仁爱科普版七年级上Unit2 Looking Different单元测试D卷.doc

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仁爱科普版七年级上Unit2 Looking Different单元测试D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 (共2题;共7分)1. (5分)根据句意, 在答题卷标有题号的横线上, 写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。每空只写一词。(1)As a_(Canada), he is always proud of his countrys fresh air.(2) Do you think its_(mean) to help the children in poor areas, Kitty? Yes. We will help them as much as we can.(3) We have no milk_(leave).Youd better go out to buy some, Peter. OK. Mum.(4)The_(interview) have waited in the meeting room for hours.(5)Dont drive so_(care) on a rainy day. Otherwise its dangerous.2. (2分)You must _ _ (听)your teacher carefully in class. 二、 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。 (共2题;共11分)3. (5分)(2016黔西南)根据中文提示或首字母,填写单词的正确形式。 (1)Smith is an old teacher with thirty years _(经验)of teaching. (2)W_is the fourth day of a week. (3)He works on the plane. He is a good _. (飞行员) (4)It is raining h_outside .Youd better take an umbrella. (5)His _(发音)is so terrible that I cant understand him. 4. (6分)(2016广州)根据下列句子及给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(每空限填一词)(1)Take o_your shoes before you go into the house.(2)I really l_my English teacher because she is friendly and fair.(3)If the weather is f_on Sunday, we will plant trees at the old peoples home.(4)During the summer h_,I will take part in a two-week work experience activity.(5)The book is too expensive. I think I will b_one from the library.(6)W_your help, I couldnt have passed the exam.三、 翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)。 (共1题;共3分)5. (3分)她站在一个大箱子面前,不知道怎么办才好。She stood _ _ _ a big box, and didnt know what to do.四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)6. (2分)Nowadays many people prefer to keep in touch with _ friends online. A . theyB . themC . theirD . theirs7. (2分)Do you need more people_ you_ the bird count? A . help; to doB . to help; doC . helping; doD . to help; doing8. (2分)Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. Yes, we Chinese are _ them.A . pride inB . famous forC . proud ofD . care of9. (2分)Where _ he _? Do you know? A . is; come fromB . do; come fromC . does; come fromD . does; comes from10. (2分)backpack is newer than . A . My, herB . My, hersC . Mine, hersD . Mine, her11. (2分) Does your son _an hour _ his homework after school? No, shorter than that now, about half an hour.A . spend; doB . spend; doingC . spends; to doD . sends;doing12. (2分)Is the CD _?No,its _.A . her;AlexB . her;AlexsC . hers;AlexD . hers;Alexs13. (2分)Is this _bike? No, it isnt _.A . theirs; theirB . hers; hisC . your; mineD . your; my14. (2分)Who? Brian?Right. He often gives me a _ when Im in trouble.A . replyB . giftC . handD . reason15. (2分) _ English lessons do you have on Friday? Two.A . How manyB . How muchC . How longD . How often五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) One day, my English teacher asked me to help her save back-up(备份) copies of her work in the computer. I then realized I was able to know the grades of all of her students. I 1her how to copy files(文件) from one disk to another and she thanked me.A few days later, she asked me to help her again, because she 2how to do it. When I showed it to her, some students in my class 3and began to talk among themselves 4.Later that day, at lunch time, several of them came up to me.“Hey, could you help us change our grades? Well 5for it.”I could not believe what I heard. I could get paid for something very 6. “All right. Ill do it.” The next day, my English teacher 7me to help him out again. When he was not paying 8, I changed their grades from Fs to As.I soon became very 9among my friends. They began to treat me like God who could do 10. Word spread quickly and I became very rich.Everything was going fine 11I was called into the headmasters office. When I got there, both of my teacher and the headmaster were very angry. “ I dont want to 12what your teacher said, but I have to. She has too much evidence(证据), the headmaster said. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”“No,” I said finally. I didnt realize how 13my behavior had been. I had disappointed my teacher and the headmaster. And there was no way 14. I had to leave my school. That was a good 15for me.(1)A . said B . urged C . urged D . showed (2)A . lost B . remembered C . reminded D . forgot (3)A . listened B . noticed C . noticed D . checked (4)A . quietly B . luckily C . luckily D . angrily (5)A . pay B . praise C . praise D . explain (6)A . familiar B . easy C . interesting D . pleasant (7)A . challenged B . allowed C . taught D . asked (8)A . money B . work C . attention D . interest (9)A . common B . popular C . popular D . dishonest (10)A . something B . dishonest C . dishonest D . some things (11)A . until B . since C . because D . after (12)A . believe B . reply C . hate D . influence (13)A . hard B . interesting C . serious D . important (14)A . up B . in C . back D . down (15)A . skill B . lesson C . story D . example 六、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解 There was a very rich man named Mike. In his house, he had a very large room. If anyone can fill my room in one day, I will give him 20,000 dollars. he said. Everyone in the town wanted to have a try.Mark tried to fill the room with stones. At the end of the day, he was very tired, but the room was still not full. Martin tried to fill the room with wood. He worked all day, but the room was not full. That room is too big, no one can do this. he said. Alan said, I can do it. Its easy. Everyone laughed. They thought he could not do it. Then, he went to the park and played all day. His friend asked him, Why are you playing, you should be working. The man said, Dont worry. At 8:00 at night, the man came to the room with a small bag. The rich man said, That bag is too small. How will you fill the room? The man took a candle out of the bag. He lit the candle and said, You see, the whole room is filled with light!(1)Mike wanted someone to fill his large room in_. A . one dayB . two daysC . three daysD . half a day(2)Mark tried to fill the room with_. A . wood.B . earthC . stonesD . water(3)What was in Alans bag? A . An apple.B . A candy.C . A bottle.D . A candle.(4)Why did Alan play all day instead of filling the room? A . Because he didnt know how to fill the room.B . Because he liked playing better than working.C . Because he wasnt allowed to work in the daytime.D . Because he had already had a good idea to fill the room.(5)How much money will Alan get from Mike? A . Two thousand dollars.B . Twenty thousand dollars.C . Two million dollars.D . Twenty million dollars.18. (10分)阅读理解 In the universe, as we know, there is the Sun, the moon, the Earth and a good many stars. Through our geography lessons, we know the Earth goes around the Sun, and the moon goes around the Earth. We have day and night because the Earth keeps turning all the time. When our part of the Earth turns to the Sun, it is day. When our part of the Earth turns away from the Sun, it is night.Just because the moon is closer to the Earth than the Sun, it looks much bigger than the Sun. Big things will look smaller when they are farther, and small things also look bigger when they are nearer.The Sun is bright enough to give out very strong light. The moon cant give any light at all, but it looks quite bright, too. Why?In fact, the light from the moon comes from the Sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually (事实上) the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon also because they are farther away from the Earth.There are still many other planets in the universe. But of all these planets, only on Earth there are living things and people can only live on Earth, too. But at 900 am on October 15th 2003,Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei was set up to space. He stayed there for 21 hours. It was the first time for Chinese to get into space.(1)We find the Sun _ than the moon because it is _ to us. A . bigger; fartherB . smaller; closerC . bigger; closerD . smaller; farther(2)When our part of the Earth turns away from the Sun, the other part of the Earth is _. A . nightB . dayC . eveningD . Sunday(3)People and living things can live on _. A . EarthB . MarsC . moonD . Sun(4)When did the astronaut from our country return to the Earth? A . On November 15th, 2002.B . On October 16th, 2003.C . On May 15th, 2004.D . On October 15th, 2003.(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The moon goes around the Earth, and it cant give out any light at all.B . The moon goes around the Sun, and its light is from the Sun.C . The Earth moves round the moon, and people can live only on Earth.D . Of all the planets, only the Earth moves round the Sun.19. (10分)Li Ming is a school boy .He is twelve .He lives in Shanghai .He studies in the No.3 Middle School .He gets up at half past five every day .He reads English and Chinese in the morning .He has breakfast at seven .After that ,he goes to school with his friends .They have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon .In the evening he does his homework at home .But he often watches TV on Saturday evening .Li Ming likes drawing .He draws better than his sister .He likes reading English books .Now he is reading an English book in the room .(1)Li Ming is a _.A . studentB . girlC . teacherD . doctor(2)Li Ming gets up _every day .A . at sevenB . at five thirtyC . Cat sixD . very late(3)Li Ming does his homework _.A . At night.B . at schoolC . at homeD . in the afternoon .(4)Li Ming likes_.A . English and ChineseB . playing footballC . growing flowersD . drawing and reading(5)Li Ming has _. classes at school every day .A . fourB . fiveC . threeD . six七、 阅读与表达(问答式)。 (共1题;共8分)20. (8分) The Guidance Department (教导处)at Berryville High School has a staff of eleven teachers. Most of their work is done with the students. But the staff sees a lot of parents, too.“Parents meetings make clear monthly diagram(图表).”says Mildred Freman, head of the Guidance. “This diagram stays much the same from year to year. The busy months are October, March and May. ”September, the beginning of a new school year, starts rather slowly. Few parents come in. Most of these want to talk about the schedules. October brings many problems caused by some students. Some parents are called in. Others come by themselves. Things quiet down in November. December is a quiet month. “Its the holiday. ”Ms Foreman says, “People want to come in, I know, but they decide to wait until after New Years Day.”Report cards go home just before Christmas holidays. Bad marks bring parents in as school opens again. This happens again in March, another report card month. May is always the years busiest month. Thats when parents begin to think that their children may be asked to stay in the same grade again. They come in to see if anything can be done before things are decided in June.(1)The teachers in the Guidance Department usually _.A . do most of their work for the studentsB . answer all the questions from parentsC . help other teachers get along with students and parentsD . only bring report cards to students and parents(2)In December parents usually _.A . stay at home with their children for their holidaysB . wait for the teachers to bring report cards to their childrenC . wouldnt like to visit the teachers in the Guidance DepartmentD . let teachers have a good rest during their holidays(3)Why do some parents come to school in March? Because _.A . they want to see their childrens teachers after Christmas holidaysB . they are called by the teachers of Guidance DepartmentC . bad marks have them do itD . its the beginning of a new school year(4)Which of the following is Right?A . In June the school decides who will stay in the same grade again.B . Almost all the parents come to meet Mildred Foreman every month.C . April is also the second busiest month for the staff.D . The parents help to do most of the work for the staff.八、 补全对话(选择)。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)补全对话A. The early bird catches the worm.B. How does she usually go to work?C. By bike.D. How often does she go to work?E. She has lunch in the factory.F. What about you?G. Come on!A: Hi, Wang Li! What time do you usually get up?B: I always get up at about six oclock.A:_How do you usually go to school?B:_But sometimes I go to school by busA: By the way, where does your mother work?B: She works in a factory. She makes shoes.A:_B: She usually goes to work by subway.A: Where does she have lunch?B:_It takes her too much time to come back home for lunch.A: Oh, its time for class.B: Lets go._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 (共2题;共7分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、二、 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。 (共2题;共11分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、4-6、三、 翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)。 (共1题;共3分)5-1、四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、七、 阅读与表达(问答式)。 (共1题;共8分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、八、 补全对话(选择)。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、


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