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牛津英语8A教材介绍本册书共有7章,在本学期学完4-7章,为期中考试内容。为了一线教师教学的方便,我们为教师提供了教案。我们提供的教案分以下几个环节:1. 应掌握词汇(1600词汇中所含的词汇)2. 认知词汇 (1600词汇中不含的词汇)3. 应掌握的短语4. 应掌握的句型5. 教学过程6. 板书设计7. 课上练习和课后练习Chapter 4 language p52-54(附课件)宋剑琳一 词汇部分a 掌握词汇:1.quiet: with no movement or sound. adj.安静的 quietly adv.e.g. 1, The sea is quiet. 2, a quiet evening. 2.seat: sth used or made for sitting on, eg a chair, box, bench, the floor. cn. 座位e.g. There are no more chairs, you will have to use that box for a seat. 3.attention: act of directing ones thoughts to sth. n.注意(例句见词组)4.order:command given with authority n.命令e.g The soldiers must obey orders.5.polite:good manners and consideration for other people adj.礼貌的 politely adv.e.g: The boy is very polite a polite boyb.认知词汇: statement n.陈述,说明 receive v.接受二:重点词组:1. have a seat = sit down 坐下e.g: Please have a seat , ladies and gentlemen. 2.pay attention n.注意e.g: a.Pay attention to your writing mistakesb.He paid no attention to his spelling.3.make a noise 制造噪音e.g:The baby is sleeping, you mustt make a noise.三:重点句型: 1.祈使句的肯定式与否定式。e.g. Please sit down. Dont be late, please. Lucy, open the door.2英语中算式的表达。A+B Add A and B (A plus/and B equals/is C)A-B Subtract B from A (A minus B equals /is C)A*B Multiply A by B (A multiplied by B equals/is C)A/B Divide A by B (A divided by B equals/is C) 四:教学步骤(简案)1.课堂导入:用一首英文载歌载舞的英文小歌曲导入,通过歌词让学生在轻松的气氛中对本课主要内容-祈使句有大概了解。(歌词见课件)2.知识呈现(1)教师给出指令,学生按照教师指令做,选出几个比较典型的祈使句,通过课件中的幻灯片,呈现新知识。并做讲解3.练习(1);选出比较典型的习题,当堂做练习,巩固知识点(此处有学生活动)4.知识呈现(2)给出一组数字,呈现数字运算祈使句。5.练习(2):学生活动,两人一组练习数字运算五教学设计(详案)(棕色字为教师任务,红色字学生活动)一:课堂导入: 1. Sing a song and dance.You can sing this song and dance to it yourself, or ask one student to do it。课件第2页Ask the Ss to do with you.2. Tell the Ss to pay attention to the colourful sentences Ask: Are they different from the sentences that we have learnt? What is the difference? There is no subject. 二:知识呈现:1.Give orders to the Ss ,Ss do it. (课件第三页,边给出指令边点击鼠标),Say: If we give others some instructions and orders ,we dont use subject (he, she ,you, I,) We start the sentence with the verb.eg.Open the door, Stand up. Sit down and so on, now, I will give you some instructions and orders, you should listen carefully and do it. 1.Stand up, please. 2,Please be quiet. 3.Sit down.( have a seat) 4.Please dont make a noise. 5,Lucy, pay attention. ( find a student who doesnt listen to you carefully, and call the name) 2.Explain the important phrase and words to the students. Ask students to read them 3.a.Explain the 1st and 2nd sentence . (the position of please) b.Explain the 5th sentence. Tell students we can also make orders personal by adding a persons name. c.Explain 4th sentence.(negative, the position of please)4.read the sentences.三练习:1.Do exercise (见课件第4页)2(Ssactivity)Playing game: “please” game.(教师给出的指令有带“please”,学生必须做,做错的同学,接着给指令,可以是肯定或否定祈使句)下列指令可作为参考:a.Put your right hand updown.b.Shut open your lift/ right eyeboth eyes. c. Touch your right earleft ear both ears.d.Touch your chinnose head and son on.3.Do the exercise p165 common errors in class.四知识呈现:1Teacher gives the instructions about numbers , Ss write the formula. After that check it together. (课件第6页,边给指示边点击鼠标) say: Here we have ten numbers lets do a calculation together, please write down the formula.Add 7 and 9 Subtract 3 from 6 Multiply 4 by 5 Divide 8 by 2 2.Read the sentences. Ask some capable students to answer the questions one by one.(课件第7页,学生回答后点击鼠标检查)ask: What is 7 plus 9; S answers: 7plus 9equalsis 16 What is 6minus 3 6 minus 3 equalsis 3 What is 4multiplied by 5? 4 multiplied by 5 equals20 What is 8 divided by 2 ? 8 divided by 2 is 43Read them in pairs (boys or girls)五:练习。: 1.(Ssactivity)oral practice: ask Ss to work in pairs. S1 give the instructions about the numbers, S2 answers (like 四部分2) 2.Ask two students randomly to do the work in front.3 Do the exercise p 54 B2 using numbers below 20 will make the arithmetic easier.(if the time is allowed, teacher can give the instructions to Ss first, and then ask the students to do it in pairs)4 Do the exercise p 53 B1 in pairs in class5 Do the exercise p53B3in pairs in class.板书设计: Giving instructions and orders1,Stand up, please. 2,Please be quiet. 3.Sit down.( have a seat)4.Please dont make a noise. 5,-, pay attention.Add 7 and 9 7plus 9 equalsis 16Divide 8 by 2 7 minus 6 equalsis 1Multiply 4 by 5 4 multiplied by 5 equals20Subtract 3 from 6 8 divided by 2 is 4作业:Ss book p 165167 B 3 同步练习 p3031Chapter 4 Listening and speaking ( 第1 课时p55-56)宋剑琳一 词汇部分a 掌握词汇:1copy v.抄写 eg. Students copied the questions down from the blackboard.2.wrongly adv.错误地e.g. You have done your homework wrongly.3.double twice as a.双, 两个e.g. a.His partner is ill and he has to do double work. b.My telephone is double two one three five four.3.check examine in order to learn whether sth is right.v.检查 e.g.Will you please check these answers?4. point n.点e.g 4.6 four point sixb.认知词汇:cardinal adj.基本的 ordinal adj.顺序的 separately adv.分开地, 分离地二:重点词组: copy down 抄写下三:教学设计:1.课堂导入1Say a tongue twister(绕口令) to arouse Ss interests. You must practice it well before class.Say:(扁担长,板凳宽,板凳没有扁担长,扁担没有板凳宽,板凳要把扁担绑在板凳上,扁担不让板凳把扁担绑在板凳上) If any student can say one you can ask one student to do it. 2 Say a tongue twister in English, Tell the Ss there are 4numbers in the tongue twister , but you will say them many times. Ask the Ss to write all of them. Not only write 4numbers. Say:four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty , who makes forty into fourteen , hit him forty, who makes fourteen into forty, hit him fourteen. To see who is right, give them a prize. 2.知识呈现:(基础词1)1Teach the difference between the teen ending and the ty ending(看课件第2页)2Say the numbers in Number 1 of Exercise A1 and then ask the students to repeat them,。3.练习.Ss activity : Playing games “one by one准备八个便条,每张便条上写一个关于数字运算的指示,分发给每组的第一名同学,每个人必须向下一名同学口述便条上的指示,每组最后一名同学给出答案,哪组又快有对为赢家下列指令可作为参考。a. Add 70,17 and 8 (95)b,Add 13,13,and 5c,Divide 80by 4d.Add 40,40 and 4e.Multiply 50 by 50f.add 60, 16 and 60g Subtract 19 from 90h.Add 20 12 and 304.知识呈现(基数词2)1.Teach how to read the number in more than hundreds.(看课件第7页)Say: These numbers are about me, If one student can say the number out , I will tell the Ss my information.(说出一个数字,点击鼠标) 52: I have fifty-two students. 162I am one hundred and sixty-two centimeters tall.1520:.I earn one thousand five hundred and twenty yuan each month. 6788540: I live in Shenyang, There are six million seven hundred and eighty and eight five hundred and forty. 2.Say the numbers in Number 2,3 of Exercise A1 and ask the students to repeat them. Note the pauses after thousand, million.5.知识呈现(序数词):1 .Teach the ordinal number(课件第五页)Say:here is the position in the last exam. No One is May .So we can say May is first and son on-Explain that ordinal numbers show the order or position of something in a sequence. They are made by adding-th to the numbers,except for first,second and third. Pay attention nineteenth, twentieth, and teach the Ss the short forms of ordinal numbers are 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th,etc. 6.练习(序数词)do exercise (课件第六页)S1 When is your birthday?S2 It is on the first of September.7.知识呈现(小数): Teach how to read a decimal. Give a number “4545”Ask the Ss to read, and then add a “point” “45.45” Tell students that numbers after a decimal point are usually said separately (课件第七页) 8.练习(小数)Do exercise (课件第八页) 9.知识呈现(分数)Teach how to read a fraction : to review how to read a decimal. (0.2,0.4,0.5,0.75) Make it into a fraction.(1/5,2/5,2/1,3/4)Explain that they are expressed by using cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers together.(课件第9页)10.练习(分数)Do exercise (课件第10页)11.知识呈现(年) 1.Prepare for three pictures 1 开国大典,2 香港回归 3北京奥运。 Ask: What did happen? Ask some capable to answer. Teach how to read “years”(见课件10到12)12.知识呈现(电话号码)Teach how to read a telephone number say :every family has a telephone, so can you tell me your telephone number, My telephone number is 35675898 Explain that telephone and ID card numbers are separately. Give examples Three five six seven(pause) five eight nine eight13练习(电话号码)1Do Exercise A4 Observe the following rules for telephone numbers: we usually say telephone number separately We sometimes say oh instead of zero When the same two number come together we can say the number twice or we can say double( the number)14.练习1Do exercise (课件第13页)express them in three waysa, as a date; b, as an amount, c, as part of a phone number 2413,1977,1287 2Do exercise A5 Ask Ss to finish dialogue in pairs见课件第14页 书56页板书设计NumbersFour fourteen fortyFirst 1st second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th-ninth 9th twelfth 12th thirteen 13th nineteenth 19th twentieth 20th thirty-first Copy down wrongly check 作业:p167 B4-168 Chapter 4 Listening and speaking(第2课时)(附课件)宋剑琳一 词汇部分a 掌握词汇:1.gift:sth.given. present. n. 礼物 2.decision deciding ,judging. n. 决定Have they made a decision? 3.cost(cost,cost) v.花费e.g:The house cost him 150,000.b.认知词汇:fellow n. 伙伴 announcement n.宣告 通告二:重点句型:This will cost- We should -三:教学设计:一:课堂导入:1 Playing games “Guessing price”猜三种物品的价格,谁猜的最接近谁是赢家。(课件第15-17页) ask: How much will it cost?To elicit: It will cost _To explain cost: the subject is sth. 2Point to these things: Ask What would you like to buy? What should you buy?To elicit: We should buy- We would like to buy-二:知识呈现:1Give Ss a topic:Talk about in pairs. What kind of school do you like? Why?To elicit : I like a school with a gymmany booksmany basketballscomputersconditioners? Because Ss can read books in the library comfortably in summer. Call some Ss to talk about2 To introduce a man called Mr Tang has given your school a gift of 35000 yuan ,His instructions are: The money must be used to buy three different things for the school. A group of students must decide what three things to buy. Ask a representative from each group to read the announcement to the class. 三: Listening1. p52 Listening Ask Ss to read the numbers one by one to review the contents of last lesson (how to read the number)2 Point to some numbers such as: 80, 17,26%, 75度, 1/8,1.6 Ask Ss what number it is? To review the words : even number, odd number, percentage, the number showing degrees. A decimal number.3Do P52 Listening. Ask Ss to repeat the sentence one by one. 板书设计: Listening and speakingWhat will it cost? cost , cost, costIt will cost- The house cost him 202222.What would you like to buy? First-What should you buy? Second-I would like to buy- Third-We should buy-作业:Search the Internet to find some information about p 60c in teams , prepare for a competition the next class. please find as much information as they can.Chapter 4 Writing P58-59 (附课件)宋剑琳一 词汇部分a. 掌握词汇 1.rise rose risen v. 提高,升起 e.g The sun rises in the east. 2.fall fell fallen 降落e.g: The book fell from the table to the floor.b. 认知词汇 figure n.数字,数据 graph 图表二.重点短语traffic accident 交通事故e.g: 1.There are many traffic accidents on rainy days. 2. There is much traffic on the road.三 重点句型1 There werewas-2.-rise to-3-fall to -四 教学设计1.课堂导入。1 Ask some students the signs about traffic , which we have learnt. Ask Ss “What does it mean.”2 Ask some Ss if they notice the traffic wardens gesture. Some students can act like traffic warden.2.知识呈现: 1 Arrange two students to act the dialogue on p58.ask Ss to write down the figures in the dialogueSay: to be careful of traffic. To obey traffic rules. But There are many traffic accidents every year. Now May wanted to ask Inspector Chen for the figures. Lets listen to their dialogue. 2. Finish Mays line graph.(看课件第2页)Ask: “How many traffic accidents were there in 1996/1997/1998/1999/2000?. To elicit: There were - The answers: There were 3691 traffic accidents in 1996 . There were 3748 traffic accidents in 1997. There were 3644 traffic accidents in 1998. There were 3729 traffic accidents in 1999. There were 3639 traffic accidents in 2000.3To teach the new words “rise”and “fall”(课件第3页) Note : The words rise, rose and risen are often confused with raise, raised and raised. Both verbs have similar meanings, but that we use rise intransitively(i.e.as a verb without an object), and we use raise transitively( ie. As a verb that must have an object) the slide show has already give the examples. Fall, fell and fallen are sometimes confused with feel, felt and felt, especially in the past simple form. 3.练习1Do the exercises on the slide show.(课件第5,7)2 To elicit Ss to say the sentence in turns (看课件8)Ss say :in _, the number _to _. 4. 板书设计:: Look at the graph write a paragraph Do exercise p59 in class. To help Ss to check it. Writing1. There were_ in_.2. The numbers in_,_ to _. 作业:Make a chart about students information in hisher team just like thisnameheightweightWays to schoolpethobbyagelucyChapter 4 More practice P60 宋剑琳一:重点词汇a. 掌握词汇:1 percent 百分之 45%(forty-five percent) 2 temperature degree of heat and cold. 温度e.g The nurse took temperatures of all the patients. 3.population (number of)people living in a place, country 人口e.g Whats the population of London. 4.build built built 建造e.g The workers are building a famous bridge.b.认知词汇:Fahrenheit 华氏 cashmere 开司米 average 平均 二 重点短语 the population of -的人口三教学设计:1.课堂导入1. Prepare for a thermometer , a protractor, an ID card make a circle drawing percentage. Ask Ss to read the numbers. Teach the Ss to read the degrees on the thermometer. “- degrees Fahrenheit” another one “- degrees Centigrade”(摄氏度) Teach the students to read the degree of angle. “- degrees” Tell them “ninety degrees” is also called a right angle.Teach the Ss to read the percentage “- percent”To review how to read Id card number and telephone number2.Say the following numbers on the book p60 A2.知识呈现1.Give Ss five minutes to do a survey.work in groups to fill the chart.Last class you give the Ss the homework making a chart. Ask them to take it out. Work in teams to practicing asking the questions like that in classa. When were you born?How old are you? What is your age?b. How tall are you?c. How heavy are you?d. Whats your hobby?What do you like doing ?e. Do you have a pet? What is it?f. How do you go to school?2. After doing it ,give them five minutes to fill in the blanket on P60 B .(note)They change “in our class” into “in our team” To explain the word “average” using an example. Such as: A is 10 years old . B is 20 years old C is 30 years old. The average age of them is 203.Ask a representive of each team to read the report. The other students check it.3.知识呈现(2).Ss. activity: Having a competition.(教师给出问题,分为每组必答题4道,3道抢答题。完成p60练习)You can make the questions easier, e.g giving them some choices? The questions are:1.How many people invented the aeroplane?2.Who invented the aeroplane?A. Edison B. Orville Wright C. Wilbur3.When were they born?_ was born _ April 16_ and Orville was born _ August 19,_. 4.Which is the longest river in China?A Yellow River B Yangtze 5.How long is it? It is _ kilometers long ( 6378, 5400)(Yellow River is 5400 kilometres)6.Which mountain is the highest in the world?7.Where is it?8.How high is it?9.Where is the Nanpu Bridge?10 When was the Nanpu Bridge built? It was built in _(1991,2005)11 How long did it take to finish the bridge? It took _ to finish the bridge. ( 3years, 30years)12.What is the population of China? (How many people are there in China?)The population is _(1.2 billion, 14 billion)There are _ people (1.2 billion, 14billion)13.What was it in 1949 It was _( 600million, 400million)14.Where is Tiananmen Square?15 How big is Tiananmen Square? It is _( 600 square meters, 400000sq m)16.How big is Peoples Square in Shanghai?It is _( 7000 sq m, 140000sq m)17.How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?IT is _( 5000 km, 1300km)18.How long will it take to go to Beijing by trainplain?(15 hours by train, 2hours by train)(one hour and half by plane, 2hours by plane)19.What is the average temperature in winter in Shanghai? (5 degrees centigrade 10centigrade in winter) (35 degrees centigrade 26degrees centigrade in summer)The answers are in the Ts reference book. 板书设计 Revision 1. 34 degrees Fahrenheit 34 degrees centigrade (temperature) 2.ninety degrees ( a right angle) 3. 54percent 4.average The average age of them is 20 years old 5.the population of 6.build built built The works built the bridge 3 years ago. The bridge was built 3 years ago.作业: Finish off the exercise in the book and exercise book.Charpter five P62-65Reading (2课时)马 宁应掌握词汇1.dead adj 死的 The tiger is dead.2.create v 创造 ,创作;创建 God created the world3.die vi死 (died,dying) die of an illness,hunger; grie因疾病 ,饥饿,悲伤而死, die from a wound 受伤不治而死die by violence 横死die by ones own hand 自杀die for ones country 为国捐躯eg 1 My dog died three years ago2The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and a stroke 铁匠死于酗酒和中风3Five men died from police gunfire 5名男子被警察击毙4.mail n邮件,信件,邮包 He got a lot of mail yesterday5prep 不像 Her latest novel is quite unlike her earlier work认知词汇1.dinosaur 恐龙 2.Greece n希腊 ( 欧洲巴尔干半岛南部国家 )3.Greek adj 希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的n希腊人, 希腊语 4.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 5.exist v存在 Does life exist on Mars 火星上有生命吗6.harm n 有害 No harm came to him 他没受到伤害v Were the hostages harmed 人质受到伤害没有7.harmful adj有害的 Smoking is harmful to your health8.harmless adj无害的 The dog is harmless9.skeleton n骨骼 a human skeletona skeleton of a dinosaur10.amusement n 娱乐 I only do it for amusement 11.character n 人物,角色 Ah Q is the principal character in one of Lu Xuns novels 12.kneel v 下跪 (knelt) She knelt (down) to pray 她跪下祈祷13.belong(s) n 所有物,财产 He left all his belongs to his brother14.tame adj 不凶猛的15.disease n 疾病 Doctors hope that someday they can eradicate disease医生希望有朝一日能消灭疾病16.secret n 诀窍 ,秘诀 What is the secret of your success重点词组1.on earth在地球上 2.more than 多于 3.as as 与一样 4.know about from从了解关于5.be created by 由创作 6.be famous for 以 著名 7.see sb doing看见正在做 8.throw away扔掉第一课时教学设计导入新课 猜动物(用肢体语言或动物的叫声)eg bird ,cat ,dog, monkey, fish请学生说出他们所知道的动物的名字step1


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