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2010中考英语复习课本知识整理八年级上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1.take off 脱下2.put on 穿上 3.cut up 切碎 4.turn on 打开5.turn off 关掉 6.mix up混合在一起7.putaway 把收起来8.take away拿走9.Let me think让我想想 1o.a slice of bread 一片面包 11.two teaspoons of honey 两汤匙蜂蜜 12.two cups of yogurt 两杯酸奶 13.a kilo of tomatoes 一公斤西红柿 14.two bowls of water两碗水 15.two baskets of apples两篮苹果16.a bag of tea一袋茶叶 17.addto把加到上 18.pourinto 倒到里 19.putin(into)放在(到)里 2o.on the top 在顶部 21.first 首先 22.next 接着 23.then 然后 25.finally=at last 最后 26.an onion 一个洋葱 27.in the bowl 在碗里 28.sandwich-sandwiches 29. Lets do sth. 让我们做 II. 重要句型 1.how many与how much(1).how many表示“多少”,对数量提问,后面接可数名词的复数形式。如:There are four people in my family.-How many people are in your family? 你家里有几个人?We have seven classes every day.-How many classes do you have every day? 你们每天上几节课?(2).how much也是表示“多少”,但它对不可数名词进行提问。如:There is some milk in the bottle.-How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶?(3).how much还可以对价格提问,表示“多少钱”的意思。如:The yellow T-shirt is only 35 yuan.-How much is the yellow T-shirt? 那件黄色的T恤衫多少钱?III. 交际用语 1. How do you make a banana milk shake? Peel the bananas 2. How many bananas do we need? Three. 3. How much yogurt do we need? We need one cup of yogurt. IV. 重要语法祈使句【课文解析】1.Turn on the blender.打开果汁机。turn on打开(电器等),其反义词是turn off关上(电器等)。 turn on the light打开电灯 turn off the radio关上收音机【辨析】turn on与open(1)rum on表示“打开(电灯、自来水开关、煤气、无线电等)”。Please turn on the radio请打开收音机。(2)open表示“敞开,展开;使露在外面”。Open the window pleaseIts too hot in the room请打开窗户,房间里太热了。turn on的反义词组为rum off(关上),其中on和off均为副词,如果宾语是代词,必须放在词组中间且用宾格形式。类似的词组还有:turn up调高,开大;turn down调低,关小。He turned on the light after he came in他进来后开了灯。Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave你离开时别忘了关灯。2cut up 切碎cut up为动词短语,意为“切碎”,此时它的宾语为某物,相当于cutinto small pieces,即“把某物切成小块”。We should cut up the tomatoes我们应该把西红柿切碎。cut up宾语为某人时,意为“(严重地)割伤,打伤”。How many bananas do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?How many引导特殊疑问句表示“多少”,后边跟可数名词的复数形式。How many pears do you want:?你想要多少梨?How many people are there,in your family?你家有几口人?7How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?How much表示“多”,引导特殊疑问句,后边跟不可数名词。How much还有“多少钱”的意思,用来询问物品的价格。How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水?How much ls the jacket?这件夹克衫多少钱?need既可作实义动词,也可作情态动词。(1)need!作实义动词时,可用于各种句型之中。How many bananas do you need?你需要几个香蕉?You dont need tn do it at once你不必马上做那件事。一Does she need to come?需要她来吗?一Yes,she does一No,she doesnt是的。不,她不必来。(2)need怍情态动词时,只用于否定句、疑问句和条件句,后面必须接动词原形。 You neednt go this week本周你不必去。一Need he go at once?他马上就得走吗?一Yes,he must一No,he neednt是的,他必须马上走。不,他不必马上走。注意:用must引导的问句,肯定回答常用must,否定回答常用neednt。一Must I go now?我现在必须走吗?一Yes,you must一No,you neednt是的,你必须走。不,你不必走。Lets make fruit salad.我们做水果沙拉吧。 Lets=Let us让我们,咱们let后的动词不定式不带to,即let sbdo sth让某人干某事。Let Li Lei do it让李雷做这件事吧。 Let us go and help the old man让我们去帮助那位老人吧。注意:Let us以缩写为Lets,但Lets和Let us所构成的祈使句意义并不完全相同。Lets“让我们”,包括说话方和对方在内;其反义疑问句形式用shall We。Lets go fishing,shall we?咱们去钓鱼吧,好吗?(包含说话方和对方在内)Let us“让我们”,不包括对方在内,具有请求允许的意味,其反意疑问句形式是will you?Let us go,will you?让我们去,好吗?(us只指说话方,不包含对方)9good idea好主意 这是用于应答提出的建议时常用的句子。good idea前不用冠词。一Lets go fishing让我们去钓鱼吧。一Good idea好主意。Thats a good idea那是个好主意。Finally adv最后finally为副词,意为“最后,最终”,可位于句首、句中或句尾,位于句中时,要放在be等助动词之后,行为动词之前。I fina11y worked out the problem我最后做出了那道题。辨析:finally,at last与in the end(1)finally最后,只指一系列事物或论点的顺序,一般不带感情色彩:He tried many timesand finally succeeded他尝试了多次,最后成功了。(2)at last有时可与finally互换,但往往用于一番拖延或曲折之后,因而带有较浓厚的感情色彩,表示不耐烦、放心、如愿等。He has finished speaking at last他终于说完了!At last I have obtained my wish我的愿望终于实现了。(3)in the end终于,可用于预测将来;finally,at last则不能。He will be a scientist in the end最终他会成为一名科学家。First adv 首先first用作副词,意为“首先”;用作序数词表示“第一”;用作形容词表示“第一流的,首要的”;用作名词表“开端”、“冠军”。January is the first month of the year一月是一年里的第一个月。【辨析】first与at first(1)first一般表示按顺序开始,可说first of all首先for the first time初次。First,Ill tell you good news首先,我要告诉你们好消息。(2)at first为“起先,开头”之意,暗示与后来的事情动作不同,与at the beginning同义。At first,we were not good friends起初我们不是好朋友。first常构成的词组:first of all首先,第一first or last迟早,早晚from first to last自始至终,一贯then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt。然后放入凉茶勺蜂蜜和一茶杯酸奶。two teaspoons of两茶匙一”和a cup of一茶杯”,分别用来表示不可数名词honey蜂蜜”和yogurt酸奶”的量。表容器的名词是可数名词,由其前面的数词决定其单复数形式。These three pieces of paper are hers这三张纸是她的。注意:不可数名词没有复数形式,不能与aan连用,不能用数词修饰,但不可数名词前可加some,a little,any,no等词,也可与“量词+of这种形式搭配,表示数量的多少。不可数名词没有复数形式,但它前边的量词可以有复数。常见的用于表示不可数名词的量的短语还有:a glass of一杯a bag of一袋a box of一箱 a bottle of一瓶a bowl of一碗a cup of一杯mix it all up把所有的东西一起进行搅拌。mix up为动词短语,意为“混合在一起,弄错,弄乱”。up为副词,故也适用“代词放中间(动、副词之间),名词放两边(副词两边)”的口诀。Someone has mixed up all the ingredients有人已经把所有的配料都混在一起了。(1)表示“把和混在一起混掺和,融合”,常用mix A with B或mix A and B(together)的形式。Oil doesnt mix with water油不溶于水。(2)mixture是mix的名词,意为“混合,结合体,混合体”。The city is a mixture of old and new buildings这座城市是新老建筑的混合体。14Add salt to the noodles.把盐加到面条里。(1)addto把加到上Will you please add a few notes to the article?请你给这篇文章加些注释好吗?Add 4 to 6 and you have 1o4加6等于lo。(2)add to增添,补充The wonderful song added to our pleasure悦耳的歌声给我们增添了欢乐。15First,put some relish on a slice of bread首先,在一片面包上放些调料。puton意为“把放在上”,常用于把某物放于另一物体的表面上。Could you put the box on the desk?你可以把这个箱子放到书桌上吗?put on意为“穿上戴上(衣服、鞋、帽等)”。Its raining outsidePut on your raincoat外面下雨了,穿上你的雨衣。put还常与其他副词连用,构成动词短语,表达不同的意义。常见的有:put away把收起来整理好put up把挂起来举起来put down放下,记下put off拖延a slice of意为“一薄片_,常用来指不可数名词的量。slice有单复数的变化,以表达不可数名词的多少。I have had some slices of roast beef我已经吃了几片烧牛肉了。slice还可作动词,意为“把切成(薄)片”,其后可用up,也可以省略。 Lets slice(up)the onions让我们把洋葱切成片儿。16Super Chicken Sandwich。超级鸡肉三明治。(1)super相当于excellentsplendid,表示“超级的,极好的”。We had a super meal我们吃了一顿极好的饭。(2)另外,super还可用作前缀,后加另一名词,构成一个新名词。supermarket超市 superpower超级大国superman超人 supermodel超级名模chicken n作定语,修饰另一名词sandwich。一般情况下,名词作定语时在数上不受它修饰的名词的影响而用其单数。a banana tree一棵香蕉树two apple trees两棵苹果树但是当表示性别的man,woman作定语时,在数上要随它所修饰的名词的单复数而变化。a man teacher一位男教师two women doctors两位女医生l 7Then cut up an onion and a tomato。然后切一个洋葱和一个西红柿。 cut up这里意为“切碎”。此句中的“洋葱”和“西红柿”分别用不定冠词an和a修饰,泛指单一、每一、任一事物。1 want to buy a pen我想买一支钢笔。【辨析】a,an与oneaan都是冠词,a用在以辅音音素开头的单数名词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单数名词前。I have a sister我有一个姐姐。He is eating an egg他正在吃一个鸡蛋。(1)不定冠词a,an可表达“一个”,主要强调事物的类别;而基数词one更强调数字概念。I have one brother我有一个哥哥。(不是两个,强调个数)(2)若有only(只有),just(仅仅)这样的词修饰,表达“一个”时,只能用one,而不能用不定冠词a或an。Now we have only one way现在我们只有一个方法。(3)one可以作代词,其复数形式为ones,而aan是冠词,没有复数形式。These magazines are too oldDo you have some new ones?这些杂志太旧了,你有新的吗?(ones代替magazines)(4)a用于以辅音音素开头的可数名词单数前。如:a pen,a cup等;an用于以元音音素开头的可数名词单数前。如:an apple。An hour等;而one可用于所有可数名词单数前。如:one busone egg等。 18.finally,put another slice of bread on the top.最后,在上面放上另一片面包。 another是由an+ other构成的不定代词,意为“另一”。通常用在单数名词前,且其前不再使用冠词。它表示三者或三者以上的人或事物中任意的另外一个。I dont like the red hatPlease give me another one我不喜欢这顶红帽子,请再给我一顶。(1)another后一般接单数名词,但是,其后可接带有few或数词的复数名词。I have another, three questions to ask我还有三个问题要问。(2)another后加数词,表达“再,又几个”,可与数词+more进行互换。Im too hungryI want to eat another twotwo more(cakes)我太饿了,我想再吃两块(蛋糕)。(前面已经吃过一块或几块) on the top意为“在上面,在顶部”;也常写作on top。Stand on top and look down站在顶上俯视。on top of意为“在上面,在上方”。Books were piled on top of one another书一本本地摞在一起。at the top意为“在顶部顶端”。Write your name at the top of the paper把你的名字写在这页纸的顶端。all与bothall与both都表示“都”,但all用于三者或三者以上,而both只能用于两者之间。All of us like English我们大家都喜欢英语。They both like English他们俩都喜欢英语。21. slices of duck烤鸭片duck意为“鸭子,鸭肉”,duck变复数时加s,作群体名词时不变。duckling n小鸭子chick n小鸡chicken n鸡肉,小鸡Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?单元测试1听力测试八(2o分)听句子。选出你在句子中听到的单词(5分)( )1Ayogurt Byounger Cyoung( )2Apeel Bpear Cpeach( )3Amake Bmade Cmachine( )4Anet Bneck Cneed( )5Ahave Bhas Chad听句子,选择正确答案(5分)( )6AOne BTwo CThree DFour teaspoons( )7AYes,it isBYes,I dont CNo,I dont DNo,it isnt( )8AIts very delicious BSorry,I dont know CIts very popular DThank you( )9AJust one BNo,pleaseCYes,I doDA little( )1oAYes,I likeBYes,pleaseCNo,pleaseDYes,I do听对话及问题,选择正确答案(5分)( )11AA banana shake BBananas and ice cream CA milk shake( )12ABananas,apples,oranges and watermelonBBananas,apples,watermelon and sugar CBananas,apples,watermelon and yogurt( )13AEat the popcorn BPour the popcorn into the bowl CPut the popcorn and some cream into the popper( )14AVegetable salad BFruit salad CYogurt salad( )15AMikes father BMikes mother CMike听对话,根据对话内容完成下列表格(5分)What does Mrs. White buyHow much or How manyHow much moneyPork16_1o yuanChickentwo kilos17_18_two kilos12 yuanMilk19_6 yuan2o_one kilo5 yuan笔试部分(8o分)单项选择(15分)( )1_ yogurt do we need for the milk shake? AHow manyBHow muchCHow DWhat( )2Lets _ fruit salad Amake Bto make Cmakes Dmaking( )3Do you like mayonnaise?_ AI dont think so BI think so CYes,I do DYes,I dont( )4Pour the milk _ the blender Ain Binto Con Dat( )5Heres a recipe _ a great turkey sandwich Aof Bfor Cin Dabout( )6Father is _ the wood in order to make a fire Acutting up Bcutting off Ccutting through Dcutting down( )7_? Yes,pleaseId like some sandwiches AWho are you BWhat are you CCan I help you DCan you help me( )8Without your help,I dont know _ to do it Awhat Bwhich Chow Dwhom( )9_ are the mushrooms? Two yuan a kilo AHow much BHow manyCWhatDHow( )1oDont forget to _ the lights before you leave the room Aturn on Bturn off Cturn down Dturn up( )11_ uncountable nouns are there in Unit Seven? AWhat manyBHow manyCHow much DWhich words( )12_ cut up two apples,then put them into the blenderFinally turn on the blender AAnd BNext CFirst DThen( )13You _ get up so earlyBut you must go to work on time Aneednt to Bdont have toCmay not Dmustnt( )14This is _ onion and that is _ beef Aan;a Ban;Ca;an Da;( )15The piece of meat is too large,lets cut _ Athem up Bit up Cup them Dup it完形填空(1o分) Food is very importantEveryone need to 1 well if he or she wants to have a strong bodyOur minds also need a kind of foodThis kind of food is 2 We begin to get knowledge even when we are very youngSmall children are 3 in everything around themThey learn 4 while they are watching and listeningWhen they are getting older,they begin to 5 story books,science booksanything they likeWhen they find something new,they love to ask questions and 6 to find out the answers What is the best 7 to get knowledge?If we learn 8 ourselves,we will get the most knowledgeIf we are 9 getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn wellWhen we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand 1o ( )1Asleep Bread Cdrink Deat( )2Asport Bexercise Cknowledge Dmeat( )3Ainterested Binteresting Cweak Dbetter( )4Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing Danything( )5Alend Bread Clearn Dwrite( )6Atry Bhave Cthink Dwait( )7Alibrary Bschool Cway Droad( )8Aon Bwith Cto Dby( )9Aoften Balways Cusually Dsometimes( )1oAharder Bmuch Cbetter Dwell阅读理解(2o分)A Can you name some foods in the meat group? Can you tell where they come from? Your body is made up of millions of cellsCells are very small Your body has to make new cells in order to growIt also has to make new cells to take the place of the old cells that have been worn out To grow,the cells need a thing called proteinThe protein you need most comes from foods in the meat group Fruit and vegetables are plant foodsFoods in this group give your body vitamins and mineralsYour body needs vitamins and minerals to grow and to stay well The third food group is made up of breadThese foods come from grainYour body gets heat and energy from these foodsIt needs a lot of energy to work and play Milk is one of the best foods your body can getIt has protein,vitamins and mineralsMilk is good between meals or with meals Some foods are not listed in the four main groupsThis is because you do not have to think about eating these foodsYou eat them if you eat foods from the four main foods( )1In order to grow,your body _ Ahas to make more water Bneeds more small protein Chas to make new cells Dneeds old cells( )2In order to growthe cells need _ Afood Bprotein Cmeat Da cell( )3The protein comes mostly from _ Amilk Bfruit Cbread Dmeat( )4Vitamins come from _ Aprotein Bfruit and vegetables Cfat Dnew cells( )5Milk has _ in it Ameals Bbody Cminerals DbreadB English breakfast is a very big meal-eggs,tomatoes,tea,coffeeFor many people lunch is a quick mealIn cities there are a lot of sandwich barswhere office workers can buy the kind of bread they wantbrown or white,or a rolland then all kinds of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwichSchool children can have a hot meal at schoolBut many just take a sandwich,a drink and some fruit from home Tea means two thingsIt is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea,with sandwiches,cakes and a cup of tea They usually have the evening meal quite early,between 6:oo and 8:oo,and often all the family members eat together On Sundays,many families have a traditional lunchThey have chicken,porkwith vegetables The Englishmen like food from other countries,too,especially French,Chinese,Italian and IndianPeople often get take-away foodthey buy outside and then bring it home to eat根据短文内容及首字母,完成单词使句子完整通顺。6In England many people have a b_ breakfast and a q_ lunch _ _ off the blender6Cut up these tomatoes(改成进行时,用I作主语) I _ _ up these tomatoes7There are some mushrooms in the box(对画线部分提问) _ in the box?8She needs a teaspoon of honey(对画线部分提问) How _ _ of honey _ she need?根据汉语完成句子(5分)1你在面包上放了多少调料? _ _ relish did you _ _the bread?2检查一下你是否有所有的原料。 _ you _ _ the ingredients3你怎样做水果沙拉? _ do you _ _ salad?4这是做火鸡三明治的食谱。 _ a _ _ a great turkey sandwich5然后放入两汤匙柠檬和一杯酸奶。 _ put in _ _ _ lemon and _ _ _ yogurt书面表达(1o分) 根据所给提示,写出水果沙拉的制作过程,所给提示词必须都用上,6o词左右。 题目:How do you make a fruit salad? 提示词:first,next,then,finally,apple,pear,grape,banana,orange,peach,salad,cream,sugar,washpeel,cut,add to,mix up,put_参考答案听力测试八1Put the bananas and yogurt in the blender 2Peel three bananas 3How does he make an apple milk shake? 4How much yogurt do we need? 5First,check you have all the ingredients6How much honey do we need? 7Do you like smoothies? 8How to make a fruit salad? 9How many apples does your brother have? 1oWould you like a cup of coffee?11W:What are you going to do? M:I want to buy some bananas and ice creamWhat about you? W:Im going to make a banana milk shake for my mum Q:What does the man want to buy? 12W:What do you need to make a fruit salad? M:I need bananas,apples,watermelon and yogurt Q:What does the man need to make a fruit salad? 13W:Can you make popcorn yourself? M:Yes,I canFirst put the popcorn and some cream into the popperNext turn on the popperThen pour the pop corn into the bowlFinally you can eat itIts delicious! Q:What should the woman do after turning on the popper? 14W:Which is your favorite,fruit saladvegetable salad or yogurt salad? M:I like fruit salad best Q:What is the mans favorite salad? 15W:Can you make shakes at home,Mike? M:Yes,but not very wellMy father can make delicious ba nana shakes but my mother cant Q:Who can make delicious banana shakes?M:Hello,Mrs WhiteWhat can I do for you? W:YesI want some pork M:How much do you want? W:About one kiloDo you have any chicken? M:Yes W:I want two kilos M:OK,two kilos W:Do you have any bread and milk? M:Yes,I doAnd I have fruits like apples,bananas and oranges W:Two kilos of bread,four bottles of milk and one kilo of apples M:Here you are W:How much are all these things? M:Let me seeThe pork is 1o yuanThe chicken is 15 yuan The bread is 12 yuanThe milk is 1.5 yuan a bottleYou buy four bottlesThats 6 yuanApples are 5 yuan a kiloAll the things are 48 yuan W:OKHeres the money M:Thank you1A 2A 3A 4C 5A6D 7C 8B 9A 1oB11B 12C 13B 14B 15A16about one kilo 1715 yuan 18bread 19four bottles 2oapples笔试部分1B 解析:yogurt是不可数名词,用How much提问多少。 2A 解析:Lets后加动词原形。 3C 解析:用助动词do提问的句子,肯定回答Yesdo,否定回答Nodont。 4B 解析:pourinto为固定搭配。 5B 解析:for“为准备的。” 6A 解析:句子的意思是“父亲在劈柴”。cut up意思为“切碎”,符合题意。 7C 解析:Can I help you? 是售货员的习惯用语,意思是“你想买点什么?” 8C 解析:因为不定式to do后面有宾语,所以只能选疑问副词how。 9A 解析:由答语可知问的是价钱,故只能用how much来提问。 1oB 解析:由句意知:当你离开屋子之前不要忘记关灯。 11B 解析:疑问短语的中心词是nouns,可数名词复数,所以应用How many来提问多少。 12C 解析:First,then,finally表示动作的先后顺序。 13B 解析:你没必要起这么早,但你必须按时上班。表“没必要干什么”用neednt do或dont have to do;need(neednt)作情态动词,后直接跟动词原形。选项C may not表示“可能不”,选项D mustnt表示“严禁”,根据句意均不符合。 14B 解析:onion是可数名词单数,且以元音音素开头,所以应用不定冠词an;beef是不可数名词,此处表“类”,不能加任何冠词。故答案选择B。 15B 解析:cut up是动副词组结构,宾语如果是代词时,把代词置于cut和up之间,又由于meat是不可数名词,代词应用it。One possible version:How do you make a fruit salad? First wash the apples,pears,grapes,oranges and peachesPeel the apples,pears oranges and bananasCut up the applespears,grapes,bananas,oranges and peachesNext put the fruits in a bowlThen p


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