comfortable14. _ my car is being made ready for a long journey. A. In a moment B. In the moment C. For a moment D. For the moment15. He is not a millionaire, but he _ that he were. A. hopes B. wishes C. believes D. promises 第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “I couldnt move. Ill have to wait here until you return.” I said to my friends. I felt so aching and my 16 gave out under me. But at the last moment I 17 with great strength and walked with my friends. This was what I had experienced 12 years before when I was climbing Mt Huangshan,and this 18 cheered me up. Compared to the climbing of the Huangshan Mountain, going up the Wansheng Mountain(万圣山) seemed much 19 . The only 20 was the snow. On the 27th of January 2008, I went out alone, climbing the Wansheng Mountain. On my way I saw children playing 21 on the road, making snowmen or driving toy wooden trucks on the snow. Soon I 22 myself at the foot of the mountain. Looking up at the snow-covered giant mountain and seeing the steep slippery(滑) road with thick ice and snow, I suddenly felt a little 23 , but the 24 of the footprints in the snow made me feel 25 that this was a safe access to the top of the mountain. About 40 minutes later, I reached the edge of the forest on the mountain. Stamping on the road, I could feel the 26 of ice and snow. In some places, there were snow drifts and piles of ice, which were pushed aside to let people go more easily. Seeing the white-covered pine trees, I couldnt help entering the 27 . In spite of the heavy 28 , many trees were still standing straight, but some were bent down with snow and ice, some even 29 . Walking on the path in the forest, I could see no more 30 . Suddenly I realized that it was 31 to walk in such dirty weather. In my childhood, I had witnessed thousands of trees, big or small, falling down one after another in a flash. Fearing that the 32 of dominoes(多米诺) might happen, I hurried 33 . Now Im sitting beside a warm stove, writing about my trip while my memory is still 34 . I regard this to be one of the most exciting moments, one that Ill 35 forever in my life. 16. A. fingers B. legs C. hands D. eyes17. A. sat B. lay C. rose D. raised18. A. memory B. difficulty C. trip D. holiday19. A. harder B. easier C. better D. slower20. A. joy B. way C. failure D. difficulty21. A. cheerfully B. sadly C. successfully D. luckily22. A. saw B. found C. watched D. looked23. A. determined B. encouraged C. disappointed D. discouraged24. A. sound B. impression C. sight D. thought25. A. sure B. nervous C. pleased D. happy26. A. melting B. cracking C. freezing D. running27. A. ice B. house C. hole D. forest28. A. snow B. smoke C. weather D. climate 29. A. stayed up B. pulled over C. fell down D. washed away 30. A. snow B. footprints C. trees D. roads31. A. safe B. exciting C. interesting D. dangerous32. A. appearing B. disappearing C. rising D. falling33. A. out B. in C. by D. within 34. A. good B. fresh C. frightening D. happy 35. A. remind B. forget C. recall D. value 第二部分:阅读理解第一节:先阅读短文,然后根据短文内容判断正误,并将结果转涂到答题卡上,正确的涂A,错误的涂B。 American doctors say that mothers who smoke before their babies are born may slow the growth of their babies lungs. They say reduced lung growth could cause the babies to suffer breathing problems and lung diseases later in life. Doctors in Boston, Massachusetts studied 1,100 children. The mothers of some of the children smoked, the other mothers did not. Doctors found that the lungs of the children whose mothers smoked were 8% less developed than the lungs of the children whose mothers did not smoke, and that the children whose mothers smoked developed 20% more cold and breathing diseases than other children later in life.Another recent study found that children had a greater chance of developing lung cancer if their mothers smoked. The study also showed that the danger of lung cancer increased only for sons and not for daughters, and that the fathers smoking did not affect a childs chance of developing lung cancer.36. Doctors in Boston studied 1,100 children to look into the effect mothers smoking had on their children.37. Mothers who smoked did not reduce the growth of their childrens lungs.38. The lungs of the children whose mothers smoked were 8% less developed than those of other children. 39. Suppose Johns father was a heavy smoker, so was Marys mother. According to the text, neither John nor Mary has the chance to develop lung cancer.40. The text is to warn us of the danger of smoking before children.第二节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites. They were completely different from my own family, yet I felt at home with them immediately. Jane White and I became friends at school, and her family welcomed me like a long-lost cousin. In my family, it was always important to place blame when anything bad happened. “Who did this? ”my mother would scream about a dirty kitchen. “This is all your fault, Katharine, ”my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher broke. From the time we were little, my sister, brothers and I told on each other. We set a place for blame at the dinner table. But the Whites didnt worry about who had done what. They picked up the pieces and moved on with their lives. The beauty of this was driven home to me the summer Jane died. In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car trip from their home in Florida to New York. The two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy, had recently turned sixteen. Proud of having a new drivers license(驾照),Amy was excited about practicing her driving on the trip. She showed off her license to everyone she met. The big sisters shared the driving of Sarahs new car during the first part of the trip, but when they reached less crowded areas, they let Amy take over. Somewhere in South Carolina, we pulled off the highway to eat. After lunch, Amy got behind the wheel. She came to a crossroads with a stop sign. Whether she was nervous or just didnt see the sign no one would ever know, but Amy continued into the crossroads without stopping. The driver of a large truck, unable to stop in time, ran into our car. Jane was killed immediately. I was slightly injured. The most difficult thing that Ive ever done was to call the Whites to tell them about the accident and that Jane had died. Painful as it was for me to lose a good friend, I knew that it was far worse for them to lose a child. When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital, they found their two daughters sharing a room. Sarah had a few cuts on the head; Amys leg was broken. They hugged us all and cried tears of sadness and of joy at seeing their daughters. They wiped away the girls tears and made a few jokes at Amy as she learned to use her crutches(拐杖). To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, “Were so glad that youre alive. ” I was astonished. No blame. No accusations. Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign. Mrs. White said, “Janes gone, and we miss her terribly. Nothing we say or do will ever bring her back. But Amy has her whole life ahead of her. How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sisters death? ” They were right. Amy graduated from the University of California and got married several years ago. She works as a teacher of learning-disabled students. Shes also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane. 41. The author of the passage is _. A. Mrs. Whites niece B. Janes school friend C. The Whites cousin D. Sarahs friend from college42. How did the accident occur? A. Amy didnt stop at a crossroads and a truck hit their car. B. Amy didnt know what to do when she saw the stop sign. C. Amy didnt slow down so their car ran into a truck. D. Amy didnt get off the highway at a crossroads. 43. The Whites did not blame Amy for Janes death because _. A. they didnt want Amy to feel ashamed and sorry for the rest of her life B. Amy was badly injured herself and they didnt want to add to her pain C. they didnt want to blame their children in front of others D. Amy was their youngest daughter and they loved her best 44. From the passage we can learn that _. A. Amy has never recovered from the shock B. Amy changed her job after the accident C. Amy lost her memory after the accident D. Amy has lived quite a normal life B When skateboarding started in the 1960s, skateboards were made of wood and had clay wheels. Since the wheels did not grip concrete well, riders could do very few tricks with them. Soon people lost interest in the sport.In 1973, though, a new wheel was invented in California. It was made of a plastic called urethane (氨基甲酸酯). A skateboard with these wheels moved very quickly and it also gripped the concrete well.During the next few years skateboards were further improved. The urethane was perfected, and because the boards were shaped better, riders liked them better. These skateboards gave new life to skateboarding. The streets were not safe for skateboarding, although it was easy to ride on the streets. As a result, skateboard parks sprang up. The first parks appeared in California and Florida. At first there were only outdoor parks that had concrete slopes with small curves (曲线). Then more exciting parks appeared which had steep downward slopes, banked curves, and vertical walls. Today, there are both indoor and outdoor parks. In most of these parks riders must wear helmets(头盔) as well as knee and elbow pads(护肘). This gear can prevent a fall from causing serious injury.Whenever they ride, people should always use this safety equipment, and they should learn how to fall safely. Many accidents happen during the first week of riding, so it is very important that riders be taught well.45. Why were the new skateboards more popular? A. They were safer than the older ones. B. The older models were expensive. C. They were stronger than the older ones. D. People could do more tricks with them.46. The underlined word “grip” in the first paragraph means “_”. A. move over a surface without slipping B. stick to C. replace D. break down47. Skateboard parks developed because _. A. parents decided it would be a good ideaB. too many accidents happened on the streets C. many streets did not allow skateboarding D. most city parks did not allow skateboarding48. Which of the following statements about skateboard parks is TRUE? A. The first parks appeared in Scotland and Florida. B. The earlier parks had steep slopes. C. In the parks people dont have to wear helmets. D. At first there werent any indoor parks.C Table 1: Major Agricultural Products ProductsOutput (产量) 1997Increase over(1 million tons)1996( % )Grain492.5 -2.4Oil-bearing crops of which:21.5-2.8Peanuts(花生)9.62-5.1Rapeseed (菜籽)9.453.7Cotton4.32.4Tea0.613.4Fruit50.458.4Meat of which:53.548.0Pork, beef and mutton-41.218.0Cow milk6.635.4Sheep wool0.29-1.4Silkworm cocoons0.5-2.7Aquatic (水产) products of which:35.618.3Fresh water14.2611.8Marine21.356.1Table 2: Major Industrial Products ProductsOutput 1997Increase over 1996( % )Cloth22 billion meters5.2Sugar6.8 million tons6.3Cigarettes34.02 million cases0.0Color TV sets26.43 million sets4.2.Household refrigerators9. 86 million0.7Total energy production standard coal1.34 billion tons0.7Coal1.39 billion tons0.0Electricity1. 132 billion kwh4.7Steel107 .56 million tons6.2Power-generating equipment16.87 nu1lion kw5.8Metal cutting machine tools150,000-16.5iCars490, 000 units26.7Tractors80, 000 units-2.0Micro-computers1.65 million18.949. The output of _ in 1997 increased over 1996.A. tea, meat, fruit, cloth, steel and carsB. cow milk, grain, color TV sets and micro-computersC. fresh water products, coal, fruit and cigarettesD. cotton, rapeseeds, electricity and coal50. Which of the following saw the greatest change over 1996? A. Metal cutting machine tools.B. Fresh water products.C. Micro-computersD. Fruit.51. The output of grain in 1997 was _ that in 1996.A. over 2 million tons less thanB. about 11. 8 million tons less than C. 12 million tons more thanD. almost as much asD If women are mercilessly exploited (剥削) year after year, they have only themselves to blame, because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion. They are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time changing the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened; necklines are lowered or raised, and so on. No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with primary things like warmth, comfort and durability (耐用). Theyre only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasnt sometime in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes. When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of womens clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of instability (不稳定) ? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanged styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.52Designers and big stores always make money _ .Aby mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industryBbecause they are capable of predicting new fashionsCby constantly changing the fashions in womens clothingDbecause they always improve quality of womens clothing53The writer would be less critical (批评) if fashion designers placed more stress on the _ of clothing. AcostBappearanceCcomfortDsuitability54According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? ANew fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women.BThe constant changes in womens clothing reflect their strength of character. CThe fashion industry makes an important contribution to society. DFashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.55By saying “the conclusions to be drawn are obvious”, the writer means that _. Awomens changeableness in their choice of clothing is often laughed at Bwomen are better able to put up with discomfort Cmen are also exploited greatly by fashion designers Dmen are more reasonable in the matter of fashion高二英语期末模拟答题卷第卷第三节:补全对话: -Hi. You look excited. 56-It is sth said that a singing contest will be held in our school soon. And I think it a good chance to exercise my singing talents.- 57-A pocket radio will be given as a reward to the first prize winner.-Are you going to take part in it?-Sure. 58-Really? But I dont think youve practiced enough.-Im going to. I bet(打赌) I can get the first prize.- 59 I think you need to have a music teacher help you.-I dont think it necessary. 60 A. By the way,are they giving prizes? B. people say I have a good voice. C. I dont know what others say about it. D. You can do a lot better next time. E. Itll turn out fine If I practice a lot. F. Whats happening? G. Dont be so sure.第三部分:写作: 第一节:短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误.对标题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边的横线上划();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在该


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