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毕业论文/论文格式 LGR激光分析仪参考文献 lgr是世界上激光痕量气体和稳定性同位素分析技术的领导者。随着oa-icos技术日臻完善,为研究者带来了更大的方便,在以往很难测量的领域提供了测量的可能。因为仪器性能优良,数据稳定,越来越得到用户的认可,目前全世界已有400多台分析仪在为人类更好的服务。仪器广泛应用在碳水通量测定,大气痕量气体变化的测量,水文同位素研究,co2/h2o稳定性同位素廓线测量和土壤ch4通量等方向的研究。在近几年在国际权威刊物如nature、science上发表了大量的文献;同时,很多研究者对lgr激光分析仪做了性能等方面的测试,结果表明分析仪精度高、稳定性好,是目前世界上最先进的激光分析仪。现将部分文献目录列出,共各位用户参考。los gatos 参考文献:1 natalia shakhova, igor semiletov, anatoly salyuk, vladimir yusupov, denis kosmach, rjan gustafsson. extensive methane venting to the atmosphere from sediments of the east siberian arctic shelf. science, XX, 327: 1246-1250.2 d. r. bowling, j. b. miller, m. e. rhodes, s. p. burns, r. k. monson, d. baer. soil, plant, and transport influences on methane in a subalpine forest under high ultraviolet irradiance. biogeosciences, XX,6: 1311-1324.3 p. sturm, a. knohl. water vapor 2h and 18o measurements using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy. atmospheric measurement techniques discussions, XX, 2: 20552085.4 christopher t. et al., the influence of environmental water on the hydrogen stable isotope ratio in aquatic consumers. oecologia, XX, 161: 313-324.5 d. penna, b. stenni, m. s. wrede. et al. on the reproducibility and repeatability of laser absorption spectroscopy measurements for 2h and 18o isotopic analysis. hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, XX, 7: 29753014.6 g. lis, l. i. wassenaar, m. j. hendry. high-precision laser spectroscopy d/h and 18o/16o measurements of microliter natural water samples. analytical chemistry, XX.7 mikhail mastepanov, charlotte sigsgaard, edward j. dlugokencky. et al. nature, XX, 456: 628-631.8 hideki tomita, kenichi watanabe, yu takiguchi, jun kawarabayashi, tetsuo iguchi. rapid-swept cw cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy for carbon isotope analysis. nuclear science and technology, XX, 43(4): 311-315.9 irmantas kakaras. developing the method for collecting water vapor from the atmosphere. niels bohr institute university of copenhagen, XX.10 joshua b. paul, larry lapson, james g. anderson. ultrasensitive absorption spectroscopy with a high-finesse optical cavity and off-axis alignment. applied optics, XX, 40(27): 4904-4910.11 i. vigano, h. van weelden, r. holzinger, f. keppler, a. mcleod. effect of uv radiation and temperature on the emission of methane from plant biomass and structural components. biogeosciences, XX, 5: 937947.12 lixin wang, kelly k. caylor, danilo dragoni. on the calibration of continuous, high-precision 18o and 2h measurements using an off-axis integrated cavity output spectrometer. rapid communications in mass spectrometry, XX, 23: 530-536.13 elena s. f. berman, manish gupta, chris gabrielli, tina garland, jeffrey j. mcdonne. high-frequency field-deployable isotope analyzer for hydrological applications. water resources research, XX, 45: 1-7.14 xinning zhang, aimee l. gillespieb, alex l. sessionsa. large d/h variations in bacterial lipids reflect central metabolic pathways. pnas, XX, 106(31): 12580-12586.15 d. zona, w. c. oechel, j. kochendorfer, k. t. paw u, a. n. salyuk, p. c. olivas, s. f. oberbauer, d. a. lipson. methane fluxes during the initiation of a large-scale water table manipulation experiment in the alaskan arctic tundra. global biogeochemical cycles, XX, 23, gbXX: 1-11.16 stephanie. shaw, frank m. mitloehner, wendi jackson.et al. volatile organic compoundemissions from dairy cows and their waste as measured by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry. environ. sci. XX.17 d. m. d. hendriks, a. j. dolman, m. k. van der molen, j. van huissteden. a compact and stable eddy covariance set-up for methane measurements using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy. atmospheric chemistry and physics. XX, 8: 431-443.18 l.i. wassenaar, s.l. van wilgenburg, k. larson, k.a. hobson. a groundwater isoscape (d, 18o) for mexico. geochemical exploration, XX, 102: 123136.19 c. j. p. p. smeets, r. holzinger, i. vigano, a. h. goldstein. eddy covariance methane measurements at a ponderosa pine plantation in california. atmospheric chemistry and physics disscusions, XX, 9: 52015229.20 l. i. wassenaar, m. j. hendry, v. l. chostner, g. p. lis. high resolution pore water 2h and 18o measurements by h2o(liquid)-h2o(vapor) equilibration laser spectroscopy. environmental science technology, XX.21 steve w. lyon, sharon l. e. desilets, peter a. troch. a tale of two isotopes: differences in hydrograph separation for a runoff event when using d versus 18o. hydrological processes, XX, 23: 2095-2101.22 patrick d. broxton, peter a. troch, steve w. lyon. on the role of aspect to quantify water transit timesin small mountainous catchments. water resources research, XX, 45, w08427: 1-15.23 m. barthel, p. sturm, l. gentsch, a. knohl. technical note: a combined soil/canopy chamber system for tracing 13c in soil respiration after a 13co2 canopy pulse labelling. biogeosciences discussions, XX, 7:1603-1631.24 anna k. henderson1, bryan nolan shuman. hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of lake waterin the western united states. gsa bulletin, XX, 121(7-8): 11791189.25 stephen d. sebestyen, elizabeth w. boyer, james b. shanley, carol kendall, daniel h. doctor, george r. aiken, nobuhito ohte. sources, transformations, and hydrological processes that control stream nitrate and dissolved organic matter concentrations during snowmelt in an upland forest. water resources research, XX, 44, w12410: 1-14.26 t. vogel, m. sanda, j. dusek, m. dohnal, j.votrubova. using oxygen-18 to study the role of preferential flow in the formation of hillslope runoff. faculty of civil engineering, XX, 9: 252-259.


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