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英语语法-一般过去时态 英语语法一般过去时态 定义一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态常和表示过去的时间状语连用如last year yesterday等 也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作常和often always等频率副词连用用法 1表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词词 组或从句如 yesterday the day before last last week two days ago 等上下文清楚时可以不带时间状语 I worked in that factory last year 去年我在那一家工厂工作 I went to the Tian Long Mountain yesterday 昨天我们去了天龙山 2一般过去时态表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态谓语动词要用一般过去式时间标志yesterday昨天 last week上周 last month上个月 last year去年 two months ago两个月前 the day before yesterday前天in 1990 在1990年 in those days 在那些日子里等表示过去的时间状语 如 I was born in 1990 我出生在1990年 When did you go to the park 你是什么时候去的公园 I went to the park last week 我是上周去的公园 在上面的句子中第一句属于be动词的一般过去时态第二句和第三句属于实义动词的一般过去时态 1 Be 动词的一般过去时态 在没有实义动词的句子中使用be动词 am is 的过去式为was are的过去式为were 构成肯定句主语was were 宾语 如I was late yesterday 昨天我迟到了 否定句主语was were not宾语 如We werent late yesterday 我们昨天没迟到 疑问句Was Were 主语宾语 如 Were you ill yesterday 你昨天病了吗 肯定回答 Yes I was 是的我病了 否定句 No I wasnt 不我没病 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词was were 主语宾语 如When were you born 你是什么时候出生的 肯定句主语 宾语 否定句主语t 动词原形 宾语 t swim in the river yesterday afternoon 疑问句 主语动词原形 宾语 肯定回答 Yes主语否定句 No 主语t No she didnt 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 主语动词原形 宾语 -She swam in the river yesterday afternoon 规则动词的变化规则一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed如look-looked 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词去e再加-ed如live-lived 以单辅音字母结尾而这个辅音前为单元音字母aeiou的单音节动词之后先双写这个辅音字母再加-ed如stop-stopped 末尾是辅音字母y结尾的动词先变y为i然后再加-ed如study-studied 不规则动词的过去式大体上归纳有以下六条记忆法 1 以t结尾的词过去式与原形相同如putput letlet cutcut beatbeat 2 以d结尾的词把d变成t如buildbuilt lendlent sendsent spendspent 3 以n结尾的词在词后加t如meanmeant burnburnt learnlearnt 4 以ow aw结尾的词把ow aw变成ew如blowblew drawdrew knowknew growgrew 5 含有双写字母的词将双写改为单写在词尾加t如keepkept sleepslept feelfelt ellsmelt 6 含有元音字母o i的词将o i变成a如singsang givegave sitsat drinkdrankswam begin began ring rang B不规则动词AAA型 burst burst - burst2 cast - cast - cast 3cost cost - cost4 cut - cut - cut5 hit - hit - hit6 let - let - let7spread spread - spread8 shut - shut - shut 9 hurt - hurt - hurt10 put - put - put 11 set - set - set12 read - read - read 2 AAB型 beat- beat - beaten 3 ABA型 come came - come become - became - become run - ran - run 4 ABB型 ring - brought - broughtbuild built - builtcatch caught - caughtfeel felt - feltfind found - foundget got - gothear heard - heardkeep kept - keptlead led - ledleave left - leftmake made - mademeet met - metsell sold - soldsay said - saidstand stood - stoodsweep swept - sweptteachtaught - taughtthink thought - thoughtwind wound - wound buy bought - bought burn - burnt - burnt dig - dug - dug fight - fought - fought feed - fed - fed hang - hung - hung hold - held - held have has had - hadlay - laid - laid lose - lost - lost lend - lent - lent mean - meant - meant pay - paid - paid shoot - shot - shot sit - sat - sat shine - shone - shone sleep - slept - slept tell - told - told win - won - won ABC型 begin - began - begunbreakbroke - brokendraw drew - drawndrink drank - drunkforgive forgave - forgivenfreeze froze - frozengrow grew - grown go - went - gonelie lay - lainrise rose - risenshake shook - shakensink sank - sunkthrow - threw - throwntake - took - takenseesaw - seenblow - blew - blown choose - chose - chosen drive - drove - driven eat - ate - eaten fly - flew - flown forget - forgot - forgotten give - gave - given know - knew - known ride - rode - ridden ring - rang - rung sing - sang - sung swim - swam - swum write - wrote - written wear - wore - worn be - waswere - been 一写出下列单词的过去式 1do does _ 2 have has _ 3am is _ 4are _ 5go _ 6pay _ 7can _ 8take _ 9play _ 10study _ 11watch _ 12come _13read _ 14put _ 15eat _ 16begin _17swim _ 18run _ 19sing_ 20buy _21teach _ 22look _ 23hope _ 24see _ 25live _ 26get _ 27stop _ 28find_29write _ 30tell _ 30think _二请用正确动词形式填空 1 I _ have an exciting party last weekend2- _ she _ practice her guitar yesterday -No she _ 3 -What _ Tom _ do on Saturday evenings -He _ watch TV and _ read interesting books 4 They all _ go to the mountains yesterday morning 5 She _ not visit her aunt last weekend She _ stay at home and _ do some cleaning 6- When _ you _ write this song -I _ write it last year 7 My friend Carol _ study for the math test and _ practice English last night 8 -_ Mr Li _ do the project on Monday morning -Yes he _ 9- How _ be Jims weekend -It _ be not bad 10 -_ be your mother a shop assistant last year -No she _11 Tom and Mary _ come to China last month 12 Mike _ not go to bed until 12 oclock last night So he _ get up late 13 Mary _English yesterday morning She often _ in the morning Listen she _ in the next room read 14 There _ be no one here a moment ago 15 I _ call Mike this morning 16 I listened but _ hear nothing 17 Tom _ begin to learn Chinese last year 18 Last week we _ plant many apple trees on the farm 19 My mother _ not do housework yesterday 20 She _ watch TV every evening But she _ not watch TV last night 21_ your father _ go to work every day last year 22-What time _ you _ get to Beijing yesterday -We _ get to Beijing at 900 in the evening 23 What _ make him cry 哭 just now 24 Last year the teacher _ tell us that the earth moves around the sun 25 There _ a telephone call for you just now be 26 There _ not enough people to pick apples that day be 27 There _ be not any hospitals in my hometown 家乡 in 1940 28 There _ enough milk at home last week wasnt there 29 Eli _ to Japan last week move 30 When _ you _ come to china Last year 31 Did she _ have supper at home 32 Jack _ not clean the room just now 33 _ be it cold in your city yesterday 34 How many people _ be there in your class last term 35 It _ be hot yesterday and most children _ be outside 36 There _ be a football match on TV yesterday evening but I _ have no time to watch it 三句型转换1Tom read an English book last week 否定句_ 一般疑问句_ 肯定回答_ 否定回答_对划线部分提问_ 用every day 改写_ 2 There were about nine hundred people at the concert 音乐会 3There was only one problem 4 Ann did her homework yesterday evening否定句_ 一般疑问句_ 肯定回答_ 否定回答_对划线部分提问_ 用at the monent 改写 _ 5 The children had a good time in the park7 She had some bread for lunch today8 They read English last night四 改错题 1How is Jane yesterday 2He go to school by bus last week 3He often goes home at 600 last month4I can fly kites seven years ago 5Did you saw him just now 6Tom wasnt watch TV last night 7I didnt my homework yesterday 8He wait for you three hours ago 9Who find it just now _ 翻译下列句子 1 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末 _ _ _ _ exciting weekend 2 Jenny喜欢看书昨晚她看了一本地理方面的书籍 Jenny likes _ _ She _ a book _ _ last night 3 Emma每天都练习弹吉他可是昨天他没有练习他为数学考试作准备了 Emma _ the guitar every day But he _ _ yesterday He _ _ themath test 4 上周六他们做什么了他们做作业和购物了 What _ they _ _ Saturday They _ _ homework and _ _ _ 5 今天早上方方得做饭因为他父亲不在家 This morning Fangfang _ _ _ _ because his father _ _ _ yesterday 6 你还有什么要说的 What _ would you like _ _ 7 放学别忘了向老师说声再见 Dont forget _ _ _ _ the teacher 8 为什么你昨晚没有看电视 Why _ you _ TV last night 9 他在打扫教室的时候发现地上有块表 When he _ the classroom he _ a watch on the ground 10 他什么时候出生的1980年 -When _ he _ -_ 1980 六 完形填空Peter didnt like to use his head He never put his 1 into his studies when he was at school So he couldnt pass the exam 考试and he hardly几乎不 finished完成 middle school Later he found work in an office 2 he was not able可能 to do his job He had to do some heavy work in a factory工厂 When he got home he was always 3and went to bed very earlyOnce the young man went to a barbers 理发店 He found the 4 was clean and light He decided to 5a barber too He took the barber as his 6 Three months 7 but he learned nothing and the barber told him to go home The young man had nothing to do His father helped him to8a barbers shop in their small town but 9 went to his shop His father wanted others to believe 相信 Peter and asked his son to cut 剪his hair off The young man was so nerous 紧张的 that he cut 剪his fathers ear off The old man 10 to call out Ear My EarPeter picked捡the ear up and said stop shouting Dad Your ear is here 1 A heart心B body C ears D eyes 2 A so B but C or D since 3 A hungry B tired C dirty D thirsty 4 A chair B barber C shop D work 5 A be B do C turn D change 6 A worker B student C classmate D teacher 7 A lost B came C reached D passed 8 A open B begin C make D sell 9 A somebody B everybody C anybody D nobody 10 A begin B beginning Cbegan D begined B用一般过去时态改写The weather is different in different parts of the world In some places it is 1 and in others it is humid If the weather is too dry the land will not be 2 for animals or plants In humid weather there may be too much 3 The rivers may go over their sides The 4 may take the bridge away If the rivers go over their sides a lot of people may not have enough food If there is very dry weather for a long 5 the river beds may be dry In some other parts of the world the weather may be very cold There may be 6 When it snows the trees the buildings and everything look 7 In the winter the days are short and the nights are long 8 cold weather nights when there are no clouds or winds the 9 is very clear 晴朗的 And the moon and the stars are very beauiful People may 10 their coats and go out for long walks When they come back to their houses they may be happy to have hot coffee and cakes by the fires 火 1 A drier B dry C cold D hot 2 A bad B worse C better D good 3 A rain B snow C wind D cloud 4 A river B rain C water D wind 5 A time B way C river D month 6 A rain B snow C blow D shine 7 A blue B green C yellow D white 8 A On B At C In D After 9 A river B land C sky D earth 10 A wear B put on C in D dress七 根据情景完成对话 一空一词 Bob Hi Tom Its four oclock What 1 you doing hereTom Hi Bob Im doing my homework I have a lot of homework to do this 2 Bob Do you have a new maths 3 this term学期Tom Yes She is from Qingdao She works hard and gives us a lot of homework She comes to school very early in the morning She has lunch at school She 4 school very late every afternoon She teaches us well and we all like her 5 your maths teacherBob Its Mr Li He comes 6 Chengdu He teaches maths very well But he doesnt give us 7 homeworkTom You are lucky幸运 Can you help me 8 my maths workBob Sorry I 9 My friends 10 waiting for me to play basketball I can help you tomorrowTom Thats OK Thank youBob See you tomorrowTom See you八用一般过去时态改写下列短文 AThere is a big supermarket near Mrs Greens home She usually goes there to buy food The shop assistant are polite 礼貌的 and helpful The things are cheap too One day Mrs Green goes to the supermarket She buys some noodles for Tim and Mimi They like noodles Bisuits are also their favorite food And she buys some milk Her children always have milk for breakfast Mimi likes fish and Tim likes hot dogs She buys some sausages for them too Mrs Green doesnt have enough rice at home She wants to buy a bag of rice but she cant take it It is very heavy David the shop assistant is helping her BRose is an English girl She has a young brother His name is Jim They are good students Their father and mother are engineers The family is a happy one They work very long hours on weekdays So they usually go to play in the park on weekends Today is Saturday They want to go there with their little dog They leave home at 800 They take the number 212 bus to the park They have lunch in the park They get home at 400 They aretired but they are happy C A Clever Hen and a Fox There is a light brown hen living in a small house On the hill near her house there is an old fox This fox wants to have the hen for his dinner very much But he cant catch 抓住 her because she is very clever One day the hen isnt at home The fox goes into her house The hen goes back home and the fox catches her and puts her in his bag Then he runs back to his house with the bag The hen has a good idea She makes a hole 洞 in the bag and gets out When the fox comes back home for his supper he finds his bag empty 完形填空Dear Susan I am so happy to hear from you I 36 we can be good friends and you can often 37 me in English In this way I can improve my English The winter vacation is coming Are you taking a 38 to other countries Im visiting some countries in 39 like Greece and Spain They are beautiful and every year lots of 40 go there to visit Im going on vacation with my two sisters Annie and Betty This is 41 first time to go to these countries We are staying 42 ten days We are going to some big cities and were going to the countryside too There we are 43 many photos Ill send some of them to you 44 I come back home Oh we also want to rent a 45 there Then we can drive to the places where we want to go I cant wait for this exciting vacation Yours Wang Jun 36 A want B hope C plan 37 A look after B listen to C write to 38 A vacation B walk C shower 39 A America B Europe C Africa 40 A students B waiters C tourists 41 A your B their C our 42 A for B with C on 43 A making B taking C drawing 44 A if B after C though 45 A train B car C boat阅读理解20分ASummer vacation plansMost children like the summer vacation During the vacation the weather is usually good and they like to have a good time outdoors The vacation is long In China it lasts from the beginning of July to the end of August If you live in the countryside you may have fun playing in the trees If you live in the city you may like to go to the park or zooBob is from Australia He really likes traveling He usually travels around Australia every year but this summer he wanted to do something different He loves China very much so he wanted to take a trip to China He also wants to learn about Chinese history so he decides to visit Beijing and Xian by air He is leaving on July 7th and staying in the two cities for 10 days in all During these days he is planning to visit the Summer Palace the Great Wall the terracotta warriors 兵马俑and Huashan Mountain He is sure he will have a great time in China 46 The summer vacation is A short for students B terrible for parents C long for children 47 If you live in the countryside you may have fun A in the park B in the trees C in the school 48 Where does Bob usually take a vacationA In Australia B In China C In Japan 49 When will Bob finish his vacationA On July 15th B On July 17th C On August 17th 50 Which of the following is TRUEA Children like indoor activities during the summer vacationB Bob is taking a plane to China for vacation in JuneC Bob is visiting two cities this summer题号36373839404142434445答案BCABCCABBB阅读理解每小题2分共20分题号4647484950答案CBABC 家庭作业一单项选择Our teacher Miss Chen _English on the radio the day before yesterday A teaches B taught C will teach D had taught 2 Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday Dick -John _ A cleaned B does C did D is 3 After the game they _ the last bus so they had to take a taxi A took B caught C saw D missed 4 China _ the WTO and became a new member of it a few years ago A joined B joins C will join D had joined 5 He _ a letter to his family last Sunday A wrote B writes C writing D is writing 6 There was a strange sound outside Mary went out and _ around but she _ nothing A looked saw B saw looked C saw watched D looked find 7She said she didnt take a dictionary but Im sure she _ A is B was C does D did 8 -What did Mr Johns do before he moved here - He _ a city bus for twenty five years A is driving B drove C has driven D drives 9 My father _ football every day A played B plays C is playing D will play 10 I played basketball in the playground _ weekend A last B next C this 11 My grandparents _ TV in the evenings A watch B watched C watches 12 Did Rose _ last Sunday A went swimming B took photos C read a book 13 Tom _ very happy last night A looks B is C was 14- _ was your school trip - Last weekend A When B How C Where 15 What _ you _ for the last day of the holiday A do do B did do C do did 16 It was a long holiday They _ Shanghai on mar 2nd and _ on the 3rd A leave got B left get C left got 17 She _ her homework last night A doesnt do B dont did C didnt do 18 He has noting to do He is _ A tired B angry


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