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LanguageforPrimaryEnglishClass 小学英语教师课堂教学常用语王善超 英语课堂用语是指教师运用英语进行组织 演示 解释 提问 表扬 更正教学的语言 换句话说 就是指不必新授的语言 一 什么是课堂教学用语 A B C D 二 英语课堂教学用语的重要性 三 小学英语课堂教学用语使用的基本原则 1 阶段性原则 由浅入深 由简到繁 由易到难 循序渐进 2 交际性原则 从起始阶段让学生养成用英语交际的习惯 3 贯穿性原则 坚持尽量使用英语进行整个课堂教学 4 重复性原则 必要的重复能突出教与学 讲与练的重点 5 规范性原则 用语要规范地道 并且要把握好语速和节奏 6 激励性原则 应使用鼓励性语言 以满足学生的成就感 7 引导性原则 促使学生思维能力的发展 引发其从不同的角度观察和思考问题 注意事项 1 使用符合儿童特征的语言 2 以示范代替繁琐的解释 3 以体态语辅助口头语 4 以鼓励和表扬为主 8 尽量讲英文 必要时才讲中文 5 多用礼貌用语 6 用语要有所变化 不可千篇一律 7 用语恰当 得体 不能重复 指令语宣布 课堂活动 指令 提起注意作业 小学英语课堂用语分类 提问语请求 问与答 问候语问候 上课考勤 下课 反馈语鼓励 评价 禁止和警告 课前打招呼 课后的告别语 Agoodbeginningmakesagoodending 教师主动 友好地同学生打招呼 不仅可以唤起学生的注意力 使其为开始上课作好准备 还可以创造一个平等 和谐 愉快的学习氛围 以保证课堂教学的顺利进行 每天适时的考勤 能让学生在课堂中的主体地位得到充分的体现 课堂教学结束时教师需向学生宣布 并向学生道别 一 问候语 A 上课 Beginningaclass B 问候 Greetings C 考勤 Checkingattendance D 下课 Dismissingtheclass Let sstartnow Let sbeginourclass lesson Standup please Sitdown please A 上课 Beginningaclass Hello boysandgirls children Goodmorning class everyone everybody children boysandgirls Goodafternoon class everyone everybody children boysandgirls Howareyoutoday Goodmorning afternoon kids B 问候 Greetings Who sondutytoday Who shelpingthismorning today Iseveryone everybodyhere present Isanyone anybodyaway absent Who sabsent Who saway Whereishe she Trytobeontime Don tbelatenexttime Gobacktoyourseat please Whatdayisittoday What sthedatetoday What stheweatherliketoday What sitlikeoutside C 考勤 Checkingattendance D 下课 Dismissingtheclass Handinyourworkbooks please Timeisup Thebellisringing There sthebell Theregoesthebell Let sstophere That sallfortoday Classisover Goodbye Bye Seeyounexttime 指令是教师组织和维系课堂的重要手段 教师指令语的质量在很大程度上影响学生在课堂上的活动 即语言习得 课堂指令应该简洁 清晰 并且和蔼 可亲 避免过于生硬 尽量使用学生能够听得懂的 smallwords 有些比较难的可以借助表情手势等加以辅助 二 指令语 A 宣布 Announcing B 课堂活动 Classroomactivities C 指令 Issuingacommand C 提醒注意 DirectingAttention E 布置作业 Assigninghomework Let sbegin startourlesson First let sreview dosomereview Whatdidwelearninthelastlesson Whocantell rememberwhatwedidinthelastlesson yesterday Wehavesomenewwords sentences Nowwe regoingtodosomethingnew different Nowlet slearnsomethingnew Wehavesomenewwords sentences Let sstartworking A 宣布 Announcing Start Startnow Everybodytogether Alltogether Practiseinagroup ingroups please Getintogroupsofthree four Everybodyfindapartner friend Inpairs please Oneatatime Let sdoitonebyone B 课堂活动 Classroomactivities Nowyou please It syourturnnow Studentsname Next please Nowyoudothesame please Let sact Let sactout dothedialogue WhowantstobeA Practisethedialogue please NowTomwillbeA andtheotherhalfwillbeB B 课堂活动 Classroomactivities Pleasetake play thepartof Whoseturnisit It syourturn Waityourturn please Standinline Lineup Onebyone Oneatatime please Intwos Inpairs Don tspeakout Turnaround B 课堂活动 Classroomactivities C 指令 Givinginstructions Say Readafterme please Followme please DowhatIdo Repeat please Repeatafterme Oncemore please Onemoretime please Comehere please Pleasecometothefront Comeupandwriteontheblackboard chalkboard Comeandwriteitontheblackboard Pleasegobacktoyourseat Putyourhandsup please Raiseyourhands please Putdownyourhands please Handsdown please Sayit WriteitinChinese English InEnglish please Pleasetakeoutyourbooks Pleaseopenyourbooksatpage Findpage TurntoPage C 指令 Givinginstructions Pleaseanswerthe myquestion questions Pleasereadthisletter word sentenceoutloud Pleasereadoutthisletter word sentence Pleasestopnow Stophere please Cleanupyourdesk theclassroom please It sclean uptime Tidyupyourdesk theclassroom Putyourthingsaway Cleanoffyourdesk Cleantheblackboard C 指令 Givinginstructions Pluginthetape recorder please Putthetape recorderaway Putthetapeinitsbox cassette Listenandrepeat Lookandlisten Repeatafterme Followthewords Quickly Bequick please Hurry Hurryup please Doitfast Slowly Slowdown please Bringmesomechalk please C 指令 Givinginstructions Ready Areyouready Doyouunderstand Didyougetthere Isthatclear Anyvolunteers Doyouknowwhattodo Bequiet please Quiet please Listen please Listencarefully please D 提醒注意 DirectingAttention Listentothetaperecorder therecording Lookcarefully please Lookoverhere Watchcarefully Areyouwatching Pleaselookattheblackboard picture map Payattentiontoyourspelling pronunciation D 提醒注意 DirectingAttention Fortoday shomework Practiseafterclass Practiseathome Sayitoutloud beforeyouwriteItdown Copy Print Writeeachwordtwice Remember Memorize thesewords sentences Doyourhomework Dothenextlesson Dothenewwork Copy Writeeachwordfivetimes E 布置作业 AssigningHomework 教师的反馈语是指在完成语片对话之后 教师为了强调 提示 说明或引入新的话题而补充的话语 它是教师评价和评估学生课堂表现的重要手段 也是推动教学活动进展的有效方法 三 反馈语 A 鼓励 Encouraging B 评价 Evaluating C 禁止和警告 Prohibitionandwarning Canyoutry Try please Tryyourbest Doyourbest Thinkitoverandtryagain Don tbeafraid shy A 鼓励 Encouraging Good thankyou Good Verygood Goodjob Goodwork Goodexample Agoodanswer Nicework Excellent Great Welldone Verygood Ilikethewayyou That sinteresting B 评价 Evaluating Don tworryaboutit Noproblem OK That sOK Idon tthinkso That snotquiteright anyotheranswers That sclose That salmostright Notquite cananyonehelphim her Tryagain Agoodtry B 评价 Evaluating Stoptalking Stoptalkingnow please Don ttalk Everybodybequiet please Don tbesilly Settledown C 禁止和警告 Prohibitionandwarning 教师在提问时态度和声音要和蔼 可亲 提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重 不要让学生感到紧张 有压力 注意提问语的使用策略可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪 保护学生的学习积极性 教师在提问时可以尽量使用像 Wouldyoupleasetellus Wouldyouliketo MayIaskyou 等委婉而友好的语气 四 提问语 A 请求 Requests B 问与答 AskingandAnswering Couldyoupleasetryitagain Couldyoupleasetrythenextone Willyoupleasehelpme Willyoupleasereadthedialogue A 请求 Requests Who dliketoanswerthequestion Whocananswerthisquestion Whoknowstheanswer Wouldyouliketotry Tim Wouldyoulikeasecondtry Wouldyoulikesomeonetohelpyou Who dliketohelp Anyvolunteers B 问与答 AskingandAnswering 内容型课堂用语语音 Pronunciation Now let spracticesomesounds We llbeginwiththe e sound Sometimes ea ispronounced Didyouhearthedifference Openyourmouthwide Youpullyourmouth That sright Let stryitonemoretime 拼读 Spelling Let sspellthisword Canyouspellthisword Whowouldliketospelltheword heavy forme L O N G spells long 词汇 Vocabulary Canyoutellmewhat U S standsfor Whatis汤inEnglish What stheEnglishfor 桃子 Alive istheantonymoftheword dead Fast isasynonymoftheword quick 阅读 Reading I mgoingtoreadthesentencesforyou Whocanreadthelastline thetitle We llreaditalittlefaster morequickly Let sreadthisonetogether Iwantyoutoreadtheconversationinpairs I lldivideyouintotwogroups GroupOnereadJohnandGroupTworeadKate Iwantyoutoreadthispassageloudly 听力 Listening Let shavesomelisteningpractice Pleaselistencarefully Listentothetapeandrepeat readafterthetape Listentothepassage conversationtwiceandthenanswerthequestions 说 Speaking pleasetellmewhatyoudidthislastweekend Couldyousaysomethingaboutyourhometown Takeacarefullookatthepictureandthendescribewhatyoucanseeinthepark 对子和分组活动 PairWorkandGroupWork NowI dlikeyoutoworkinpairsandpracticethisdialogue Lets dosomepairwork Practiseingroups please Discussthisstoryinyourgroup Nowyouaremakingtripplanswithyourfriendsineachgroup 角色表演 Role playing Let sact Let sactoutthedialogue Let sdothedialogue WhowantstobeA NowTomwillbeA andtheotherhalfwillbeB I dlikeanothergrouptoactitoutagain Couldyouact thepartof John Whowouldliketoplay thepartof Jenny 游戏 Games Now we regoingtoplayagame Youwillusethesewordstoplaythegame Let splayaguessinggame Guesswhat where whoitis Ifyouwinthegame youmayhavesomecandy Youthreeplaytogether Youwillbefirst Who sthefirstone winner Didyouwin We llscoreontheboardandseewhichteamwins 讲故事 Story telling TodayI mgoingtotellyouastory Nowwearegoingtoreadastoryabout Long longago therewasa Lookatthepicturehereandguesswhatmighthappennext DoyoulikeSnowWhite Thenightwentawayandthemorningcame 歌曲和歌谣 SongsandRhymes Thismorning wearegoingtolearnanewsong Thissongisabout I llsingitfirst Youlisten OK Let ssingthissongtogether Thistime wewillsingthesongalittlefaster 课堂教学用语评价量化表 Thanksforyourattention


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