中考英语专题复习 形容词副词课件.ppt

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中考对形容词 副词的要求 1熟练掌握形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的变化规则2常考的几个含有比较级的句型3 最高级的常见结构4 疑问副词howoften long far soon的用法 1I mveryhappytoday Thegirlisquitepretty Theboyistooyoungtogotoschool very quite rather so too 2Johnisastallashisfather Tinaisn tas sohappyasme as asnotas so as 原级 原级 原级 考点1 原级的用法 考点2 比较级的用法1 可以修饰比较级的词 much alot far alittle abit even Tomlookseven thanbefore 汤姆甚至比以前更年轻 2 含有than时要用比较级TheChangjiangRiveris thananyotherriverinChina 3 the 比较级 ofthetwo 表示 甲是两者中较 的 Lookatthetwoboys Mybrotheristhe ofthetwo younger longer taller 4 比较级 and 比较级 表示 越来越 Hedoeshishomework 越来越认真5 The 比较级 the 比较级 表示 越 越 youare problemsyouwillhave 你越懒就会有越多问题 moreandmorecarefully Thelazier themore Theweatherisgettinghotterandhotter 考点3 最高级常用句型结构Whoisthe Jack LilyorMary 好 1 三者或三者以上进行比较要用 Heisthebeststudentinhisclass Youarethecleverestofthethree Heisthequickestamongthem 2 the in of among 范围 最高级 最高级 best Oneofthe old countriesintheworldisChina 3 oneof 表示 oneof 做主语时 谓语用 TheChangjiangRiveristhefirst riverinChina long 4 the序数词 最高级 最高级 名词复数 之一 第三人称单数 longest oldest 试比较 any与anyotherShanghaiislargerthananyothercityinChina ShanghaiislargerthananycityinJapan 上海属于中国 范围之内 上海不属于日本 范围之外 ShanghaiislargerthananyothercityinChina ShanghaiisthelargestcityinChina ShanghaiislargerthantheothercitiesinChina 考点4 什么时候用形容词和副词 形容词放在be和系动词的后面 或放在名词前面 副词多用来修饰动词或形容词副词 以下是形容词和副词的一些用法 系动词 与形容词连用look smell taste feel sound get become turn keep stay seem be后接adj 2有些形容词只能做表语 alone afraid ill aleep awake well alive3有些以ly结尾的词是adj friendly lovely lively lonely ugly daily4不带ly的常用副词 well fast hard high straight等注hardly不是hard的副词 5 the 形容词 表示一类人 谓语动词要用复数Thepooralwaysneedourhelp Theoldshouldbetakengoodcareof 6 形 副词原级 enoughenough 名goodenough fastenoughenoughmoney7 不定代词 形容词somethinginterestinganythingimportant 前形后名 前副后名 我们一起来总结总结吧 比较级和最高级的变化规则 1tall taller tallestfast faster fastestfine finer finestnice nicer nicest单音节形容词比较级加 最高级加 以e结尾的词只加 2happy happier happiesteasy easier easiestdirty dirtier dirtiest以辅音字母 y结尾的双音节词 er est r st 把y改为i 再加 er est 3hot hotter hottestbig bigger biggestfat fatter fattestthin thinner thinnest重读音节后三个字母为 4serious moreserious themostseriousbeautiful morebeautiful themostbeautifulcareful morecareful themostcareful多音节词和某些双音节词的比较级和最高级分别在前面 辅 元 辅 双写最后的辅音字母再加 er est 加more themost 5不规则变化good well bad ill badly many much little far far old old better best better best worse worst worse worst worse worst more most more most less least farther farthest 指距离远 further furthest 指程度 older oldest 老的 elder eldest 年长的 你能说出下列形容词的比较级和最高级吗 drycleanhotangrydeliciousinterestingquietbaddifficulthealthylucky drierdriestcleanercleanesthotterhottestangrierangriestmoredeliciousmost moreinterestingmost quieterquietestworseworstmoredifficultmost healthierhealthiestluckierluckiest Themanlookedatmewitha smile friendB friendsC friendlyD friendily2 Youmustkeepyoureyes whenyoudoeyesexercises closeB openC closedD opened 形容词修饰名词 keep 3 We reall atthe news Wethoughtwewouldbeatthem butwedidn t Wewerereallyin A excited exciting surpriseB exciting excited surpriseC surprised surprising surpriseD surprising surprised surprising 区分 ing形容词和 ed形容词 4 Nowtelephonesareverypopularandtheyaremuch thanbefore A cheapB cheaperC cheapestD thecheapest 5 EveryoneknowsthatChinaisgetting A strongandstrongB strongerandstrongerC moreandmorestrongD strongestandstrongest much 比较级 比较级 越来越 6 youexercise youwillbe A much healthyB more healthierC themore thehealthyD themore thehealthier the 比较级 the 比较级越 就越 7 TomthinksEnglishis asmaths Hedoesbadlyinboth A ashardB harderthanC sohardD thehardest Aas as BA和B一样 Aas so asBA不如B那样 10 Thefoodislessdeliciousthan inGDA itB thatC oneD this 8 Wuhanislargerthan cityinHubei A anyB otherC anyotherD another9 Wuhanislargerthan cityinGD A anyB otherC anyotherD another any 名词单数anyother 名词单数 12 Shanghaiisthefirst cityinChina A largeB largerC largestD thelargest 11 JinYongisoneofthegreatestoldest writers Heisstill A living aliveB living livingC alive aliveD alive living 区分living和alive 序数词 最高级 13 Ihadavery sleeplastnight soIfeelverytiredtoday goodB betterC badD worse very 14 LiLeiisthetalleststudent hisclass ofB inC byD with15 John isHenryyourtwinbrother Oh yes Heistwentyminutes thanme 08广东 A heavierB elderC tallerD older 16 doyousendane mailtoyourcousin Sometimes 08广东 A HowlongB HowmuchC HowoftenD Howsoon 17Heis ill AbadlyBbad18Itrainedso thatpeople goout Ahard hardlyBhardly hard19 Heis enoughtocarrytheheavybox A strongerB muchstrongerC strongD thestrongest


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