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_,(,宇宙飞船,).,iolent,presence,fundamental,floated,oxygen,spaceship,.,重点短语再现,1._,感到高兴,2._,既然,3._,突发;爆发,4._,产生;分娩,5._,下蛋,6._,阻止;制止,7._,当心;密切注视,8._,熟悉;掌握,9._,挡住,(,光线,),轮到某人;接着,cheer up,now that,break out,give birth to,lay eggs,prevent.from,watch out,get the hang of,block out,in ones turn,.,典型句式运用,1.Each religion and culture has i,ts own ideas,about how life began on earth.What do you,know?,每种宗教和文化都有它自己关于地球上生命,起源的看法。你了解些什么呢?,how life began on earth,作介词,_,的,_,语,宾语从句可作介词的宾语。,考点提炼,about,宾,2.No one knows exactly how the earth began,as,it happened so long ago.,没有人准确地知道地,球的起源,因为那发生在很久以前。,本句为复合句,as,引导的从句表示,_,。,(1)since,表示听者或读者已知的原因,即表达已知,信息。,(2)because,表示听者未知的原因,可回答,why,的提,问,也可用在强调句型中成为被强调成分,而其,他几个词则无此用法。,(3)as,与,since,接近,但原因程度比,since,更强烈。,(4)for,并不表示直接原因,只是为主句所说的话提,供推断的理由,引导的分句不能放在句首。,考点提炼,原因,3.What it was to become was uncertain until,between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when,the dust settled into,a solid globe.,它,(,地球,),将成为什么样子一直是个谜,直到,45,38,亿年以前,这些尘埃凝聚成一个固体球体。,be to do sth.,(1),表示“应当,/,必须做某事”,通常用于通知和,说明书里。,(2),表示“,_”,,其完成式,则表示“本来打算做某事”。,(3),表示“将来不可避免要发生的事”。,考点提炼,按计划或安排将要做某事,4.This produced a chain reaction,which made,it possible for life to develop.,这就产生了,连锁反应,使生命发展成为可能。,make it+,adj./n.,for sb./sth.to do,sth.,在此结构中,it,是,_,真正的宾语是后,面的,_,而形容词,(,或名词,),充当了,_,成分,尤其是当宾语太长时,常采用,it,作形式,宾语。,考点提炼,形式宾语,不定式,宾语补足语,5.Last month I was lucky enough to have a,chance to make a trip into space with my,friend Li Yanping,an astronomer.,上个月我有,幸得到了同我的天文学家朋友李彦平去太空旅行,的机会。,to make a trip.,为不定式作,_,修饰,chance,。不定式可用在名词、代词、,the,first,the second,以及,the last,the only,和最高,级等后面作定语。不定式作定语,常常表示,_,的,动作。,考点提炼,定语,将来,重点单词,1.exist,They laid eggs too and _ on the earth,for more than 140 million years.(,回归课本,P,26,),观察思考,The idea exists only in the minds of poets.,这种想法是诗人才有的。,We cant exist without food or water.,没有食物和水我们就不能生存。,导练互动,existed,I can hardly exist on the wage that Im,getting;there is no money for luxuries.,我靠我挣的工资简直难以糊口,根本没钱享受。,归纳总结,exist _,。,exist in,存在于,之中,exist on,靠,为生,exist by,靠,生存,existing,adj.,目前的;现存的,existence,n.,存在;生存,be in existence,存在,come into existence,开始存在;成立,bring into existence,使发生,产生,vi.,有,存在;生存,即学即用,(1),下岗工人主要靠面包和茶生存。,The laid-off workers mainly _,bread,and tea.,(2),有一个解决目前地理问题的好办法。,There _ a good way to solve the,_ problem in geography.,exist on,exists,existing,.which prevents heat from _ from,the earth into space.(,回归课本,P,26,),观察思考,He escaped from the enemys prison.,他从敌人的监狱逃了出来。,He made his escape on a rainy night.,他在一个雨夜逃走了。,That is really a narrow/near escape.,那可真是九死一生。,escaping,归纳总结,escape _,。,escape+,n.,/doing sth.,逃脱了,/,避免了,escape from/out of.,从,逃跑,sth.escape sb.,被某人遗忘;未被注意,a narrow escape,九死一生,make ones escape,逃跑,易混辨异,escape,flee,run away,(1)escape,着重强调逃跑后的结果,而不是逃跑的动,作本身。,v. & n.,逃跑,逃离,(2)flee,着重强调逃跑的行为,常含有因“惧怕”而,逃跑的意味。,(3)run away,强调动作性,有时含有“不辞而别”之,意,是口头用语。,即学即用,(1),有什么办法可以避免和他见面吗?,Is there any way to _ him?,(2),我一时忘了他的名字。,His name _ for the moment.,escape meeting,escaped me,“If you are right,my _ will be less,than on the earth.”(,回归课本,P,31,),观察思考,The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.,天空中乌云密布。,Our cause needs the support of the masses.,我们的事业需要人民群众的支持。,There is/are a mass of children playing in,the park.,公园里有许多孩子在玩耍。,The great mass of men consider themselves,healthy.,大多数人都认为自己是健康的。,mass,归纳总结,mass _,。,a mass of/masses of,大量的,the mass media,大众传媒,mass production,批量生产,in the mass,总体上,总的来说,the (great) mass of,大多数,大部分,注意,在表示“大量的,许多的”含义时,,a mass,of/masses of,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数,名词。在英语中类似的短语还包括:,plenty of,a,lot of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of,等。,n.,(,聚成一体的,),团,;,块,;,大多数,;,质量,;,群众,;,大量,即学即用,(1),下雨前,天上有一团团的乌云。,Before the rain,there were _,_ in the sky.,(2),我挤过人群到了出口。,I struggled through _ to,the exit.,masses of dark,clouds,the masses of people,重点短语与句型,4.break out,We watched,amazed as fire _,on the,outside of the spaceship as the earths,gravity increased.(,回归课本,P,31,),观察思考,If another world war should break out,what,would become of human beings?,如果再一次爆发世界大战,人类将会变成什么样子?,Fire broke out during the night.,夜间突然发生了火灾。,broke out,归纳总结,break out,意为:,_,。,break up,解散;打碎,break through,突破;强行穿过,break away from.,脱离,break off,停止讲话,break into,强行进入某处;突然开始,(,大笑、欢呼等,),break down(,谈判,),失败;,(,精神、身体,),崩溃,break in,进入;插话,突发;爆发,易混辨异,break out,happen,occur,take place,(1)break out,通常指战争、疾病、灾害等突然爆发。,(2)happen,强调偶然发生某事。,(3)occur,指意想不到的事情发生。,(4)take place,强调按事先的安排或计划发生。,即学即用,(1)I was still sleeping when the fire _,and,then it spread quickly.,A.broke out B.put out,C.came out D.got out,解析,break out,发生,符合题意;,put out,扑灭;,C,、,D,表示“出来”。本题意为“火灾发生时,我在,睡觉,”,。,(2)As the presidents car appeared,the,waiting crowds _ loud cheers.,A.broke away B.broke into,C.broke out D.broke down,A,B,5.in time,They were _ to produce carbon,,,nitrogen,,,water vapour and other gases,.,(,回归课本,P,25,),观察思考,The car came to a halt just in time to,prevent an accident.,那辆汽车及时停下,避免了一场事故。,Youll learn how to do it in time.,你早晚能学会做这件事。,Dont worryIm sure things will get,better in time.,不要担心,我相信事情迟早会有所好转的。,in time,归纳总结,in time,意为,_,。,(1)on time,准时;按时,in no time,立即;马上,at a time,一次;每次,at one time,曾经;一度,at times,有时,ahead of time,提前,for the time being,暂时,take ones time,别着急;慢慢来,及时;最终,(2)Its time to do sth./Its time that sb.,did/should do sth.,到了某人做某事的时间,done.,是某人第,次,(,完成时,),each/every time+,从句每次,时,即学即用,(1),医生及时赶到救了她的命。,The doctor came _ to save her life.,(2),不要一起背诵,一次一个。,Dont recite all together;one _.,in time,at a time,6.now that,“Oh,dear,” I cried,“walking does need a,bit of practice _ gravity has,changed.”(,回归课本,P,31,),观察思考,Now (that) you are grownup,you must stop,this childish behaviour.,既然已经长大,你必须停止这种幼稚的行为。,Now that dinner is ready,wash your hands.,晚饭准备好了,洗手去吧。,Now that you have finished your work,youd,better have a rest.,既然你的工作已经做完了,最好休息一下吧。,now that,归纳总结,now that,意为:,_,。,易混辨异,now that,because,since,as,for,(1)now that,是固定短语,意为“既然;由于”,,引出原因状语从句,,that,可省略。,(2)because,因为,表示直接的或为人所不知的原因。,(3)since,既然,(,可与,now that,互换,),,侧重主句。,(4)as,由于,表示显而易见或已为人所知的原因。,(5)for,因为,并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首。,既然;由于,即学即用,(1),既然恢复了健康,他就可以继续学习英语。,_,he can go on,with his English study.,(2),既然我们正高速地发展新技术,真正的挑战在于,寻找新的使用途径。,_ new technology,at such a high pace,,,the true challenge is,to find new ways of using it.,Now (that) he is well again,Now that we are developing,7.,but it will not be as strong a pull,as the earths.,但它不如地球的引力,那么强。,典例体验,John is _ Bob.,约翰与鲍勃一样聪明。,The girl was _ she was,beautiful.,这姑娘既漂亮又聪明。,归纳总结,as.as.,比较结构:,(1),基本用法:,as+,形容词或副词原级,+as,分句。否,定形式为,not as/so.as,。主句主语与,as,分句主语,as bright as,as intelligent as,不同但比较的项目相同。,(2),主语相同,但比较的项目不同。,(3)as much/many+,名词,+as,分句,He took as much butter as he needed.,他带的这些黄油够需要的。,(4)as+,形容词原级,+,名词词组,+as,分句,as+,adj.,+a(n)+,n.,+as,句型是“,as.as”,结构的一,种变化形式。与,as,的这种用法类似的词还有,too.,to.,句型中的,too,感叹句中的,how,,,so.that.,句型中的,so,等。,Jack is as efficient a worker as Bill.,杰克和比尔都是工作效率很高的工人。,即学即用,(1),我想用一种尽可能大众化的方式把我的个人经历,表达出来。,I want to express my personal experience in,_.,(2),这位歌手希望利用尽可能流行的歌曲来表达个人,的思想情感。,The singer tends to express his feelings and,thoughts in _.,as universal a way as possible,as popular a song as possible,8.,I found I was carried twice as far,as on the earth and fell over.(,当我,向前迈步的时候)我发现我所走的距离是在地,球上的两倍,我跌倒了。,典例体验,Asia is _ Europe.,亚洲的大小是欧洲的,4,倍。,The new building is _,the old one.,新楼比旧楼高,4,倍。,This ball is _ that one.,这个球的大小是那个球的两倍。,The production now is _,_ ten years ago.,现在的产量是十年前的,3,倍。,four times as large as,four times higher than,twice the size of,three times what it,was,归纳总结,倍数表达法:,(1).times _,是,的几倍,(2).times+_+than,(3).times+the size/height/length/width/,depth+_.,(4).times+_,从句,即学即用,(1),我们每个人比,1910,年吃的蔬菜多三倍。,We are eating _ vegetables,per person today than we did in 1910.,(2),我的房子是我父母房子的两倍大。,My house is _ my parents.,as.as.,形容词,/,副词比较级,of,what,three times more,twice the size of,1.,利用转化法,品句填词,(,1,),He couldnt help,the cakes hungrily,though he was asked to keep an,out for,anyone who came here.(eye),(,2,),In a team,all the members should fight for,the common target,.That,is to say,all the members should,the same responsibility.(shoulder),eying,eye,shoulder to shoulder,shoulder,品味构词,串联扩展,n.,(表身体部位的名词),v.,(动词),shoulder,肩膀,shoulder,挑起;承担,back,背,back,face,脸,face,面对;对付,head,头部,head,nose,鼻子,nose,arm,手臂,arm,hand,手,hand,递,交;提出,武装某人,慢行;闻出,主管;给标题;,前往,朝(某方向)走,背靠;支持,2.,利用转化法,品句填,/,选词,(,1,),Last night I,a sweet,.(dream),(,2,),In order to,a better,we must,not harm other,things.,dreamt,dream,C,B,A,串联扩展,同源动宾词组,词义,dream a .dream,做了个,梦,的死,live a .life,过上,生活,闻,香味,打了一个,架,smile a .smile,笑了一个,笑,die a .death,smell a.smell,fight a .fight,【,例,1,】,My uncles house,in the downtown area,is much smaller than ours,but it is twice,_ expensive. (,四川高考,),解析,but,分句实际上是一个省略句,补充完整为,:,but it is twice as expensive as ours,。,课文原文,.I found I was,carried _ on,the earth and fell over.,考题回扣,A,twice as far as,【,例,2,】,When he _ the door,,,he found his,keys were nowhere. (,湖南高考,),C.had opened D.was to open,解析,句意为:当他要打开门时,发现哪里也找,不到钥匙了。表示即将发生的动作用,be to do,sth.,,所以,D,项符合句意。,A,项中出现了,would,该,词用于将来时态或用来表达某种倾向。,课文原文,What it _ was uncertain until,between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when,the dust settled into a solid globe.,was to become,D,【,例,3,】,Encourage your children to try new,things,but try not to _ them too hard.,(,宁夏高考,),解析,句意为:鼓励你的孩子们尝试新的东西。,但尽量不要太过分。,draw,拉,;strike,敲,打,;rush,冲,均不合题意。,push,向前推,符合题意。,课文原文,As the rocket rose into the air,we were,_ back into our seats.,D,pushed,【,例,4,】,In the good care of the nurses,the boy,is _ recovering,from his heart operation.,(,浙江高考,),解析,句意为:心脏手术后在护士们的精心护理,下,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。,quietly,静静地;,actually,实际上,;practically,实际地,;gradually,逐渐地。,课文原文,_ the weight lessened and I was,able to talk to him.,Gradually,D,【,例,5,】,The art show was _ being a failure;,it was a great success. (,天津高考,),A.far from B.along with,C.next to D.regardless of,解析,far from,远非;完全不,;along with,与,一起,;next to,几乎,差不多,;,紧临着,;regardless,of,不管;不顾。句意为,:,这次艺术展绝不是一次失,败,而是一次巨大的成功。句中,a failure,与,a,success,为抽象名词具体化,分别表示“失败的人,/,事”和“成功的人,/,事”。,课文原文,“,We are too _ the earth now to feel,its pull,” he explained.,A,far from,.,品句填词,1.He doesnt like to be v ,instead,he,prefers to solve the problem in peace.,2.Without o ,we couldnt live.,3.In cold winter days,there will be ice on,the s of the water.,4.With the d of science,many new,things are invented.,5. G speaking,,,he is a smart boy,except his carelessness.,自主检测,iolent,xygen,urface,evelopment,enerally,6.His p at the meeting made everybody,excited.,7.Another of his books will be p,next month.,8.The reason why we have to fall to the ground,is that there is g .,9.G ,he realized that he had done,wrong to her.,10.The river is so polluted that every day,we can see a lot of things f on,the water.,resence,ublished,ravity,radually,loating,.,短语运用,in all directions,go by,give birth to,in,time,depend on,prevent.from,as well as,be different from,,,escape from,,,watch.,doing,masses of,because of,1.Whether life will continue on the earth,for millions of years to come will _,whether this problem can be solved.,2.If you put your heart into it,,,youll,succeed _.,depend on,in time,3.There were _ people in the shops,yesterday.,4.Nothing can _ their plans _ being,carried out.,5.We _ the sun _ behind the trees,and the evening fell.,6.Our sons are very _ each other.,7.We spent three hours waiting in the rain,_ you!,8.As time _,I began to realize what I,did was wrong.,masses of,prevent,from,watched,setting,different from,because of,went by,9.Carbon dioxide can prevent heat from,_ the earth into space.,10.They own a house in France _ a,villa in Spain.,11.The birds were flying about _,_.,12.She _ a fine healthy baby.,escaping from,as well as,in all,directions,gave birth to,.,完成句子,1.The problem of pollution is _,_ (,值得关注,).,2.The unexpected snowstorm _,_ (,阻止了我们去登山,).,3._ (,当心车辆,)while,crossing the road.,4.Our teacher took us to the park _,_ (,以使我们高兴,).,worth paying,attention to,prevented us from,climbing the mountain,Watch out for the traffic,to cheer us,up,5._(,既然大,家同意了我的计划,),l,ets start for Shanghai,next weekend.,6.This is _(,如此有,趣的一部影片,) I have seen it twice.,Now that everyone agrees to my plan,so interesting a film that,.,单项填空,1.That hotel is always full because it offers,a friendly _ and personal service.,解析,考查名词词义辨析。句意为,:,这家旅馆总是,住满客人,因为它提供一种友好的氛围和个性化的,服务。,surface,表面;水面;,atmosphere,气氛;大,气,;system,系统,体系,;appearance,外表,;,出现,露面。,B,2.At first,we didnt know about Jim.But _,we came to know that he was an honest boy.,解析,考查句义理解及副词辨析。句意为,:,起初我,们不了解吉姆,但逐渐地,我们开始知道他是一个,诚实的孩子。,gradually,逐渐地,慢慢地。,C,3.Im sorry youve been waiting so long,but,itll be some time Brian gets back.,A.whereB.since,C.tillD.before,D,4,.Many Europeans _ the continent of Africa,in the 19th century.,解析,考查,4,个形近词的词义辨析。句意为:许多,欧洲人在,19,世纪对非洲大陆进行了探索。,explode,爆炸;,expose,暴露;显示;揭露;,explore,探索,,探究,勘探;,expand,扩大;展开;膨胀。,C,5.It is reported that the United States uses,_ energy as the whole of Europe.,A.as twice B.twice much,C.twice much as D.twice as much,解析,考查倍数的表达方式。倍数,+as+,原级,+as,.,意为“几倍,”,。,D,6.Its _ for the Shenzhou spaceship,that,every Chinese feels cheerful and proud.,A.so a successful flight,B.so successful a flight,C.such successful a flight,D.a such successful flight,解析,考查,such.that,和,so.that,句型。句意,为:对于“神七”来说,这是一次极为成功的飞,行,以致于每个中国人都为之高兴和自豪。“,so+,adj.,+a+,可数名词单数”或“,such+a+,adj.,+,可数名词,单数”。,B,7.He has _ letters to answer and has to,work from morning to night.,A.much B.a great deal of,C.masses of D.the number of,解析,考查修饰名词表“大量”的词的辨析。,masses of,相当于,plenty of,,意为“许多;大,量”。,A,、,B,两项用于修饰不可数名词,;the number,of,意为“,的数目”,与题意不符。,8.Its no longer a question now _ man can,land on the moon.,解析,考查句式结构。,it,作形式主语,that,从句作,真正的主语。,C,A,9.In such dry weather,,,the flowers will have,to be watered if they _.,A.have survived B.are to survive,C.would survive D.will survive,解析,考查时态。主句是一般将来时,if,条件状语,从句不能用将来时,排除,C,、,D,两项。,A,项显然不合,句意。,B,项“,be to do”,形式表示将来。另外“,be,to do”,结构还可表示职责、义务、约定、命令、,可能性等。,B,10._ well have our sports meet this week,_ the weather.,A.If;depend on B.Whether;depend on,C.If;depends on D.Whether;depends on,解析,考查主语从句及主谓一致。,if,一般不引导,主语从句,特别是不放在句首。主语从句、动词不,定式及动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选,D,项。,D,11.Alice,,,you look puzzled.Have you,understood it?,Yes,I _ another problem just now.,A.have thought of B.thought of,C.was thinking of D.had thought of,解析,考查动词时态。句意为:,艾丽斯,你,看上去很困惑。你明白了吗?,是的,刚才,我,正考虑另一个问题。由句意和“,just now”,可知,应用过去进行时,表示过去某一段时间一直在干,某事。,C,12.The harm the modern farming methods have,done _ the countryside is considerable.,解析,do harm to sb./sth.,为固定短语,意为,“对,有害”,且“,the modern farming.,countryside”,为定语从句修饰,harm,。故选,B,项。,B,,,nothing,can _ him dying of lung cancer.,A.has tried;stop,B.have tried;keep,C.has been tried;prevent,D.have been tried;stop,解析,前一句的主语是,all possible means,,,means,用,all,修饰,看作是复数,后面的谓语动词,要用复数形式并且用被动语态;后一句是“阻止,某人做某事”,,him,后省略了,from,。,D,14.You _ pay too much attention to your,reading skill,as it is so important.,A.cant B.should C.must D.neednt,解析,考查情态动词的用法及句式结构。句意为,:,你怎么重视你的阅读技能都不过分,因为它太重,要了。,cant.too.,无论,也不过分,越,越好,双重否定构成肯定。,A,15.Lucy picked up a lot of French _,playing with the native boys and girls.,解析,考查介词用法辨析。句意为,:,露西通过与当,地儿童一起玩耍学会了很多法语。,by,表示方法、,手段,意为“靠,通过”。,B,返回,谢谢观赏!,2020/11/5,63,


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