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高中英语动词时态和语态专项练习题附答案清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供高中英语动词时态和语态专项练习题附答案而语境中的时态和语态具有灵活多变的特点,因此找出隐含于上下文中的时间信息,正确认定动作行为所发生的时间是解题的关键。做动词时态和语态填空题时,常常按以下几个步骤:(1)注意题干所提供的信息,如语境、情景以及说话人的情感;(2)根据句中的时间状语以及一些副词判断时态;(3)考虑语态;(4)考虑时态的一致性。另外,复习时,还要涉及到短暂性动词与延续性动词,这两个概念一定要搞清。短暂性动词用于进行时态和完成时态都要受到限制。1.(2002全国高考题)You havent said a word about my new coat,Brenda.Do you like it? Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner.I certainly think its pretty on you.A.wasnt sayingB.dont sayC.wont sayD.didnt say2.(2002全国高考题)I wonder why Jenny _us recently.We should have heard from her by now.A.hasnt writtenB.doesnt writeC.wont writeD.hadnt written3.(2003北京春季高考题)When will you come to see me,Dad?I will go to see you when you _ the training course.A.will have finishedB.will finishC.are finishingD.finish4.(2003北京春季高考题)How long _ at this job?Since 1990.A.were you employedB.have you been employedC.had you been employedD.will you be employed5.(2003上海春季高考题)By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _ in Beijing.A.would be completedB.was being completedC.has been completedD.had been completed6.(2002北京高考题)The little girl _her heart out because she _ her toy bear and believed she wasnt ever going to find it.A.had cried; lostB.cried; had lostC.has cried; has lostD.cries; has lost7.(2002北京高考题)Excuse me,sir.Would you do me a favor?Of course.What is it?I _ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.A.had wonderedB.was wonderingC.would wonderD.did wonder8.(2002上海高考题)He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year.A.will graduateB.will have graduatedC.graduatesD.is to graduate9.(2002上海高考题)I feel it is your husband who _for the spoiled child.A.is to blameB.is going to blameC.is to be blameD.should blame10.He has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still _.A.has beenB.doesC.hasD.is11.If city noises _ from increasing,people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A.are not kept; will have toB.are not kept; have toC.do not keep; will have toD.do not keep; have to12.The price _,but I doubt whether it will remain so.A.went downB.will go downC.has gone downD.was going down13.How long _ each other before they _ married?For about a year.A.have they known; getB.did they know; getC.do they know; are going to getD.had they known; got14.You cant move in right now.The house _.A.has paintedB.is paintedC.is being paintedD.is painting15.Hey,look where you are going!Oh,Im terribly sorry._.A.Im not noticingB.I wasnt noticingC.I havent noticedD.I dont notice16.The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it.A.was travelingB.traveledC.had been travelingD.was to travel17.Is this raincoat yours?No,mine _ there behind the door.A.is hangingB.has hangC.hangsD.hang18.I turned around and saw everybody _ at a man who _ loudly in a foreign language.A.was staring; was shoutingB.was staring; shoutingC.staring; shoutingD.stared; shouted19.Henry remained silent for a moment.He _.A.thoughtB.had thoughtC.was thinkingD.was thought20.We would like to go and thank him ourselves,but we _ out his address yet,A.havent foundB.hadnt foundC.didnt findD.dont find21.Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing22.Have you got your test result?Not yet.The papers _.A.are not correctingB.have not correctedC.are still being correctedD.have already been corrected23.See the clouds! It _ rain!A.willB.is going toC.mustD.certainly24.Do I have to take this medicine? It _ so terrible.A.tastesB.is tastingC.is tastedD.has tasted25.Dont take the magazine away.It _ me.A.is belonged toB.belongs toC.was belonged toD.is belonging to26.Is this the third time that you _ late?A.have beenB.amC.wasD.had been27.Do you know when Tom _ from abroad?Perhaps it will be a long time before he _.A.will come; will comeB.comes; will comeC.will come; comesD.comes; comes28.My uncle said that he would telephone but I _ from him so far.A.didnt hearB.hadnt heardC.havent heardD.wont hear29.The telephone _ four times in the last hour,and each time it _ for my roommate.A.has rung; wasB.has been ringing; isC.had rung; wasD.rang; has been30.A storm _ by a calm.A.is often being followedB.was often followedC.is often followedD.has often been followed31.The pen I _ I _ is on my desk,right under my nose.A.think; lostB.thought; had lostC.think; had lostD.thought; lost32.We could have walked to the station.It was so near.Yes,a taxi _ at all necessary.A.wasntB.hadnt beenC.couldnt beD.wont be33.A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday only to find it _.A.to be brokenB.had broken intoC.was brokenD.had been broken into34.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory _.A.will greatly increaseB.would greatly increaseC.would be increased greatlyD.will have been greatly increased35.His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazines he _.A.had long been expectedB.had long expectedC.has long expectedD.was long expected36.Do you like the new pen?Yes,it _ very well.A.is writtenB.is writingC.writesD.wrote37.Oh,its you? I didnt recognize you.I _ my hair cut,and I _ new glass.A.had; was wearingB.have had; am wearingC.had; woreD.have had; wear38.As she _ the newspaper,Granny _ asleep.A.read; was fallingB.was reading; fellC.was reading; was fallingD.read; fell39.However hard you _,you will never succeed in pleasing her.A.tryB.will tryC.should tryD.would try40.Can I help you,sir?Yes,I bought this radio yesterday,but it _.A.didnt workB.wont workC.cant workD.doesnt work41.How are you today?Oh,I _ as ill as I do now for a very long time.A.didnt feelB.wasnt feelingC.dont feelD.havent felt42.When Jack arrived he learned Mary _ for about an hour.A.had goneB.had set offC.had leftD.had been away43.By this time tomorrow we _ the machine.A.have repairedB.shall have repairedC.will repairD.would repair44.I dont think Jim saw me,he _ into space.A.just staredB.was just staringC.has just staredD.had just stared45.Helen _ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _ home.A.had left; cameB.has left; comesC.left; had comeD.had left; would come46.You have left the light on.Oh,so I have._ and turn it off.A.Ill goB.Ive goneC.I goD.Im going47.This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot.He _ trying to save a child in earthquake.A.killedB.is killedC.was killedD.was killing48.The notice _ “No smoking.”A.is wroteB.readsC.writesD.is read49.Good care must _ babies particularly while they are ill.A.takeB.take ofC.be takenD.be taken of50.Shortly after we _,a waiter came over to our table with a smile.A.seated B.were seated C.sat ourselves D.had seated51.You look pale,what troubled you?I _ my dead friend.A.am thinking aboutB.was thinking aboutC.had thought aboutD.will think about52.John and I _ friends for eight years.We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.But we _ each other a couple of times before that.A.had been; have seenB.have been; have seenC.have been; had seenD.had been; had seen53.Do make sure that you _ a seat today!A.gotB.getC.shouldD.have get54.We _ at the house as we _ of buying it.A.looked; were thinkingB.were looking; were thinkingC.were looking; thoughtD.looked; had thought55.Im told that you are leaving for Beijing.Who _ so?A.saidB.had saidC.saysD.has said56.I _ the room to be empty but found it occupied.A.had thoughtB.have thoughtC.didnt thinkD.was thinking57.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly.A.will have changedB.has changedC.is changingD.will change58.I _ ping-pong quite well,but I havent had time to play since the new year.A.will playB.have playedC.playedD.play59.Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.A.will requestB.are requestedC.are requestingD.request60.They _ a snowstorm on their way home.A.caught in B.had caught C.were caught D.were caught in 高考能力测试步步高英语基础训练8答案基础训练8动词(三)动词时态和语态15 DADBD 610 BBCAD1115 ACDCB1620 AAACA2125 DCBAB2630 ACCAC3135 BADCC 3640 CBBAD4145 DDBBA4650 ACBDB5155 BCBBC 5660 ACDBD【解析】1.用过去时表达没能早说之意。2.用完成时表达到目前为止本应发生的动作。3.主句将来时,状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。4.本句用完成时当无疑问,值得注意的是后面的结构是系表结构表状态,不是被动语态。5.受by the end of last year的影响,本句是典型的过去完成时。6.体会一下时间的先后就可明白,前一句是一般过去时,后一句是过去完成时。7.空格所指的是说话前正在考虑的动作。9.本句是强调句型,sb. is to blame是“得怪谁”的意思。10.填空处是现在进行时的省略。14.现在进行时的被动语态。16.强调看见时the UFO正在发生的动作。22.答语为现在进行时的被动语态,指“试卷正在被批改”。23.有征兆表明某事即将发生一般用be going to 表达。24.taste为连系动词,因而没有被动语态。25.belong to没有被动语态。30.全句意为“暴风雨过后是一片宁静”。33.only to引导的是一个结果状语,所填空处是典型的过去完成时的被动语态。40.一般现在时陈述事实。43.受by this time tomorrow这一时间状语的影响,本题所填是中学不太常见的将来完成时。有机化学知识点归纳(一)一、同系物结构相似,在分子组成上相差一个或若干个CH2原子团的物质物质。同系物的判断要点:1、通式相同,但通式相同不一定是同系物。2、组成元素种类必须相同3、结构相似指具有相似的原子连接方式,相同的官能团类别和数目。结构相似不一定完全相同,如CH3CH2CH3和(CH3)4C,前者无支链,后者有支链仍为同系物。4、在分子组成上必须相差一个或几个CH2原子团,但通式相同组成上相差一个或几个CH2原子团不一定是同系物,如CH3CH2Br和CH3CH2CH2Cl都是卤代烃,且组成相差一个CH2原子团,但不是同系物。5、同分异构体之间不是同系物。二、同分异构体化合物具有相同的分子式,但具有不同结构的现象叫做同分异构现象。具有同分异构现象的化合物互称同分异构体。1、同分异构体的种类: 碳链异构:指碳原子之间连接成不同的链状或环状结构而造成的异构。如C5H12有三种同分异构体,即正戊烷、异戊烷和新戊烷。 位置异构:指官能团或取代基在在碳链上的位置不同而造成的异构。如1丁烯与2丁烯、1丙醇与2丙醇、邻二甲苯与间二甲苯及对二甲苯。 异类异构:指官能团不同而造成的异构,也叫官能团异构。如1丁炔与1,3丁二烯、丙烯与环丙烷、乙醇与甲醚、丙醛与丙酮、乙酸与甲酸甲酯、葡萄糖与果糖、蔗糖与麦芽糖等。 其他异构方式:如顺反异构、对映异构(也叫做镜像异构或手性异构)等,在中学阶段的信息题中屡有涉及。各类有机物异构体情况: CnH2n+2:只能是烷烃,而且只有碳链异构。如CH3(CH2)3CH3、CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH3、C(CH3)4 CnH2n:单烯烃、环烷烃。如CH2=CHCH2CH3、CH2CH2CHCH3CH3CH=CHCH3、CH2=C(CH3)2、 、 CnH2n-2:炔烃、二烯烃。如:CHCCH2CH3、CH3CCCH3、CH2=CHCH=CH2CH3CH3 CnH2n-6:芳香烃(苯及其同系物)。如: 、 、 CnH2n+2O:饱和脂肪醇、醚。如:CH3CH2CH2OH、CH3CH(OH)CH3、CH3OCH2CH3 CnH2nO:醛、酮、环醚、环醇、烯基醇。如:CH3CH2CHO、CH3COCH3、CH2=CHCH2OH、 CH2CH2CHOHOCH2CHCH3 、 、 CnH2nO2:羧酸、酯、羟醛、羟基酮。如:CH3CH2COOH、CH3COOCH3、HCOOCH2CH3、HOCH2CH2CHO、CH3CH(OH)CHO、CH3COCH2OH CnH2n+1NO2:硝基烷、氨基酸。如:CH3CH2NO2、H2NCH2COOH Cn(H2O)m:糖类。如:C6H12O6:CH2OH(CHOH)4CHO,CH2OH(CHOH)3COCH2OHC12H22O11:蔗糖、麦芽糖。2、同分异构体的书写规律: 烷烃(只可能存在碳链异构)的书写规律:主链由长到短,支链由整到散,位置由心到边,排布由对到邻到间。 具有官能团的化合物如烯烃、炔烃、醇、酮等,它们具有碳链异构、官能团位置异构、异类异构,书写按顺序考虑。一般情况是碳链异构官能团位置异构异类异构。 芳香族化合物:二元取代物的取代基在苯环上的相对位置具有邻、间、对三种。3、判断同分异构体的常见方法: 记忆法: 碳原子数目15的烷烃异构体数目:甲烷、乙烷和丙烷均无异构体,丁烷有两种异构体,戊烷有三种异构体。 碳原子数目14的一价烷基:甲基一种(CH3),乙基一种(CH2CH3)、丙基两种(CH2CH2CH3、CH(CH3)2)、丁基四种(CH2CH2CH2CH3、 、CH2CH(CH3)2、C(CH3)3) 一价苯基一种、二价苯基三种(邻、间、对三种)。 基团连接法:将有机物看成由基团连接而成,由基团的异构数目可推断有机物的异构体数目。如:丁基有四种,丁醇(看作丁基与羟基连接而成)也有四种,戊醛、戊酸(分别看作丁基跟醛基、羧基连接而成)也分别有四种。 等同转换法:将有机物分子中的不同原子或基团进行等同转换。如:乙烷分子中共有6个H原子,若有一个H原子被Cl原子取代所得一氯乙烷只有一种结构,那么五氯乙烷有多少种?假设把五氯乙烷分子中的Cl原子转换为H原子,而H原子转换为Cl原子,其情况跟一氯乙烷完全相同,故五氯乙烷也有一种结构。同样,二氯乙烷有两种结构,四氯乙烷也有两种结构。 等效氢法:等效氢指在有机物分子中处于相同位置的氢原子。等效氢任一原子若被相同取代基取代所得产物都属于同一物质。其判断方法有: 同一碳原子上连接的氢原子等效。 同一碳原子上连接的CH3中氢原子等效。如:新戊烷中的四个甲基连接于同一个碳原子上,故新戊烷分子中的12个氢原子等效。CH3CH3C CCH3CH3CH3CH3 同一分子中处于镜面对称(或轴对称)位置的氢原子等效。如: 分子中的18个氢原子等效。三、有机物的系统命名法1、烷烃的系统命名法 定主链:就长不就短。选择分子中最长碳链作主链(烷烃的名称由主链的碳原子数决定) 找支链:就近不就远。从离取代基最近的一端编号。 命名: 就多不就少。若有两条碳链等长,以含取代基多的为主链。 就简不就繁。若在离两端等距离的位置同时出现不同的取代基时,简单的取代基优先编号(若为相同的取代基,则从哪端编号能使取代基位置编号之和最小,就从哪一端编起)。 先写取代基名称,后写烷烃的名称;取代基的排列顺序从简单到复杂;相同的取代基合并以汉字数字标明数目;取代基的位置以主链碳原子的阿拉伯数字编号标明写在表示取代基数目的汉字之前,位置编号之间以“,”相隔,阿拉伯数字与汉字之间以“”相连。 烷烃命名书写的格式:2、含有官能团的化合物的命名 定母体:根据化合物分子中的官能团确定母体。如:含碳碳双键的化合物,以烯为母体,化合物的最后名称为“某烯”;含醇羟基、醛基、羧基的化合物分别以醇、醛、酸为母体;苯的同系物以苯为母体命名。 定主链:以含有尽可能多官能团的最长碳链为主链。 命名:官能团编号最小化。其他规则与烷烃相似。如: ,叫作:2,3二甲基2丁醇CH3CH3CHCCHOCH3CH2CH3 ,叫作:2,3二甲基2乙基丁醛四、有机物的物理性质1、状态:固态:饱和高级脂肪酸、脂肪、葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、淀粉、维生素、醋酸(16.6以下);气态:C4以下的烷、烯、炔烃、甲醛、一氯甲烷、新戊烷;液态:油状:乙酸乙酯、油酸;粘稠状:石油、乙二醇、丙三醇。2、气味:无味:甲烷、乙炔(常因混有PH3、H2S和AsH3而带有臭味);稍有气味:乙烯;特殊气味:甲醛、乙醛、甲酸和乙酸;香味:乙醇、低级酯;3、颜色:白色:葡萄糖、多糖黑色或深棕色:石油4、密度:比水轻:苯、液态烃、一氯代烃、乙醇、乙醛、低级酯、汽油;比水重:溴苯、乙二醇、丙三醇、CCl4。5、挥发性:乙醇、乙醛、乙酸。6、水溶性:不溶:高级脂肪酸、酯、溴苯、甲烷、乙烯、苯及同系物、石油、CCl4;易溶:甲醛、乙酸、乙二醇;与水混溶:乙醇、乙醛、甲酸、丙三醇。五、最简式相同的有机物1、CH:C2H2、C6H6(苯、棱晶烷、盆烯)、C8H8(立方烷、苯乙烯);2、CH2:烯烃和环烷烃;3、CH2O:甲醛、乙酸、甲酸甲酯、葡萄糖;4、CnH2nO:饱和一元醛(或饱和一元酮)与二倍于其碳原子数的饱和一元羧酸或酯;如乙醛(C2H4O)与丁酸及异构体(C4H8O2)5、炔烃(或二烯烃)与三倍于其碳原子数的苯及苯的同系物。如:丙炔(C3H4)与丙苯(C9H12)六、能与溴水发生化学反应而使溴水褪色或变色的物质1、有机物: 不饱和烃(烯烃、炔烃、二烯烃等) 不饱和烃的衍生物(烯醇、烯醛、烯酸、烯酯、油酸、油酸酯等) 石油产品(裂化气、裂解气、裂化汽油等) 含醛基的化合物(醛、甲酸、甲酸盐、甲酸酯、葡萄糖、麦芽糖等) 天然橡胶(聚异戊二烯)2、无机物: 2价的S(硫化氢及硫化物) + 4价的S(二氧化硫、亚硫酸及亚硫酸盐) + 2价的Fe6FeSO4 + 3Br2 = 2Fe2(SO4)3 + 2FeBr36FeCl2 + 3Br2 = 4FeCl3 + 2FeBr3Mg + Br2 = MgBr2 (其中亦有Mg与H+、Mg与HBrO的反应)2FeI2 + 3Br2 = 2FeBr3 + 2I2 Zn、Mg等单质 如 1价的I(氢碘酸及碘化物)变色 NaOH等强碱、Na2CO3和AgNO3等盐Br2 + H2O = HBr + HBrO2HBr + Na2CO3 = 2NaBr + CO2+ H2OHBrO + Na2CO3 = NaBrO + NaHCO3七、能萃取溴而使溴水褪色的物质上层变无色的(1):卤代烃(CCl4、氯仿、溴苯等)、CS2等;下层变无色的(1):直馏汽油、煤焦油、苯及苯的同系物、低级酯、液态环烷烃、液态饱和烃(如己烷等)等八、能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色的物质1、有机物: 不饱和烃(烯烃、炔烃、二烯烃等) 不饱和烃的衍生物(烯醇、烯醛、烯酸、烯酯、油酸、油酸酯等) 石油产品(裂化气、裂解气、裂化汽油等) 醇类物质(乙醇等) 含醛基的化合物(醛、甲酸、甲酸盐、甲酸酯、葡萄糖、麦芽糖等) 天然橡胶(聚异戊二烯) 苯的同系物2、无机物: 氢卤酸及卤化物(氢溴酸、氢碘酸、浓盐酸、溴化物、碘化物) + 2价的Fe(亚铁盐及氢氧化亚铁) 2价的S(硫化氢及硫化物) + 4价的S(二氧化硫、亚硫酸及亚硫酸盐) 双氧水(H2O2)必修二 M2 Unit1 重点单词:cultural survive remain state valuablerare dynasty belong heat selectdesign fancy jewel reception amazing light wonder remove furniture decoratesecretly wooden doubt prove besidesconsider opinion evidence pretend treasurecelebrate former mystery重点短语look into serve as take apart in rather than think highly of belong to in search of in return care about agree with to ones surprise重点句子1. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train 2. Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.3. In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted.4. this was a time when the two countries were at war.5. . could never have imagined that his greatest gift to .6. This gift was the Amber Room which was given this name because .7. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey.8. The design of the room was in a fancy style popular in those days.9. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists .必修二 M2 Unit2 重点单词honest ancient compete competitor medal host magical interview athlete admit stadium gymnasium replace prize sliver physical/mental root relate poster advertise foolish promise golden regular slaveresponsibility opportunity allow spirit volunteerhomeland glory hopeless nowadays standard重点短语take part in/join in used to play a role in compete against/for work out make sure a set of as well every four years one after another all over the world as a matter of fact pick up stand for on a . Basistogether with find out make a bargain with重点句子1. a special village is built for them to live in.2. I lived in what you called “Ancient Greece”.3. But of course you can ask any questions you like.4. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for the event will be admitted as competitors.5. Thats why they are called the Winter Olympics.6. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women.7. Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with .必修二 M2 Unit3 重点单词:revolution universal artificial intelligence anyhowtotally advantage/disadvantage type disagreematerial personal create arise wander wonder predict devoted sum develop rapidly memory shape network applicationconnect quality download internet virusweb signal program coach electronicspoil niece expert finance mobileperformance explore analytical logically cheatoperate/operator/operation calculate/calculator simple-minded technology/technological重点短语as a result deal with have in commonmake up after all watch overbe filled with with the help of compare to/with .According to at that time from then onShare with as well as be crazy aboutProvide . With in a way 重点句子1. Over time my memory has developed so much that I never forgot anything I have been told.2. I was programmed by an operator who uses cards with holes.3. At that time it was considered a technological revolution .4. I wondered if I would grow any larger.5. Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem.6. As time went by, I was made smaller.These changes only became possible as my memory improved.7. I have been used in offices and homes since 1970s.必修二 M2 Unit4 重点单词wild/wildlife protection reserve hunt/hunter loss stomach apply suggest thick di


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