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Unit6Helikesreadingpicturebooks Period1 picturebook Ilike Ilikereadingpicturebooks Ilikeeatingapples Ilikecooking Ilikedrinkingcola Ilikeplayingcomputergames Ilike cleaningthefloor Ilike Singingsongs Ilike eatinganicecream Ilike eatingfruits Ilike readinganewspaper Ilike drawingapicture Ilike goingshopping Ilike watchingTV Ilike washingup Whatdoyoulikedoing Ilike ButIdon tlike readingbooks watchingTV Whatdoyoulikedoing like doingIlikeingIdon tlikeing 动词现在分词1 直接加ingread reading do doing sing singing2 有不发音的e结尾 要去掉e再加ingdance dancing3 结尾是辅元辅结构时 双写最后一个字母加ingswim swimmingshop shoppingrun running4 ie变y加inglie 躺 lying die 死 dying Review Whatdoesshe helikedoing readingbooks She Helike s washingup 刷碗 Helike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing readinganewspaper Shelike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing cooking Shelike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing cleaningthefloor Shelike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing goingshopping Shelike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing takingpictures Shelike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing rollerskating Shelike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing doingmaths Helike s Whatdoesshe helikedoing Johnlikesridingahorse WhatdoesJohnlikedoing readingbooks readinganewspapercookingcleaningthefloorwashingupgoingshoppingdoingmathstakingpicturesrollerskatingridingahorse 四人一组 练习对话 Whatdoeslikedoing He Shelikesing He Shedoesn tlikeing Mary read swimm Guessinggame Whatdoesshe yourmotherlikedoing Whatdoyoulikedoing Whatdoeshe yourfatherlikedoing Ilike Idon tlike Helikes Shelikes Shedoesn tlike Hedoesn tlike Unit6Helikesreadingpicturebooks Period2 Whatdoeshelikedoing Guessinggame CanyouguesswhatdoesMr Yulikedoing A DoyoulikewatchingTV doingmaths takingpictures goingshopping rollerskating 5 Look tick askandanswer Whatdoesyourmother fatherlikedoing Whatdoyoulikedoing Whatdoeshe shelikedoing Ilike Idon tlike He Shelikes She Helikes She Hedoesn tlike He Shedoesn tlike Tina whatdoyoudoeveryday Ieveryday readbooks WhatdoesTinadoeveryday Shesbookseveryday read A Whatdoyoudoeveryday B Ieveryday C Whatdoeshe shedoeveryday A He Shes everyday Groupwork 6 Look readandwrite 1 答案 Shelikeseatingapplesandbananas 2 答案 Helikessinginganddancing 3 答案 Tinaoftenplaysthepianoaftereightintheevening 4 答案 Tomlikesreadingbooksanddrinkingtea 一般现在时的陈述句中 主语如果是第三人称单数 谓语动词加S He Shelikeshamburgers Tinalikesstrawberries Mymotherhaschickenfordinner havehas 人称如果是You I we they或复数人称时 动词用原形 如 I We They Youlikeplayingfootball Myfriends brotherslikereadingbooks 动词的三单形式如何变 1 直接加s like likes read reads2 以sxchsho结尾的加es go goesdo doeswatch watcheswash washesfix fixes3 以辅音字母加y结尾的 要改y变i加es y前是元音字母除外play plays fly fliescarry carries4 不规则 have has 在否定句中 主语如果是第三人称单数 用助动词doesn t 主语如果是非第三人称单数 用don t 有了助动词do和does 后面动词变原形 Idon tlikehamburgers Helikesicecream Hedoesn tlikeicecream 3 Playinpairs SentenceWall Nancylikesreadingpicturebookseveryday Bobwasheshissocksandshoesintheevening LindareadsEnglishbooksanddrawspictureseveryevening Lindacleansherbedroomandshoesinthemorning ZhangXinlikessinginganddancingatschool TianHualikeseatingchicken fish meat tomatoes sausagesandapples ZhangYuhelpshismumanddadcleanthesitting room LiTing I Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido No Idon t He Doeshelikeoranges Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Doesshelikeoranges Yes shedoes No shedoesn t she Ilikebananas Helikesoranges grandmother Doesyourgrandmotherliketomatoes Yes shedoesNo shedoesn t they Dotheylikesalad Yes theydo No theydon t Mygrandmotherlikestomatoes 需要借助于助动词do和does 才能构成一般疑问句 句型转化 一般现在时中 一般疑问句的变化 一调二改三问号Thisisacomputer Isthisacomputer 肯定回答Yes itis 否定回答No itisn t Hehasabike Doeshehaveabike 肯定回答Yes hedoes 否定回答No hedoesn t Bob it ssixo clock It stimetogetup Mum I mreadingapicturebook Bob it sseveno clocknow You vegottobequick Thebreadisready Dad I mreadingapicturebook Bob comeandplaywithus Sorry I mreadingapicturebook Bob comeinandlookatthenewshoes No thanks I mreadingapicturebook Bob whatareyoudoingthere Sorry I mreadingapicturebook Pleasereaditafterclass OK Bob comehere YoucanwatchTVwithus No thanks mum Ilikereadingpicturebooks Whatdoesoursonlikedoing Helikesreadingpicturebooks Let sbuyhimmorebooksforhisbirthday Goodidea WhatdoesBoblikedoingbest Helikesdancing Helikessinging Helikesdrawing Yes buthelikes Unit6Helikesreadingpicturebooks Period3 Whatdoeshelikedoing Freetalk What stheweatherliketoday 2 Isthisbook pencilyours 3 What stheEnglishfor 瀑布 村庄 森林 岛屿 4 Wheredoyouoftenhaveclass playsports playcomputergames watchTV 5 Summervacation 暑假 iscoming Whatdoyouliketodo 6 Doyoulikereadingbooks Whatkindofbooksdoyouliketoread Iliketoreadstory comic picture books storybook picturebook musicbook gamesbook animalbook cookerybook comicbook Whatkindofbooksdoyouliketoread Iliketoreadbooks Whatkindof意为 哪一种 什么种类 e g Whatkindofworkdoyoudo 你是做什么工作的 Whatkindoffruitdoyoulikebest 你最喜欢哪一种水果 Whatkindof Whatkindoffooddoyouliketoeat Whatkindoffilmsdoyouliketosee Whatkindofclothesdoyoulikewearing Whatkindofsportsdoyoulikeplaying Whatkindofplacesdoyouliketogo 7 Listen readandwrite 10 Pairwork TwoshortplaysA Hi Bob Whosebookisthis B Oh letmesee It snew Ithinkit sSam s A OK I llaskhim Bytheway whosepenisthis B Ah it smypen Thankyou A Youarewelcome Bytheway 顺便问 说一下 What s btw btw是英文bytheway的缩写 A Sue whoserubberisthis Doyouknow B I msorry Idon tknow I vegotmyrubber Look it shere A Well Whoserubberisitthen B Maybeit sZhangXin s Youcanaskhim A OK I llaskhimrightnow Goodbye B Bye rubber 橡皮Maybe 可能 或许rightnow 立刻 马上 9 Drawandshow Makeyourownpicturebook Themiceareveryhappy butsomethingiswrongwiththem Hello What syourname Howoldareyou Wheredoyoulive Howdoyougotoschooleveryday What syourfavouritecolour Whatareyourfavouriteanimals Whatkindofbooksdoliketoread Whatdoyoulikedoing likeordislike Who syourbestfriend Whatdoeshe shelikedoing likeordislike Mynameis I m Ilivein Igotoschoolby Ilike and Iliketoread Ilike Idon tlike ismybestfriend He Askandanswer Thenwritedownashortarticle 3 Pronunciation 元音字母o在重读闭音节和字母r前发 发时舌身降低并后缩 舌后部抬起 口张大 双唇收圆 e g orangehotofficelotdot 元音字母o发 u 时舌身后缩 舌后部向软颚抬起 舌位比 u 更高 双唇比 u 收得更圆更突出 e g dolosewhowhose 元音字母o发时舌尖稍触下齿 由滑向 u 双唇收圆 从出发 然后双唇收圆 也能发出此音 e g opencoldoldhome


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