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公 司 註 冊 處Companies Registry不營運私人公司撤銷註冊申請書Application for Deregistration ofa Defunct Private Company(公司條例第291AA條)(Companies Ordinance s.291AA)表格FormDR1重要事項 Important Notesl填表前請參閱填表須知。請用黑色墨水列印。公司編號Company NumberlPlease read the accompanying notes before completing this form.Please print in black ink.1 公司名稱Company Name2 申請人證明書Certification by ApplicantA.申請人的身份Capacity of Applicant此撤銷註冊的申請是由以下人士作出-This application for deregistration is made by the following person -請在有關空格內加 號 Please tick the relevant box該公司the company該公司的董事a director of the company 該公司的成員a member of the company (註Note 5)提交人的資料Presentors Reference請勿填寫本欄For Official Use姓名Name: 地址Address: 電話Tel: 傳真Fax:電郵地址E-mail Address:檔號Reference: 指明編號2/2004(修訂)(2004年2月)Specification No. 2/2004 (Revision) (Feb. 2004)表格DR1公司編號Company NumberForm(註Note 9)B.申請人的資料Particulars of Applicant(如申請人並非個人,請同時填報2C項 If the applicant is not an individual, please also complete Section 2C)姓名名稱Full Name地址Address(註Note 10)電郵地址E-mail Address圖文傳真號碼Fax Number(註Note 11)身份證明Identificationa香港身份證號碼HK Identity Card Numberb海外護照Overseas Passport簽發國家Issuing Country號碼NumberC.獲提名接收撤銷註冊通知書的人的資料Particulars of the Person Nominated to be given Notice of the Deregistration(如申請人並非個人,請填報獲提名人的資料 If the applicant is not an individual, please provide the particulars of the nominated person)(註Note 12)姓名名稱Full Name(註Note 12)地址Address(註Note 13)電郵地址E-mail Address圖文傳真號碼Fax Number(註Note 14)身份證明Identificationa香港身份證號碼HK Identity Card Numberb海外護照Overseas Passport簽發國家Issuing Country號碼Number第二頁Page 2指明編號2/2004(修訂)(2004年2月)Specification No. 2/2004 (Revision) (Feb. 2004)表格DR1公司編號Company NumberFormD.申請理由Grounds for the Application(a)公司的所有成員均同意撤銷該公司的註冊; 及all members of the company agree to the deregistration of the company ; and(註Note 15)(b)公司沒有尚未清償的債務; 及the company has no outstanding liabilities; and(c)公司從未開始營業或運作或公司在緊接此申請之前已停止營業或運作3個月以上。either the company has never commenced business or operation or the company has ceased to carry on business or ceased operation for more than 3 months immediately before this application.E. 證明書Certification(註Note 16)(a)隨表提交稅務局局長的通知書正本,述明稅務局局長並不反對撤銷該公司的註冊。The original written notice issued by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue stating that the Commissioner has no objection to the company being deregistered is submitted with this form.(b)公司並非公司條例附表16第I部中指明的公司。The company is not a company specified in Part I of the Sixteenth Schedule of the Companies Ordinance.本人我們核證上述資料正確。IWe certify that the above information is correct.(註Note 6)簽署Signed:姓名Name:日期Date :(董事秘書授權人*)本表格第2B項所述的申請人日DD / 月MM / 年YYYY(DirectorSecretaryAuthorized Person*)Applicant named in Section 2B of this Form* 請刪去不適用者 Delete whichever does not apply對所有申請人的警告申請人如就此項申請明知或罔顧實情地提供虛假或具誤導性的資料,即屬違法;一經定罪,最高刑罰可處罰款100,000元及監禁6個月。WARNING TO ALL APPLICANTSIT IS AN OFFENCE KNOWINGLY OR RECKLESSLY TO PROVIDE FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION REGARDING THE APPLICATION. IF CONVICTED, THE MAXIMUM PENALTY IS $100,000 AND 6 MONTHS IMPRISONMENT.第三頁Page 3指明編號2/2004(修訂)(2004年2月)Specification No. 2/2004 (Revision) (Feb. 2004)公司條例(香港法例第32章)第291AA條規定提交的不營運私人公司撤銷註冊申請書填表須知表格DR1附註引言1.本表格是用以向公司註冊處處長申請將一間不營運私人公司的註冊按公司條例第291AA條撤銷。唯第291AA條並不適用於公司條例附表16第I部中指明的公司。2. 撤銷註冊的申請應由公司、公司的董事或成員作出。在撤銷該公司的註冊時,公司註冊處處長會向申請人發出撤銷註冊通知書。3. 公司一旦解散,其解散前擁有的一切財產 (包括銀行戶口結餘) 即當作無主財物,並歸香港特別行政區政府所有。在提出申請之前,公司應該就其財產的處置事宜,徵詢其律師或其他專業顧問的意見,確保在撤銷註冊前,妥善處置所擁有的一切財產。4.請劃一以中文或英文填報各項所需資料。如以中文填報,請用繁體字。公司註冊處不接納手寫的表格。5.請填報提交人的資料。除非有特別事項需要公司註冊處注意,否則毋須另加附函。簽署6.本表格必須由第2B項所述的申請人簽署。如申請人屬法人團體,本表格必須由該法人團體的一名董事、秘書或授權人簽署。如申請人屬個人,則本表格必須由申請人親自簽署。公司註冊處不接納未簽妥的表格,並會退回提交人。費用7. 本表格必須連同正確的註冊費用一併提交,否則公司註冊處不會接納,並會退回提交人。有關所須繳付費用的詳情,請參閱主要服務收費表資料小冊子。8. 如以郵寄方式遞交表格,請連同一張港幣劃線支票繳付所需費用。支票抬頭請註明公司註冊處。請勿郵寄現金。申請人的資料 (第2B項)9. 申請人必須填報全名及地址。如申請人是一間公司,必須另提名一人負責接收撤銷註冊通知書,而獲提名人的資料須同時填報於第2C項。10. 請提供申請人的電郵地址及或圖文傳真號碼以方便聯絡(屬自願提供的資料)。11. 如申請人屬個人,請填報其香港身份證號碼。如該人並非香港身份證持有人,請填報其所持有的護照號碼及簽發國家。如該人既非香港身份證持有人,亦沒有任何國家的護照,則請在有關的空格內填無。獲提名接收撤銷註冊通知書的人的資料 (第2C項)12. 獲提名人必須填報全名及地址。13. 請提供獲提名人的電郵地址及或圖文傳真號碼以方便聯絡(屬自願提供的資料)。14. 如獲提名人屬個人,請填報其香港身份證號碼。如該人並非香港身份證持有人,請填報其所持有的護照號碼及簽發國家。如該人既非香港身份證持有人,亦沒有任何國家的護照,則請在有關的空格內填無。申請理由 (第2D項)15.債務包括或有負債,例如銀行擔保。證明書 (第2E項)16.申請人遞交本申請表格時,必須同時提交稅務局局長發出的通知書正本,述明稅務局局長並不反對撤銷該公司的註冊。申請表格通常須在該書面通知發出之日起計3個月內遞交,否則申請可能被延遲處理,甚至不獲受理。APPLICATION FOR DEREGISTRATION OF A DEFUNCT PRIVATE COMPANY Required by Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32)Section 291AANotes for Completion of Form DR1Introduction1. This form should be used for an application to the Registrar of Companies for the deregistration of a defunct private company under section 291AA of the Companies Ordinance. Section 291AA, however, does not apply to a company specified in Part I of the Sixteenth Schedule of the Companies Ordinance.2. This application should be made by the company, a director or member of the company. On deregistering the company, the applicant will be given notice of the deregistration by the Registrar of Companies. 3. Once a company is dissolved, all property (including credit balances in the bank account) held prior to its dissolution shall be deemed to be bona vacantia and shall belong to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. A company should seek advice from its lawyer or other professional adviser on the disposal of its property before making an application to ensure that all its property has been properly disposed of prior to its deregistration.4.Please fill in all particulars and complete all items consistently in either Chinese OR English. In the case of Chinese, traditional Chinese characters should be used. Please note that handwritten forms will be rejected by the Companies Registry.5.Please complete the Presentors Reference. Unless the presentor needs to raise a specific issue for the attention of the Companies Registry, no covering letter is required.Signature6. This form must be signed by the Applicant named in Section 2B of this form. If the Applicant is a body corporate, this form must be signed by a Director, Secretary or an Authorized Person on behalf of the body corporate. If the Applicant is an individual, this form must be signed by the Applicant personally. A form which is not properly signed will be rejected by the Companies Registry. Fee7.This form must be submitted with the correct registration fee. A form which is not submitted with the correct fee will be rejected by the Companies Registry. Please refer to the information pamphlet on Price Guide to Main Services for the correct fee payable.8.If the form is delivered by post, please send a crossed cheque in Hong Kong Dollars payable to Companies Registry. Please do not send cash.Particulars of Applicant (Section 2B)9. Full name and address of the applicant must be given. If the applicant is a company, it must nominate a person to receive the notice of the deregistration. Particulars of the nominated person should also be provided in Section 2C.10. Please supply the e-mail address and/or fax number of the applicant, on a voluntary basis, to facilitate electronic communication.11. If the applicant is an individual, please provide his or her Hong Kong Identity Card number, or in the absence of which, the number and issuing country of the passport held. If he or she holds neither a Hong Kong Identity Card nor a passport, please state NIL in the boxes provided.Particulars of the Person Nominated to be given Notice of the Deregistration (Section 2C)12. Full name and address of the nominated person must be given.13. Please supply the e-mail address and/or fax number of the nominated person, on a voluntary basis, to facilitate electronic communication.14. If the nominated person is an individual, please provide his or her Hong Kong Identity Card number, or in the absence of which, the number and issuing country of the passport held. If he or she holds neither a Hong Kong Identity Card nor a passport, please state NIL in the boxes provided.Grounds for the Application (Section 2D)15.Outstanding liabilities include contingent liabilities such as a bank guarantee. Certification (Section 2E)16.The original written notice issued by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue stating that the Commissioner has no objection to the deregistration of the company must be submitted together with this application. The application should normally be made within 3 months from the date of such notice. Failure to do so may result in the application being delayed or even rejected.


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