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that.,onnection,project,specialist,achievements,entertainment,behavior,.,重点短语再现,1._,离开;起程,2._,过着,的生活,3._(,想法、问题等,),涌上心头,4._,蔑视;瞧不起,5._,查阅;谈到;参考,6._ (,偶然,),遇见,7._,碰巧;凑巧,继续;坚持,9._,献身于,10._,判,死刑,11._,为,设计,12._,某人自己的,move off,lead a.life,crowd in,look down upon/on,refer to,come across,by chance,carry on,devote.to.,put sb.to death,be intended for,of ones own,.,典型句式运用,1.Following Janes way of studying chimps,,,our group are all going to visit them in,the forest.,我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的,方法去森林里拜访它们。,现在进行时除表示现在外,还可以表示,_,用进行时表示一,种期待感,比较生动。常用的动词有:,come,go,leave,start,begin,arrive,stay,take,stop,等。,考点提炼,将来常有的意图、安排或打算等,2.Watching a family of chimps wake up is our,first activity of the day.,我们当天的首项任,务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。,watching a family of chimps,wake up,是,_,在句中作,_,。动名词作,主语往往表示一种概念、习惯或经验。,A library with 100 books was denoted to our school,考点提炼,动名词短语,主语,3.She is leading a busy life but she says,:,“,Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and,I remember the chimps in laboratories.”,她,的生活是繁忙的,然而,她却说:“我一旦停下,来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验,室里的黑猩猩。”,once I stop,是,once,引导的,_,从句,主句是由,_,连接的两个并列分句,crowding,in,为现在分词短语作伴随状语,修饰,comes,。,考点提炼,时间状语,and,4.I say to myself,,“,Arent they lucky?”,我,会对自己说,“难道它们不幸运吗?”,arent.,是否定式疑问句,表示,“,_,?”,可以用来表示责备等。,5.Why not study at medical college like Lin,Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?,为什么不,像林巧稚那样去医学院学习然后继续她的有益的,事业呢?,Why (not) do sth.,是一个很常见,的句型。,_,形式有时还含有责备的意味,;_,形式则常用来表示建议。,Why come so late?,为什么这么晚才来?,Why not ask him?,为什么不问问他呢?,考点提炼,考点提炼,难道不,吗,肯定,否定,重点单词,She has _ that wild animals should,be left in the wild.(,回归课本,P,2,),观察思考,They argued the plan for a long time.,他们就该计划辩论了很长时间。,Were always aruging with each other about,money.,我们总是为钱吵嘴。,导练互动,argued,He was too tired to argue the point.,他太累了,不想讨论这个问题。,归纳总结,argue _,。,argue with sb.,on/about/over,sth.,与某人争论某事,argue against/for,为反对,/,赞成,而辩论,说服某人做,/,不,做某事,argue that-clause,辩论说,argument,n.,争论,辩论;论据;理由,an argument,against,反对,的理由,an argument,for,/in favor of,赞成,的理由,put forward an argument,提出论点,vi. & vt.,争论;辩论;讨论,即学即用,(1),他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。,He _ Mary the best place,for a holiday.,(2),他们就这笔钱怎样花而争论不休。,They were _ how to spend the,money.,argued with,arguing about,over,She spent years _ and recording,their daily activities.(,回归课本,P,2,),观察思考,She has observed the stars all her life.,她一生都在观察星星。,He observed a stranger hanging around the,store.,他看到一个陌生人在商店附近闲逛。,We must observe the rules of the road.,我们必须遵守交通规则。,observing,归纳总结,observe _,。,observe,属于感观动词,在主动语态中,作宾补的不,定式,但在被动语态中则必须 。,observe+,宾语,+do/doing sth,.,看到,察觉到某人做,某事,/,正在做某事,observe sth.,观察,(,注意到,),某事物,observe that.,观察到,observe on/upon sth.,关于,陈述意见,observe a childs behavior,观察一个孩子的行为,observe the terms of a contract,遵守合同的条款,vt,.,看到;观察到;注意到;遵守,不带,to,用,to,observe an anniversary,庆祝周年纪念日,observer,n.,观察者,;,观测者,;,遵守者,observation,n.,观测,监测,观察,观察力,under observation,在观察中,;,在监视中,即学即用,Though having lived abroad for years,many,Chinese still _ the traditional customs.,A.perform B.possess C.observe D.support,解析,observe,在此句中意为“遵守,奉行,(,法律、协,议或习俗等,)”,。句意为:尽管在国外居住了这么多,年,许多中国人仍然遵循着传统的风俗习惯。,C,For forty years Jane Goodall has been,outspoken about making the rest of the world,understand and _ the life of these,animals.(,回归课本,P,2,),观察思考,I deeply respect his courage.,=I deeply respect him for his courage.,我深深敬佩他的勇气。,We respect him as a great leader.,我们敬重他是伟大的领袖。,respect,A twominute silence was held as a mark of,respect.,人们静默两分钟以示尊敬。,In this respect we are very fortunate.,在这方面我们是很幸运的。,归纳总结,respect _,。,have/show respect for,尊敬,尊重;重视,hold sb.in respect,尊敬某人,in no respect,无论在哪方面都不是,,完全不,是,with respect to,关于,就,来说,vt. & vi,.,尊敬,尊重;,n.,尊敬;方面,in some respects,在某些方面,in every respect/in all respects,在各方面,out of respect for sb.,出于对某人的尊敬,without respect to,不考虑,;不管,即学即用,(1),他因诚实而深受大家的尊敬。,He _ by everyone for his,honesty.,(2),你认为这部电影在哪一方面有失偏颇?,_ do you think the film is,biased?,is highly respected,In what respect,There was story after story of how Lin,Qiaozhi,tired after a days work,went late,at night to _ a baby for a poor,family who could not pay her.(,回归课本,P,6,),观察思考,Would you deliver my message to your elder,brother?,你可以帮我传口信给你哥哥吗?,The doctor delivered the woman.,医生给这位妇女接生。,She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic,engineering.,根据安排她要作一个关于遗传工程的演讲。,deliver,归纳总结,deliver _,。,deliver sth.to sb.,把某物交付某人,be delivered of a baby,生小孩,deliver oneself of sth.,发言,发表,deliver sth.(up/over)(to sb.),放弃某事物,;,交出某物,deliver sb.(from sth.),拯救,/,解救某人,deliver on,不负所望;履行诺言,deliver a speech/lecture,发表演讲,v.,递送;接生;发表,(,演说等,),即学即用,(1),一些新书已被送到学校。,Some new books _ to the,school.,(2),昨天校长在大会上发言了。,The headmaster _ at the,meeting yesterday.,have been delivered,delivered a speech,5.consideration,What made her succeed later on was the,kindness and _ she showed to,all her patients.(,回归课本,P,6,),观察思考,After a few moments consideration,,,he,began to speak.,他考虑了片刻后开始讲话。,Their kindness and consideration will not,be forgotten.,人们不会忘记他们的友善和体贴。,consideration,He has never shown much consideration for,his wifes feelings.,他从不顾及他妻子的感情。,归纳总结,consideration _,。,in consideration of.,考虑到,,顾及,take.into consideration,考虑到,;,体谅,be under consideration,在考虑中,在审议中,give consideration to sth./give sth.,consideration,考虑某事,consider,v.,考虑;认为,consider doing sth.,考虑某事,be considered to be/as.,被认为,;被看作,n.,U,考虑,;,体贴,;,体谅;关心,out of consideration for,出于对,的关心,/,体谅,show consideration for sb./sth.,体谅,/,关心,considerate,adj.,考虑周到的;体谅的;体贴的,considerable,adj.,相当多,/,大,/,重要的,即学即用,(1),他们考虑到他还年轻没给他重活。,They didnt give him heavy work _,_ his youth.,(2),老师说对于学生的要求他会予以考虑的。,The teacher said that he would _,_ the request of the students.,in,consideration of,take into,consideration,I looked carefully at the text and realized,that it was _ for women in the,countryside.(,回归课本,P,6,),观察思考,This kind of bicycle is intended for people,who is too tall.,这种自行车是专为身材过高的人设计的。,This dictionary is intended for children.,这本词典是给小孩用的。,intended,I didnt intend her to see this painting,until it was finished.,我本来不想在这幅画还没完成之前让她看到。,Today,I intend to finish reading this book.,今天我打算读完这本书。,归纳总结,intend _,。,(,1)intend sb.to do sth.,打算让某人做某事,to do sth.,doing sth.,打算使,成为;想让,从,事某事,vt.,意指,愿意;计划,打算,意欲,打算做某事,be intended to do sth./for sth.,是用来,intend that.,打算,想,had intended to do sth.(=intended to have,done sth.),过去本打算做,(2)intention,n.,意图;打算;目的,by intention,故意,have no intention of doing.,无意做,with the intention of,抱有,目的;打算,without intention,无意中,不是故意地,即学即用,(1),我本来是打算去北京的,但我没买到票。,I _ to Beijing,but I,didnt get the ticket.,(2)She went out with the door unlocked by _,although she knew early that it would result,in theft.,A.accident B.intention C.chance D.purpose,解析,by intention=on purpose,故意,;by chance,=by accident,偶然。,intended to have gone,B,重点短语与句型,e across,By chance I _,an article about a,doctor called Lin Qiaozhi,a specialist in,womens diseases.(,回归课本,P,6,),观察思考,I came across him in the street yesterday.,昨天我在街上无意中碰到了他。,While cleaning the room yesterday,I came,across an old photo of my mother.,我昨天清扫房间时,意外地发现一张我母亲的照片。,came across,归纳总结,come across,意为,:_,。,How come?,为什么?怎么会?怎么搞的?,come about,发生,come along,一起来;一道走,come down to,下垂到;达到;流传下来,come on,得啦;快点,come out,出来;出版;开花,come to,达到;总计为;结果是,come to oneself(,昏迷后,),苏醒过来;恢复理性,come up,上来;,(,从土中,),长出,发芽,被提出,come up with,提出;想出,come true,实现,(,偶然,),遇上,碰见;发现,即学即用,(1)Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it,_ that she was two hours late on such a,short trip.,A.came over B.came out,C.came about D.came up,解析,come over,过去;,come out,出来,;come up,出,现,到来。,come about,发生,符合题意。,C,(2)Have you _ some new ideas?,Yeah.Ill tell you later.,A.come about B.come into,C.come up with D.come out with,解析,come about,发生;,come into,进入,得到,;,come up with,想出;,come out with,发表,公布,,说出。句意为,:,你想出新的主意了吗?,是,的,我过会儿告诉你。,C,8.carry on,Why not study at medical college like Lin,Qiaozhi and _ her good work?(,回归课,本,P6),观察思考,Carry on (with) the good work!,好好做下去!,Despite all the noise,she carried on,studying.,尽管很吵,她还在继续学习。,Negotiations were carried on,,,in spite of,the fighting.,尽管还在打仗,谈判仍在进行。,carry on,归纳总结,carry on,意为,:_,。,carry.about,随身携带,carry away,拿走,冲走,掠走;吸引住,(,某人,),carry back,将,送,/,带回原地;使某人忆起,carry forward,过帐,结转,carry off,运走,带走;获得,(,奖项,),,夺得,成功地应付,(,困难,),局面,carry out,搬出;实施,执行,履行;完成,carry through,达成,贯彻;使渡过难关,继续,继续下去,即学即用,(1),我不在的时候你要继续工作。,_/Go on with your work,while Im away.,(2)The meal over,the managers went back to,the meeting room to _ their discussion.,A.put away B.take down,C.look over D.carry on,解析,put away,收好,放好,take down,写下,记下,;,look over,从,上面看;查看,检查,;carry on,继,续。句意:吃完饭,经理们回到会议室继续讨论。,Carry on working,D,9.Only after her mother came to help her,for the first few months,,,was she allowed,to begin her project.,她母亲头几个月来帮,她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。,典例体验,_ the stress he,was under.,直到那时她才意识到他所承受的压力。,_ the problem.,只有用这种方法你才能解决问题。,Only then,,,did she realize,Only in this way,,,can you solve,归纳总结,此句是,only,引导的一个,_,。当,only,修饰,_,_,、,_,或状语从句,且,_,时,主句必须,用部分倒装结构。,(1),否定副词,(,词组,)never,,,nor,hardly,,,little,,,seldom,by no means,等置于句首时,句子要用部分倒,装结构。,Never before have I seen such a moving film.,我从来没有看过这样感人的电影。,By no means will we give in to them.,我们决不会向他们让步。,(2)so,或,neither/nor,表示前者的情况也适用于另一人,或物时,其句型为“,so/neither/nor+be/,助动词,/,情态,部分倒装句,副,词,介词短语,放在句首,动词,+,另一主语”。,so,指肯定情况,意为“,也是,如此”,neither/nor,适用于前者是否定的情况,意为,“,也不这样”。,Lily cant ride,neither/nor can Lucy.,莉莉不会骑车,露西也不会。,注意,如果句意不是“,也是如此”,而仅是对前,面内容的肯定或附和,(,此时的,so=indeed),,那么句子,不可使用倒装语序。,You forgot to take your key with you again!,你又忘记带钥匙了!,Oh,my god.So I did!,噢,我的天哪,我确实忘了带!,(3)so+,adj./adv.,+that.,引导的结果状语从句结构中,so+,adj./adv.,置于句首时,句子须用部分倒装。,So clearly does he speak English that he can,always make himself understood.,他英语讲得如此清晰,以致于别人总能理解他的意思。,注意,that,引导的句子不倒装。,(4),在非真实条件句中可省略,if,把,were,had,should,提到句首构成部分倒装结构。,Should it rain tomorrow,we would not go,climbing.,若明天下雨,我们就不去爬山了。,Had you come earlier,you would have caught,the bus.,如果你早点来,你就赶上公共汽车了。,即学即用,(1)Only when I left my parents for Italy _,how much I loved them.,A.I realized B.I had realized,C.had I realized D.did I realize,解析,考查部分倒装。“,only+,状语”放于句首,时,主句用部分倒装。,(2)So difficult _ it to work out the,problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.,A.I did find B.did I find,C.I have found D.have I found,解析,so (such).that,结构中,so,或,such,位于句,首加强语气时用倒装。,D,B,1.,选择恰当的词填空,(,1,),I am busy preparing for the weekly,test,.I will get in touch with,you next Monday.,A.thenB.nowC.now and then,(,2,),We will be able to discuss the plan,so you wont disturb me,.,A.thenB.nowC.now and then,B,A,C,品味构词,串联扩展,对立意义的词并列构成新义,adv,./,adj,.,原词,adv,./,adj,.,对立词,构成词组,作状语,now,现在,then,那时,(=sometimes,)不时,here,这里,there,那里,(=everywhere,)到处,up,向上,,朝上,down,向下,往下,上上下下,now and then,here and there,up and down,back,后面,front,前面,前后颠倒,backward,朝后的,/,地,forward,朝前的,/,地,来回地,来去地,once,一次,more,更,又一次,再一次,thick,厚的,thin,薄的,不顾艰难,in,里面,out,外面,时进时出,far,远的,遥远的,near,近的,附近的,far and near,back to front,backward and,forward,once (and) more,(through) thick,and thin,in and out,四面八方,2.,利用,-spect,相关的派生词,品句填词,(1)If you dont,others,of course,others wont,you.,(2)The leader came to our office and,the case of the theft because,he,someone had stolen it.,However,if you want to find the thief,and then you cant judge a person by,his,.All in all,we,the,police will be able to catch the thief,soon.,respect,respect,inspected,suspected,aspect,expect,串联扩展,前缀,词根,派生词,a-,-spect(,看,look),aspect(=looks ),in-,( =look into),检查,re-,respect(=look up to,尊敬,),ex-,expect(=hope/believe,期望,期盼,),su-,suspect(=feel doubt ),面貌,inspect,怀疑,【,例,1,】,Its helpful to put children in a,situation _ they can see themselves,differently. (,福建高考,),解析,当先行词为,situation,case,stage,point,等时,若定语从句中缺少状语,则定语从句的引,导词为,where,。,课文原文,This means going back to the place _ we,left the family sleeping in a tree the night,before.,考题回扣,where,D,【,例,2,】,Do you think its a good idea to,make friends with your students?,_,I do.I think its a great idea.,(,安徽高考,),解析,句意为,:,你认为和你的学生交朋友是个,好主意吗?,我认为是个好主意。由下句肯定回,答可知赞同对方的观点,故用,actually,。,课文原文,She _ observed chimps as a group,hunting a monkey.,C,actually,【,例,3,】,As a new diplomat,he often thinks of,_,he can react more appropriately on such,occasions. (,上海高考,),解析,句意为,:,作为一个新外交官,他常常考虑在,这样的场合中如何更恰当地反应。句中,react,是不,及物动词,不能与,what(,什么,),和,which(,哪一个,),搭,配;,that,没有具体的含义,因此只有,how(,如何,),符,合题意。,课文原文,She also discovered _ chimps communicate,with each other,.,D,how,【,例,4,】,How much _ she looked without her,glasses! (,全国,高考,),A.well B.good,解析,句意为,:,她不戴眼镜看起来好看多了,!much,修饰比较级,故只有,better,正确。,课文原文,Was she so _ cleverer than anyone else?,much,D,【,例,5,】,I wonder how much you charge for,your services.,The first two are free _ the third,costs $30. (,安徽高考,),解析,句意为,:,我想知道你的服务收费多少?,前两个是免费的,但第三个收费,30,美元。根,据句意,“,前两个免费”和“第三个收费,30,美元”,之间是前后对比关系。而,until,表示“直到,时,候”;,when,表示“当,时候”,;before,表示“在,之前”,均不合题意。,A,课文原文,Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the,trees _ the family begins to wake up and,move off.,while,.,品句填词,1.With her great efforts,she has a,everything she wanted to do.,2.“Have you taken part in either of my last,two c ?” The officer asked the,soldier.,3.If you want to help the poor,you can join,the o ,which usually has some,such activities.,4.He is an agricultural s,,,who,devotes all his life to the research into,agriculture.,自主检测,chieved,ampaigns,rganization,pecialist,5.The little boys bad b at the,party made his parents upset.,6.I by the teachers words,he is,determined to study harder than before.,7.In our school,every teacher is asked to,write one or two a about teaching,every year.,8.Everything taken into c ,he has,done a good job this time.,9.The famous doctor has d hundreds,of babies during her life.,10.It is c of you not to make any,noise while the others are having a rest.,ehaviour,nspired,rticles,onsideration,elivered,onsiderate,.,短语运用,care for,carry on,put.to death,set up,catch ones eye,,,devote.to,look down,upon,on ones own,make up,work out,1.The government the criminals _,by hanging them.,2.We need another three players to _,a team.,3.He is an independent child;he does all the,things _.,4.After he left I just tried to _ as,normal.,to death,make up,on his own,carry on,put,5.The young girl _ all her spare time,studying English.,6.Youll _ the problem if you keep,working on it.,7.A special hospital was _ to treat,SARS in Beijing.,8.He hates to be _,so treat,him as our honored guest.,9.He is good at _ sick animals.,10.I was looking through the newspaper and,suddenly a photo _.,devotes,work out,set up,looked down upon,caring for,caught my eye,to,.,完成句子,1.My car has been _(,车况良好,),since it was repaired.,2.Mr.Brown _ (,忠于,) his wife.,3.It is _ (,仔细,考虑是值得的),the way to solve these,problems.,4.By now I _ (,迫不及,待地想了解,) more about her.,5.But it was not her success at university,_ (,使她成名,).,6.She worked hard _,_ (,让尽可能多的国家同意,),not to use them.,in good condition,is devoted to,worthwhile considering carefully,can not wait to find out,that made her famous,to make as many countries,as possible agree,.,单项填空,1.Smoking in all public places,,,including,bars,restaurants,cafes,and hotels,_,prohibited in New Zealand.If you smoke,,,please remember to smoke outside.,C.has been D.is being,解析,考查主谓一致及时态。因为句子的主语是,smoking,,故谓语动词应用单数形式,;,由句意可知,此句是说明一种现在的事实,故用一般现在时,,选,A,项。,A,2.I am sure this painting was not painted by,Picasso.Its only an unsuccessful fake (,赝,品,) and so its _.,解析,priceless,invaluable,和,precious,都表示,“无价的,珍贵的”,;,而,worthless,指“不值钱的,,没有价值的”,符合句意。,3.Weve always wanted a house in the country,but we _ about where it should be.,A.arguedB.had argued,C.will argueD.are arguing,解析,由前一个分句知后半个分句应使用以现在,为起点的时态,故排除,A,、,B,、,C,三项,选,D,项。,C,D,4.He is the right person you can rely on to,_ your research when you are on,vacation,for the next two weeks.,A.take up B.carry on,C.fix on D.go over,解析,考查动词短语辨析。,carry on your,research,继续开展你的研究。,take up,干扰性最,大,但它的意思是“开始从事”,而由句意“在,你的两周度假期间,他就是你可以依赖、继续你,的研究的人”可知,研究工作早已经开始,所以,应该排除。,B,5._ the danger from enemy action,people,had to deal with the lack of food,clothing,fuel and almost everything.,A.As far as B.As long as,C.As well as D.As soon as,解析,考查固定搭配。句意为:除了来自敌人的,危险,人们还要解决缺少食物、衣服、燃料等几,乎所有问题。,as well as=in addition to,,,besides,除了,。,A,、,B,、,D,三项只能引导句子。,C,6.It was from the year 2006 _ the Chinese,government stopped raising taxes from,farmers.,解析,考查强调句型。句意为:从,2006,年起,中国,政府就停止向农民征收税收。这是用强调句型强,调时间状语。,A,项前后时态不对,B,项和,C,项表示定,语从句,但如果空格后是定语从句,那么前面句子,的意思不完整。,D,7.Believe it or not,in the United States,40,percent of the toys _ are designed for,adults.,A.sold B.selling,C.to sell D.to be selling,解析,由于该句谓语是“,are designed”,所以这,里要填的是非谓语动词作后置定语。所填的分词,与所修饰的中心词构成被动关系,故用过去分词,作定语,意思是“在美国被卖出的玩具的,40%,是为,成年人设计的”。,A,8.You promised to _ the goods to,our place,immediately,,,but we havent seen any of,them yet.,A.pass B.relay C.deliver D


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