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鲁教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I dont mind a dog in our house as long as its clean. A . to haveB . havingC . to buyD . buying2. (2分)The little boy wrote a _ letter to his uncle.A . five-hundred wordsB . five-hundred-wordC . five hundred wordsD . five hundreds words3. (2分)- Do you know that Mr. Zhang passed _ last week?- Yes. He died _ illness.A . away; ofB . on; fromC . by; withD . off; as4. (2分)Have you ever seen Zhou Libos talk show?Yes. Its very funny and it often makes people.A . to laughB . laughC . laughing5. (2分)Are you satisfied with your test result? Yes, I am. I am happy that I made a lot of progress.A . pleasedB . familiarC . popular6. (2分)It is our hope that we can live in a _ world and say goodbye to wars for ever.A . similarB . peacefulC . familiarD . natural7. (2分)(2016毕节)Its six oclock in the morning. Many people _ in the park. A . are dancingB . danceC . is dancingD . dances8. (2分)She her every evening at home.A . does; homeworkB . does; homeworksC . do; homeworkD . do; homeworks9. (2分)Thank you very much. _ your help, I cant finish my project in time.Its my pleasure.A . BesidesB . UnderC . ExceptD . Without10. (2分)When do you have breakfast?7: 15the morning.A . At; inB . In; atC . In; inD . On; on11. (2分)How is your grandparents ?They are _.A . goodB . over thereC . tallD . very well12. (2分)He likes playing tricks on others, but _, he is a good boy because he is willing to help others. A . in some waysB . on the wayC . in the wayD . by the way13. (2分)So far, Jim with his friends _ many places in China.A . visitedB . have visitedC . has visitedD . are visited14. (2分) Raymond, you seem to be under the weather. Whats wrong? I am afraid Ive got a cold.A . sickB . spareC . angry15. (2分) Jack, _ play the violin here. Were talking now. Sorry, Ms. Clark.A . doesntB . notC . dontD . no二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共16分)16. (8分)阅读理解 Technology is everywhere. We see it any place we go and, in fact, almost all of us carry some piece of technology with us every time we leave the house. What I always forget, though, is just how useful and powerful technology can be when we want to help others.There is not a single room in my house that does not have some electronic devices (设备)lying around in it. Whenever I am at home, I am almost always using at least one electronic device. If you walked into my living room on any given day, you would find that, first, I have the television on. At the same time, I usually have my laptop resting on my knee, or I will be using my mobile phone. Even when Im not at home I am always using my phone, and at work or in cafs, I sit down and connect to the local wireless network on my laptop.I must say that I waste a lot of time on the computer and the time I spend on it could be much better spent if I were to take up a little online volunteering.The technology we carry about everywhere can have a great power to do good for the world and to help others and recently I discovered just how much online volunteering there is to do in the world. From using your language skills to do translations, to developing and managing projects and helping with IT work, there is so much that so many people can do to help people in their own countries and across the world. The United Nations, in fact, has a huge page with Volunteers Recruited on its website.This work can support the poor and help charities who cannot pay for staff members. Many organizations only require you to work an hour a weeksome even less. And the support provided by online volunteers can really help make a difference to those in need.(1)From Paragraph 2, we can know that the writer . A . is a computer engineerB . works in a cafC . uses technology a lotD . likes modern music(2)The underlined word Recruited in Paragraph 4 means . A . OrderedB . VisitedC . WantedD . Warned(3)In the writers opinion, people should spend more time with technology. A . working on computer programsB . keeping the Internet safeC . inventing electronic productsD . helping people in need(4)What can be the best title for the passage? A . Online VolunteeringB . Internet OrganizationsC . Website DesignD . Online Translation17. (8分)阅读下面四篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Right now you probably spend most of your time in school. Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school? Will you learn a trade? Perhaps it is time to think about your choices and to prepare for them. Some day work will be a big part of your life.What kind of job would be right for you? Think about your interests and your skills. You may like to listen to music, dance, play basketball, or work with computers. You may know how to drive a car or how to get along with people. Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a better plan for your career(职业).To get an idea of what work you would like to do, make a list of your interests and a list of your skills. Think about what you have done to be successful in your interests. After that, brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills. You can later keep your lists with the projects and documents(文件) that can help you achieve the career you want. They can help you know more clearly about your achievements in school and in the world of work.Roberta Zhan, an art designer, finds her work satisfying because it allows her to use her interests and skills. She enjoyed imagining something in her minds eye while she was in school. She took art, design, and computer lessons, and also learned about taking photos on her own.Here is what she says about the meaning of work: If you have a job you like, work means much more than just making money. It means using your talents, making a contribution(贡献) and getting a real sense of satisfaction from doing a job.(1)The passage is most probably written to _. A . studentsB . teachersC . parentsD . designers(2)At the beginning, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by _. A . listing factsB . giving examplesC . asking questionsD . explaining differences(3)Roberta Zhan might be most interested in _ when she was at school. A . singing songsB . creating picturesC . playing basketballD . playing computer games(4)The passage is mainly about _. A . the real meaning of workB . the importance of interests and skillsC . the journey of Robertas lifeD . the way of preparing for the future career三、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)根据材料内容及所给首字母提示填空,使材料通顺、意思完整。Harry saw all ad(广告)in a windowIt said,WantedThe Best Salesman(推销员)in the WorldTop PayIm a great salesman,Harry told h_I can sell anythingIll ask for that jobHe went into the shop and spoke to the managerIm the best salesman in the worldhe saidGive me the jobYou m_prove(证明)youre the best,the manager saidNo problemIll pass every test(测试)you give me,Harry told himGood, the manager saidThen he t_a box of candy out of his deskLast week,I b_a hundred boxes of this candyIf you can sell them all before the end of this week,you can have me jobThats e_,Harry saidYou just wait and seeHe I_the office and took all the boxes of candy homeEvery day and all day,he went from shop to shop,trying to sell the candyH_,he could sell no boxes at all.The candy was so bad that he couldnt e_give it awayAt the end of the week he went back to the manager.Im sorry,sir,he saidI was w_about myself. Im not the best salesman in the world,but I know who isOh,the manager saidWho?The p_who sold you a hundred boxes of this candy,Harry said四、 补全对话。 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. But now I m more interested in the violin.B. And you used to wear glasses.C. Youve changed a lot.D. You used to have straight hair.E. Yes, thats right.A: Ann, is that you?B: Yes. Youre Cindy, arent you?A: _I havent seen you for a long time. _B: Really? How?A: You used to be a little heavy but now youre thin.B: Yes, I am.A: _Now you have curly hair.B: Yes, youre right.A: _B: Yes, I still do.A: You used to play the piano, didnt you?B: Yes, I did. _A: Wow! People sure change.20. (5分)补全对话Lucy: Hi, Tina, long time no see_?Tina: I have been to ChinaLucy: China is good at making everyday things_?Tina: Yes,I bought a lot of thingsAnd I bought a scarf for youLucy: Oh, really _?Tina: Its made of silkLucy: _?Tina: Its made in HangzhouLucy: I heard Hangzhou is a beautiful place to visit _?Tina: I think Hangzhou is the most beautiful place I have ever visitedLucy: You are lucky五、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)选用方框内单词填充短文。lotabovequicklytookwaterjumpedheardlisteningspendhotIt was sunny and _again at this time of year. John went to the beach to _his weekend. He was lying on the sand and _to music. Suddenly he _someone crying for help. He _up hurriedly and looked towards the voice. He saw a little boy waving(挥动) his hands in the_a little far away. He _off his clothes and jumped into the water_. He swam to the little boy, held him, kept his head _the water and swam back to the beach. At last, the boy was safe. He thanked John a_.六、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共50分)22. (25分)阅读理解BAre friends important to you?They are really important to meMy name is Phil and Im 13Im from LondonI have a very good friend.His name is MaxMax and I have a lot ofthings in common(有共同之处):our birthdays are on the same day;we are in the same class;we both love dogs;we are both good at sports and soccer is our favorite. We always have a good time togetherBut these days Im not happyMax will leave England,because his father gets a job in ShanghaiMaxs family will go thereI have a lot to talk with Maxand I want to give him an album(相册)There are a lot of our photos in itToday is MondayThere are only three days before Max leavesI will go to his home to give him the album this evening根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。 (1)Who is Max? (2)What animals do Phil and Max like? (3)Why will Max go to Shanghai? (4)What does Phil want to give Max? (5)When will Max leave for Shanghai? 23. (25分)根据短文内容, 回答问题。Knowing about yourself means not only that you find out what youre good at and what you like, it also means discovering what youre not good at and what you dont like. They both help you to see your aims(目标) in life.Although most students would be unhappy if they found that they had failed a very difficult physics course,they have in fact learned a lot about themselves. They know that they should not become engineers or physical scientists. So failing can help a student to live a much happier life if he or she draws something out of the failing. They may then decide on their aims and choose the kind of work they would be fit for and they would like to do.It is impossible to decide whether or not you like something until you have tried it. If you decide that you would like to play the piano,you need to take more than one lesson before you can know whether you are really interested in it or you are able to do it well.It is not enough to want to be a great pianist. You also have to like the hard practice and long training before you become one. If you would enjoy being a great pianist but hate the work, forget it.Its a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still young. And then you will be able to find out what your true interests are.(1)Is it possible to decide what you like without trying? (2)To decide what to do in the future, which is more important, to find out what you like or to find out what you dont like? (3)In which way is failing important to people? (4)How can you find out your true interests? (5)What does it take to become a great pianist? 七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)根据所提供的信息,写一篇关于我邻居Bob的短文。基本情况1978年10月10日出生,帅气,是一个善良的人。一贯的喜好1). 喜欢表演,全力以赴地投入训练。2). 成就与梦想1). 是一个有经验的演员,出演了很多角色。2). 想把他大部分时间致力于慈善事业。要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;2. 要点须包括表格中的所有信息,可适当发挥;3. 词数:80词左右。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共16分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、三、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共10分)18-1、四、 补全对话。 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、五、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共50分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24-1、


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