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初中英语课文详解2013年8年级(下)导学案 主备教师:备课内容初中英语EEC8年级(下)1单元备课时间:2013-1-9本单元重点:本单元难点:本单元语法:英语简单构词法Lesson1 授课日期:2013年 月 日 一 本课重点单词: 1. magic n. 魔法, 巫术, 戏法, 把戏 be done by magic. 魔法造成的。adj. 有魔力的, 巫术的, 绝妙的, 极好的 2. magician n. 魔术师, 巫师3. wand n. 棒, 棍, 杆e. g. The maiden waved her magic wand. 仙女挥动她的魔棒。4. amazingadj. 令人惊异的, 吃惊的Its amazing that +从句 . 真令人惊讶发生某事。be amazed at sth. 对于感到吃惊。v. amaze使惊奇, 使惊讶n. amazement .惊奇, 惊愕(不可数名词) in amazement5. audiencen. 听众, 观众, 读者e. g. This TV program has a large audience. 这个电视节目有许多观众。表示观众人数很多、少,a big / large / small audience 不能用many修饰。注意:audience在作为集合名词大多以单数形式出现,既可以表示单数意义,也可以表示复数意义。作为整体用做主语,谓语单数;考虑集体中的成员时,谓语用复数。audience有复数形式audiences,用的比较少,例如可以用来表示多批次的观众6. applaudv. 拍手喝彩, 赞赏applaud sb. for sth. We all applaud you for your decision. 我们一致赞成你的决定。n. applause鼓掌欢迎7. cape n. 斗篷,披肩8 trickn. 诡计, 骗局, 戏法, 把戏, 诀窍with that old trick. v. 欺骗, 欺诈 trick sb. into sth. doing sth. ;trick sb out of sth. )9. tap v. 轻打, 轻敲taptapstappingtappedtappedtap sb. sth. with sth. ;tap sb. sth. against / on sth. ;tap aton sth. 10 pull out of 从处取出,拉出11 magic trick 魔术 12 abracadabra n 咒语13 take off 拿掉,摘掉 脱下 起飞 反义词组:put on二本单元听力材料:Liu Chang: Hey, there, Amy. 1_ this! I will 2_ you a magic trick. Amy: OK. Id like to see it. Liu Chang: P1ease watch carefully. 3_ 4_ 5_ I 6_ 7_ my hat. I 8_ it with my wand. After that, I say some magic words, “Abracadabra. Amy: And?Liu Chang: 9_ 10_ , I 11_ some flowers 12_ of my hat, Ta dah!Amy: Wow! That was 13_ , Liu Chang. How did you do that?Liu Chang: I learned it from Merlin the magician. Hes a 14_ magician. Amy: Can you 15_ me, too? Lesson2 授课日期:2013年 月 日一 本课重点单词:1. sheetn. 床单, 被单. 薄片v. 给铺床单 sheet a bed. 铺床单。2. empty adj. 空的, 空洞的, 空无一人的, 反义词为full, 意为“满的”v. 将某物弄空emptyemptiesemptyingemptiedemptiedempty out;empty sth. of sth. 3. Egypt 埃及 n. Egyptian Egyptians Built the pyramids in Egypt thousands of years ago.4. coinn. 硬币 a handful of coins. 一把硬币。v. 铸造(硬币), 创造5. assistantn. 助手, 助教 an assistant = a helperadj. 助理的, 辅助的, 有帮助的 an assistant engineer. 助理工程师。assist v. 帮助, 援助=helpassist(sb. )inwith sth. ;assist(sb. )in doing sth. 帮助某人(做)某事6. assistance n. 帮助, 援助(不可数名词) =help7. reach v.伸手(够), 够得着某物, 到达, 与某人取得联系reach across the table for the jam. 伸手到桌子那端拿果酱n. 伸手可达的距离8. cover v. 覆盖, 遮盖(cover sth. with sth. )e. g. Snow covered the ground. 雪覆盖着地面。n. 覆盖物, 封面, 盖子coveredadj. 大量的 A+ be covered inwith B. 9. disappear v.消失, 不见, 失踪(反)appear出现n.disappearance消失, 失踪, 丢失10. stretch v. 伸展, 伸长, 延续stretched out ones arm to take the book. 伸出手臂去拿书stretch(oneself)out躺着舒展身体11.change into 同义词组:turn into12. fame n. 名声, 名望(不可数名词) rise quickly to fame. 很快就出名了adj.famous . 出名的, 著名的be famous for / as / to / in+地点 13. know of 知道有三 本单元课文填空:What happened when David Copperfield opened the box?“Tim, do you want to see a magic trick?”asked Liu Chang.“Are you a 1 now? Sure! I love magic,”said Tim.Liu Chang opened his hand to show Tim a coin. He closed his hand and 2 on it with his finger. When he opened his hand, it was . 3 “The coin 4 !”said Tim.“Just wait,”said Liu Chang. Liu Chang then 5 over and pulled the coin from Tims ear.“That was great!”said Tim.“It was okay. But the trick 6 I saw 7 a television show was much better. The magician was the famous David Copperfield,”said Liu Chang.“8 the show, David Copperfield needed some 9 with the trick. He asked his 10 to 11 12 a large black box. After she was 13 , he closed the door on the box. He 14 the box with a black sheet. Then he 15 the box 16 his wand three times. He took the sheet 17 the box and pulled the door 18 . The assistant inside was a beautiful white tiger! David Copperfield 18 his 19 a white tiger! It was so 20 !”“After the show David Copperfield 21 us about magic. He said that magic is very old. The oldest magic tricks come from 22 . Some of his own 23 today comes from tricks first in Egypt thousands of years ago.”“Wow! Can you teach me a magic trick?”asked Tim.“Sure, maybe we can become famous magicians 25 !”said Liu Chang.Lesson 3 授课日期:2013年 月 日一 本课重点单词:1. talented adj. 有才能的a talented musician. 一位天才的音乐家n. talent才能, 才干, 天才e. g. Her talents are well-known. 人人都知道他很有才干。2. amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异(不可数名词)to ones amazement=to ones surprise使某人吃惊的是;do sth. in amazement=do sth. in surprise 惊愕地做某事3. face to face 面对面 shouder to shouder肩并肩 side by side 肩并肩二本课P 7页对话:A:Have you ever seen 1 ?B:I have 2 Yao Ming on television. He is an amazing basketball player!A:Well, I have seen a 3 person face to face.B:Really?A:Yes. It was Andy Lau. I saw him on the street.B:Did you say hello?A:No, I just looked in 4 . I couldnt believe it was him! I wish I could enjoy fame 5 he does!三本单元structure :构词法I合成词1名词black + board blackboard foot + ball football 2形容词every + day everyday 3副词some + times sometimes 4代词some + body somebody 5动词over + come overcome(克服) II派生词1前缀 dis 否定,相反,除去 appear(出现) disappear(消失) like dislike(不喜欢) 例: im, in, ir, un, 不, 非possible impossible(不可能) happy unhappy regular irregular(不规则的)例: mid 中 autumn midautumn(中秋) night midnight(午夜)例: re 重,再 build rebuild(重建)例: 2后缀 America American China Chinese engine(工程) engineer(工程师) write writer sing singer visit visitor magic magician piano pianist 钢琴家 different difference assist assistance assist assistant build building amaze amazement happy happiness3 形容词 nature natural 自然的 friend friendly 友好的 fame famous north northern comfort comfortable4 副词 true trulyLesson 4 授课日期:2013年 月 日一本课重点单词:1 at the end of在的末端(既可以指时间又可以指地点)2 turn into 使变成.二本课P 9页对话:A:Tim, do you like magic?B:I love it. I 1 to a magic show last month. It was great.A:What 2 at the show?B:The magician was amazing. First, he pulled a rabbit out of his hat. Then, he 3 the rabbit into his assistant.A:What was the 4 amazing trick?B:To finish, he made his assistant 5 .三 本单元重点短语归纳:1. 著名的魔术师the famous magician2. 穿一件斗篷wear a cape3. 观众中的每个人everyone in the audience4. 一个令人吃惊的戏法an amazing trick5. 说一些咒语say some magic words6. 敲一个盒子tap a box7. 用他的魔术棒敲他的帽子tap his hat with his wand8. 去看一个著名的魔术表演go to a famous magic show9. 从他的帽子中拉出一只兔子pull a rabbit out of his hat10. 学习魔术learn a magic trick11. 变令人吃惊的戏法do an amazing magic trick12. 首先,开始to start with 13. 摘下(我的)帽子take off my hat14. 在那之后after that15. 最后to finish16. 在床上on bed17. 一个炎热而干燥的国家a hot, dry country18. 有一些钞票have some/any bills19. 伸过手来reach across the table20. 拿果汁get the juice21. 盖上食物cover the food22. 变凉get cold23. 看一个魔术表演see a magic trick24. 张开手open ones hand25. 用(他的)手指轻敲它tap on it with his finger26. 伸过去reach over27. 从蒂姆的耳边取出硬币pull the coin from Tims ear28. 在电视节目里on a television show29. 需要一些帮助来变魔术 need some assistance with the trick 30. 盒子上的门the door on the box31. 用一块黑布单盖上盒子cover the box with a black sheet32. 从盒子上取下布单take the sheet off the box33. 将他的助手变成一只白虎change his assistant into a white tiger34. 他自己的一些名气some of his fame35. 数千年以前thousands of years ago36. 给某人一些帮助give sb. Some assistance37. 看到它的消失see its disappearance38. 而且,还as well as39. 在电视上看到某人see sb. on television40. 一位惊人的篮球选手an amazing basketball player41. 面对面face to face42. 惊异in amazement43. 拥有像他那样的名气enjoy fame like he does44. 双手拿着一块布hold a cloth in two hands45. 在末端,尽头at the end46. 消失不见be gone47. 在演出中at the show48. 使他的助手消失make his assistant disappear49. 用硬币变一个戏法do a trick with coins50. 将硬币变成小鸟turn the coin into a bird


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