七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like课件4 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like课件4 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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Unit9 Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike SectionB23a selfcheck 3aJackisBill sbestfriend Fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox looksglassesstraightshoeshandsome Writing MybestfriendisJack Letmetellyouwhathe like Firstofall heisverytalland Hehas brownhairandhedoesn twear Heusuallywearsjeans aT shirtandsports Ilikehimbecauseheisreallycoolandfun andheisgoodatsoccer 先读空格里单词 明白选项词汇的意思 2 通读全文 理解短文大意 思路指导 3 理解每句话的意思 根据句子意思及习惯用法来确定每个空格处的意思 第一个空格处是习惯用法looklike 看起来像 第二个空格前有tall 高的 因此本空格应为handsome 第三空格后有hair一词 可知此空格处为straight 第四空格前有wear 穿 戴 可推知本空格处为 glasses 读第四句意知其为描述他的穿戴 因此本空格处应填shoes MybestfriendisJack Letmetellyouwhathe like Firstofall heisverytalland Hehas brownhairandhedoesn twear Heusuallywearsjeans aT shirtandsports Ilikehimbecauseheisreallycoolandfun andheisgoodatsoccer Checktheanswers handsome straight looks glasses shoes looksglassesstraightshoeshandsome 3bWriteapassageaboutyourbestfriend Thesequestionsmayhelpyou What syourbestfriend sname Whatdoeshe sheliketowear Whatdoeshe shelooklike Whydoyoulikehim her 写作指导 1 这是一篇介绍好友的长相 穿戴及喜欢他的原因 2 可以先回答四个提示问题 然后将这四个句子连成一篇连贯的短文 3 用 be 形容词 来描述人物的身高 体重 身材等 用 have has straight curly hair big small eyes nose mouth 来描述头发或五官 用 wear 某种衣服 来介绍某人的穿戴 最后 说明喜欢他的原因 1 2 3 4 She sLiXiaomeng Ilikeherbecausesheiscuteandfun ShealwayswearsawhiteT shirtandjeans Sheistallandthin Shehasshortcurlyhair Shehasbigeyesandasmallmouth Answerthequestions MybestfriendisLiXiaomeng She sbeautiful ShealwayswearsawhiteT shirtandjeans Sheusuallywearsapairofsportsshoes Sheistallandthin Shehasshortcurlyhair Shehasbigeyesandasmallmouth Ilikeherbecausesheiscuteandfun Sample Hairlong OtherFeaturesglasses Buildthin ofmediumbuild heavy 1Writemorewordsinthebox DescribingPeople short Selfcheck black blonde straight curly jeans Heighttall sportsshoes T shirt Heighttall ofmediumheight short Heighttall 2Whatdoyourparentslooklike Describethem Myfatheristall Myfatheristall He sofmediumbuild Hehasshortstraighthair Hehassmalleyesandabigmouth Healwayswearsabluejacketandblacktrousers Hewearsapairofglasses Sample Summary 描述人物外貌的形容词或名词短语1 卷曲的curly2 直的straight3 高的tall4 矮的short5 瘦的thin6 重的heavy7 英俊的handsome8 头发 金黄色的blonde9 圆形的round10 中等身高ofmediumheight11 中等身材ofmediumbuild 表示身体部位的名词12 鼻子nose13 嘴mouth14 脸face15 手hand16 脚foot17 腿leg18 胳膊arm19 耳朵ear20 眼睛eye21 头head 表示职业的名词22 演员actor23 女演员actress24 歌手singer25 艺术家artist 其他短语26 看起来像looklike27 一张 的照片apictureof 28 相同的方式thesameway29 一点 少量alittle30 最后intheend 重点句子31 他长什么样 Whatdoeshelooklike 32 他们是直发还是卷发 Dotheyhavestraightorcurlyhair 33 她中等身材 Sheisofmediumbuild 34 我中等身高 Iamofmediumheight A What syour singer B MyfavoritesingerisAndyLau A Whatdoeshe favorite looklike Lookatthepictureandfillintheblanks 小试身手 B Heisof andof build Hehas hair Hedoesn t glasses A doyoulikehim B Becausehe sagreatsingerandactor shortblack medium mediumheight Why wear 根据短文内容 从方框中选择恰当的单词填空 有的需要变换形式 Sallyismyfriend Sheisa 1 Shesingsverywell Nowshehasanewlook Shedoesn thavelong 2 hair Shehasshortcurlyhair Andnowsheoften 3 glasses Shedoesn twearherT shirt Shewearsajacketandblue 4 It sgreat shesays WhenItakea 5 withmydogonthestreet nobody 没人 knowsme singer straight wears trousers walk 描述一下自己的祖父母或叔叔 姑姑等人物 Homework


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