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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中测试试卷B卷一、 听录音,选出你所听到的数字、单词或者音标。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)选出听到的单词( ) A . happyB . heavyC . hard2. (2分)听单词,选出该单词音标的正确选项( ) A . /ni/B . /fi/C . /hi/3. (2分)听单词选出作为该单词音标的正确选项( ) A . lavlB . lnlC . let4. (2分)选出听到的单词( ) A . kickB . keepC . kiss5. (2分)选出听到的单词( ) A . livelyB . lovelyC . lonely二、 录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择与之相符的图片。 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分)What does the boy plan to do for his mother on Mothers Day?A . B . C . 7. (2分)选择符合题意的图画( ) A . B . C . 8. (2分)What does the woman think is the best invention? A . B . C . 9. (2分)What does the boy advise the girl to wear? A . B . C . 10. (2分)听句子, 选择与其内容相符的图片 A . B . C . 三、 录音中有五组对话及五个问题,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。 (共5题;共10分)11. (2分)How does Mike go to school this morning? A . B . C . 12. (2分)What club does Lisa want to join? A . The story telling clubB . The music clubC . The swimming club13. (2分)Whats the matter with David? A . He has a headacheB . He has a coughC . He has a sore throat14. (2分)What does the man want to eat? A . Noodles.B . Bread.C . Dumplings.15. (2分)How does the dog help the man? A . By getting books.B . By moving the shelf.C . By picking flowers.D . By watching the door.四、 听长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共8分)16. (4分)听第一段对话,选出回答两个问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)Who often teaches May how to use the computer? A . Her fatherB . Her motherC . Her teacher(2)What is the main part of a computer? A . The monitorB . The keyboardC . The main unit17. (4分)听对话,回答下面两小题 (1)听对话和问题,选出正确答案( ) A . Ten degrees.B . Eight degrees.C . Seven degrees.(2)听对话和问题,选出正确答案( ) A . Winter jackets.B . Pants.C . Sweaters.五、 听录音,根据所听到的内容在横线上写出合适的单词,完成句子。每 (共1题;共8分)18. (8分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)What age can join the club? A . Younger than 10.B . Between 10 and 17.C . Older than 17.(2)When do club members meet? A . On Monday afternoon.B . On Saturday morning.C . On Sunday afternoon.(3)What will club members learn to do next week? A . Make a dish.B . Write a story.C . Build a bridge.(4)How can people get more information? A . By speaking to the host in person.B . By making a phone call.C . By going to the radio station.六、 填空题 (共1题;共4分)19. (4分)从选项中选出符合单词读音的音标。_addressA. dres B. dres C. drs_encourageA. enkrd B. nkrd C.nkrd_bottomA. btm B. btm C.btm_gasA.ges B. geis C.gs七、 单选题 (共5题;共10分)20. (2分)What is it?Its _ photo _ my sister.A . /; ofB . a; inC . a; ofD . an; with21. (2分)- A latest China Daily, please!- Only one copy left. Would you like to have _?A . oneB . itC . thisD . that22. (2分)There are still _ minutes before the train leaves. Lets have a cup of coffee first.A . littleB . a littleC . fewD . a few23. (2分)_is the price of your fathers computer?6, 800 yuan.A . How muchB . How manyC . WhatD . How24. (2分)Your English is very good.A . No. Not goodB . Thats OKC . Thank youD . Yes, youre right八、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)25. (6分)阅读理解BIm at Billys birthday party. There are a lot of friends in his house. Some stand beside the table and enjoy the snacks and drinks. There is some food on the table. I like the chocolate and the fruit very much. Billy sits in the sofa and chats with some friends there. He wears a red T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He looks so cool today. Wow! The cake is really big. There are some candles on it. Billys friends begin to sing Happy Birthday to Billy. Billy is very excited. He blows out the candles (吹蜡烛) and cuts the cake. Everyone has fun at the party.(1)There are a lot of friends at _ birthday party. A . MilliesB . BillysC . myD . Jims(2)Billy wears _. A . a blue T-shirtB . a red shirt and a pair of blue jeansC . a red T-shirt and a pair of blue jeansD . a yellow shirt(3)Billy looks _ today. A . coolB . sadC . politeD . helpful26. (10分) That warm day was the only day of the week without rain. I opened the door, took a seat and began to enjoy the wonderful sunshine. Suddenly, I noticed that the house near mine had been sold. An elderly lady was in front of the door, with some beautiful flowers beside her. I walked to her. She looked to be in her early eighties and had the prettiest white hair.“ Hi! My name is Karmen,” I said smiling brightly at the old lady. She smiled back and said,” Hello, Karmen. Im Kitty.” Her voice was very strong for someone at her age. Later, I learned that she was alone and had no family or relatives to help her. From that day on, I often visited her and helped her with her housework and sometimes she gave me some delicious food. A year passed, and I considered her to be one of my best friends.One day, I walked over for my morning visit and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, and she didnt still turn up. So I let myself in, using the key she had given me. I checked her living room and then her kitchen. I finally went into her bedroom, and she was lying peacefully on her bed. Beside her there were two notes. One was her will(遗嘱), which said all that she had would be given to me. The other was a thank-you note. I went to her bedside and cried sadly.Though several years has gone by, I still miss her deeply. Whenever I look at the beautiful flowers in front of her house, I remembered the wonderful friendship we had.(1)The writer came out of the house to_.A . look at an old ladyB . enjoy some flowersC . enjoy the sunshineD . clean the house nearby(2)Through visiting the old lady, the writer learned that the old lady_.A . disliked all her relativesB . had no one to look after herC . didnt want to live with her familyD . was looking for someone to look after her(3)What can we learn from the passage?A . The old lady was not kindB . The writer didnt have any good friends.C . The old lady didnt know how to make food.D . The writer got along very well with the old lady(4)What does “ turn up ” mean in Paragraph 3?A . appearB . leaveC . tryD . change(5)In order to thank the writer, the old lady decided to_.A . give the writer her favourite flowersB . let the writer know she was her best friendC . give the writer a key to her houseD . leave all that she had to the writer27. (10分)阅读理解(C)Getting enough sleep is important for everyone. If you dont sleep well at night, you arent going to study well during the day. Good sleep is also important for your health. If you dont have a good sleep, you may get ill.Some people go to sleep easily. Other people cant. A lot of things can help you go to sleep easily and get a good sleep. Doing some exercises during the day can help you go to sleep. Walking, running and bike riding are good exercises. You can also play ball games, like basketball, soccer or tennis.Before you go to bed, you shouldnt drink coffee or eat chocolates. Drinking a cup of warm milk may help you go to sleep. Many people also find that listening to quiet music helps them go to sleep.Please take a warm shower before you go to bed. It can also help you relax and go to sleep.Follow the advice and have a good sleep every day, so you can wake up (醒来) happily in the morning and maintain good health.(1)_ cant help you to go to sleep. A . Taking a walkB . Listening to quiet musicC . Drinking some warm milkD . Eating chocolates(2)Which of the following is mentioned(提到) in the passage? A . FruitB . Medicine.C . SportsD . Vegetables.(3)Why is it good to take a shower before you go to bed according to the passage? A . It can keep you cleanB . It can help you relax and go to sleepC . It can help you wake up easilyD . It can make you healthy(4)What does the underlined word maintain mean in Chinese? A . 恢复B . 保持C . 损失D . 丢掉(5)The passage is mainly about _ A . how to sleep wellB . it is important to sleep wellC . how to stay healthyD . it is important to stay healthy28. (10分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。BThis is a picture of Mr. Lis family. The man in the middle is Mr. Li. The woman is Mrs. Lis wife. They have two sons. The child behind Mr. Li is Li Lei. Hes thirteen. The boy in front of Mrs. Li is Li Ming. He is seven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.(1)There are _ people in the picture.A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(2)Mr. Li is Li Leis _.A . uncleB . motherC . fatherD . son(3)Mr. and Mrs. Li have _.A . one boy, one girlB . two sonsC . two girlsD . one boy(4)Li Ming is _ brother.A . Mr. LisB . Mrs. LisC . Li LeisD . we dont know.(5)How old is Li Ming? He is _.A . sevenB . twelveC . tenD . thirteen九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共15分)29. (15分)根据方框内容. 回答下列问题。 Welcome to the zooOpening; from Monday to Friday Fee(费用)10:00 am 6:00 pm Adult: $10, 00from Saturday to Sunday Ages 1315: $ 7.509:00am 8:00pm Ages412: $5.00Try out Train Ride for $ 2. 00 one person Under 4: Free(1)What time does the zoo close on Saturdays? (不超过3个词) (2)How many days in a week does the goo open? (不超过2个词) (3)Mrs. Chen and her son Bob go to the Z00. Bob is three years old. How much do they pay? (不超过1个词) 十、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)30. (1分)I want to learn _(of/about) the film. 十一、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分)The soldier looks very _(健康). 十二、 句型转换,根据要求,完成下列句子,每空一词,缩略词算一个单词 (共5题;共10分)32. (2分)Daming often gets a letter from his friends. (改为同义句) Daming often _his friends. 33. (2分)My teacher is in the library now. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ _ teacher in the library now?34. (1分)Its her key. (改为同义句)The key is _.35. (2分)That is a photo. (改为复数句)_ are _.36. (3分)My sister likes spring because its warm. (对画线部分提问) _your sister _spring?十三、 模仿例句 (共1题;共2分)37. (2分)The room is very small. We cant hold a meeting in it.(合并成一句) The room is _ small _ me to hold a meeting in it.十四、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)38. (25分)连词成句 (1)a, here, I, take, can, photo (2)that, wide, bridge, how, is (3)trip, had, year, we, a, last (4)to, us, the, leads, road, school (5)a, mother, for, walk, my, goes, often 十五、 句子翻译 (共2题;共30分)39. (5分)他父母几乎抽不出时间给他,他除了打游戏不知道做什么。 40. (25分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(1)请注意你的书写。(2)我为有像你这样的儿子而骄傲。(3)他的父母负担不起他的教育。(4)他不习惯被别人照顾。(5)女孩子晚上一个人出去是危险的。十六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)41. (5分)某英文报社正在举办以“An Unforgettable Experience(一次难忘的经历)”为题的征文活动。请你根据提示,写一篇英语短文,向该报社投稿。 提示:2017年8月8日夜晚9:20左右,一场突如其来的地震发生在九寨沟。假如你是Liu Mei,正和爸爸妈妈在九寨沟旅游。请根据下面的表格描述一下地震发生时的情况。要求:100120词左右。PersonDoingPlaceMother and Iwatching the showsat Jiuzhaigou Art & Culture Square Fathershoppingin a store near the squareAn Unforgettable Experience第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 听录音,选出你所听到的数字、单词或者音标。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择与之相符的图片。 (共5题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 录音中有五组对话及五个问题,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。 (共5题;共10分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、四、 听长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共8分)16-1、16-2、17-1、17-2、五、 听录音,根据所听到的内容在横线上写出合适的单词,完成句子。每 (共1题;共8分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、六、 填空题 (共1题;共4分)19-1、七、 单选题 (共5题;共10分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、八、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)25-1、25-2、25-3、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共15分)29-1、29-2、29-3、十、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)30-1、十一、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)31-1、十二、 句型转换,根据要求,完成下列句子,每空一词,缩略词算一个单词 (共5题;共10分)32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、十三、 模仿例句 (共1题;共2分)37-1、十四、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)38-1、38-2、38-3、38-4、38-5、十五、 句子翻译 (共2题;共30分)39-1、40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、十六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)41-1、


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