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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,九年级英语全册Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandancetoSectionB1a1d习题课件新版人教新目标版,1,Im afraid to see movies that are,_,2,I dont like the singers that dont sing the words _,3,His pet dogs death made him _,4,The food cooked by my mother smells good and I _enjoy it.,5,He looks strange because he likes wearing clothes that are _,scary,clearly,sad,really,unusual,二、根据句意,,,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。,1,Mo Yan is a famous _ (write),2,I love actors who _ (be) funny.,3,The manager will be _ (happy) with you if you make too many noises.,4,I have a friend who _ (play) sports.,5,They play different _ (kind) of music.,w,riter,are,unhappy,plays,kinds,三、选择适当的关系代词完成下列定语从句。,1,The little girl is afraid of movies _(which/who) have scary monsters.,2,Do you know the boy _ (who/whose) eyes are blue?,3,The old lady _(whose/whom) I spoke to is from Nanning.,4,The book _(that/when) I bought yesterday is very interesting.,5,I have never seen the boy _(who/which) got the first place in the sports meeting.,w,hich,w,hose,w,hom,that,w,ho,四、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。,A,:,Hi,,,Bill!,B,:,Hi,,,Anna!,A,:,The weekend is coming.,1.,_,B,:,I often play basketball with my friends. What about you,,,Anna?,A,:,2.,_,B,:,What kind of movies do you like?,A,:,I like comedies. I think they are very funny. What about you?,B,:,Well,,,I like action movies.,3.,_,A,:,Do you like documentaries?,B,:,Oh,,,no,!,4.,_They are very boring.,B,F,C,G,A,:,Do you want to go to a movie with us?,B,:,5.,_,I really want to go to a movie this weekend.,A,:,Lets go together.,A,Yes,,,I,do,.,B,What,do,you,often,do,on,w,eekends?,C,They,are,exciting,.,D,My,fa,v,orite,mo,v,ie,is,My,Father,s,Birthday,.,E,Yes,,,I,think,it,s,scary,.,F,I,often,go,to,the,mo,v,ies,on,w,eekends,.,G,I,don,t,like,them,.,A,五、任务型阅读。,I went to my friend Kittys home yesterday.There are plenty of cool things at her home.She has a new dress.She bought it last Sunday.It is very beautiful and unusual.She likes clothes that are unusual.She lent a book to me.It is a book about a famous scientist.I read it last night.Kitty wants to become a writer when she grows up.She likes writers who explain things well.Kitty had a beautiful movie poster.Her mother who works in a movie theatre got it for her.Both Kitty and I enjoy watching movies.Kitty loves movies that are funny.I love movies that are serious.,根据短文内容,,,完成下列表格。每空不超过三个单词。,About Kitty,She is one of my best friends. She has 1. _ cool things.,She bought a new dress last Sunday. It is beautiful and 2.,_,She likes writers who can 3. _,4. _ works in a movie theatre.,She loves movies 5. _,plenty of,unusual,explain things,w,ell,Her/Kittys mother,that are funny,谢谢!,


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