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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Good,morning,社会工作,13-2,班,朱晨晨,THE GRAVER ROBBERSCHRONICLES,written by NANPAISANSHU(,南派三叔),盗墓笔记,主 题,故事简介,作者简介,人物介绍,经典语句,Catalog,main idea,:,The content is a story of some,tomb raiders,(盗墓者),. In their explorations, they encountered a lot of strange things. And,sundry,mystery was filled in heros heart. They experienced a lot of risk which you can never think of, such as,traps,(陷阱),、,monsters,(野兽),、,stratagems,(机关),、,poisons,,,and so on.,Begin,50,years ago, a,grave robber,(,土夫子),in,Changsha,unearthed,(出土的),Warring States silk,(战国帛书), recorded a,peculiar,(奇特的),Warring States tomb,(战国古墓),position.,Then,After 50 years,,,the,grave robber,s grandson found a secret in the note. His uncle group of experienced grave robbers to find the treasure,writer,:,“南派三叔” 本名徐磊。中国作家富豪榜上榜作家,,惊叹号,创办人兼主编,,倩女幽魂,2,剧情创意,总监,创作,盗墓笔记,系列、,大漠苍狼,系列、,怒江之战,、,藏海花,、,沙海,等作品,被誉,为中国探险类第一畅销书作家。,2011,年,11,月,21,日,,“,2011,第六届中国作家富豪榜”重磅发布,南派三叔以,1580,万元的版税收入,荣登作家富豪榜第,2,位;代表作,盗墓笔记,系列荣获,2012,第七届中国作家富豪榜最,佳冒险小说奖。,2013,年,03,月,22,日,南派三叔微博宣布,封笔,,不再进行任何文学创作活动,引发广泛关注 。,吴 邪,Wu Xie,is the,grave robber,s grandson,.,In former, he has never worried about his life, just like the one who was,born with a gold spoon in his mouth(,含着金汤勺出生,),.He is so silly & innocent, so they call him,“,天真无邪”,.,张 起 灵,Zhang Qiling,is a man that has some special abilities. I do not know whether he is honest or not, but he always save others life.,这是一个强大得如同神佛一样的男人。,永远没有人可以像他一样给你带来那么多的安全感。,然而,这个人却背负着世界上最痛苦的命运,王胖子,Wang,Pangzi,is a person who love money rather than his own life. But he is very,loyal(,忠诚,),to his friends. Brave and thinking things in a direct way is his advantage.,瓶,+,邪,+,胖,=,The,iron,triangle,The classic statement,用我一生,换你十年天真无邪。,麒麟一笑,阎王绕道。,比鬼神更可怕的,是人心。,有些面具戴久了,就摘不下来了。,若倾你一生,只得我十年天真,只 愿尽我一世无邪,换你百载浅笑无忧。,For my life, exchange your ten years of innocence.,Kylin smile, Hades bypass,.,More terrible than the ghosts, is people.,Some masks for a long time, cant pick off.,If exhaust,your life, I had only,ten years of innocence. Willing to do my life for your hundred years smile without worry.,The book is over, but the story is continue,2015,We have been,waiting for,I think this novel is fantastic. If you enjoy reading novels, shouldnt miss it.,THANK YOU!,THE END,


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