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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人的差异在于业余时间,四级应考策略,四级应考策略人的差异在于业余时间四级应考策略大学英语四级考试与备考策略,By Shao Shuai,From Foreign Language Teaching Department,讲座内容:. 如何进行大学英语四级考试(CET4)?,. 如何准备大学英语四级考试(CET4)?, 9:35 发放试题册,9:359:40期间,考生不得翻阅或挪动试题册,否则按违规违纪处理。, 9:40 写作部分考试结束,考生填写答题卡2上的试卷代号一栏并开始做试题的第二部分,即快速阅读理解部分(该部分15分钟内完成), 9:55 收答题卡1, 10:00 听力考试开始, 11:20 考试结束,如何应对CET4的各类题型?,试卷构成,测试内容,测试题型,比例,第一部分:听力理解(35分钟),听力对话,(15%),短对话,多选一,35%,长对话,多选一,听力短文,(20%),短文理解,多选一,短文听写,复合式听写,第二部分:,阅读理解,(40分钟),仔细阅读(25%),篇章阅读理解,多选一,或简答题,35%,篇章词汇理解,选词填空,快速阅读,(10%),选择,是非判断+句子填空或其他,第三部分:,综合测试,(20分钟),完型填空(10%),多选一,15%,句子翻译(5%),中译英,第四部分:,写作,(30分钟),写作(15%),短文写作,15%,1.写作,实战程序:,1.审题。切忌生搬硬套。,2.组织结构(三段式),列出提纲,理顺写作思路。(解决内容和内容安排的问题),3.遣词造句,提笔书写。(解决语言形式的问题),4.修改,举例说明:,The Effects of Exercise on Our Health,1. 分析体育锻炼给我们带来的益处。,2. 分析体育锻炼给我们带来的坏处。,3. 给出如何参加体育锻炼的建议。,Most people agree exercise does bring a lot of benefits to our health. First, it can greatly strengthen our hearts, lungs, bones and muscles, thereby changing our whole health for the better. Besides, it can make our brains better able to react to what is going on around us. And best of all, it can help us breed optimism about our tough life.,But all the above does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to the negative effects of exercise. If you are normally inactive and then start a program of undue exercise, as a succession of scientific studies reveals, there are more chances that you have yourself injured. In addition, the more exercise those on a fat-reducing diet take, the more loss of iron they will suffer and the worse their health will get. And worst of all, continual as well as excessive exercise can result in sudden death.,Therefore, a scientific approach must be adopted to exercise. On the one hand, our physical exercise must be based on both progressiveness and regularity. On the other, we must go in for exercise according to local as well as health conditions of our own. In sum, exercise can do us good or harm, all depending on how we make use of it.,写好主题句,主题句:全段的核心句,可以帮助读者了解段落的中心思想,限制话题范围,并表明段落展开的方向。,写法:,方法一:根据提纲进行创造性的扩充,方法二:直接翻译与简单扩充,举例,Good Health,Importance of good health,Ways to keep fit,My own practice,可以扩充为:,It is very important to have good health.,According to my knowledge, there are at least four ways to keep fit.,My own practices are the following.,用于首段提出论题或现象的常用句型,1.Recently, has become the focus of our society.,2.Currently there is a growing concern for,3.Nowadays it is common to hear/see,4.has become a common occurrence in our daily life.,5. There is an old/a popular saying/proverb which says/goes,用于末段进行结尾的常用句型,1. From what has been discussed/mentioned above, we may conclude/arrive at the conclusion that.,2. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw/come to the conclusion that.,3. It is about/high time that something was done about.,4. As a result, we should take some effective steps to.,5. All in all, what really matters is, in fact, to.,2.快速阅读,实战程序:,1.快速浏览文章内容(浏览什么?),2.快速理解题目,3.找词定位(以哪些词来定位呢?),4.核对判断,举例说明:,快速阅读举例,1.Pauline Gross felt scared because she thought she would die of _,A. stroke,B,. cancer C. SARS D.AIDS,2. Genetic testing can be used to decide whether a patient has the inheritable gene mutation by peering into their_,A. blood cell B. lung cell C. liver cell,D,.DNA,3. Many choose not to take the genetic testing because they worried that it will risk their,health insurance or job security.,1.不看文章直接做题。,(记住:磨刀不误砍柴工),2.先看题再看文章。,快速阅读其他应对方式分析,建议:将答案直接做到答题卡上,3.听力,变被动接受为积极参与!,学会合理利用时间,进行积极预测。(哪些时间可以利用?),2.,要有场景意识,形成听觉形象。,举例说明:,听力预测训练(From model test one),22.A. They are fellow teachers. B. They are freshmen of a university,C. They are second-year students. D. They are tour guides,23. A. A mountain resort B. A seaside resort,C. A desert D. The outback of Australia,24. A. Because there are mountains nearby.,B. Because hes been there once,C. Because he wants to be away from city,D. Because he heard it would be fun to be there.,25. A. Finish their course work. B. Plan out their holiday in detail,C. Head for Sydney. D. Buy some necessities for their trip,Who are the two speakers?,Where did the woman go for her holiday last year?,Why does the man vote for Sydney?,What will the two speakers probably do next?,做听力选择题时的注意事项,真正考试时可以自我安慰,稳定情绪,迅速调整。(我没听懂的词都是不重要的,充分利用听懂的词去大胆推测整个句子的意义。,),学会放弃(听材料时,&,做选择时),相信第一感觉,如何应对复合式听写,常见问题:, 在听第一遍时,就开始答题,担心一会儿就忘记了。,听到了单词就赶忙记下来,顾不了下面的内容。,即使没听出是什么单词,还是要根据读音写下单词,以便下一遍有的放矢,仔细辨听,但往往最终没有结果。,能听出的在第一遍朗读时已完成,随后的两遍几乎没多大意义。,做题时,只盯着空白处,听到什么就写什么,不会考虑是否正确。,本来担心这种题型出现,一看见它,就傻了眼,几乎持放弃态度。,把能听到的尽量多地记下来,然后根据文章内容对单词和句子作分析,但没结果。,听写做题程序,看,听(可适当填写单词),写,修补,实例,(,选自,model test one),:,These days people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. People who work in offices are,frequently,referred to as “white-collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear a,collar,and tie to go to work. Such is human,nature,that a great many people are often willing to,sacrifice,higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. This can give rise to,curious,situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a,dustman,for the Ellesmere Corporation.,When he got married, Alfred was too,embarrassed,to,say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told,her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning,he left home,dressed,in a smart black suit.,Then he,changed into overalls and spent the next 8 hours as a,dustman,. Before returning home at night, Alfred took,a shower and changed back into his suit.,He lived with,his life in disguise for over two years and his fellow,dustmen kept his secret,. Alfreds wife has never,discovered that she married a dustman and she never,will, for Alfred has just found another job. He will soon,be working in an office. He will be earning only half as,much as he used to, but,he feels that his rise in status,is well worth the loss of money,.,From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others,will call him “Mr. Bloggs”, not “Alfred”.,4.1选词填空,考察对象:动词、形容词、名词、副词,副词考查最少(通常是二选一),基本方法:,1.快速通读全文,了解文章内容。,2. 研读单词选项,判断词性和词义。,3. 再次通读全文,首先根据词义选出空白处所需单词,同时运用自己的语法知识判断正误(词性和词形)。,问题一:如果到了考试的时候语法知识仍然很匮乏,那该怎么办?,问题二:如果到了考试的时候单词都不认识,那该怎么办?,4.2 篇章理解,有人鼓吹不用看文章就能选对答案。,事实真相:这只是某些人用来显示“本领”高超而故意找来的极端个案,无普遍性,请各位谨防上当受骗!,做题方法:,1.先看文章后做题,注意:阅读时要高度集中精神,充分利用瞬时记忆能力准确吸收信息,以便做题时快速做出判断。如果做题时无法确定选项的正误,可以迅速回到原文重新比对。,2.先看题,再看文章。,需要技巧,比如先要将题目分类(细节题?主旨题?),用不好会弄巧成拙,而且孤立地看题比较容易忘记,往往看了文章后还要再看题,因此不提倡用这种方法。,如何提高阅读速度1,不良阅读习惯:,摆头习惯,有声阅读习惯,唇读习惯,指读习惯,回读习惯(集中精神,平时注意记忆训练),译读习惯,过分依赖词典习惯,如何提高阅读速度2,正确的阅读习惯:,1.组读:一眼看一组词(一个意群)而不是一个词。,2.跳读:略过一些不重要的辅助性的文字(如一些修饰语等),有意识有目的地去寻找关键词。(但在做篇章阅读理解时请慎用此方法),5.完型填空,解题步骤:,1.快读全文,掌握大意。,2.通读全文,各个击破(一眼定位法和快速代入法)。,6.汉译英,考查形式:只翻译半个句子而不是整个句子,注意事项:,1.不要写串行,字迹清楚。,2.不要只见树木不见森林。如:The professor required that_ (我们交研究报告)by Wednesday. (2006年6月),3.学会变通,答案不惟一,但要用最有把握的。,.如何准备CET4?,备考四级努力方向,单词,语法,听力,阅读,写作,如何记忆单词,强化突击+舒缓巩固,突击单词三部曲:,1.滚动扫描,突击音,形,义,2.揣摩记忆,3.滚动扫描加深印象,舒缓巩固,大量阅读,增强对词语的语感,精泛听,要听懂别人说出的单词,做词汇练习,强化用法,如何学语法,四级考试语法不单独考查,但涉及到所有题型,考查语法的应用,要求更高。,学习方法:利用电子版语法手册,哪里不会点哪里。学语法不用死记硬背,用心体会即可。,听力训练方法,精听+泛听,精听练习,推荐材料:,新视野视听说教程+听力100篇+听写100篇+新概念第二册+真题听力,精听训练方法:听写法,跟读法,注意:每一篇最多听三遍,听不明白查看原文。,泛听练习,经典英文歌曲,英文电影(最好有英文字幕),英语新闻等等。,阅读训练方法,精读+泛读,精读训练,推荐材料:新视野读写教程,新概念第三册,真题/模拟题,温馨提示:无论什么英语文章,核心词汇语法都是一样的。,精读练习方法,首先以考试时的速度阅读理解全文,然后再细致分析语言点(生词,短语,句型,语法现象等)并消化吸收。,泛读训练,读自己感兴趣的题材,可以增强语感,同时还可以轻松愉快增加词汇量。充分利用网络资源。,常出阅读理解的报刊杂志:New York Times,Newsweek等。,如何备战作文,1.平时多练笔,2.可以与其他同学加强交流,互相批改作文。,3.多积累优美流畅的搭配/句型,并在平时练习写作时有意识的加以运用。,4.研究范文写法和句式。,总体备战策略,1.详细计划,有条不紊!,2.单兵奋战+集体攻坚!,Thanks for your attention!,56,、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。,库法耶夫,57,、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。,吕凯特,58,、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。,朱熹,59,、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处,只不过是愈来愈发觉自己的无知。,笛卡儿,60,、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。,左,拉,


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