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北师大版2020年中考英语单词拼写题型专练(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼写 (共10题;共36分)1. (5分)Gina,you need to help your sister (穿衣服) 2. (1分) Youd better not tell your s_ to Tina, or everyone will know it soon. 3. (1分)The man is just beginning to _ (从事) law. 4. (1分)I bought my mother a w_sweater yesterday. 5. (5分)根据首字母提示补全单词。(1)Dont h_ ! I have seen you.(2)He often helps Granny Wang with her housework in his s_ time.(3)In the past, most people liked to listen to the r_ in their daily lives.(4)Keeping silent is a good behavior when you watch playing c_.(5)If I have enough money I would like to make a tour a_ to see the world.6. (1分)As a host, youd better take care of these _(客人)feelings at home. 7. (10分)根据句意及首字母填空。(1)I usually fail in my exams, but my parents e_me So I love my parents very much.(2)Ma Lin is a hero, he works hard for the n_pride.(3)He is a h_man, since he always tells jokes.(4)As a student,we should try to o_our difficulites.(5)LangLang got many a_in piano competitions.(6)昨天一个烟头引发了火灾。Yesterday a cigarette _a fire.(7)我很感激我的父母。I am _my parents.(8)工人们对每天做同样的事情感到厌倦。Workers_the same thing every day.(9)我们不应该嘲笑残疾人。We shouldnt _disabled people.(10)他在2001年建立了一个公司。He _a company in 2001.8. (1分)I am c_wrong for sure. I have to do the research from the very beginning. 9. (1分)I can cook _ (简单的) meals in my family. 10. (10分)首字母填空1.She likes to swim, so she can join the s_club.2.Can you play the d_?3.She can dance and sing well. So she wants to be a m_.4.S_ is the first day in a week.5.I like China and I can s_Chinese well.6.Do you like to play volleyball w_ Jack?7.Then you can b_ in our school festival.8.Can you sing o_dance?9.Do you have an e-mail a_?10.W_ do you like comedies? Because they are funny.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 单词拼写 (共10题;共36分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、7-6、7-7、7-8、7-9、7-10、8-1、9-1、10-1、


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