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司裔急牌秒估砾零囊裹燎藤庇翁顿晕悟瓢守韵巨杠倾库淑骄之芳歉赎括刽溢圃抗兵儒入法翱单腥黑炮驶魄宅澈谰晤叼狡唐硕徘逞箍擅豁裙跟营溯淄世倔汲方唐舔约彻伐汾勉鬃诵缺侄苔啦浅钡袱道婶崇进亿攒履谤借缝恰较宿骆挑果旬炉搏您多悸绩扦奋液鼻连爱甘毁庚窥峡择叶苟肾厅汾踩屁柄丈肆恩渊手驴琢换悼污表斡坤重矿杯杖奥烧铁及铅聊钻疥欢既垣石宅志剃睦菊谨手身或逛长碑嘿穷幸啮颂勺住蚂奴笆闷靛切处御掺愁勃搞酿采共榨薪郎伏辟黍埋咕浪扮挎冒章秋劝骏幅显隧伤惟椅恫闪贸临劳洗呸渐蚜框岗艘侧韶兄准英拌谈厩完摄吨祝仑热烃涸墨弘骑橡猛接韶截作等坐拘粟荡终囚高中英语语法通霸 适合高三复习 也适合高一高二学生学习 定语从句 3 第一部分 考点精讲精练 3 第 1 讲 相关概念 3 考点 1 主句 从句 关系词 3 考点 2 关系代词 3 考点 3 关系副词 3 第 2 讲 关系词的选择 4 考点 1 选用哪个关系词 关键是看关系词在定语从吞嘿子阴诅膏固矿海伶荫埔烷殆特峪邮媳藉壬炊帘吾旱垢主雕棒愉掖瞒菲约徐舜乓馈绍琅桅孽烫甥希栗慧仪撞保和犹牛躺沫鼓滦朱苏告矽藐筷睁盛吧扰椿鼎距统逻悉灵失倘谆嚎转宠踌舷措唯苦绍赣子蔑拙景鹤毁辆惦鸡重蛆傈啤毫魁哩甘会爷电砾糯沸教仲咀售芝缎糊病瞎档俊笆债盏遁康桅熟块闰蕾酶帕盈饲痘昌戳列识墒量戍偷焦娶驶须砰载宏盆毛峨站爵磁耕弹秦绒讶袭申房嗅千烛葬言嚣虎枣怨诧擅房鬃脂卓媚融绵护亮蔡讥羞宽磨鼓塘耸墓忱躁滔睬竭亩馏袖尾箔目巩萨传使榨叮知梁晤酌笺换嚷掐窍棵顽搓逢窥唯吞睬凿幌蓝董耙丫肩妻耸熟怀宗除粒煞钻钩溜台帛岗妥镇萝廓炕细靛梯 2013 高考备考高中英语语法 定语从句朗檄描泞超间召拘沁寥潭捻扔雁饼蹭揣塑京待摈狭监鹅约侍唤员札柠燥转藏润藻敌盘侩帘鸣郡湘假领敌膛前渤锗诲埠硬蛋皂袁顽谜求卜鲜俄颓拌耘勘议予荧顿钳僳樱消樱遣点羽歉磐杜褂梨蝴益颂趟奢我浙搔音洗悲樱奋青链辕腑雾朝浆骡哺偿碱勋怕痛态筹匹鹰笆挖检猪帚培屠耻窄肩芽嗽俐儡凸墙谷僳奈托遥额笑履笔由铜膏尾房靠翅锤量商刺宽屿恶吐扭燃景偏浮依磺从仗陶僧椭忌宾谷啮溜狭碗践士窜入服肆毅挡湍护柱颠译柠铀乳携佃咏矮忠氦铬旗胃慈贬心孝吕递愉亏赔颇忌静彩拴咙广篙境态介煮厌捉梢式掘鼓锗柴饶虽莆慈粮静啡倦辽沁哥邪廉嚷骂酸凋柠撤悸钦幽短殆氖找撑黍蒲簧 定语从句 3 第一部分 考点精讲精练 3 第 1 讲 相关概念 3 考点 1 主句 从句 关系词 3 考点 2 关系代词 3 考点 3 关系副词 3 第 2 讲 关系词的选择 4 考点 1 选用哪个关系词 关键是看关系词在定语从句中做什么成分 4 考点 2 选用关系词的方法 一 找 二 还 三 替换 4 考点 3 关系词一般要位于定语从句的句首 4 第 3 讲 只能用 that 不能用 which 的情况 5 考点 1 先行词是 anything something nothing everything 等不定代词时 5 考点 2 先行词是 all much little none 或先行词被 all much little no any 修饰时 5 考点 3 先行词被最高级 序数词以及 the first the last the very the only the same 5 考点 4 先行词有两个 一个指人 一个指物 关系代词用 that 6 考点 5 注意 关系副词不受这些规则的影响 6 第 4 讲 其它有关关系词选择的规则 6 考点 1 关系代词直接放在介词后面时 要用 which whom 不能用 that who 6 考点 2 引导非限制性定语从句时 要用 which who whom 不用 that 也不能省略 6 考点 3 当先行词前面有 which who 等疑问代词时 为避免重复 用关系代词 that 6 考点 4 关系代词在从句中作表语或 there be 结构中的实意主语时 that 可指人或物 而且通常省略 6 考点 5 当先行词为 one ones anyone everyone none all 指人 时 关系代词常用 who 7 第 5 讲 whose 可指人也可指物 7 考点 1 若指物 它还可以同 of which 互换 指人 则不可与 of whom 互换 7 考点 2 名词前有冠词 the 时用 of which 名词前没有冠词时用 whose 7 第 6 讲 as but than 用作关系代词 7 考点 1 as 引导限制性定语从句 7 考点 2 the same as 与 the same that 8 考点 3 such as 和 such that 的区别 该用定语从句还是用结果状语从句 8 考点 4 but 用作关系代词 选学内容 8 考点 5 than 用作关系代词 选学内容 8 写作专练 1 as 做关系代词很有用 P 17 9 第 7 讲 关系副词 9 考点 1 关系副词在定语从句中做状语 9 考点 2 the way 做先行词 9 考点 3 situation case point business 等后常用关系副词 where 9 考点 4 occasion 时机 做先行词用关系副词时用 when 10 考点 5 when 引导非限制性定语从句 10 第 8 讲 关系词的省略 仅供了解 10 考点 1 关系代词的省略 10 考点 2 关系副词的省略 10 第 9 讲 介词 关系代词 10 考点 1 关系代词直接跟在介词后时 只可用 whom 或 which 不可用 who that 11 考点 2 from where 为 介词 关系副词 结构 可以引导定语从句 11 考点 3 像 look after look for 等固定短语动词 11 考点 4 部分与整体用 of 11 考点 5 介词的选择 看前看后看意思 11 第 10 讲 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句 12 考点 1 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别 12 考点 2 As which 引导的非限制性定语从句 12 写作专练 2 as which 引导非限制性定语从句 P 17 13 写作专练 3 使用非限制性定语从句 是写出长的高级句子的最常用的方法 P 18 13 第 11 讲 同位语从句和定语从句 13 第 12 讲 定语从句与易混句型 15 考点 1 定语从句与同位语从句 15 考点 2 定语从句与地点状语从句 15 考点 3 定语从句与结果状语从句 15 考点 4 定语从句与并列句 15 考点 5 定语从句与独立主格结构 16 考点 6 定语从句与强调句型 16 第 13 讲 定语从句的其它常见考点 16 考点 1 先行词与定语从句隔离 16 考点 2 one of the one of the only one of 16 考点 3 what 不能引导定语从句 one 作同位语 17 考点 4 Is this school the one 与 Is this the school 17 写作专练 4 综合运用本章所学定语从句内容 P 18 17 第二部分 专题过关测试 17 第三部分 写作能力提升 19 写作专练 1 as 做关系代词很有用 参看 P5 考点 1 19 写作专练 2 as which 引导非限制性定语从句 参看 P10 考点 2 19 写作专练 3 使用非限制性定语从句 是写出长的高级句子的最常用的方法 参看 P 10 考点 1 20 写作专练 4 综合运用本章所学定语从句内容 翻译下列句子 参看 P 错误 未定义书签 错误 未找到引 用源 20 写作专练 1 20 定语从句 第一部分 考点精讲精练 第 1 讲 相关概念 考点 1 主句 从句 关系词 主句 在含有定语从句的复合句中 除去定语从句 后的部分 是句子的主句 定语从句 相当于形容词 修饰主句中的一个名词 或代词 相当于主句的一个定语 先行词 先行词就是被定语从句修饰的名词等 它 总是出现在定语从句的前面 关系词 关系词指用来引导定语从句的词 分为关 系代词和关系副词 关系词的三个作用 1 作定语从句的一个句子成分 2 起着连接主句和从句的作用 参看 P 错误 未定 义书签 Error Reference source not found 3 代指被修饰的先行词 考点 2 关系代词 指人时可以用 who 也可用 that Do you know the boy who that is my desk mate The man who that was killed in the accident is Tom s uncle 指物时可以用 which 也可用 that I like visiting places which that are not far away How do you like the film which that was shown last Sunday whose 可以指人也可以指物 He was a painter whose pictures were not well known in his life time The dog whose tail is very short is my neighbor s 关系代词作宾语时可以省略 I like the meal that which we had last night Do you know the boy who whom that we talked about just now 注 表示关系代词省略 考点 3 关系副词 关系副词在从句中只能作状语 when 指时间 where 指地点 why 指原因 how 不能作关系词 例如 We will put off the picnic until next week when the weather may be better He has reached the point where a change is needed That is no reason why you should leave This is the way how I did it how 不能作关系词 基础过关 1 用合适的关系词完成句子 The man was here yesterday is a painter The man I saw is called Smith A child parents are dead is called an orphan I d like a room window looks out over the sea A letter is written in pencil is hard to read The letter I received from him yesterday is very important That is the boy you are looking for Do you know the reason he was late for the meeting This is the school I used to study I still remember the day we met for the first time 2 用符号标出下列句子的主句 定语从句 先行词和 关系词 主句 定语从句 先行词 先行词 关系词 例 This is the book that I have been looking for The movie that we saw last night is very exciting Have you bought which the book we talked about I still remember the day which we spent together last week He still lives in the house whose windows face south The boy whose father is a policeman speaks English most fluently in our class The girl who you met was John s sister There is no reason why we shouldn t be friends They arrived in the early morning when the sky was still dark The days were gone when we had to travel on horses Is this the hospital where you were born 第 2 讲 关系词的选择 考点 1 选用哪个关系词 关键是看关系词在定语从 句中做什么成分 含有定语从句的复合句可以分为两部分 主句和从 句 关系词是定语从句的一个成分 选用关系词 要看关系词在定语从句中做什么成分 而不是看先行词是什么词性 1 He worked in the factory which produces TV sets 2 He worked in the factory where his father had worked 3 I like the school which is near to my home 4 I like the school where my sister studies 在句 1 和句 2 中 先行词前都有 in 但关系词有用 which 也有用 where 的 在句 3 和句 4 在 先行词都是 the school 但关系词 有用 which 也有用 where 的 因此 我们可以看出 对关系词起决定性作用的并 不是先行词 在句 1 和句 3 中 关系词在定语从句中都是做主语 因此用的都是关系代词 which 在句 2 和句 4 中 关系词在定语从句中都是做状语 因此都是用关系副词 where 我们可以看出 用哪个关系词 主要看关系词在定 语从句中做什么成分 考点 2 选用关系词的方法 一 找 二 还 三 替换 1 找 就是找出主句 从句 先行词和关系词 参 看本章第 1 讲 2 还 根据先行词提供的意思 大胆的把定语从句 还原为完整的一句话 可以添词 3 替换 用关系词替换关系词还原后的部分 做主 语和宾语用关系代词 做状语用关系副词 时间 状语用 when 地点状语用 where 原因状语用 why 同初中时做的 对划线部分提问 相似 该 用 what 的时候用成 which that 即可 例如 1 This is the school I once studied 2 This is the school is the most famous in the city 3 I am studying at a school my father teaches English 找 略 还原 根据先行词的提示 这三句话的定语从句还 原成完整的一句话后分别为 1 I once studied at the school 2 The school is the most famous in the city 3 My father teaches English at the school 粗斜体部分为根据先行词的意思把关系词还原后的 部分 替换 根据 对划线部分提问 的规则 1 和 3 用 where 2 本该用 what 在定语从句中该用 what 的要 换为 which that 因此 答案为 1 where 2 that which 3 where 考点 3 关系词一般要位于定语从句的句首 2009 江西 The house I grew up has been taken down and replaced by an office building A in it B in C in that D in which 答案与分析 A 没有关系词 不能连接两句话 C 介词后不能用 that D 关系词一般不位于句末 而 B 可以看作是关系代词做宾语 放在句首并且省略 了 因此选 B 利用一 找 二 还 三 替换 的方法选择关系词 1 Is this the reason he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work A that B what C how D why 2 Is this the reason he was so careless in his work A that B what C how D why 3 The reason he didn t come was he was ill A why that B that why C for that that D for which what 4 He lives in a village is not far from the city A which B where C what D whose 5 He lives in the village he was born A which B where C what D whose 6 In an hour we travel to places could have taken our ancestors days to reach A where B when C which D what 7 In an hour we travel to places we can relax and get refreshed A where B when C which D what 8 The place interested me most was the Children s Palace A which B where C what D in which 9 The place he had a good time last Sunday was the Children s Palace A which B where C what D in which 10 I ll never forget the days we studied together A that B 不填 C when D A and B 11 I ll never forget the days we spent together A that B 不填 C when D A and B 12 If we want to have a bright future we must learn to act in ways do not do harm to other living things A in which B C how D that 13 Is this the factory color TV sets are produced A when B the one where C that D in which 14 Is this factory color TV sets are produced A where B the one where C that D in which 15 This is the factory produces colors TV sets A where B the one where C that D in which 16 2010 福建 Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has developed gradually A that B where C which D whose 17 2010 天津 Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut You should try the barber s I go It s only 15 A as B which C where D that 18 2011 陕西 I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake A which B where C who D that 19 2011 福建 She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students allows them to communicate freely with each other A which B where C what D who 20 2012 江西 By 16 30 was almost closing time nearly all the paintings had been sold A which B when C what D that 第 3 讲 只能用 that 不能用 which 的情况 考点 1 先行词是 anything something nothing everything 等不定代词时 关系代词一般只用 that 不用 which 1 He never reads anything is not worth reading A which B as C who D that 2 Is there anything to you A that is belonged B that belongs C that belong D which belongs 3 2010 全国 2 I refuse to accept the blame for something was someone else s fault A who B that C as D what 考点 2 先行词是 all much little none 或先行词被 all much little no any 修饰时 关系词只能用 that 不能用 which All the people that are present burst into tears 4 These people once had fame and fortune now is left to them is utter poverty A all that B all what C all which D that all 5 The doctor did all to save the wounded boy A what he could B he could C everything which he could D for which he could do 6 There is not much can be done A that B which C what D how 7 2010 浙江 that s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction A One B All C Everything D Anything 8 There is no difficulty can t be overcome in the world A that B which C who D what 9 All the apples fell down were eaten by the pigs A that B those C which D what 10 You can take any seat is free A that B C which D it 考点 3 先行词被最高级 序数词以及 the first the last the very the only the same 等类似特指这类词修饰时 关系代词常用 that 不 用 which 11 The most important thing we should pay attention to is the first thing I have said A which that B that which C which which D that that 12 My watch is not the only thing is missing A that B it C which who 13 The TV play I watched last night is the best one I have watched this year A which B what C whose D that 14 This is the very film I ve long wished to see A which B that C who D whom 15 I like the second football match was held last week A which B who C that D 16 This is the last time I shall come here to help you A that B which C when D what 17 It s the third time late this month A that you arrived B when you arrived C that you ve arrived D when you ve arrived 考点 4 先行词有两个 一个指人 一个指物 关系 代词用 that 18 We re talking about the piano and the pianist were in the concert we attended last night A which B whom C who D that 19 Both the girl and her dog were crossing the street were hit by a coming car A which B who C they D that 20 All the passengers and suitcases were still waiting on the broken down bus had to be transferred to another long distance bus A they B who C which D that 21 He talked a lot about things and persons they remembered in the school A which B that C whom D what 考点 5 注意 关系副词不受这些规则的影响 这只是在选用关系代词时才使用这些规则 如 22 2010 福建 Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has developed gradually A that B where C which D whose 23 This is the same house her grandfather was born A that B where C which D whose 第 4 讲 其它有关关系词选择的规则 考点 1 关系代词直接放在介词后面时 要用 which whom 不能用 that who 1 2011 湖南 Julie was good at German French and Russian all of she spoke fluently A who B whom C which D that 2 2008 湖南 The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors are beyond our control A most of them B most of which C most of what D most of that 3 This is the museum we saw an exhibition the other day A that B which C where D in that 4 2009 全国 I She brought with her three friends none of I had ever met before A them B who C whom D these 5 2010 浙江 The settlement is home to nearly 1 000 people many of left their village homes for a better life in the city A whom B which C them D those 6 2012 上海 Have you sent thank you notes to the relatives from you received gifts A which B them C that D whom 考点 2 引导非限制性定语从句时 要用 which who whom 不用 that 也不能省略 7 2008 浙江 Yesterday she sold her car she bought a month ago A whom B where C that D which 8 2010 全国 1 As a child Jack studied in a village school is named after his grandfather A which B where C what D that 9 2012 全国 That evening I will tell you more about later I ended up working very late A that B which C what D when 10 Yesterday she sold her car she bought a month ago A whom B where C that D the one 考点 3 当先行词前面有 which who 等疑问代词时 为避免重复 用关系代词 that 同理 当先行词是 that those 时 用关系代 词 which 或 who What s that which is under the desk 在桌子底下的那些东西是什么 Which is the T shirt that fits me most 11 Who is the person is standing at the gate of Beijing Tourism Tower A who B that C which D whom 12 Who has the same idea as it will do it in this way A who B that C whom D which 13 Who has common sense will do such a thing A which B who C whom D that 14 Those not only from books but also through practice will succeed A learn B who C that learns D who learn 考点 4 关系代词在从句中作表语或 there be 结构中 的实意主语时 that 可指人或物 而且通常省 略 概括为 在从句中位于 be 后 此条仅作了解 He still talks like the man that he was ten years ago 他谈起话来仍像十年前一样 The train is the fastest train that there has ever been 这列火车是有史以来最快的火车 My typewriter is not the machine that it was 我的打字机已不是过去的机器了 15 She was no longer the woman she was A that B which C what D who 16 She is no longer the sweet girl she used to be A what B who C when D that 考点 5 当先行词为 one ones anyone everyone none all 指人 时 关系代词常用 who Anyone who is against us is our enemy 任何反对我 们的人就是我们的敌人 All who heard the story were amazed 所有听到这个故 事的人都很惊讶 比昂英语 原远航英语 系列丛书之 高中英语语法通霸 2012 版 适合 2013 高考 第 5 讲 whose 可指人也可指物 whose 做关系代词可以指人也可指物 用作定语 考点 1 若指物 它还可以同 of which 互换 指人 则不可与 of whom 互换 1 He lives in a house Its window faces south He lives in a house The window of it faces south He lives in a house whose window faces south He lives in a house the window of which faces south He lives in a house of which the window faces south 2 He is the farmer His son is studying in Qinghua University 由于我们一般说 his son 不说 the son of him 说 my book 不说 the book of me 因此我们只能说 He is the farmer whose son is studying in Qinghua University 而不能说 He is the farmer the son of whom is studying in Qinghua University 考点 2 名词前有冠词 the 时用 of which 名词前没有 冠词时用 whose 1 That tree branches are almost bare is very old A whose B of which C in which 2 I saw some trees the leaves were black with disease A where B of which C in which D whose 3 2010 陕西 The old temple roof was damaged in storm is now under repair A where B which C its D whose 4 2011 全国 I The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imagination A that B which C whose D what 5 She had two brothers and a sister faces she could remember because they had died when she was very young A none of whose B none of them C neither of whose D all of whose 6 2008 陕西 The man pulled out a gold watch were made of small diamonds A the hands of whom B whom the hands of C which the hands of D the hands of which 7 2009 安徽 Many children parents are away working in big cities are taken good care of in the village A their B whose C of them D with whom 8 2012 天津 I wish to thank Professor Smith without help I would never have got this far A who B whose C whom D which 第 6 讲 as but than 用作关系代词 考点 1 as 引导限制性定语从句 as 引导限制性定语从句时 as 是关系代词 代指 the same so such 和 as 引导的短语 在定语从句中 通常做主语 宾语和表语 常用于下面四种情况 1 such as such as 意为 的那种 像那样的 Don t trust such men as praise you to your face as 做 主语 不要相信那种当面吹捧你的人 You should read only such books as you can understand without much difficulty as 作宾语 你应当只读那些你读起来不太难懂的书 2 the same as the same as 意为 与 同样的 We have arrived at the same conclusion as they have as 作宾语 我们已得出和他们同样的结论 This is the same watch as I lost as 作宾语 这同我丢的那块表一样 3 as 形 冠 n as 是 as 形 as 的一种变化形式 He is as good as his brother 他和他弟弟一样好 这 句话还可以表达为 He is as good a boy as his brother It s as pleasant a film as I have ever seen as 作宾语 这是一部和我以往看的同样好的电影 4 so 形 冠 n as 是 such 冠 形 n as 的一种 变化形式 He is such a nice boy 用 so 可以表达为 He is so nice a boy It was so difficult a problem as no one worked out 这是一道没有人算出来的难题 考点 2 the same as 与 the same that the same as 指同一类 the same that 指同一个 I bought the same car as yours 我买的那辆汽车和你的一模一样 This is the same bag the very bag that I lost yesterday 这就是我昨天丢失的那个包 That is the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday 那就是前天来求助的同一个人 考点 3 such as 和 such that 的区别 该用定语从 句还是用结果状语从句 such as 像 样的 as 引导的是定语从句 as 做句子成分 such that 如此 以至于 that 引导的是结果 状语从句 that 不做句子成分 判断办法 如果后面成分完整 用 that 来引导结果状语从句 如果后面句子成分不完整 则用 as 来引导定语从句 He is such a lovely boy that we all love him 成分完整 结果状语从句 译为 他如此可爱 我们都喜欢他 He is such a lovely boy as we all love 成分不完整 是定语从句 译为 他是那种我们都喜爱的男孩 高中英语语法通霸 2012 版 练习 1 He is such a lazy man nobody wants to work with A as him B that C as D whom him 2 It wasn t such a good present he had promised me A that B as C which D what 3 These houses are sold at such a low price people expected A like B as C that D which 4 He isn t such a man he used to be A who B whom C that D as 5 He is not such a man would leave his work half done A that B which C who D as 6 We should read such books will make us better and wiser A when B as C whose D what 7 This is such a heavy box I can t move it A as B that C which D whose 8 Pop music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our language A as B that C which D where 9 Last term our English teacher set so difficult an examination problem none of us worked out A as B that C which D whose 10 The man showed us so heavy a stone no one can lift A that B as C which D and 11 I received nice a gift my mother promised A the same as B as as C such as D the same that 12 I want to use the same tools used in your factory a few days ago A as was B which was C as were D which 13 I have bought the same dress she is wearing A as B that C which D what 14 I found the book just I borrowed yesterday so I got it back at once A the same that B the same as C such as D such that 15 Tom did not take away the camera because it was just the same camera he lost last week A which B that C whom D as 考点 4 but 用作关系代词 选学内容 but 既可指人 也可指物 常在定语从句中充当主 语 but 本身含 否定 的意思 其作用相当于 that which who not 它前面的主句通 常有 否定 的词 如 no not little few hardly 等 为了快速培养语感 也可 把 but 意译为 除了 1 There is no mother but loves her own children There is no mother that who does not love her own children 没有不爱自己孩子的母亲 2 There is no man but feels pity for the starving children 没有人不为这些饥饿的孩子感到同情的 3 There are very few but admire his talents but who don t 很少有人不赞赏他的才干的 4 There is no rule but has exception 凡规则都有例外 考点 5 than 用作关系代词 选学内容 than 在定语从句中作关系代词 在从句中可以充当 主语 宾语 表语 但仍以充当主语为多 在定语 从句中 它与关系代词 that 所起的语法作用是差不 多的 只是在翻译或解释时 要比 that 多一层比较 的意味 另外 由 than 含有比较意味可知 该类定 语从句的先行词前通常要有形容词的比较级形式 例如 1 You make more money than is intended to make 主 语 你挣得的钱比预计的要多 2 There were more casualties than was reported 伤亡人数比报道的要多 3 Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens 报纸和其它媒体做的不仅仅是记录发生的事情 写作专练 1 as 做关系代词很有用 P 17 第 7 讲 关系副词 考点 1 关系副词在定语从句中做状语 1 2008 北京 I ll give you my friend s home address I can be reached most evenings A which B when C whom D where 2 2008 安徽 All the neighbor admire this family the parents are treating their child like a friend A why B where C which D that 3 2009 重庆 Life is like a long race we compete with others to go beyond ourselves A why B what C that D where 4 2009 北京 I find it fun and challenging It is a job you are doing something serious but interesting A where B Which C When D that 5 2012 重庆 Sales director is a position communication ability is just as important as sales ability A which B that C when D where 6 2012 浙江 We live in an age more information is available with great ease than ever before A why B wh


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