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睢宁县睢城镇中心小学 小学英语 教师集体备课电子教案六 年级组 英语 集体备课主备教师王明杰备课组长徐丹辅备教师教学内容Unit1 The kings new clothes备课时间2017-8-28复备教师复备时间学习目标(1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear(2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。(3)初步培养学生复述故事的能力。(4)在阅读过程中,培养学生快速阅读,查找答案的能力和做批注的习惯。(5)通过小组讨论,同桌交流,汇报展示等方式,引导学生共同学习,培养合作 习惯。教材分析本单元教学主要围绕皇帝的新衣展开,故事生动形象,又富有教育意义学情分析学生已有三年的英语学习基础,对英语学习有较为扎实的基础,能进行一定的日常交流和写作。教学重点(1)故事内容的理解。(2)阅读策略的学习。(3)根据对原故事的理解,能完成相应的练习。(4)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事教学难点(1)故事中大量动词过去式的理解、运用和发音。(2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。学法指导自主学习,小组合作教学准备图片,录音机等。备课序号:第 1 次 (初案) 时间:2017年 8月 28 日第一课时课时总第( 1 ) 课时课型新授教师活动学生活动复备设计(个性表达)Step 1 Warm up1.Free talk:1)Self-introduction2)Talk about our clothes and learn “clothes”3)Introduce the king: Who is he? How do you know? Is his clothes beautiful? (learn: king)2.While-reading:1)Watch the cartoon and guess the name of the story.2)Fast reading. Read the story individually and try to find out:a.the time: When did the story happen?(Learn: long long ago, was, were)b.the main characters: Who are in the story?3)Paragraph 1: show picture 1 and learn.a.Listen to the story and answer:Why did the two men visit the king? What did they say?b.Read it together.(pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: liked, visited)4)Paragraph 2: read and learn.b.Listen and repeat.c.Let some students try to act the two men.5)Paragraph 3 and 4: read in pairs/groups and act.a.The king walked through the city in his new clothes.Learn: walk through.b.What did the people say? Try to act and say.c.What did the boy say? Try to act and sayd.Learn the new words: shout, point at, laugh. And pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: looked, shouted, pointed, laughinge.What do you think of the boy and the people in the street? Why?6)Read and finish the exercise.3.Post-reading:1)Act the story in groups.2)Try to retell. 1)Self-introductionMy name is./Im2)Talk about our clothes and learn “clothes”Look at my.Its3)Look at the king: (learn: king)2.While-reading:Answer the questionsa.the time: long long ago(Learn: long long ago, was, were)Read one by one/Read in groupsb.the main characters:the king ,two men, a boy, a lot of people in the streetThey say they can make new clothes for the king. .Because _.(learn: magic, clever, foolish)Learn: walk through.act and sayLearn the new words: shout, pointa.Read and do the exercise.b.Check.c.Read the whole story together.总结学法本课教学采用了任务型教学法,情景教学法,交际法和合作学习法。作业设计1. 复述课文。2. 朗读安徒生的其他故事。3. 试着续写这个故事。板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesLong long ago, there was/wereMy king,What beautiful clothes!Ha!Ha! The king isnt wearing any clothes.教学反思第二课时课时总第( 2 ) 课时课型新授教师活动学生活动复备设计(个性表达)Step 1 Revision1. Revise the words and phrase clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout. Pay attention to the spelling.2. T: Last class we learnt a story about a king and his new clothes. Look at the boy. He pointed at the king and laughed. Why?T: Yes. The king was foolish. Do you like the story? Lets read the whole story together.Step 2 Grammar time1.T: From the story we know Long long ago, there was a king. The king liked new clothes. Who can read the words and sentences like this.教师示范朗读,纠正发音,学生练习读。2.T: Lets read the following sentences in groups. Divide the class into groups of four. They should read the sentences loudly. 呈现Grammar time中的句子,让学生在小组里读一读。3. Underline the words was, were, visited, liked, looked, pointed shouted, laughed.划出句中的动词过去式。4. Let the students try to read these words correctly. They may help to each other. Then later the teacher help5. 组内讨论并总结动词过去式的发音规则即变化形式。6. Report. 7. Sum up by teacher。1)一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。引导学生找出句子中的时间标志语,并板书。 long longago, one day。补充:yesterday, last night, three days ago。2)Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。are在一般过去时中变为were。3)动词过去式变化规则:1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:point-pointed, shout-shouted2以不发音的e结尾加-d,如:like-liked live-lived4) 过去式“-ed”的发音规则(1)动词词尾为“t,d”时,发/ id /音,want wanted (要)need needed (需要)(2)动词词尾为清辅音时,发/ t / 音。help helped (帮助)laugh laughed (笑)look looked (看)kiss kissed (吻)wash washed (洗) watch watched (注视)(3)动词词尾为t,d以外之浊辅音或元音时,发/ d /音。call called (叫)staystayed(停留)crycried(哭)8. 练一练。呈现紫色部分的动词及其过去式。9. Practice. 通过写出单词过去式和用动词的适当形式填空的练习复习巩固所学一般过去时。Step 3 Fun time1. 教师通过课文图片的展示,引导学生以King 和Man1,Man2等的口气进行对话。教师可先与一名学生做示范。2. Pair work. 3. Get the pairs to act the dialogues. Ask two or three pairs to present it to the class.Step 4 ConsolidationT: Now boys and girls, you can read and act the story. Lets try to write the story, OK?1. Look and sayShow the pictures of the story to the Ss. And give the key words. Help the Ss tell the story.教师示范第一幅图。在此过程中,提醒并帮助学生用准确语言流畅地表达。2. Choose one picture to write. 选择一幅图写一写。Read the words and phraseclever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout.S: Because the king wasnt wearing any clothes. Read the whole story together.Read the words and sentencesis-was, like- likedReadthe following sentences in groupsUnderline the words was, were, visited, liked, looked, pointed shouted, laughed.学生组内朗读,互相纠正读音。教师帮助。组内讨论并总结动词过去式的发音规则即变化形式。小组代表发言总结。学生在组内读一读并互相纠正发音。学生两人一组进行对话练习。Try to resite the stoy by the senteces:Pic.1 Log long ago, there was He liked One day visited The king was Pic.2 The two men showed Clever people Foolish people Pic.3 The king walked through There were They looked at shouted Pic.4 A little boy pointed laughed Write the picture.总结学法情景交际法,游戏教学法,活动教学法,三位一体教学法和功能意念法作业设计1.巩固背诵单词拼写,巩固背诵课文。2.听磁带,模仿跟读,注意语音语调。板书设计Unit one The kings new clothesam- was is was are-werelaugh laughed point pointedlike- liked live- livedlook liked shout shoutedshow showed walk - walked教学反思第三课时课时总第( 3 ) 课时课型新授教师活动学生活动复备设计(个性表达)Step1:Review the textWho can retell the story?Step 2: Look and say(Sound time)Look at the picture.Who is he? What did he get? Could you try to say something about the picture?Try to listen and read it.Can you find some other words?Step 3: Look and match(Culture time)Who is he?What is the American cowboy wearing?What is the Scottish man wearing?Do you know them? What are they wearing?Step 4 Look and say.(Cartoon time)1.Talk about the picture.What do Miss Fox and her students say?Why do they say that?2.Try to say.We tell the story. Each student says one sentence.3.Lets read.4.Try to remember.5.Lets act.retell the story ar: arm, card, hard, park, party He is Mike.He got a card from Mark.There was a mountain.There was a house on the mountain.An old man and a little boy lived in the house. They tell a story.An American cowboyA Scottish manHe is wearing jeans.He is wearing a kilt.The Chinese woman is wearing a chi-pao.The Japanese woman is wearing a kimono.Long long ago, there was a mountain.There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. The old man told the boy a story. It is Mikes turn. Oh, he is thinking hard. Long long ago,We have to start the story again.总结学法情景交际法,游戏教学法,活动教学法,功能意念法作业设计1.朗读并背诵cartoon time。2.完成Task。3.复习Unit 1各部分内容,完成配套练习。板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesLong long ago, there was a mountain.There was a house on the mountain.An old man and a little boy lived in the house.The old man told the boy a story.教学反思- 10 -


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