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2020年初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册期末模拟复习卷(10)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共20分)1. (1分)She read the words _. A . silentB . loudC . aloudD . loudly2. (1分) The talk show is really _. I dont want to watch it. Me, either. It makes me _.A . boring; boredB . boring; boringC . bored; boredD . bored; boring3. (1分)She doesnt staying at home alone. A . wantB . would likeC . feel likeD . decide4. (1分)Coco _ a fantastic movie, because it really touches my heart and I want to watch it again. A . must beB . cant beC . can beD . may be5. (1分)All the people of Jiangyin need to work together to make our city more beautiful.Thats it. _.A . Practice makes perfectB . When in Rome, do as the Romans doC . Many hands make light workD . A friend in need is a friend indeed6. (1分)Here is _ eraser. Is this your _ eraser? A . a, aB . an, /C . a, /D . the, the7. (1分)Nelson Mandela born 18th July, 1918. A . was; inB . were; onC . was; onD . were; in8. (1分)There are over _ people in their country. A . millionsB . nine millionsC . nine millions ofD . nine million9. (1分)The beginning of the movie was boring, _ the end was amazing!A . butB . andC . soD . or10. (1分)Im afraid I cant go swimming with you, because I have to _ my little brother at home A . look forB . make fun ofC . care for11. (1分) Who is _ woman in front of the classroom? The one with _ umbrella? She is our Chinese teacher.A . a; theB . the; anC . a; anD . a; a12. (1分)Our foreign teacher Mr Green us English since three years agoA . has taughtB . is teachingC . taughtD . teaches13. (1分)She _ medium height and _ short hair. A . is of, hasB . has; is ofC . has; is14. (1分)(2015.沈阳) When you _ a difficult task, try to continue with it and finish it.A . giveB . are givingC . gaveD . are given15. (1分)Jack is very He likes telling jokes. A . importantB . difficultC . humorousD . awful16. (1分)He likes to _ things online. Its so convenient. A . bookB . makeC . order17. (1分)I had to walk to school because the bus broke down on the way this morning.A . threw awayB . stopped workingC . ran slowly18. (1分)I cant believe _ a little girl can write _ well.A . so; soB . such; suchC . so; suchD . such; so19. (1分)There are few books in the desk. A . manyB . not manyC . some20. (1分)I need a new jacket. This one doesnt _ the cold.A . keep outB . take awayC . help outD . give away二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Marco Polo was born in ItalyHere is the story about himIn 1271,at 17,Marco went on a1to ChinaToday,people can go to different places around the world2 But it was very3 people to travel thenHe,travelled through Europe and Asia4his father and uncle on the Silk Road.The Polos5to China in 1275.Marco Polo stayed in China for 17 years.During those years,he6about coal(煤)and paper.These things were7to him,because he didnt see them in Italy beforeMarco and his family finally went back to Italy in 1295They brought(带)some coal and paper back to Italy with8 At homeMarco finished a 9about his tripThe Travels of Marco PoloThe book10people his fantastic experiences(经历)in China(1)A . walk B . sale C . picnic D . trip (2)A . easily B . carefully C . usually D . finally (3)A . hot B . good C . hard D . famous (4)A . from B . between C . over D . with (5)A . came B . left C . jumped D . happened (6)A . thought B . wrote C . learned D . worried (7)A . cheap B . free C . safe D . new (8)A . you B . them C . me D . her (9)A . movie B . book C . play D . poem (10)A . buys B . calls C . tells D . cheers 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共35分)22. (5分)阅读理解That year, I was a Junior 2 student. Falling off the stairs hurt me in the head. Almost everyone thought I was dead. But they were wrong. However, it was difficult to get back to normal (正常的) life. I had to leave school and learn everything, walking, talking, and yes, maths.To help me with that task, Mrs. Pillar volunteered to come to the hospital and later to my house once a week. We began with basic maths skills. As time passed by, I made progress.I remembered very vividly how she came to my home on Sundays, sat with me at the kitchen table, and threw different coins on the talbe. She asked me to show her 38 cents, 17 cents, 63 cents. It was challenging, but she also made it fun.After a year and a half, I had progressed a lot, both in body and mind, to return to school. Seven years later, I graduated from the University of Texas at the top of my class.As year went by, I always kept in touch with Mrs. Pillar. Unluckily, one day my parents told me that Mrs. Pillar had been in hospital because she suffered a stroke(中风).Now it was my turn to help her. Mrs. Pillar lay in bed, unable to speak and know anybody around. I pulled some coins out of my pocket, dropped them on her bed, and asked her to show me 12 cents. The nurse thought that my action was very strange until one day Mrs. Pillar smiled happily as I began working with herjust as she had worked with my years before. She make progress every day and was moved out of ICU(重症监护室) and finally out of hospital.One day, I called to wish her a happy New Year. She spoke into the phone excitedly, “Happy New Year to you and your family, Michael. Thank you for everything youve done for me.” I quickly said, “Thank you for everything youve done for me.”Mrs. Pillar was one of my Junior 2 teachers, but she taught me so much more about life than only maths.(1)Which of the following is the correct order of what happened in the story?a. Mrs. Pillar suffered a stroke and was in hospital.b. I fell off the stairs and had to leave school.c. I returned to school with Mrs. Pillars help.d. Mrs. Pillar got better with my help.A . b-c-d-aB . c-a-b-dC . b-c-a-dD . b-d-c-a(2)What does the underlined word “vividly” mean in Paragraph(段落) 3? A . 模糊的B . 清晰地C . 彻底地D . 感激地(3)What does the writer mean by saying “ I graduated from the University of Texas at the top of my class” in Paragraph 4? A . He was clever than his classmates.B . He worked very hard on maths.C . His classmates failed to graduate.D . Mrs. Pillars help greatly influenced him.(4)The writer asked Mrs. Pillar to show him 12 cents in the hospital in order to _. A . help Mrs. Pillar just as Mrs. Pillar helped himB . play an interesting game with Mrs. PillarC . see whether Mrs. Pillar was getting betterD . make the nurse in the hospital feel strange(5)What is the best title for the passage? A . A Great TeacherB . Always Have A DreamC . Never Give upD . Kindness Makes Wonders23. (5分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DHi, everyone. Im Tina. I think our life in 2060 will be different from our life at the moment. There will be many robots in my house. Because robots will be cheap. And these robots will help my family do many kinds of work every day. Every morning the clock-robot will ask me to get up. Then the clothing-robot will dress me quickly. Next the kitchen-robot will make breakfast for me. When I get out of the house with my schoolbag, a car-robot will wait for me. After I show it my school ID card, the car will go. And then the car-robot will check my homework. When I get to school, the car-robot will say to me See you tomorrow, Tina. Good luck.In the morning, I will have three lessons with my classmates. Well study on the Internet. Well use the e-book. The teachers are all robots. They are in different sizes and they can answer any question about any subject. In the afternoon, we will go to science lab to have two classes in a new plane. After class, well play football with robots. My classmates and robots can all be my friends. Dont you think the life with robots in the future will be fantastic?(1)The will dress Tina every morning. A . clothing-robotB . car-robotC . kitchen-robotD . clock-robot(2)What will Tina show to the car-robot before getting in the car? A . Homework.B . School ID card.C . Ticket.D . Schoolbag.(3)How many classes do Tina and her classmates have? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(4)What is the best title for the passage? A . Robots will be cheapB . Life with robots in the futureC . Students will study with robotsD . Different kinds of robots at home24. (25分)阅读理解It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education dont. It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But not all the people agree with this idea.Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life to get education in order to make more money in the future. This was probably one of the earliest purposes of education. In fact, if education is just a way to make a living, people dont need to spend so much time in school. They can get education for a living in a short time. Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone. And people dont have to learn maths and languages so carefully. So it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.So what is education for? Education is wellrounded and it should improve a man in many ways. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative* thinking and other abilities. After that, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human. Education is to make a man lead a better life. Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and most of all, take an interest in the world.I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the only reason.(1)People with better education usually . A . have fewer chance to choose a good jobB . have more chances to get a good jobC . make less money than othersD . spend the best years making money(2)The earliest education was probably to . A . teach a man to think creativelyB . teach people to read good booksC . improve a man in many waysD . help people make more money(3)What does the underlined word “wellrounded” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A . 圆满的B . 崭新的C . 全面的D . 公平的(4)It is expected that educated people will be able to . A . write good books by themselvesB . learn all the subjects very wellC . take an interest in the worldD . lead a richer life than others(5)The passage mainly tells us that . A . making a living is not the only purpose of education.B . people can get education in a short time.C . people should study hard to get better paying jobs.D . all subjects are very important for a way of living.四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共3题;共10分)25. (4分)My family is a(n)_(典型的)American family26. (3分)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词, 完成句子。 (1)Do you know Zhang Xueyou, a famous_(歌手) in Hong Kong, gave a concert in Yancheng last week? (2)As Chinese, we are strongly_(反对) US-Korean THAAD. (3)You cant imagine what difficulty she had_(表达) herself clearly at the beginning. (4)He should return the book to me. Actually he has_(借) it for over two weeks. (5)I think we should pay attention to the_(发音) of each word if we want to speak English well. 27. (3分)If we eat too much several illnesses will r_easily. 五、 翻译 (共1题;共15分)28. (15分)句子翻译。(1)他不原谅他朋友的错误是愚蠢的吗?(2)我认为这首歌不值得再听一遍。(3)放学后在外面打游戏到很晚是不明智的做法。(4)他宁愿在家睡觉也不愿意出去。(5)现在正在下雨,我别无选择只能呆在家里.六、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)作为中学生的你应该怎样完善自己呢?请以“How to Be an Excellent(优秀的)Student”为题,写一篇英语短文 短语提示:go to school on time, listen tocarefully, finish ones homework, share something good with, help each other, learn from each other, try ones best, helpwith, do chores, take part in, volunteer work要求:1)80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2)提示短语必须全部用上,并且要适当发挥。How to Be an Excellent StudentAs a middle school student, its very important to have good study habits. At first, II believe Ill be an excellent student. 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共35分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共3题;共10分)25-1、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共15分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、六、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)29-1、


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