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外研社英语九年级上Module 11过关测试一 本模块重点词组:1. too many people 太多人 2. too much pollution太多污染3. an increasing population 不断增长的人口 4. the right place合适的地方5. along with 连同一起 6.an environmental problem环境问题7. the population of China 中国的人口 8. look up查找9. come up 到来,出现 10. thanks to多亏,由于11. no idea 不知道 12. a quiet country village一个宁静的乡村13. visions of the city 城市的景象 14. in the centre of在的中心15. at that time 在那时 16. on the edge of在的边缘17. in the distance 在远处 18. be close to离很近19. find jobs 找工作 20. close down倒闭,关闭21. have a better life 谋求更好的生活 22. run a city管理城市23. add to 增加 24. a great number of许多,大量25. because of 因为 26. have a chance有机会27. protectfrom保护不受 28. pay for支付,赔偿29. enough space 足够空间 30. be born出生二单项选择。( )1. A billion is one thousand . A. hundred B. thousand C. million( )2. The sweater is very beautiful,but it is dear. A. too much B. much too C. much( )3. Millie has e-dog and its name is Bobo. A. a B. an C. the( )4. Ride slowly,please. There is traffic at this time of day. A. too much B. too many C. much too( )5. The city streets are full of . A. transportation B. movement C. traffic( )6. More than 40 percent the students wear glasses. A. in B. of C. with( )7. Our school is four from here. A. blocks B. streets C. buildings( )8. My friend Martin was very sick with a high fever, he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. any way C. because( )9. My little brother is learning how to a word in a dictionary. A. look at B. look up C. look for( )10. the help of the teacher, he became a good student. A. Under B. On C. With( )11. In the USA,Fathers Day falls on the third Sunday in June. A. the ,/ B. the, a C. /, the( )12. Bob is eleven-year-old boy, he brings unusual feelings to me. A. a,an B. an, a C. an, an( )13. The population of Shanghai is . A. large B. small C. many( )14. I bought a big house a beautiful garden. A. have B. with C. under( )15. Some old people died the bad weather in 1992. A. so B. because C. because of三阅读理解。新课标第一网This is News on the Hour, ED Wilson reporting.The president and First Lady will visit Africa on a good will tour in May.They plan to visit eight African countries.Reports from China say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe.A group of top Chinese scientists starts its ten-nation tour next month.Here in Miami,the mayor is still meeting with the leader of the Teachers Union to try to find a way to end the strike.City schools are still closed after two weeks.In news about health,scientists in California report findings of a relationship between the drinking of coffee and the increase of heart diseases among women.According to the report in the American Medical Journal,the five-year study shows that:women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than women who do not. www.xkb1.comIn sports, the Chargers lost again last night.The BBS beat them 1 to nothing.The Wingers had better results.They beat the Rifles 7 to 3.It was their first win in their last five months.Thats the news of the hour.And now back to more easy listening with Jan Singer.( )1. To improve the ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe . A.some Chinese scientists will visit U.S. and Western Europe B.China will send some scientist to visit the U.S. only C.China has expressed its strong wishes. D.China has given many reports to improve the ties( )2. From the news in Miami we know . A.peaceful way will soon be found B.the teachers strike will last long C.students cant go to school with the classroom tightly closed D.students havent been to school for two weeks( )3. The news about health tells us that . 新课标 第一 网 A.no one should drink more than two cups of coffee a day B.womens heart disease has a lot to do with their drinking coffee C.no heart disease will be found if people dont drink coffee D.the more coffee people drink,the more chance theyll get to have heart disease( )4. From the last news we do NOT know . A.the results of the two matches B.the Wingers played the Rifles C.the number of the teams which played last night D.how many times the Wingers has lost in the past five months ( )5. The passage is probably from .A.a radio station B.a magazine C.a Medical Journal D.a newspaper四综合填空。Robots are smart. With their computer brains, they help people work in d_1_ places or do difficult jobs. Some robots do regular jobs. Bobby, the mail carrier, brings mail to a large o_2_ building in Washington D.C. He is one of 250 mail carries in the United States. Mr Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet t_3_, has some advantages as a teacher. One is that he does not f_4_ details. He knows each childs name, the p_5_ names and what each child knows and needs to know. In addition, he knows each childs pets and hobbies. Mr Leachim does not m_6_ mistakes. Each child goes and tells him or her name, then dials an identification number. His computer brain puts the childs voice and number t_7_. He identifies the child with n_8_ mistakes. Then he starts the lesson. Another advantage is that Mr Leachim is flexible. If the child needs m_9_ time to do their lessons they can move switches. In this way they can repeat Mr Leachims lesson over and over again. When the children do a good job, he tells them something i_10_ about their hobbies. At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr Leachim off.五完成句子。1.随同包裹来的还有一张账单。There was a bill the parcel.2.日本的人口是多少?What Japan?3.那家公司要倒闭了。That company is going to .4.对我先前说的话,我没有什么补充。I have nothing to my earlier statement.5. 管理一所学校不容易。Its not easy .6. 多亏了李老师,他们通过了英语考试。 Mr. Li, Tom passed the English exam.7. 我们必须保护环境免受破坏。We must our environment being destroyed.8. 我百分之百同意你的观点。I am in agreement with you.9. 我想住别的地方。I want to live .10. 邮局靠近银行。The post office is the bank.


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