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重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册全套PPT课件重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册全套PPT课件Our winter holidayOur winter holidayI really had a busy and happy winter holiday.I really had a busy and hapI stayed at home.At 7 oclock,I got up.Then I ate breakfast at half past 7.I stayed at home.After that,I did my homework and read books.Then I helped your parents with some housework.After that,I did my I love sports very much,so after lunch,I ran with my parents in the playground.I love sports very much,sDuring the Spring Festival,I visited my grandparents,friends and teachers.We really had a good time together.I really like my winter holiday.During the Spring Festival,I Thats all.Thats all.Thank You.Thank You.A Terrible DayA Terrible DayUnit 2Unit 2A Terrible DayUnit 2New words重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册全套课件 had a fever had a fever had a coldhad a coldhad a headachehad a headachehad a coughhad a coughhad a coldhad a coughhad a feverhad a headachehad a coldhad a coughhad a fevhad a coldhad a coughhad a feverhad a headachehad a coldhad a coughhad a fevhad a coldhad a coughhad a feverhad a headachehad a coldhad a coughhad a fevhad a coldhad a coughhad a feverhad a headachehad a coldhad a coughhad a fevtook care of his mumtook care of his mummade the bedmade the bedcleaned the roomcleaned the roomcooked a mealcooked a mealtook care of his mumcleaned the roommade the bedcooked a mealtook care of his mumcleaned thtook care of his mumcleaned the roommade the bedcooked a mealtook care of his mumcleaned thtook care of his mumcleaned the roommade the bedcooked a mealtook care of his mumcleaned thtook care of his mumcleaned the roommade the bedcooked a mealtook care of his mumcleaned thUnit 4 Public RulesUnit 4 Public RulesFarm Rules 农场规则农场规则Farm Rules Dont pick the fruit.Dont hurt animals.Dont light fires.Dont shoot birds.Dont cut the tree down.Dont pick the fruit.Dont hurClassroom Rules 班班 级级 规规 则则Classroom Rules 班 级 规 则fight fait 打架打架fight fait 打架shout aut 喊叫喊叫shout spit spit 吐痰吐痰 spit spit 吐痰 kick kik踢踢 kick kik踢 Dont fight.Dont shout Dont litterDont spitDont kick ballin the classroomDont fight.in the We mustnt fight.We mustnt shout.We mustnt litter.We mustnt spit.We mustnt kick ball.We mustnt fight.We mustnt shHomework 作业作业用用 first,second,third,fourth,fifth ,sixth 等序数词自己制定等序数词自己制定8条条以上班级规则。以上班级规则。Homework 作业Review 1Review 1Step 1.Lead in 1.What words have you learnt in the 3 units?2.What sentences have you learnt in the 3 units?Step 1.Lead in 1.What words Step 2.Look,write and sayRead the sigs and write them on the blanks like the example.Step 2.Look,write and sayReaStep 2.Look,write and sayPractice in groups like the example.Step 2.Look,write and sayPraStep 3.Read and write Read the present and the past.Step 3.Read and write Step 3.Read and write Fill the blanks and pay attention to the forms of the words.Step 3.Read and write Step 4.Listen and circleListen and circle the words you hear.Step 4.Listen and circleListeStep 5.Look,listen and fill in Read the pictures and write the missing letters of the words.Step 5.Look,listen and fill Step 6.Play a gamePlay the game as required.Who is the winner?Step 6.Play a gamePlay the gaStep 7.SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Step 7.SummaryWhat have you lStep 8.HomeworkRevise the structures in the 3 units.Step 8.HomeworkRevise the strThank you.Thank you.Unit 4 The Water JourneyLesson 1Unit 4 The Water JourneyLessonlets play.I say,you do.I,I,I,you,you,you,he,she,it.I say,you say and do.We we,we,you,you,you,they,they,they.I say“do”,you say“we”.Do we,do you,do they.Does he,does she,does it.lets play.I say,you do.lets chant.Lucy,Lucy,where are you from?USA,USA,I am from the USA.Lu Hua,Lu Hua,where are you from?China,China,I am from China.lets chant.Lucy,Lucy,wheLook,Listen and say (1)Where does the paper come from?(2)Where does the bread come from?(3)Where does the frog come from?(4)Where does the water come from?It comes fromLook,Listen and say (1)WwatervapourcloudswindwatervapourcloudswindrainCloud svapourwatersnowwindrainCloud svapourwatersnowwind sea si:seas C c si:lake leik lakes cake keik like laik river riv rivers sea si:A:Where does rain come from?B:It comes from clouds.A:Where do clouds come from?B:They come from vapour.A:Where does vapour come from?B:It comes from the water in the rivers,lakes and seas.A:Where does rain come fromcloudvapourrain water(lakeriversea)sunWhere does come from?It comes from .Pair work.cloudvapourrain Make a picture of the water cycle.用所给单词(rain,cloud,vapour,water)完成水循环图 I can draw.I can draw and write.I can draw,write and say.Make a picture of the water Homework 1.Retell.(复述水循环)2.Make a story book of the water cycle.(把水循环制作成一本图文并茂的故事书)3.Search some information about the water cycle on internet.(上网查阅更多有关水循环方面的信息)Homework 1.Retell.(复述水循环)Thank you.Thank you.Unit 4 The Water JourneyLesson 2Unit 4 The Water JourneyFree talkWhat can you see in the picture?图画中你能看到什么?mountaincloudrivertreeWhat can you see in the picturWhat can you see?I can see the_.earthearthWhat can you see?earthearthWhat can you see?I can see the_.sunsunWhat can you see?sunsunWhat can you see?I can see the_.moonmoonWhat can you see?moonmoonWhat can you see?I can see the_.starstarWhat can you see?starstarWhat can you see?I can see the_.rainbowrainbowWhat can you see?rainbowrainbmoonsunearthstarrainbowmoonsunearthstarrainbowAsk and answer in pairs.(两人一组问和答)What can you see?I can see the_.Ask and answer in pairs.What cWhat can you see?I can see the_.rainWhat can you see?rain Where does the rain come from?It comes from the _.cloud Where does the rain come frwatervapourcloud1.Where does the rain come from?It comes from the _.2.Where does the cloud come from?It comes from the _.3.Where does the vapour come from?It comes from the _.brainstormingwatervapourcloud1raincloud返回raincloud返回vapourraincloud返回vapourraincloud返回vapourrainwatercloudvapourrainwatercloudvapourrainwatercloudThe water cyclevapourrainwatercloudThe water The water cycleFirst,the sun shines.首先,在太阳的照射下。Then the water becomes vapour.然后水蒸发为水蒸气。Then the vapour turns into clouds.然后水蒸气变成云朵。Then the clouds turn into water drops.然后云朵变成水珠。Finally,these water drops fall down.最后,水珠(雨)落下来了。The water cycleFirst,the sun The sun shines.The water becomes vapour.The vapour turns into clouds.The clouds turn into water drops.These water drops fall down.12543The sun shines.The water The vWater is important to us水对我们很重要Water is important to us水对我们很重Dont waste water!不要浪费水!Dont waste water!Please save water!请节约用水!Please save water!Water is the source of life,please cherish every drop.水是生命之源,请珍惜每一滴水。Water is the source of life,收集更多水循环及水的相关资料收集更多水循环及水的相关资料 收集更多水循环及水的相关资料 Thank you.Thank you.Unit 4 The Water JourneyLesson 3Unit 4 The Water JourneyLessoStep 1.Lead in 1.What words have you learnt in the first 2 lessons?2.What sentences have you learnt in the first 2 lessons?Step 1.Lead in 1.What words Step 2.Listen and tickListen to the tape and tick what you hear.Step 2.Listen and tickListen Step 3.Rearrange the sentences and match Rearrange the sentences and match like the example.Step 3.Rearrange the sentenceStep 4.Listen,circle and writeListen and circle the words you hear.Step 4.Listen,circle and wriStep 4.Listen,circle and writeWrite down the words with the correct sound.Step 4.Listen,circle and wriStep 5.Look,listen and fill in Read the pictures and write the missing words.Step 5.Look,listen and fill Step 6.Read and write Look at the picture,and answer where do we need water?Step 6.Read and write LoStep 6.Read and write Read the passage and fill in the blanks.Step 6.Read and write ReStep 7.Talk with your friendsNumber the pictures and then talk about them with first,next,and then.Step 7.Talk with your friendsStep 8.Cultural clipsWorld Water DayStep 8.Cultural clipsWorld WaStep 9.SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Step 9.SummaryWhat have you lStep 10.HomeworkRevise the structures in the first 2 lessons.Step 10.HomeworkRevise the stThank you.Thank you.Unit 4 The Water Journey Story CornerUnit 4 The Water JourneyPlay a gamethe water cycleWhat can you see?Whats this?This is _How is the water cycle?How is the water cycle?13245(水循环是怎样进行的?)(水循环是怎样进行的?)First,Next,Then,And then,Finally,How is the water cycle?13245(水3.小组互学交流,理解故事内容,并勾出大家都不会的词句,然后相互解决疑小组互学交流,理解故事内容,并勾出大家都不会的词句,然后相互解决疑惑。惑。4.听音跟读,尽力模仿正确的语音语调。听音跟读,尽力模仿正确的语音语调。5.小组分角色朗读,试着表演。小组分角色朗读,试着表演。1.听录音整体感知故事。听录音整体感知故事。2.自读故事,判断正误。自读故事,判断正误。6.在课文中找出正确的词句,并规范地填写在四线三格里。在课文中找出正确的词句,并规范地填写在四线三格里。3.小组互学交流,理解故事内容,并勾出大家都不会的词句,然T2.Its cool in the sky.()()Read and judge 读一读读一读,判断正误判断正误3.We fell cold in the river.()T1.Its hot in the lake.()4.Please give me a hand.()FF5.Mr.Wind is falling.()FT2.Its cool in the sky.()Re1.小组成员积极参与,分工明确。小组成员积极参与,分工明确。2.声音洪亮,语音语调正确并且清晰流声音洪亮,语音语调正确并且清晰流利。利。3.灵活运用语句,自然大方,相互间有灵活运用语句,自然大方,相互间有眼神等肢体语言的交流。眼神等肢体语言的交流。表演评价标准表演评价标准(活动三)(活动三)表演评价标准(活动三)在故事中找出相应的短语或词组补全句子。在故事中找出相应的短语或词组补全句子。1.I have to look for a _ .2.Can you help me _there,Mr.Wind?3.Lets _ in this nice place.4.I feel cold.Please _ .cool placego upplay togethergive me a hug 在故事中找出相应的短语或词组补全句子。cool plaIs there any water here?(这里有水吗?这里有水吗?)Is there any water here?No water no life,please save water!没有水就没有生命没有水就没有生命请节约用水!请节约用水!No water no life,没有水就没有生命Thank you.Thank you.Our dreams 梦想梦想I want to be a teacher.梦想I want to be a e true实现Think&circlehelp the children with their_.teethThink&circledentisthelp theThink&circlego to the moon by_.spaceshipThink&circlego to the moon bThink&circleHe is playing in the World Cup now.Think&circleHe is playing inThink&circleThey write s for childrentoriesThink&circlewriterThey writeThink&circleA pianist is good at_.playing the pianoThink&circlepianistA pianistThink&circleastronautdancerwriterfootball playerpianistdentistLook and read!Think&circleastronautdancerwMikeWBLTSHNancyYLTry to findMany children dont care about their teeth.He wants to help them.He wants to fly a spaceship to the Moon.He wants to.He wants to.Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful.Music makes people.Read&underlineRead and underlineMikeWBLTSHNancyYLTry to findMaRules(规则):Read the words loudly and find his friend as quickly as possible!读出出闪烁的的单词,以以最最快快速速度度找找到它的同伴,并大声到它的同伴,并大声读出来哦!出来哦!Chinese New Yearget red packetsRules(规则):Read the words loudldancerDancing makes people healthy and beautiful.flies a spaceship to the moon.astronautdentistcares about our teethwriterwrites stories for childrenpianistmakes people happyplays in the World Cupfootball playerGreat!dancerDancing makesflies a spa Every life is a boat,and the dream is the boat sail.每个人的生命都是一只小船,每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的风帆梦想是小船的风帆。You can be what you want to be!只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人!只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人!Or youll be a daydreamer!否则你只能成为空想家!否则你只能成为空想家!You can be what you want to be!只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人!只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人!You can be what you want to beReview 2Review 2Step 1.Lead in 1.What words have you learnt in the 2 units?2.What sentences have you learnt in the 2 units?Step 1.Lead in 1.What words Step 2.Lets circle and playCircle the correct words.Step 2.Lets circle and playCStep 2.Lets circle and playPlay as required.Step 2.Lets circle and playPStep 3.Read and writeRead Ken Bakers information and write them on the blanks.Step 3.Read and writeRead KenStep 3.Read and writeRead Li Tians information and fill in the blanks.Step 3.Read and writeRead Li Step 4 Listen and circleListen and circle the words you hear.Step 4 Listen and circleListenStep 5.Lets playMake new words as example.Step 5.Lets playMake new worStep 6.SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Step 6.SummaryWhat have you lStep 7.HomeworkRevise the structures in the 2 units.Step 7.HomeworkRevise the strThank you.Thank you.


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