2019春七年级英语下册 Module 8 Story time Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house课件 外研版.ppt

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2019春七年级英语下册 Module 8 Story time Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春七年级英语下册 Module 8 Story time Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house课件 外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春七年级英语下册 Module 8 Story time Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module8Storytime 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1 ThreeyearsagoTomreturned 返回 tohishometown 2 Thepiece 片 ofglassmaybethepartofthewindow 3 Isityourbrother hepointed 指 atthefamilyphoto 4 That sdangerous theparentsjumpedandshouted 高声说 attheirchild 5 It slateintothenightandmostpeopleareasleep 睡着的 按要求完成句子 每空一词1 Jimdidhishomeworkonthecomputer 改为否定句 Jimdidn tdohishomeworkonthecomputer 2 Shedecidedtogoforawalkintheforest 改为一般疑问句 Didshedecidetogoforawalkintheforest 3 Jackcamebackhomelateyesterday 改为同义句 Jackreturnedhomelateyesterday 4 Hehurriedtoschool Hedidn tsayanything 合并为一句 Hehurriedtoschoolwithoutsayinganything 5 Lilywenttothemuseumlastweekend 对画线部分提问 WheredidLilygolastweekend 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1 Afterworkingthreehours Iwastiredandfellasleep sleep soon 2 Thebossreturned return thebookstothelibraryyesterday 3 LiMingwas be lostwhenhetravelledinBeijing 4 Myfatherpointed point athisnewcar Hewasveryhappy 5 Were be thereanyparksherein1950 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 请不要摘花 Don tpicktheflowers please 2 太晚了 他跳起床冲了出去 Itwastoolate Hejumpedoutofhisbedandhurriedout 3 熊宝宝哭了 因为他的碗里什么也没有 TheBabyBearcriedbecausetherewasnothinginhisbowl 4 你为什么指着那个女孩 Whydidyoupointatthatgirl 5 这张床很舒适 这个男孩很快在上面睡着了 Thebedwascomfortable andtheboywasasleepinitverysoon 单项填空 B 1 Theremanypeopleintheforests A beB wereC wasD is B 2 Helivedinthecityhisparents A andB withC toD at D 3 Shewasinthelittlevillage A gotloseB loseC losesD lost A 4 Theparentsdecidedtheirchild A totalkwithB talkingwithC talkwithD totalk C 5 WhohelpedLiLeiwithhisEnglish Helearntitbyhimself A AnybodyB SomebodyC NobodyD Everybody D 9 I llwritedownhistelephonenumber Pleasepassme A apaperB pieceofpaperC apiecepaperD apieceofpaper A 10 Hesattherealongtimewithoutanything A for doingB for didC at doingD at did 补全对话L Goodmorning WenHong Youlooktired 1 DW Iwenttobedtoolatelastnight L 2 CW Ireadaninterestingbook L 3 AW HansChristianAndersen L Oh Isee HewasafamouswriterinDenmark 丹麦 W You reright 4 FL Whichonedoyoulikebest W TheUglyDuckling 丑小鸭 Whataboutyou L 5 E 阅读理解Marialivednearaforest Sheoftenplayedwiththeanimalsintheforest Theywereallherfriends Oneday Mariawalkedintotheforesttoplaywithheranimalfriends Buttohersurprise 惊讶 theforestwasveryquietandtheanimalsweren tthere Mariahurriedbacktotellherparents HerparentsreturnedtotheforestwithMaria Theforestwasstillveryquiet ButMaria sfathernoticedalittlemonkeybehindabigtree Themonkeywasdying Theytriedtosaveit Butthemonkeywastooweak Beforethemonkeydied ittoldthemthetruth 真相 Aghost 魔鬼 wantedtogettheforest soheaskedalltheanimalstogoaway Mariaandherparentswereveryangry Theydecidedtodrivetheghostaway Theyaskedtheirfriendsandneighbourstohelpthem Theghostwasstrong butthepeoplewerestronger Atlast theghostleftandtheanimalsreturnedtotheforesthappily A 1 Mariahadlotsoffriends A animalB girlC plantD boy C 2 Whywastheforestquiet A Becausetheanimalsalldied B Becausetheanimalsweresleeping C Becausetheanimalswentaway D Becausetheanimalsdidn tlikeMaria C 3 Thelittlemonkeyatlast A helpedMariatofindotheranimalsB walkedawayC diedbecauseitwastooweakD waswellagain B 4 Whatdotheunderlinedwords drive away meaninChinese A 开车B 赶走C 离开D 杀死 D 5 Wholivedintheforestatlast A Theghost B Thepeople C Thelittlemonkey D Theanimals

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