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小学新路径英语单词及主要句型一、颜色red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 orange橙 brown棕 purple紫gray 灰色 colour颜色/给涂颜色主要句型:1. What colour is the bird? -Its green.2. What is your favourite colour? -Its pink.3. What colour is autumn? -Its yellow because leaves turn yellow and fall.(注:下划线处可替换)二、学习用品pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 ball pen圆珠笔crayon蜡笔 pencil-box铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书textbook课本 storybook故事书 workbook练习册 notebook笔记本 dictionary字典 bag包 school-bag书包 eraser橡皮sticker不干胶paint颜料 paintbox颜料盒 paintbrush 画笔主要句型:1.Wheres my schoolbag? -It is on my desk. /It is over there.2. Whose notebook is it? -It is my notebook.3. Your story-book is red.三、人体 body身体 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose 鼻子 mouse嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵heart 心shoulder肩膀 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 knee膝盖 foot/feet脚 toe脚趾 tail 尾巴主要句型:1.指令性动作:Open your eyes. Close your mouth. Wash your hands. Wave your right arm. Raise your foot. 2. I have two ears, I can hear .I have two eyes, I can see.3.身体与健康:have a cold 感冒 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a backache 背痛 have a rest 休息一会儿 drink more water 多喝水 take some medicine 吃药1) A: Whats wrong with you? B: I have a headache. 2)A: I have a backache. B: You should have a rest. / You shouldnt play football.四、动物animal动物pet 宠物cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭子duckling小鸭子 horse马 elephant大象 fish鱼 bird鸟 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 deer鹿 panda熊猫 bear熊Baby Bear熊宝宝Baby Lion狮宝宝 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 goat 山羊kid小山羊/小孩sheep绵羊lamb小羊 chick小鸡cock公鸡hen母鸡wolf 狼 cow奶牛bee蜜蜂monkey 猴子rabbit兔子eagle老鹰 koala考拉 kangaroo袋鼠giraffe长颈鹿zebra斑马crab螃蟹ant蚂蚁butterfly蝴蝶dragonfly蜻蜓dragon龙ox公牛fly苍蝇insect昆虫turtle乌龟camel骆驼 spider 蜘蛛主要句型:1. Whats this? -Its a snake. What are these? -Theyre pandas.2. Wheres the ant? -Its on the box.3. What is the horse doing? -Its running.4. What can birds do? -They can fly./climb /jump /sing /dance /read /swim /listen /walk .5. What animal do you like best? -I like panda best. (喜好)6. Why do you love them? -Because they are very clever and friendly. (喜好)五、人物(家庭与朋友)people人物 children孩子们family家庭friend朋友man(复数men)男人 woman(复数women)女人 Mr/sir先生 Miss女老师 Mrs夫人Ms女士boy男孩 girl女孩baby婴儿 mother(mummy)妈妈 father(daddy)爸爸auntie阿姨;舅妈 uncle 叔叔;舅舅sister姐妹 brother兄弟daughter女儿son儿子parent父母亲 grandparent祖父(母) grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 (奶奶、外婆 )grandpa/grandfather/granddad(外)祖父 (爷爷、外公)主要句型:1. Good morning mum. -Good morning my girl ./Rose . (问候)2. Whats your father? -He is a doctor.3. Good bye grandma. -Bye-bye, Ting Ting. (道别)六、职业 teacher教师 head teacher校长 pupil学生 farmer农民 cook厨师 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver驾驶员 taxi driver出租车司机 dancer舞蹈演员singer歌唱家 fisherman渔夫policeman警察 policewoman 女警察 worker工人主要句型:1. What is your aunt? -She is a dancer.2. Toms mother is a nurse. (介绍)七、食品,饮料food食物 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner 晚餐 、主餐rice米饭 milk牛奶egg蛋 fish鱼 cake蛋糕 hamburger汉堡包noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 ice-cream冰激凌bread面包sandwich三明治 hot dog热狗 coffee咖啡 coke可乐 juice果汁 candy糖果 soup汤 tea茶water水 butter黄油 cheese奶酪 chips炸薯条 fried chicken炸鸡块 junk food垃圾食品 ketchup番茄酱 salad色拉 dumplings 饺子 biscuit饼干 主要句型:1. I am hungry /thirsty. -Have a/an/some (pear . apple . tea ) 2. What food do you like? -I like hamburgers./I dont like them, they are junk food. (喜好)3. Whats for supper? -Chicken, fish and vegetables.八、水果fruit水果apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙子pineapple菠萝peach桃strawberry草莓九、蔬菜vegetable蔬菜 lettuce生菜 mushroom蘑菇 potato土豆 bean豆子carrot胡萝卜pea 豌豆tomato西红柿 cabbage卷心菜十、衣服clothes衣服shirt衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 skirt短裙 dress连衣裙 jacket夹克 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat外套gloves手套 jeans牛仔裤 pants 裤子shorts 短裤 blouse (女式)衬衣 socks 袜子 cap软帽(有帽舌的)hat帽子主要句型:1. My dress is wet. /My pants are dry.2. How much is this cap? -Its seven dollars. /Its six JPY.3. What do you wear in spring? -We wear shirts and jeans.4. Summer is here. Its getting warm .We wear T-shirts and skirts.十一、交通工具bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 ship轮船 car小汽车 taxi出租车 plane飞机boat 小船dragon boat 龙船主要句型:1. Do you have a toy car? -Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2. There is a blue car under the plane. / There is a blue car .Where?.Under the plane.十二、课程subject学科Chinese语文(中文) maths数学 English英语 art美术(艺术) PE体育 music 音乐 science科学computer计算机主要句型:1. We have English on Monday.2. Who is your English teacher? - Mr Wu. / Miss White.3. What subject do you like best? Why? -English. Because it is interesting. 十三、景物 river河流 lake湖泊 house房子 cloud云 sun太阳 moon月亮 sky天空 star星星sea大海 desert 沙漠grassland草原forest森林 mountain山主要句型:1. Where do you live? -I live on the earth.2. Where do monkeys live? -They live in mountains.十四、植物flower花 rose玫瑰 carnation康乃馨 lily百合花 sunflower向日葵tulip郁金香leaf(复数leaves)树叶grass草tree树十五、星期day天today今天tomorrow 明天yesterday昨天morning早晨afternoon下午evening晚上Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日 weekend周末主要句型:1、 What day is it today? Today is 2、 What is the date today? -Its September the first. / Its September 1st.十六、月份month月份 January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月主要句型:1. You look so happy. Why? _Because today is my sisters birthday.2. When is your brothers birthday? -Its in May. / Its on May 5th.3. When is spring? -It lasts from March to May.十七、季节spring春 summer夏 autumn 秋 winter冬 season季节主要句型:1. How many seasons are there in a year? - There are four.2. What colour is spring? Why? -Its green because plants grow.十八、气象weather 天气cold寒冷的 warm暖和的 cool凉爽的 hot炎热的sunny晴朗的rainy下雨的windy有风的snowy下雪的cloudy多云的 overcast 多云的 fine 好的、晴朗的主要句型:1. How is the weather (today)? -Its fine. /Its a cloudy day .2. Spring is here. Its getting warm. (季节与天气)十九、基数词number 数字zero零one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 hundred百thousand千主要句型:1. Whats 7plus 5? - Its 12. / twelve.2. How many birds can you see? -I can see thirteen birds.3. How old are you? -Im 9. / nine.二十、序数词First第一 second第二 third 第三fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十 eleventh第十一 twelfth第十二 thirteenth第十三 fourteenth第十四 fifteenth第十五 sixteenth第十六 seventeenth第十七 eighteenth第十八 nineteenth第十九twentieth 第二十twenty-first第二十一 twenty second第二十二 thirty- first第三十主要句型:1. Who is the first /last? -Sam is the first. LeLe is the last.2. What is the date today? -Today is September 7th.3. When is your birthday? _Its on October the third. /Its on October 3rd.二十一、形容词big大的 small小的 long长的 tall/high高的low低 short短的,矮的 young年轻的new新的old旧的,古老的 fat胖的thin瘦的 happy幸福的sad悲伤的 hungry饥饿的full饱的 beautiful漂亮的pretty美丽的 ugly丑的 easy容易的 hard难的 interesting有趣的fun/funny有趣的 boring无趣的important重要的magic神奇的useless无用的useful有用的 thirsty口渴的juicy多汁的round圆的sweet甜的 sour酸的hot热的hard硬的soft软的 fast快的slow慢的friendly有好的handsome英俊的early早的late 迟的 bright 明亮的/聪明的 curly卷曲的 straight直的 strong强壮的nice好看的、友善的 favourite最喜爱的 quiet安静的 tired疲劳的 angry生气的good好的 great太好了 fine(身体)好cute/ lovely可爱的ill有病的clever聪明的 more更多的 many许多的 careful小心的dear亲爱的back后面的/背部主要句型:1. What a big mouse! - 2. He can run fast. But she is slow.3. What is he/she like? -He is handsome /pretty. (个人情况)4. Are you tired? .Yes.-Lets sit down and have a rest .5. What a good idea!6. What subject do you like best? -English. /I like English best.7. Why dont you like maths? -Because it is very hard. (喜好)二十二、介词in在里 on在上 under在下 near在旁边 behind在后边 next to与相邻 beside在旁边 in front of在前面 at 在 inside在.里 after在.之后between在之间before在.之前(时间) last上一个主要句型:1. Where is my school-bag /snake? -Its on the chair. /Its under the rock.2. There is a cat next to the peacock.二十三、代词。人称代词:I me我 we us我们 you你,你们 he him他 she her她 it它 they them他们 形容词性物主代词:my我的our我们的your你的,你们的his他的her她的its它的their/theirs他们的主要句型:1. Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. Glad to meet you. 2. How are you? -Fine. Thank you.3. Who are you? /Whats your name? -I am Le Le. /My name is LeLe.4. Whose book is it? -Its my book.5. These are gifts for you. -Oh. They are books. I love them very much.二十四、动词play玩 、演奏 swim/swimming游泳 skate/ice skating滑冰 fly飞 jump跳 walk走 run跑 climb爬 eat吃 sleep睡 like喜欢/像 have有,吃 take带着 live居住 study /learn 学习 sing唱歌 dance跳舞 thank谢谢 love爱 work工作 drink喝 look看meet遇见 welcome欢迎 help帮助 open打开 close关上 read读write写 ride骑 drive驾驶 wash洗 think想 wear穿 use使用 tell告诉 stop停 sit坐 stand站listen听 find寻找/找到 draw画 see看见 turn转动 plus加minus减 speak说话 want想要 do做 talk交谈 catch抓住 cook烧菜 say表达、说 past经过 make制作 can能 hear听见 miss想念 worry担心 visit参观 clean打扫 ride骑 wait等候 clap鼓掌cry哭 laugh笑move移动shout喊pick摘wait等待act表演cook煮;烹饪bloom开花put 放cut切ask问answer回答hit 打need需要主要句型:1. I want to listen to music. /I want some orange juice.2. I like spring. /I dont like summer. Because its very hot.3. What are you doing? -Im watching TV. / sleeping /singing /playing-card.二十五、动词短语(一周、一天的活动)go home回家 go to bed上床睡觉do my homework做家庭作业 do housework做家务 watch TV看电视wash the clothes洗衣服 have breakfast吃早饭 go to school去上学have English class上英语课 get up起床fly a kite放风筝 draw a picture画画 read a book看书 listen to music听音乐 drink water喝水stand up起立sit down坐下 have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早餐/午餐/晚餐 hurry up赶快go out出去go to the park去公园 look after照看look for寻找 pick up 拾起 clean the house打扫房间play the piano弹钢琴raise my foot抬脚wash my face洗脸wave my arm挥手臂chant in English用英语诵读learn English 学英语listen to English everyday每天听英语speak English说英语 sing English songs唱英语歌曲go to the cinema看电影have a picnic去野餐go for an outing去郊游go to the zoo去动物园take a picture照相have some juice喝点果汁thanks a lot非常感谢eat fruit 吃水果eat ice cream吃冰激凌Be careful小心come home回家go fishing去钓鱼leaves fall叶落 plants grow植物生长 turn yellow变黄 wind blows 刮风stay at home待在家里 eat moon cakes吃月饼 play cards 打牌 make a tea 沏茶二十六、国家,城市,地标建筑China中国 Chinese中文、中国人、中国的HongKong香港the Great Wall长城 America USA美国 the White House白宫American美国人、美国的 England / UK/ Britain英国 Big Ben 大本钟London伦敦English英语、英国人、英国的 Canada加拿大Singapore新加坡Macao澳门 Japan日本 Mount Fuji富士山New York纽约France法国 Paris巴黎 the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔主要句型:1. Where are you from? -I am from Singapore.2. Where do you live? -We live in London.3. Where is the Great Wall? -It is in China.4. Is it Big Ben? - Yes, it is. 5. Welcome to Chengdu. (邀请)二十七、节日Mothers Day母亲节 Womens Day 妇女节 Tree-planting Day 植树节 National Day国庆节 the Duanwu Festival / Dragon Boat Festival端午节 Childrens Day儿童节 New Year新年 Christmas圣诞节 Teachers Day教师节 Spring Festival春节Easter复活节 Halloween万圣节the Mid-autumn Festival中秋节主要句型:1. Happy New Year! -Happy New Year! / Same to you. (祝愿、致谢)2. Happy birthday! -Thank you. (祝愿、致谢)3. What are the symbols of Easter? -Easter eggs and chicks are the symbols of Easter.二十八、运动类短语play football踢足球play badminton打羽毛球play basketball打篮球play table tennis打乒乓球play volleyball 打排球 play games做游戏 ride a bike骑自行车 go swimming去游泳go skating滑冰主要句型:1. Do you like swimming? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. Can you play football? - Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 二十九、体育课用语About turn! 向后转 At ease! 稍息 Attention! 立正 Count off! 报数 Eyes front! 向前看Eyes right! 向右看Left turn! 向左转Line up! 排队Right turn! 向右转 三十、指令性短语get to the shop到达商店 go out of the house走出房子 turn left向左转 turn right向右转 walk along the road沿着路走 walk past 走过 walk towards 朝走去 finally最后 first首先 when当时候 next接下来三十一、场所Farm 农场 zoo动物园supermarket 超市 shop商店garden花园beach海滩bookshop书店cinema电影院 post office邮局 school学校 park公园 classroom 教室 art room 美术室 music room 音乐室computer room 计算机室 teachers office 老师办公室 library 图书馆 toilet 厕所 play ground 操场 bedroom 卧室 living room 客厅 bathroom 浴室 study 书房 kitchen 厨房主要句型:1. How about going to the zoo? -Wonderful idea! /Good idea! /Why not? /OK. (建议)2. There is a bed in the bedroom.3. Where are you going? -We are going to the park. /We are going to play football.三十二、房间和物品house 房子roof屋顶wall墙room房间window窗户 door门bookshelf书架chair 椅子clock 钟 lamp台灯TV电视机desk课桌 bed床table 桌子tape 磁带VCD光盘toy玩具ball球map地图box盒子umbrella伞camera照相机三十三、疑问代词How old几岁 How many多少 how much 多少钱 why为什么 how怎样 where在哪里 whose谁的 what什么when/what time什么时间 what color什么颜色三十四、杂物feather羽毛 fur 皮毛shell 壳spot斑点 stripe条纹 spinner转盘picture图画ice 冰king国王letter字母queen王后sound 声音stone石头kite风筝gold金子 cup杯子 card卡片circle圆 name名字shine 照耀exam考试 news消息三十五、制作过程1、制作转盘spinner:(draw画circle圆圈colour涂色cut剪put 放 toothpick牙签)First, draw a circle. 先画圆圈 Then, cut the circle out. 然后剪下来 After that, colour the circle and draw pictures. 接着,涂圆圈并画图 Finally, put a toothpick in it. 最后,放牙签2、制作三明治sandwich:(lettuce生菜butter黄油bread面包cheese奶酪 wash洗 put 放cut切 add添加)1st, Wash the lettuce. 洗生菜 2nd,Put some butter on bread.放黄油 3rd, cut the cheese .切奶酪 Then, put the cheese.放奶酪 Then, add some lettuce.加生菜 After that, add another piece of bread and cut in half.加另一片面包 ,再把三明治切成两半 At last, put the sandwich in a box(bag).把三明治放进盒子(包)3、制作聚会帽party hat:(draw画circle圆圈colour涂色cut剪line线fold折叠glue用胶水粘)1st,draw a circle.画圆圈 2nd,colour the circle.涂颜色 3rd,cut it out.剪下来 Then, cut on the line.剪一条线 After that, fold it like this.折叠 Finally, glue it.粘贴好4、植树plant trees:(dig挖hole洞put.in放入put.back放回earth泥土stamp踩water浇水)1st, dig a hole.挖一个坑 2nd, put a tree in the hole.放树进坑 3rd, put the earth back.填回泥土 Then, stamp the earth.踩紧泥土 Finally,water it well。浇水5、过生日birthday party:(light点亮 sing唱歌say说blow out吹灭cut切eat吃candle蜡烛song歌曲wish愿望cake蛋糕)1st,light the candles.点蜡烛 2nd, sing a song.唱生日歌 3rd, say a wish. 许愿 Then, blow out the candles.吹蜡烛 After that, cut the cake.切蛋糕 Finally, eat the cake.吃蛋糕功能:1、打招呼、问候、道别 2、祝愿、致谢 3、介绍 4、建议 5、邀请 6、喜好话题:1、个人情况 2、家庭与朋友 3、身体与健康 4、 学校与日常生活 5、文体活动 6、节假日 7、饮食 8、 服装 9、季节与天气 10、颜色 11、动物


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