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初三英语教学调研 2010. 3 第一卷 (共66分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A. 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话读一遍。( )1. Who is the man speaking to? A. His boss.B. A visitor.C. A nurse. ( )2.Who answered the phone call? A. The woman.B. The mans cousin.C.The womans mother. ( )3. When is Tom planning to leave? A. At 5:15.B. At 5:25.C. At 5:30.( )4. What problem has the man got? A. He doesnt know how to use the machine. B. He has no money to buy a drink. C. He cant find a place to get a drink. ( )5. Why doesnt the woman want to eat fish? A. She never eats fish in the restaurant. B. She wants to have a change. C. She doesnt think the fish is fresh. ( )6. How often does the man play basketball? A. Every week. B. Twice a week. C. Every month. ( )7. What did the woman buy her husband for the New Year? A. A book.B. A toy. C. A watch.( )8. How much will the man pay for the tickets? A. Ten dollars.B. Twenty dollars. C. Thirty dollars. ( )9.What does the man mean? A. He doesnt want to help her. B. He will certainly help her. C. He is busy at the moment. ( )10. How does the woman feel when they are talking? A. Sorry.B. Tired.C. Excited. B: 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第1段材料。回答11至13题。( ) 11. What colour of sofa does the man advise? A. Blue.B. White.C. Light yellow.( )12. What does the woman worry about?A. Not being able to return the sofa if she doesnt like it.B. Not being able to choose the right color for the sofa.C. Not being able to afford the high price of the sofa.( )13. What is the woman probably going to do after the talk?A. She is going to see a film.B. She is going to make a telephone call.C. She is going to return the sofa.听第2段材料。回答14至16题。( )14. Why does the man advise taking the bus instead of the taxi? A. Buses run fast. B. Taxis are few. C. They are in no hurry.( )15. Where are they now?A. They are at the meeting.B. They are at a bus stop.C. They are on a bus.( )16. What will they probably do in the end?A. They will walk to the meeting.B. They will take a taxi.C. They will wait for another bus.听第3段材料。回答17至20题。( )17. What speed was F1 at the very beginning?A. 300 kilometres an hour.B. 100 kilometres an hourC. 48 kilometres an hour( )18. Where was modern “grand prix” F1 race started?A. In Britain. B . In France.C. In America.( )19. What are the cars for F2 and F3 races like? A. fasterB. betterC. slower( )20. From the passage we can know that_.A. Very few people like F1 race.B. People like F1 because the winner gets the highest money prize of all races.C. Two races are held each month from March to October every year. 二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21.-Wow! Youve got so many clothes. -But_of them are in fashion now. A. allB. bothC. niehterD. none( )22. You cant borrow books from the school library_you get your student card. A. beforeB. ifC. whileD. as( )23. You cant imagine _I want to see you. Its five years since we met last time. A. how longB. how muchC. how soon D. how often( )24. -Why did you look so upset (不安)yesterday? -Because I was not sure_.A. when would my daughter come backB. what should be done to stop the mouse coming outC. whether she has passed the exam or notD. when and how would we go on a trip( )25.My little daughters name is Jasmine but she calls_Jas. A. her B. herselfC. hers D. it ( )26. -We are all invited to Peters party tomorrow evening? -_ Is tomorrow his birthday? A. Why not? B. What a good idea! C. What for? D. Thats all right.( )27. -Is there an airport in this area? -_. There used to be one but it closed. A. YesB. Im not sureC. Not nowD.Of course( ) 28.-Dad, Im sorry to tell you that the e-dictionary you bought for me last time_.-Dont worry. Lets go and have it fixed. A. is missing B. was stolenC. is broken D. was lost ( )29. -Could you take care of my little cat while I am away? -_. A. You are welcome B. With pleasure C. Never mind D. Thats all right( )30. _it is to go hiking in such nice weather! A. What great time B. What great fun C. What a great fun D. How great fun三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My acting career was very short. It some ways, it was probably a 31 thing. A good friend who loved acting 32 me to take a small part in a school play. I was quite unwilling at first, 33 I decided to go ahead and perform. It was not a big part and I only had to say 34 words However, Nobody knew I kept one thing 35 . Ever since I was young, I have had the very unusual 36 of sneezing every time when Im nervous. Things were no 37 this time around. As you might have 38 , right before my part , I tried to calm myself down, but I still 39 three times. I was so embarrassed(尴尬). However, after I revealed(透露) my secret, we all had a good laugh. 40 , my friend agreed never to ask me to be in a play again.( )31. A. goodB. terribleC. strangeD. frightened( )32. A. taughtB. allowedC. encouragedD. helped( )33. A. soB. andC. thereforeD. but( )34. A. littleB. a fewC. many D.few( )35. A. secretB. readyC. effectiveD. serious( )36. A. skillB. hobbyC. trickD. habit( )37. A. useB. funC. differentD. interest( )38. A. seenB. guessedC. consideredD. found( )39. A. sneezedB. forgotC. practicedD. tried( )40. A. Instead B. As a resultC. To my surprise D. Whats more四、阅读理解(共13小题;每小题2分,满分26分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AI was walking along the main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to call someone to fix the car. Low grey clouds were gathering across the sky. There was a cold damp(潮湿的) wind blowing off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet every time I crossed one of the side streets. It had rained in the night and water was falling from the bare(光秃秃的) trees. I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat.There was no sign of a call box, there was hardly anyone at that early hour whom I could ask. I had thought I might find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his work, but the town was completely dead. The only living thing I saw was a thin frightened cat outside a small restaurant.Then suddenly I found what I was looking for. There was a small post office, and almost hidden from sight(视线) in a dark narrow street. Next to it was the towns only public call box, which needed a coat of paint very much. I hurried forward, but stopped in surprise when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside. He was fat, and was wearing a cheap blue raincoat. I could not see his face and he did not even raise his head at the sound of my footsteps.Carefully , I kept standing a few feet(英尺) away and lit(点起) a cigarette to wait for my turn. Just when I threw the cigarette on the ground, I noticed something bright red trickling from under the call box door. ( )41. At what time was the story set?A. An early winter morning. B. A cold winter afternoon.C. An early summer morning.D. A windy summer afternoon.( )42. The underlined word “trickling” probably means_. A. rushing out suddenly B. shining brightly C. flowing slowly in drops D. appearing slowly in a red color( )43. Why didnt the man raise his head when the writer came near?A. He was angry at being seen by the writer.B. He didnt like to talk to people.C. Maybe he was fast asleep.D. He was probably murdered. BThere have been many comparisions(比较)which was made between London Underground and New York Subway(地铁). They are among the best-known transport systems(交通系统) in the world and each is a main part of one of the greatest cities of the world. The two systems are similar to each other, but there are also important differences between them. The following table sets out some of the similarities and differences. We believe that the information is all correct, but the information is not collected in the same way. The following table shows how the two systems compare with each other.London UndergroundNew York SubwayNumber of lines1225Number of stations275468Age of stationsOldest 1863Most 1900-1930Deepest stationHampstead 192 feet (英尺)Manhattan 180 feet% underground42%67%Longest distance(距离)between stations3.89 miles3.5 milesLongest journeywithout changes34 miles31 milesPassangers / year1 billion1.3 billionHours of work20 hours / day24 hours /dayFrequency(频率)Every 2 minutesin rush hourEvery 1.5 -10minutesduring rush hour( )44. Whats the name of the deepest subway in New York? A. Hampstead.B London.C. New York. D. Manhattan.( )45. If you are on the way to work in London, and youve just missed a train, how long does it take you to wait for another train? A. 1 minute. B. 1.5 minute. C. 2 minutes. D.10 minutes.( )46. Which of the following sentence is true according to(根据) the article?A. London Underground has many more stations than New York Subway.B. London Underground runs all day and all night without stopping.C. New York Subway tickets are cheaper than London Underground tickets.D. The information in the table is collected in different ways. C For years, scientists have been encouraging people to exercise, using steps as simple as taking the stairs instead of a lift and walking to work, if possible. A recent study suports this suggestion-it shows that frequent(频繁的) active exercise throughout the day can have great health benefits.(好处) The study, published(出版) in the magazine Preventive Medicine, shows that just 2 minutes of stair climbing several times a day can lower total cholesterol(胆固醇), raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol ,improve the heartbeat(心跳) and cut the rate (机率)of heart disease in young women. Especially those who do not have much activity during the day. Such improvements may have important effects on the health of women, since, like cigarette smoking, poor fitness has been shown to be a strong factor(因素) for heart disease and all-cause death in women,” says Dr. Colin Boreham. The team of researchers from Britain studied 12 women between 18-22 years old, before and after the exercise program. The women used public stairs for about 2 minutes a day for 5 days a week. Compared with a group of 10 women who did not take part in the stair-climbing program, the woman who climbed stairs showed great improvements in health and fitness levels after 7 weeks. However, they did not show any signs of weight loss.” A short-term stair-climbing program can give great health benefits to young women. Stair climbing may be particularly a suitable way of combining(结合) exercise with an individuals(个人) daily lifestyle” they say. Scientists advise visiting your docotor before beginning a new exercise program.( )47. According to the study done by Dr. Boreham, improvements in cholesterol levels are important in_.A. helping people to give up smokingB. keeping people from taking exerciseC. helping people to lose weight D. preventing people from having heart disease( )48. What is the main idea of the second and the third paragraph?A. Research findings of a stair-climbing program.B. Causes of heart disease in young women.C. Introduction a magazine called Preventive Medicine.D. A report of a study by some British scitentists.( )49. What would be the best title for the text?A. How to Prevent Heart Disease-What Do Doctors Say?B. Good Health Advice-Take the stairs.C. Stair-climbing Attracts More.D. Yes, Exercise Is Good for You. DBenjamin Franklin was born in 1706 and died in 1790. He was one of the most important philosophers(哲学家) and writers in the early days of the United States. He believed strongly in the importance of hard work, and he himself worked hard all his life, from the time he left school at the age of ten.“Poor Richard”, a character Franklin created, showed Franklins ideas in short sayings. Many of Poor Richards sayings are still remembered today. One of the most famous is “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” from the article “The way of Wealth(财富).”In the same article, Franklin talks about the danger of laziness and the value of ambitiousness(抱负). He asks what is achieved by “wishing and hoping for better times”. He says that we can make these times better if we try hard enough. People who spend all their time just hoping will die without food. They shouldnt expect(期待) eveything to be easy, or as Poor Richard says, “There are no gains without pains.” Franklin also says that we should work today, not wait until tomorrow. “One today is worth two tomorrow.” says Poor Richard. “Never leave that till tomorrow, which you can do today.”( )50. The main idea of the text is that_.A. One should have a clever mindB. One should get up very earlyC. One should work hard all ones lifeD. One should make everything hard to do( )51. The sayings talked in the text were written by_. A. one of Franklins friends B. Franklin himself C. Franklin and Poor Richard D. different writers( )52. According to the text, Poor Richard is a person_. A. used to help Franklin B. appears in Franklins books C. knows a lot of old sayings D. works very hard all his life( )53. “One day is worth two tomorrow” means that_.A. if you want to do something valuable, do it at once.B. one shouldnt hope for better timesC. everyone can have a bright futureD. we have to enjoy ourselves today, not tomorrow 第二卷 (共44分)五、阅读表达(共5小格;每小格1分。满分5分)阅读下面短文,在表格内的空白处填入合适的答案(每空答案不超过5词)In the last letter you asked me about my opinion of using paper or plastic(塑料) bags to pack the things you have bought. Well, that is an interesting question. Generally speaking, I have preferred paper bags to plastic bags when I was given a choice because I always thought paper bags were more environmentally friendly. But just recently Ive read an article which has changed this idea. In the article, it says that paper bags can actually(事实上) cause as much harm to the environment as plastic bags. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of chemicals(化学制品) to make both paper and plastic. The article also says that if we compare the production processes for the two materials, it takes 50% more energy to make 50,000 brown paper bags than it takes to make the same number of plastic bags. To make paper, we have to cut down trees, and the whole process of producing paper creates more air and water pollution. An amazing finding, isnt it? I suggest that we can use wooden baskets or net bags which can be used again and again. In my opinion, man has used too much of the earths natural resources(资源). We have only one earth. Complaining wont help much. What we need is action.Some information of making paper bagsIt takes (54)_to make paper bags than to make the same number of plastic bags.It can cause a lot more (55)_pollution.The writers worryMan has used (56)_of the earths natural resources.The writers adviceWhat we need is (57)_instead of (58)_.六、词汇(共10小题;每小题1分。满分10分) A)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词59. In the end , she got to the top of the mountain _(succeed).60.Five _(nine) of the students in our school suffer from stress.61.These_(rob) were charged with breaking into the computer system last week.62.When I was in Canada, he_(offer) me a lot of help.63.BBC broadcasts the_(late) news from all over the world every day.B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。64.He has the _(勇气) to make a speech in front of so many people.65. _(虽然)there are some spelling mistakes in her writing, I like it a lot.66. Please pay attention to your behaviour while you are there. Everybody knows bad news can be _(传播) very quickly.67. If you want to take part in their activity, you need to wear_(特殊的) costumes.68. Have you got all the players_(记录)?七、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空(共5小题;每小题1分。满分5分)69.Too much rubbish_(throw) in our city every day. Its a very serious problem.70.It_(rain) heavily when I started to move. So I was late for the meeting.71.The victim isnt here any more. He_(take) to the hospital for a while.72.If you keep eating much food that is high in fat and sugar, you_(get) fat easily.73.It is your loss that you_(forget) to attend Mr Wangs lecture. It was so wonderful.八、根据所给中文完成句子(共6小题;每小题1.5分。满分9分)74. 我认为向他解释清楚这个问题是很有必要的。 I thought_.75. 老王已经习惯于这种生活方式很久了。 Lao Wang _for a long time.76. 我们正在讨论如何使我们的班会课生气勃勃。We_.77. 周末,我堂妹宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。 My cousin_at weekends.78. 你知道这家汽车店开业多少年了? Do you know_?79.他将毕生的精力投入到机器人的发明中。He devoted_.九、书面表达(共l题;满分15分)同学们在成长的过程中总会遇到各种各样的烦恼。请根据下面的表格的提示,谈谈自己该如何面对这些问题的。大多数同学的烦恼部分同学的想法你的解决办法1. 来自父母2. 来自学校1.冲出家门、离家出走2.沉迷于电脑游戏、远 离一切烦恼 要求:1.词数80左右。文章开头已为你写好,不计入总词数: 2. 要点完整、层次清楚、语法正确、上下文连贯: 3文中不得使用真实人名、校名。It is very common for teenagers to meet with all kinds of trouble during the process of growth._


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