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冀教版中考英语专题复习非谓语动词(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共40题;共40分)1. (1分)I feel upset because I am too heavy. _ do more exercise to lose some weight?A . Why dontB . Why notC . Why not to2. (1分)The book was written in _easy English _even primary school students could understand it.A . so; thatB . such; thatC . too; toD . very; that3. (1分)He _China since he _ to China.A . learned , came B . has learned , comesC . have learned , came D . has learned ,came4. (1分)_ did you tell him about the good news?By _ an e-mail.A . How; sendingB . How; sendC . How; sentD . What; sending5. (1分)How do you improve your listening? I improve it by _.A . watch English moviesB . to watch English moviesC . watching English moviesD . watches English movies6. (1分)I dont know _. A . how to use IpadB . what to use IpadC . how use IpadD . what use Ipad7. (1分)Our teacher asked us to stop _. So we stopped _ to him. A . talking; listeningB . to talk; listeningC . talking; to listenD . to talk; to listen8. (1分) Your garden remains . Thank you. I never give up .A . perfect; to workB . perfectly; workingC . perfect; working9. (1分)They spent much time _ TV last night. A . watchesB . watchedC . watchingD . to watch10. (1分)When I opened the door, I saw him _with a girl. A . talkingB . talksC . was talkingD . talked11. (1分)Whenever I want to , my teacher always encourages me harder. A . go on; to workB . give up; to workC . run away; working12. (1分)We are too tired. Lets stop _ a drink. A . havingB . to haveC . haveD . to having13. (1分) Julia, your mobile phone is ringing. Wait a minute. Its dangerous _it while crossing the street.A . answeringB . answerC . to answerD . answered14. (1分)He took off his expensive watch _ the fact that he was rich. A . to hideB . hidC . hideD . hidden15. (1分)Although I warned the boy _ football on the road, he did not listen to me. A . playB . to playC . not playD . not to play16. (1分)As students, we should do something we can our school beautiful. A . makeB . to makeC . making17. (1分)Class Four plans _ a meeting about the school art festival tomorrow. A . haveB . to haveC . has18. (1分)What should we take when going birdwatching? We should take a pair of binoculars(双筒望远镜) the birds.A . seeB . seeingC . to see19. (1分)It is clever _ you _ me work out the maths problem. A . of; to helpB . of; to helpingC . for; to helpD . for; help20. (1分)The government is setting up nature parks protect pandas. A . to helpB . helpC . helpedD . helps21. (1分)I hurt myself yesterday. Sometimes I felt my leg_. A . painB . painingC . to painD . pained22. (1分)According to a survey, people _ are able to speak two languages can manage two things at the same time more easily. A . whichB . whomC . whoseD . who23. (1分)Many children are left alone in the countryside. Lets try our best them. A . helpB . helpingC . to help24. (1分)Thanks a lot for going out of your way _ me. Its my pleasure.A . helpB . helpingC . helpsD . to help25. (1分)Everyone should do something _ animals. A . protectB . protectingC . to protectD . to protecting26. (1分)The girl works in the care center once a week _ the kids learn to read. A . helpB . to helpC . helpedD . helps27. (1分)Its important _ lots of vegetables. A . eatB . to eatingC . to eatD . eating28. (1分)Daniel is always willing others with their Maths. A . helping; in needB . to help; in needC . helping; for need29. (1分)Which is _, by coach, by train or by air? A . best way to travelB . the better way to travelC . the best way to travelD . most comfortable way to travel30. (1分)Our teacher often advises us the habit of making notes while reading. A . to developB . developC . to developingD . developing31. (1分)Lucy had few close friends. So she didnt know _ about the trouble. A . who to talk toB . who to talkC . who to sayD . what to talk32. (1分)Do you know _ there? A . when goingB . when to goC . how goD . how going33. (1分)Why do you take the bus to school,Jim? _ earlier. A . Get thereB . Getting to thereC . For get thereD . To get there34. (1分)I really dont know this question. It is too hard. A . which to answerB . how to answerC . what to answer35. (1分)As a student, we should try what we can _ our grades.A . improveB . improvingC . improvedD . to improve36. (1分)Mom often tells him _ glasses in class. A . to wearingB . wearC . to put onD . put on37. (1分)It is important people good manners. A . for; to learnB . of; to learnC . for; learn38. (1分)The house is too small for his family _.A . to live inB . living inC . live inD . lives in39. (1分)My computer is old. I will go to the shop _ a new one. A . to buyB . buyC . buyingD . buys40. (1分)Running _ a good way to exercise every day. A . isB . wasC . areD . were第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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