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香蕉深加工技术应用及原料基地建设项目计划书目 录一、项目立项的意义和必要性3二、项目总体目标和主要内容4(一)总体目标4(二)主要内容51、项目建设内容52、项目总体技术路线7三、国内外香蕉的利用现状7四、项目的可行性研究9(一)技术可行性91、香蕉干片制作工艺线路92、香蕉干片“专果专用”新品种选育繁育推广技术路线10(二)经济可行性11(三)研发可行性131、项目技术依托单位概况132、近五年来的主要技术成果、奖项133、近年来项目技术依托单位产学研合作情况14五、项目投入产出预算15(一)项目经费投入总额及其来源说明15(二)项目预算表15(三)项目产出预期161、香蕉加工生产线的建设产出预期162、标准化示范基地建设产出预期17六、项目的组织实施17(一)组织机构设置17(二)运行模式17(三)经费管理17一、项目立项的意义和必要性香蕉是我国南方重要的热带水果,也是我国外销的主要水果,产量高,果肉香甜可口、营养丰富,保健功能突出,深受消费者喜爱,2005年被誉为“新水果之王”。近十年来,我国香蕉产业发展尽管经历了2001年的海南香蕉价格暴跌、2005年的“达维”台风、2007年的“香蕉癌症”风波、2009年的广西香蕉“滞销”事件、2011年的“乙烯利催熟香蕉”事件等磨难,但从总体上讲,我国香蕉产业发展不但没有因此而停滞不前,反而得到了较快发展。2011年,我国香蕉种植面积近500万亩,总产量超过900万吨。然而令人头痛的是成熟的香蕉易变质腐烂,不耐贮运,在采收高峰季节以及北运过程中,香蕉往往腐烂达20%甚至更高,要是遇到冰冻灾害天气,蕉农更是苦不堪言,导致丰产不丰收。为了减少香蕉腐烂损失、运输成本和风险,增加经济收入,在采收高峰季节把部分成熟香蕉进行干制加工,制成风味香甜可口、营养均衡,重量轻、体积小、贮运方便的香蕉新产品,这将对香蕉产业的发展起到很好的促进作用。项目认真贯彻国家“三农”政策,针对广西香蕉产业升级存在的突出问题,充分利用和整合高校及科研院所创新资源,开展香蕉深加工技术、加工型品种研究与应用,根据适宜制作香蕉干片的香蕉品种进行选育,利用已有成果和先进技术,建立配套的香蕉加工原料种植示范基地,开发“鲜食加工兼用”、“加工专用”香蕉品种,按照四统一(统一种植规划、统一技术标准、统一品牌、统一生产分期与市场销售)要求进行示范推广,提升香蕉产业化水平,提高香蕉产业抗击市场风险的能力。项目的建设有利于推动香蕉产业升级,提高产业市场竞争力,有利于培育优势主导产业,培育新型农产品深加工企业,促进农业结构调整,促进农业增效、农民增收,推进社会主义新农村建设,项目应用推广前景广阔,立项意义重大。二、项目总体目标和主要内容(一)总体目标通过项目的实施,整合香蕉产业科技创新资源,对香蕉干片深加工技术进行联合攻关,建立香蕉标准化鲜销、加工原料示范基地,并进行推广和应用,实行“鲜食加工兼用”、“专果专用”,建立种植加工并举的产业技术体系,推动香蕉产业技术升级。主要目标包括:一是加强香蕉干片深加工技术的应用与示范推广,建立一条年消化鲜果能力达6000吨以上的香蕉干片生产线,在提高产品的商品率,延长产业链,提高附加值上实现突破;二是以龙头企业带动,依托产业高新技术,建立1000亩香蕉干片“专果专用”标准化生产示范基地,进行产业化示范,提升香蕉产业化水平;三是进行香蕉优良新品种选育,选育出1-2个对生产具有较大实际意义的新品种,并进行示范推广。(二)主要内容1、项目建设内容根据香蕉产业种植加工各环节技术特点,结合项目实际需要,设立3项建设内容:(1)香蕉干片加工主要内容针对XX市香蕉加工产业落后,产业结构趋同,规避市场风险能力弱,竞争力不强的现状,结合企业生产实际,开展香蕉干片系列产品新型加工工艺技术的研究与应用,并进行产业化试验,促进XX市香蕉深加工产业化技术快速发展,增强广西香蕉产业抗风险能力和市场竞争力。任务目标A、建立香蕉产品深加工生产场地1个,面积20亩:原料仓库2500,消毒车间200,进料车间500,加工车间800,包装车间1000,检测车间150,成品储藏车间2200,废料库400,办公室200,围墙道路2500,其余用地为员工食宿、绿地、停车场、露天仓库等基础设施建设所用。B、研制1-2套可应用于产业化生产的香蕉产品深加工技术工艺;C、建立一条年消化鲜果能力达6000吨以上的香蕉干片生产线,商品率达到95%以上。(2)香蕉标准化技术集成应用与示范主要研究内容通过香蕉高效栽培关键技术及创新技术集成研究与示范应用,建立香蕉生产技术新模式、新体系,加快香蕉产业升级,提高香蕉产业综合竞争力,实现农业增效、农民增收的目标。任务目标A、建立香蕉综合配套节本高效栽培技术体系,集成水肥一体化灌溉、统一抹花、垫板、套袋和产期调节等5项技术。B、建立面积为1000亩“鲜加兼用”、“专果专用”的香蕉标准化示范基地,实现基地亩产3000公斤以上,节省人工、水肥成本30%以上,亩增收400元以上。(3)香蕉干片“专果专用”优良新品种引进、选育及其繁育技术研究主要研究内容采用群体调查筛选、性状性能和品质鉴定等技术,在国内外寻找并筛选出适合制作香蕉干片的优良植株,并进行标准化试种推广,批量繁育生产供应市场。任务目标A、选育出香蕉干片“专果专用”优良品种1-2个;B、研究制定1套香蕉优良新品种选育繁育技术规程。2、项目总体技术路线技术示范技术培训资源收集、选育良种产地调查种植采收市场销售深加工标准化高效栽培、无伤采收技术产业技术升级产业化示范基地深加工工艺技术保存示范推广应用三、国内外香蕉的利用现状香蕉是热带亚热带水果,印度、巴西、印尼、菲律宾等10多个国家都有规模性的栽种,作为一种劳动密集型和资源特色型产业,适生区的发展中国家具有不可替代的地域和成本优势。但整体来看,国内外有关香蕉加工与其他主要水果(如柑橘、苹果、葡萄等)相比较,明显落后很多。国外香蕉加工的研究起步较早,主要的加工品种主要是香蕉粉、香蕉片等,香蕉鲜榨汁生产加工厂家不多,而且价格昂贵。洪都拉斯、墨西哥、澳大利亚、南非、巴西和牙买加等国则主要生产香蕉原浆(低温贮藏),主要用于婴幼儿食品,也是制造冰淇淋、甜味菜汤、布丁、混合牛奶饮料、水果鸡尾酒、焙烤食品和甜食等的基本原料之一,也是制造固体香蕉食品的主要原料。2011年,我国香蕉种植面积近500万亩,总产量超过900万吨,而且拥有明显的区域优势和成本优势,但目前国内香蕉主要以鲜食为主。近年国内也曾有一些香蕉喷雾干燥粉的生产厂,但投资要过千万元人民币,护色技术不过关,成本非常高,产品价格贵,质量不稳定,销售量受到很大限制,目前基本停产。台湾省以冷冻及真空低温干燥方法将香蕉肉烘干、研磨成粉,在国际市场上售价6美元/Kg以上。由于设备投资昂贵,产量低、能耗大,在内地难以广泛采用。内地虽然屡有香蕉酒、醋、果酱、果干、油炸脆片、粉等多种产品的研究报道,但目前的加工方法和深加工产品多数难以保持香蕉原有的颜色和风味,并且市场上所见香蕉产品很少,常见到的只有油炸香蕉片,质差量小,难以规模化生产,企业效益不好,难以维持。也有一些高校和科研单位开展了香蕉汁的研究,但由于工业化生产关键技术未能突破等原因均未能实现产业化。四、项目的可行性研究(一)技术可行性1、香蕉干片制作工艺线路(1)干燥方式电热风干燥和远红外干燥。(2)工艺流程果实采收 去皮及横切片 熏硫 烘干 回软 包装上市或贮藏。A、果实采收:采收充分成熟的香蕉鲜果,剔除腐烂部分。B、去皮及切片:剥去果实外皮,用不锈钢刀将香蕉果肉横切成0.5-1.0 cm厚的薄片。C、熏硫:将香蕉果肉薄片摆放在烘筛上,排列时留一定间隔,避免烘干后互相粘连,然后放入熏硫箱内进行熏硫,硫磺量为0.2%,熏硫时间分别为20-50 min。D、烘干:熏硫后移放到烘箱内进行干燥,保持温度(703),烘至果肉水分含水量18%即可。E、回软:将干燥后的香蕉果肉取出回软。对一部分回软后的香蕉果肉再熏硫15 min。F、包装与密封:用塑料食品袋进行包装,然后用真空封口机密封。2、香蕉干片“专果专用”新品种选育繁育推广技术路线香蕉干片“专果专用”新品种品种收集芽变育种诱变育种杂交育种保存鉴定高产优质芽变株系抗逆性突变体性状优良杂交后代高产优质品种组培快繁高效栽培示范推广本项目采用较成熟的香蕉干制工艺技术,该技术所需设备简单,成本低廉,效益明显,利用旺季的香蕉加工干制,是减少腐烂损失,降低风险的有效途径。应注意的问题:香蕉在成熟过程中,果皮颜色从绿色逐渐变为黄色,淀粉含量逐步变少,糖份含量逐步增多,主要是由于在香蕉成熟过程中,淀粉降解后转化为小分子糖的缘故,而其它营养成分含量变化不大。在香蕉深加工中,香蕉的成熟度不同,适于加工的终产品也会有所不同,所以在本项目香蕉干片深加工过程中,香蕉要充分成熟,以保证干制品的质量。(二)经济可行性目前,广西的香蕉加工企业相当缺乏,香蕉深加工技术相对落后,研究和应用一整套成熟稳定的香蕉深加工技术迫在眉睫,本项目拟建立一条商品率达到95%以上,年消化鲜果能力达6000吨以上的香蕉干片生产线,香蕉干片现行市场价为30元/Kg左右,香蕉鲜果收购价以1元/斤计算,该项目的投入产出效益十分可观,详见表4-1,从表中可见第一年(建设期)的投入总额为465万元,产出为0,;第二年(投产年)的投入总额为1315万元,产出为2250万元,企业所得税率按照17%计算,可获利776.05万元,减去建设期的投入总额465万元,得311.05万元,也就是说,项目从建设到投产的两年时间里,可获利311.05万元,第三年税后可获利747万元,经济效益十分明显。另外,建立1000亩香蕉标准化示范基地,缩短香蕉生育期1个月,亩产增产10%,增效20%、节水50%、节肥40%以上,节省施肥人工50%以上,年产值450万,农民增收10%,年推广香蕉种植面积1万亩以上,带动运输业、餐饮业、纸箱业等相关产业的发展,年交税500万以上,详见表4-2,从表中可见,第二年末可获利润35万,第三年末可获利润135万,经济效益十分显著。项目的实施对全区甚至全国香蕉产业升级都具有很强的现实指导及示范推广意义。表4-1 香蕉干片生产线投入产出表投入产出 厂房设备原料采购管理费用流动资金第一年 0元400万015万50万第二年 2250万01200万65万50万第三年 2250万01200万100万50万(本项目的加工所得率为12.5%,即100斤的香蕉鲜果可以加工可得12.5斤的香蕉干片;原材料采购价为1元/斤;香蕉干片国际市场价为30元/Kg;管理费用包括人工费、水电费、办公费等;流动资金为备用资金;企业所得税为17%。)表4-2 香蕉标准化示范基地投入产出表投入产出 场地建设栽培管理管理费用流动资金第一年 450万250万240万15万50万第二年 450万0240万20万50万第三年 450万0240万25万50万(场地建设费包括蕉园基础设施建设以及地租费等,地租费以1000元/亩.年计算;栽培管理费包括种苗、水肥、病虫害防治等费用;管理费用包括人工费、水电费、办公费等;流动资金为备用资金;香蕉价格以1.5元/斤计算;亩栽种香蕉120株,亩产3000斤,每株香蕉的栽培管理费以20元计算。)(三)研发可行性1、项目技术依托单位概况2、近五年来的主要技术成果、奖项3、近年来项目技术依托单位产学研合作情况五、项目投入产出预算(一)项目经费投入总额及其来源说明项目经费第一年投入总额为465+555=1020万元,主要来源于政府财政拨款、银行贴息贷款以及社会支持,从第二年开始,项目可正常运转,而且创收效益十分显著。(二)项目预算表表5-1 香蕉加工生产线预算表 单位:万元投入年份 厂房设备原料采购管理费用流动资金合计第一年400 015 50 465第二年01200 65 50 1315第三年01200 100 50 1350(本项目的原材料采购价为1元/斤;管理费用包括人工费、水电费、办公费等;流动资金为备用资金。)表5-2 香蕉标准化示范基地建设预算表 单位:万元投入年份 场地建设栽培管理管理费用流动资金合计第一年25024015 50 555第二年024020 50 310第三年02402550 315(场地建设费包括蕉园基础设施建设以及地租费等,地租费以1000元/亩.年计算;栽培管理费包括种苗、水肥、病虫害防治等费用;管理费用包括人工费、水电费、办公费等;流动资金为备用资金;香蕉亩栽种120株,每株香蕉的栽培管理费以20元计算。)(三)项目产出预期1、香蕉加工生产线的建设产出预期本项目拟建立一条商品率达95%以上,年消化鲜果能力达6000吨以上的香蕉干片生产线,香蕉干片现行市场价为30元/Kg左右,香蕉鲜果收购价以1元/斤计算,该项目的投入产出效益十分可观,详见表4-1,从表中可见第一年(建设期)的投入总额为465万元,产出为0,第二年(投产年)的投入总额为1315万元,产出为2250万元,企业所得税率按照17%计算,可获利776.05万元,减去建设期的投入总额465万元,可获收益311.05万元,也就是说,项目从建设到投产的两年时间里,可获利311.05万元,第三年税后可获利747万元,经济效益十分明显。2、标准化示范基地建设产出预期本项目建立1000亩香蕉标准化示范基地,缩短香蕉生育期1个月,亩产增产10%,增效20%、节水50%、节肥40%以上,节省施肥人工50%以上,年产值450万,农民增收10%,年推广香蕉种植面积1万亩以上,带动运输业、餐饮业、纸箱业等相关产业的发展,年交税500万以上,详见表4-2,从表中可见,第二年末可获利35万,第三年末可获利135万,经济效益十分显著。六、项目的组织实施(一)组织机构设置项目实施期间成立项目实施领导小组,项目负责人担任组长,成员由各项目参与单位、部门负责人组成。(二)运行模式项目实行企业化管理,工厂化设计,规范化工艺,注重产品质量,实行分工负责制,明确各参加单位、部门的责、权、利,实行项目实施领导小组负责制。项目实施领导小组主要负责本项目的组织、领导和协调、统筹工作,研究解决项目实施中的重大决策问题,落实项目建设资金、监督和检查项目的实施。各承担单位、部门按照任务分工具体执行建设计划,解决实施过程中出现的问题。(三)经费管理项目经费使用严格按照XX市科技计划项目经费管理暂行办法规定,保证财政资金专款专用。请删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢! The term autism refers to a cluster of conditions appearing early in childhood. All involve severe impairments in social interaction, communication, imaginative abilities, and rigid, repetitive behaviors. To be considered an autistic disorder, some of these impairments must be manifest before the age of three. The reference book used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental disorders is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , also known as the DSM. The 2000 edition of this reference book (the Fourth Edition Text Revision known as DSM-IV-TR ) places autism in a category called pervasive developmental disorders . All of these disorders are characterized by ongoing problems with mutual social interaction and communication, or the presence of strange, repetitive behaviors,interests, and activities. People diagnosed with these disorders are affected in many ways for their entire lives. Description Each child diagnosed with an autistic disorder differs from every other, and so general descriptions of autistic behavior and characteristics do not apply equally to every child. Still, the common impairments in social interaction, communication and imagination, and rigid, repetitive behaviors make it possible to recognize children with these disorders, as they differ markedly from healthy children in many ways. Many parents of autistic children sense that something is not quite right even when their children are infants. The infants may have feeding problems, dislike being changed or bathed, or fuss over any change in routine. They may hold their bodies rigid, making it difficult for parents to cuddle them. Or, they may fail to anticipate being lifted, lying passively while the parent reaches for them, rather than holding their arms up in return. Most parents of autistic children become aware of the strangeness of these and other behaviors only gradually. Impairments in social interaction are usually among the earliest symptoms to develop. The most common social impairment is a kind of indifference to other people, or aloofness, even towards parents and close care-givers. The baby may fail to respond to his or her name being called and may show very little facial expression unless extremely angry, upset, or happy. Babies with autism may resist being touched, and appear to be lost in their own world, far from human interaction. Between seven and 10 months of age, most infants often resist being separated from a parent or well-known caregiver, but these infants may show no disturbance when picked up by a stranger. Other children with autism may be very passive, although less resistant to efforts by others to interact. However, they do not initiate social interaction themselves. Still others may attempt to engage with adults and peers, but in ways that strike others as inappropriate, or odd. In adolescence and adulthood, some of the higher-functioning individuals with autistic disorders may appear overly formal and polite. They may react with little spontaneity, as if social interaction doesnt come naturally or easily to them, and so they are trying to follow a pre-determined set of rules. Some individuals with autism have normal intelligence, and many have special talents in areas such as music or memory. However, individuals with autism may have other mental or emotional problems that co-exist with their autism. Some of these other disorders may include impulse control disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder , mood and anxiety disorders, and mental retardation . PSYCHOLOGICAL AND FAMILY FACTORS. Although Henry Maudsley, in the late 1800s, was the first psychiatrist to focus on very young children with mental disorders, it was the psychiatrist Leo Kanner who coined the phrase early infantile autism in 1943. Kanner believed that the parents of children with autistic behaviors were emotionally cold and intellectually distant. He coined the term refrigerator parents to describe them. His belief that parental personality and behavior played a powerful role in the development of autistic behaviors left a devastating legacy of guilt and self-blame among parents of autistic children that continues to this day. Recent studies are unequivocal, however, in demonstrating that parents of autistic children are no different from parents of healthy children in their personalities or parenting behaviors. In fact, many families with an autistic child also have one or more perfectly healthy children. Because autistic children can be extremely sensitive to change, any change within the family situation can be potentially traumatic to the autistic child. A move, divorce, birth of a sibling or other stressors that occur in the lives of most families may evoke a more extreme reaction from an autistic child. While there is no single neurological abnormality found in children with autistic disorders, some research using non-invasive brain imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suggests that certain areas of the brain may be involved. Several of the brain areas being researched are known to control emotion and the expression of emotion. These areas include the temporal lobe (large lobe of each side of the brain that contains a sensory area associated with hearing), the limbic system, the cerebellum, the frontal lobe, the amygdala, and the brain stem, which regulates homeostasis (body temperature and heart rate). Recent research has focused particularly on the temporal lobe because of the finding that previously healthy people who sustain temporal lobe damage may develop autistic-like symptoms. In animal research, when the temporal lobe is damaged, social behavior declines, and restless, repetitive motor behaviors are common. When measured by MRI, total brain volume appears to be greater for those with autistic disorders. Other neurological factors include lesions to the brain, congenital rubella, undiagnosed and untreated phenylketonuria (PKU), tuberous sclerosis, and Retts disorder (a related condition in which the baby develops in an apparently normal manner through age five months, and then begins to lose communicative and social interaction skills). There is also evidence of a higher proportion of perinatal complications (complications arising around the time of giving birth) among children with autistic symptoms. These complications include maternal bleeding after the first trimester and meconium in the amniotic fluid. (Meconium is a substance that accumulates in the bowel of the developing fetus and is discharged shortly after birth.) Some evidence suggests that the use of medications during pregnancy may be related to the development of autistic symptoms. As newborns, children with autistic behaviors show a higher rate of respiratory illness and anemia than healthy children. ALLERGIES, INFECTIONS, AND IMMUNIZATIONS. Some professionals believe that autistic disorders may be caused by allergies to particular fungi, viral infections, and various foods. No controlled studies have supported these beliefs, but some parents and professionals report improvement when allergens and/or certain foods are eliminated from the diet. Viral infections of the mother, such as rubella, or of the young child, such as encephalitis, mumps, and measles, occasionally appear to cause autistic disorders. The common childhood immunization series known as MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) has recently come under scrutiny as a possible cause of some autistic conditions.Basketball can make a true claim to being the only major sport that is an American invention. From high school to the professional level, basketball attracts a large following for live games as well as television coverage of events like the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) annual tournament and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA) playoffs. And it has also made American heroes out of its player and coach legends like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Earvin Magic Johnson, Sheryl Swoopes, and other great players. At the heart of the game is the playing space and the equipment. The space is a rectangular, indoor court. The principal pieces of equipment are the two elevated baskets, one at each end (in the long direction) of the court, and the basketball itself. The ball is spherical in shape and is inflated. Basket-balls range in size from 28.5-30 in (72-76 cm) in circumference, and in weight from 18-22 oz (510-624 g). For players below the high school level, a smaller ball is used, but the ball in mens games measures 29.5-30 in (75-76 cm) in circumference, and a womens ball is 28.5-29 in (72-74 cm) in circumference. The covering of the ball is leather, rubber, composition, or synthetic, although leather covers only are dictated by rules for college play, unless the teams agree otherwise. Orange is the regulation color. At all levels of play, the home team provides the ball. Inflation of the ball is based on the height of the balls bounce. Inside the covering or casing, a rubber bladder holds air. The ball must be inflated to a pressure sufficient to make it rebound to a height (measured to the top of the ball) of 49-54 in (1.2-1.4 m) when it is dropped on a solid wooden floor from a starting height of 6 ft (1.80 m) measured from the bottom of the ball. The factory must test the balls, and the air pressure that makes the ball legal in keeping with the bounce test is stamped on the ball. During the intensity of high school and college tourneys and the professional playoffs, this inflated sphere commands considerable attention. Basketball is one of few sports with a known date of birth. On December 1, 1891, in Springfield, Massachusetts, James Naismith hung two half-bushel peach baskets at the opposite ends of a gymnasium and out-lined 13 rules based on five principles to his students at the International Training School of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), which later became Springfield College. Naismith (1861-1939) was a physical education teacher who was seeking a team sport with limited physical contact but a lot of running, jumping, shooting, and the hand-eye coordination required in handling a ball. The peach baskets he hung as goals gave the sport the name of basketball. His students were excited about the game, and Christmas vacation gave them the chance to tell their friends and people at their local YMCAs about the game. The association leaders wrote to Naismith asking for copies of the rules, and they were published in the Triangle, the school newspaper, on January 15,1892. Naismiths five basic principles center on the ball, which was described as large, light, and handled with the hands. Players could not move the ball by running alone, and none of the players was restricted against handling the ball. The playing area was also open to all players, but there was to be no physical contact between players; the ball was the objective. To score, the ball had to be shot through a horizontal, elevated goal. The team with the most points at the end of an allotted time period wins. Early in the history of basketball, the local YMCAs provided the gymnasiums, and membership in the organization grew rapidly. The size of the local gym dictated the number of players; smaller gyms used five players on a side, and the larger gyms allowed seven to nine. The team size became generally established as five in 1895, and, in 1897, this was made formal in the rules. The YMCA lost interest in supporting the game because 10-20 basketball players monopolized a gymnasium previously used by many more in a variety of activities. YMCA membership dropped, and basketball enthusiasts played in local halls. This led to the building of basketball gymnasiums at schools and colleges and also to the formation of professional leagues. Although basketball was born in the United States, five of Naismiths original players were Canadians, and the game spread to Canada immediately. It was played in France by 1893; England in 1894; Australia, China, and India between 1895 and 1900; and Japan in 1900. From 1891 through 1893, a soccer ball was used to play basketball. The first basketball was manufactured in 1894. It was 32 in (81 cm) in circumference, or about 4 in (10 cm) larger than a soccer ball. The dedicated basketball was made of laced leather and weighed less than 20 oz (567 g). The first molded ball that eliminated the need for laces was introduced in 1948; its construction and size of 30 in (76 cm) were ruled official in 1949. The rule-setters came from several groups early in the 1900s. Colleges and universities established their rules committees in 1905, the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) created a set of rules jointly, state militia groups abided by a shared set of rules, and there were two professional sets of rules. A Joint Rules Committee for colleges, the AAU, and the YMCA was created in 1915, and, under the name the National Basketball Committee (NBC) made rules for amateur play until 1979. In that year, the National Federation of State High School Associations began governing the sport at the high school level, and the NCAA Rules Committee assumed rule-making responsi


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