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中考复习系列主谓一致归纳 一致 是指句子成分之间或词语之间在性 数等方面应保持一致 主谓一致 是指谓语动词与主语必须在人称 性 数上保持一致 即主语是复数 谓语也用复数形式 如are were have等 主语是单数 谓语要用单数形式 如 is was has works等 在具体处理一致关系时可遵循以下三原则 语法一致 意义一致 就近一致 1 由and连接的并列成分指的是同一概念 一个人的双重身份或匹配出现的事物时谓语动词为单数 由and连接的两个并列成分表示两个不同的概念时 谓语动词用复数 TheworkerandwriterisfromWuhan 那个工人兼作家 TheworkerandthewriterarefromBeijing 那位工人和那位作家 常见的由and连接的指一个概念的有 theneedleandthread针线saltandwater盐和水thefolkandknife刀叉ironandsteel钢铁timeandtide岁月 时间和潮水 BreadandbutterisadailyfoodintheWest BothCathyandherdaughterLindahavegonefishinginCanada 2 everyoneofoneofeachofeitherof 复数名词作主语 谓语用单数 Eachofthestudentshasabook 3 表示时间 距离 金钱等复数名词作主语 表达一个整体概念时 谓语用单数 Twentyyearshaspassedsincehelefthishometown 4 Every and every each and each no and no manya and manya 连接两个单数名词作主语 谓语用单数 Everydeskandeverychairismadeofwood Manyaboyandgirlhasmadethesamemistake 5 集体名词class family army team club population enemy party crowd majority crew audience public government group等作主语 强调整体用单数 指个体成员用复数 HisfamilyisinHarbin Hisfamilyaremusiclovers Thisclassconsistsof45students Mr Greenteachesit Thisclassarealldiligent Mr Greenteachesthem Theteamisthebestintheleague 这个队在联赛中打得最好 Thefootballteamarehavingbaths 足球队队员们在洗澡 1 Hisfamily asmallone 2 Hisfamily fatandshort A is isB are areC is areD are is 此题应选C family是一个集合名词 具有单数 侧重指整体 和复数 侧重指个体 两种可能 但是并不是所有的集合名词都具有以上两种用法 1 有的集合名词总是用作单数 不可数 clothing衣服 poetry诗歌 baggage luggage行李 furniture家俱 scenery景色等 2 有的集合名词总是表示复数意义 但不用复数形式 people人 police警察 cattle牲口等 6 all none some any等不定代词作主语 根据其指代的内容而定 Allarepresent Allthefoodtastesgood 7 half most enough part therest thelast lots plenty 分数 百分数 of 名词 作主语 谓语动词要和of之后的名词单复数保持一致 Two thirdsofthepeoplepresentareagainsttheplan Three fourthsofthesurfaceoftheearthiscoveredbysea Overtwentypercentofthecitywasdestroyedinthewar Forty fivepercentofthedoctorswerewoman 8 由or either or neither nor notonly butalso等连接的并列主语 谓语动词常和靠近的作主语的名词在单复数上保持一致 就近原则 NotonlyhebutalsoIaminvited Neithermyglovesnormyhatgoeswiththedress 9 由therebe引导的句子 当主语不是一个时 谓语动词通常与最近的主语一致 NotonlyIbutJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother 89 A isB areC amD be 析 由 or either or neither nor not but notonly butalso 连接两个并列主语时 动词与靠近的主语保持一致 B 10 主语后跟 with alongwith togetherwith including but except like among aswellas nomorethan besides ratherthan 名词 结构时 谓语动词一般和前面的主语保持一致 Theteacherwithanumberofstudentsisintheclassroom Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift A isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveoffered 谓语应该跟主语一致还是跟表语一致 WeChinese ahard workingpeople A isB areC isbeingD arebeing 此题应选B 这里应注意的是 我们通常说的是主谓一致 即谓语与主语保持一致 而不是表谓一致 即不是谓语与表语一致 本题意为 我们中国人是一个勤劳的民族 注意以下类似例子 ThesetwodictionariesareapresentformybestfriendJim Theplanetsweretheobjectofhisstudy ThemostimportantthingIneedisbooks Thecountry sleadingexportiswatches Thebestpartofthemealisthecoffeeandcookies 1 youorhetheteacherofEnglish 2 Neithermysisternormymother presentatthemeeting A Are wasB Is wereC Are isD Is is A Whenandwheretobuildthenewfactory yet 91 A isnotdecidedB arenotdecidedC hasnotdecidedD havenotdecided 析 当when和where加不定式指的是同一件事时 谓语动词用单数 A I notyou inthewrong NotIbuthe beeninvited A were haveB were hasC was hasD was have 有否定形式加入时 动词看肯定形式 C every并列使用时 动词取单数 Everyboyandeverygirl thateachdayandeachhourbrings duty A know theirB knows theirC knows itsD know its B E mail aswellastelephones animportantpartindailycommunication 99上海2 A isplayingB haveplayedC areplayingD play 1 Oneortwodays enoughtoseethecity A isB areC amD be2 NeithermywifenorImyself abletopersuademydaughtertochangehermind A isB areC amD be 3 NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother A isB areC amD be4 Nottheteacher butthestudents lookingforwardtoseeingthefilm A isB areC amD be 5 Awomanwithsomechildren soon A iscomingB arecomingC hascomeD havecome6 Nooneexceptmyparents anythingaboutthis A knowB knowsC isknownD areknown 7 Theteacheraswellasthestudents thebookalready A hasreadB havereadC arereadingD isreading8 Allbutone intheaccident A waskilledB werekilledC willbekilledD arekilled 9 Thenumberofpeopleinvited fifty butanumberofthem absentfordifferentreasons A were wasB was wasC was wereD were were10 ofthelandinthatdistrict coveredwithtreesandgrass A Twofifth isB Twofifth areC Twofifths isD Twofifths are


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