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重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套PPT课件重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套PPT课件Unit 1 Where is My pencil-box?Lesson 1Unit 1 Where is My pencil-box?A:Where is the?B:Its on the desk.A:Where is the?ononininunderundernearnearA:Where is the?B:Its in/on/under the desk.A:Where is the?A:Look at the pen/pensile Its on/under the chair.A:Look at the pen/pensileThank you!Thank you!Unit 2 Welcome to Our farm第一第一课时Unit 2 Welcome to our farm!Welcome to our farm!farmfarmcowcowhorsehorse重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件sheepsheepbirdbirdheneggheneggtreetreeflowerflowergrassgrassgrass重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件sWhat are those?They are horsesWhat are those?They are hen.sWhat are those?They are cow.They are sheep.What are thoseCan you remembercow cowshorse horses hen hens sheep sheepCan you remembercow cowssheephorsescowssheephenspigspigs跟电脑比速度!cowsheephenscowssheepdu再来一次!cowsheephenscowssheepduckLearning tip:在跟读时要注意模仿其中的语音语调在跟读时要注意模仿其中的语音语调,大声朗读出来!大声朗读出来!Lets read:Learning tip:1.1.让我们一起读课文吧。让我们一起读课文吧。2.2.请三人一小组,分角色请三人一小组,分角色朗读朗读课文。课文。3.3.请三人一小组,分角色请三人一小组,分角色表演表演课文。课文。(表情和动作要表演生动哦!)(表情和动作要表演生动哦!)让我们一起读课文吧。2.请三人一小组,分角色朗读课文。3.请语音正确。语音正确。语音正确,善于表演。语音正确,善于表演。Learning tip:小组合作,分角色表演课文对话小组合作,分角色表演课文对话.语音正确,善于表演,富有创意。语音正确,善于表演,富有创意。Take it easy!别紧张哦!语音正确。语音正确,善1.1.听课文录音并跟读。听课文录音并跟读。2.2.和同伴表演课文对话。和同伴表演课文对话。3.3.模仿课文,和同伴编新对话并表演。模仿课文,和同伴编新对话并表演。Homework1.听课文录音并跟读。Homework重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件Unit 2 Welcome to Our farm第二第二课时Unit 2 Welcome to my shop!If you would like something,youshould do three things first.如果你想买到东西,你首先要完成三件事情。Welcome to my shop!If you woul你能说一说并写出下列词的你能说一说并写出下列词的复数形式吗?试一试吧!复数形式吗?试一试吧!pen pencil ruler rubber book school bagpenspencilsrulersrubbersbooksschool bags 注意名词的单复数形式。注意名词的单复数形式。英语名词有单数和复数之分。大多数名词后面加上“s”就变成了复数,如“apples”。有些名词后面要加上es才变成复数,如“box”的复数是“boxes”。在汉语中没有这种现象。我们在学习英语的时候要特别注意这一点。你能说一说并写出下列词的 penpenspencilsrul遇到下面这些问题,你能解遇到下面这些问题,你能解决吗?和你的同桌说一说吧!决吗?和你的同桌说一说吧!1.1.你想知道近处这些是什么,你应当说:你想知道近处这些是什么,你应当说:2.2.你想知道远处那些是什么,你应当说:你想知道远处那些是什么,你应当说:3.3.你告诉别人它们是橡皮,你会说:你告诉别人它们是橡皮,你会说:4.4.你想知道这些是不是直尺,你应当说:你想知道这些是不是直尺,你应当说:5.5.你想知道那些是不是钢笔,你应当说:你想知道那些是不是钢笔,你应当说:What are these?What are those?Theyre rubbers./They are rubbers.Are these rulers?Are those pens?遇到下面这些问题,你能解 1.你想知道近处这些是什么,你应当Welcome to my shop!Welcome to my shop!现在你可以买东西了。现在你可以买东西了。Tips:和同桌一起填一填,再和和同桌一起填一填,再和同桌表演吧!同桌表演吧!Woman:Welcome to my shop!Mike:What are _(these/those)?Woman:Theyre _.Mike:Are _(these/those)_?Woman:_(Yes/No).Theyre_.Would you like a _?Mike:Yes,please./No,thank you.Id like a _.现在你可以买东西了。Woman:Welcome to my 通过今天的学习,你知道“these”和“those”的区别了吗?通过今天的学习,你会在一些名词后面加s了吗?你对本堂课的评价满意吗?我评价,我快我评价,我快乐乐!通过今天的学习,你知道“these”和“those”的区别Goodbye!Goodbye!Unit 3 There is a cake on the tableUnit 3 There is a cake on thone cakeone cake重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件How many cakes are there?There are two cakes.How many cakes are there?ThereHow many flowers are there?How many flowers are there?How many flowers are there?There are five flowers.How many flowers are there?The重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件How many candles are there?There is one candle.How many candles are there?How many cakes are there?There are two cakes.How many flowers are there?There are five flowers.How many candles are there?There is one candle.1.2.3.How many cakes are there?1.2.3how many:多少。对可数物品的数量提问:How many+名词复数+are there?There is (数量为1)There are(数量大于1)how many:多少。对可数物品的数量提问:How ma11:eleven12:twelve13:thirteen14:fourteen15:fifteen16:sixteen17:seventeen18:eighteen19:nineteen20:twenty21:twenty-one11:eleven12:twelve13:thirte重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件thirteenthirteenthirteenthirteenthirteenHow many chairs are there?There are thirteen chairs.How many chairs are there?Ther重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件twentytwenty重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件1.Make an example with“how many?”用“how many”举例,一问一答。1.Make an example with用“how mReview 1Review 1Step 1.Lead in 1.What words have you learnt in the 3 units?2.What sentences have you learnt in the 3 units?Step 1.Lead in 1.What words Step 2.Listen,number and writeListen to the tape and number.Step 2.Listen,number and wriStep 2.Listen,number and writeRead and write.Step 2.Listen,number and wriStep 3.Find,tick and talk Read the picture,find and tick.Step 3.Find,tick and talk Step 3.Find,tick and talk Talk about the picture.Step 3.Find,tick and talk Step 4.Find and match Write the words with short“a”.Step 4.Find and match WrStep 4.Find and match Write the words with short“e”.Step 4.Find and match WrStep 4.Find and match Write the words with short“i”.Step 4.Find and match WrStep 5.Play a gamePlay the game as required.Step 5.Play a gamePlay the gaStep 6.SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Step 6.SummaryWhat have you lStep 7.HomeworkRevise the structures in the 3 units.Step 7.HomeworkRevise the strThank you.Thank you.Unit 4 Whose cap is this?Unit 4 Whose cap is this?clothesclothesTrousers,trousersThey are my trousers.trousersTrousers,trouserstrousersshortsShorts,shorts They are too short.shortsShorts,shorts shoesShoes,shoesI like my pink shoes.shoesShoes,shoessocksSocks,socks Theyre not my socks.socksSocks,socks ShortsTrousersSocksshoesShortsWhat can you see?They are快速反应快速反应What can you see?They are快速反你是不是最强大脑呢?你是不是最强大脑呢?Super Brain你是不是最强大脑呢?LucyLindaLucyLindaWhose shoes are they?They are .LindasWhose shoes are they?LindasWhose trousers are they?They are Lucys.Whose trousers are they?They Whose shoes are they?They are Lucys.Whose shoes are thWhose shorts?They are Lindas.are theyWhose shorts 重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件-Whose socks?-Lu Huas.are theyThey are-Whose cap?-Miss Lius.is itIt is-Whose socks Words:trousers,shorts,shoes,socks(记住他们都要用复数形式哦)summarySentences(请注意单请注意单复数复数)Whose socks are they?They areWhose cap is it?It is Sentences(请注意单复数)summary用所有格(s)表示某人的例如Lucy的就表示为LucyssummaryGood bye!Unit 5When is the tiger show?Unit 5When is the tiger show?1._is Stanley.2._ is the tiger show,_?_ _,its_.4.And what _?_ _.ThisWhendo you knowin the afternoontimeAt 2:30Yes,I do1._is Stanley.ThisWhendogo running去跑步go runninggowalking去散步go walkinglisten to English听英语听英语listen to Englishdo homework做家庭作业做家庭作业do homeworkwhats missingWhats missing?Do you like running?Yes,I do/No,I dont.I like walking.Do you like running?Yes,I do/Good bye!Unit 6 Hows the Weather Today?第一课时Unit 6 weather report(天气预报)天气预报)weather report(天气预报)China Map Hello,Everyone!Here is the China map.China MapHello,Everyone!HercloudycloudyChongqing Its cloudy in Chongqing.Hows the weather in Chongqing?Its cloudy in Chongqing.HowsunnysunnyLhasa Its sunny in Lhasa.Hows the weather in Lahsa?Its sunny in Lhasa.Hows thewindyBeijingwindy Its windy in Beijing.Hows the weather in Beijing?Its windy in Beijing.Hows tsnowysnowyHarbin Its snowy in Harbin.Hows the weather in Harbin?Its snowy in Harbin.Hows thrainyrainyShanghai Its rainy in Shanghai.Hows the weather in Shanghai?Its rainy in Shanghai.Hows rainy snowysunnycloudywindyrainy snowysunnycloudywindyHows the weather?Hows the weather?Hows the weather?snowyHows the weather?snowyHows the weather?snowyHows the weather?snowyHows the weather?snowywindyHows the weather?snowywindyHows the weather?snowywindyrHows the weather?snowywindyrHows the weather like?snowywiHows the weather?snowywindyrThank you!Thank you!Unit 6 Hows the Weather Today?第二课时Unit 6 Its rainy.Lets do.重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件Beijing ShanghaiHarbinLhasaUrumqiHong KongBeijing ShanghaiHarbinLhasaUruMy shirt is red.My jacket is blue.My dress is old.My sweater is new.My socks are white.My shoes are too.My pants are old.My shorts are new.Lets chantMy shirt is red.My HarbinHarbinIts_ in _.Harbincoldcold-5*c -1*cIts_ in _.HarbincoldcoldBeijingBeijingIts_ in _.24*c 27*cwarmBeijingwarmIts_ in _.24*c warmwarmHong KongHong KongIts_ in _.30*c 35*cHong KonghothotIts_ in _.30*chothotLhasaLhasaIts_ in _.18*c 20*cLhasacoolcoolIts_ in _.18*c 2wetwetIts wet today.Its wet today.coolhotcoldwarm春春夏夏秋秋冬冬wetcoolhotcoldwarm春夏秋冬wetcoldhotcoolwarm-5*c -1*c30*c 35*c18*c 20*c24*c 27*cweathercoldhotcoolwarm-5*c -1*c30*c说说反义词说说反义词Lets play说说反义词hotwarmbigshortyesnew/youngnocoldcoolsmalllong/talloldhotwarmbigshortyesnew/youngnocItsI can wearItsWarm,warm,Chongqing is warm.Cold,cold,Harbin is cold.Cool,cool,Kunmin is cool.Hot,hot,Sanya is hot.重庆大学出版社三年级起点小学四年级英语下册全套课件Thank you!Thank you!Review 2Review 2Step 1.Lead in 1.What words have you learnt in the 3 units?2.What sentences have you learnt in the 3 units?Step 1.Lead in 1.What words Step 2.Listen and choose Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer.Step 2.Listen and choose Step 3.Look and complete Look and complete.Step 3.Look and complete Step 4.Listen,match and writeListen to the tape and match.Step 4.Listen,match and writStep 4.Listen,match and writeRead and writeStep 4.Listen,match and writStep 5.Listen,circle,and write Circle the words with short o and write them down.Step 5.Listen,circle,and wrStep 5.Listen,circle,and write Look and make words with short u.Step 5.Listen,circle,and wrStep 6.Play a gameWho is the winner,the Blue Group/the Red Group?Step 6.Play a gameWho is the Step 7.SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Step 7.SummaryWhat have you lStep 8.HomeworkRevise the structures in the 3 units.Step 8.HomeworkRevise the strThank you.Thank you.


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