中考英语 考点聚焦 第37讲 单项选择课件.ppt

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甘肃省 英语 第37讲单项选择 1 Theactionsandwordsofcelebrities 名人 canhaveagreat becausemanypeoplemayfollowthem Sotheyshouldpaymoreattentiontotheirbehaviorandspeech 2015 东营 A changeB surpriseC progressD influence2 Lastyear IwenttoCambridgewhichlies theeastofEngland theRiverCam 2015 大庆 A on inB on offC in onD in of3 CouldI yourcellphone please Iwanttocallmyfather Sorry Ithasbeentakenaway Lisa 2015 荆门 A borrow byB lend toC use forD show at D C A 4 Look Themanatthegate beourheadmaster Heisalwaysstandingthereeverymorning No it behim Heisholdingameetingintheofficenow 2015 滨州 A must can tB must mustn tC can t can tD can t mustn t5 SherlockHolmesaskedthesuspectwhathe whenthemurdertookplace 2015 盐城 A wasdoingB hasdoneC isdoingD woulddo A A 中考英语单项选择题的考点主要分布在 名词 动词 形容词 副词 代词 冠词 连词 介词 情态动词 时态 语态 词义辨析 语序 从句及交际用语上 在做单项选择题时 掌握一些解题方法是很有必要的 解题的主要方法有以下五种 1 直接法 直接利用相关语法知识 通过题干中的已有信息 捕捉到解题线索 从而得出正确答案的解题方法 例1 Look Sam TVhappilyonthesofa A iswatchingB watchesC watchedD willwatch解析 由标志词look可知 应用现在进行时 答案 例2 Noonecansing thanher A wellB goodC betterD best解析 than为比较级的标志词 答案 A C 1 Mrs Smithlivesinsuchabighousewithoutachildaround Soshefeelsvery A lonelyB aloneC richD nervous2 Howwasthestory Itwastoo IfellasleepwhenIreadit A interestingB wonderfulC boringD difficult3 It sthethirdtimethatTomhasfailedtoplantsuchflowers Yes ButIthinkweshould himtotryagain A agreeB letC encourageD make A C C 2 关键词法 许多题目中都有这样一些词 它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用 我们称这些词为关键词 keywords 找到句中的关键词 也就找到了解题的突破口 例3 What syourfavoritevegetable Well Ilike best A orangesB dumplingsC onionsD water解析 由关键词 vegetable蔬菜 可知 C选项符合题意 答案 例4 Oneofthebestwaysforpeopletokeephealthyisto goodeatinghabits A growB developC increaseD find解析 由关键词habits可知 习惯是养成的 答案 C B 4 Alanis ofthetwoboys A tallerB tallestC thetallerD thetallest5 Hasyourmotherfinishedherreport Sorry Idon tknow She itthismorning A iswritingB wroteC writesD hadwritten6 Whoisthelittlegirlinthephoto It sme Thepicture 10yearsago A tookB istakenC hastakenD wastaken C B D 3 前后照应法 此方法多用于两个以上句子或对话形式命题的题目 解题前理解句子意思 然后联系上下文 捕捉隐含信息 方能准确找出答案 例5 Didyoufindthesmallvillageyesterday Yes withoutanydifficulty forithas changedoveryears A hardlyB greatlyC clearlyD nearly解析 由前半句 没有任何困难 可知 这些年小村庄没有改变什么 答案 A 例6 Mr Li Ican tunderstandeverythinginclass Don tworry I ll themainpointsattheend A recordB reviewC requireD remember解析 前文 李老师 我不能听懂课堂上所有的知识 可知下文应是 别担心 我会在最后复习主要知识点 答案 B 7 Jacklooks Hesureis Heworkedawholenightyesterday A sleepyB energeticC worriedD unhappy8 Wouldyoulikeanice cream Diane No thanks I eatthem They rebadformyteeth A neverB oftenC alwaysD sometimes A A 9 Couldyougethereat10 00thismorning I llbeatameetingatthattime A IhopenotB Don tmentionitC I mafraidnotD Noproblem C 4 短语及固定搭配 例7 Whatareyougoingtodowhenyougrowup Asinger butmyparentswishme ateacher A amB tobeC willbeD be解析 wishsb todosth 为固定搭配 意为 希望某人做某事 答案 例8 Thecharityprovideshomelesspeople foodandclothes A withB forC asD of解析 providesb withsth providesth forsb 为固定搭配 意为 为某人提供某物 答案 B A 10 Mr Wangrefused cardswiththem Hewantedtodosomethingdifferent A playB playingC playedD toplay11 Mr Smithusedto hiscartowork butnowheisusedto A drive walkB driving walkingC driving walkD drive walking12 Hi Bob Ourteacherstoldus anelectricbike It stoodangerous I msorry Iwon tdoitagain A torideB nottorideC notrideD notriding D D B 5 交际法 此方法用于交际用语中 联系上下文直接解题 例9 Ihadapleasantweekendonthefarm A That sveryniceofyouB It sapleasureC CongratulationsD I mgladtohearthat解析 考查交际用语 问句句意为 我在农场度过了一个愉快的周末 听到对方说过得开心 答话者应该感到高兴 答案 D 例10 I mlookingforapairofgoogleglassesformygrandson A HowisitgoingB Who sthatspeakingC WhatcanIdoforyouD Canyouhelpme解析 由答语可知是关于购物的用语 答案 C 13 Sorry Ihavelostthebookyoulentmeyesterday A CertainlynotB Don tsaylikethatC Itdoesn tmatterD Idon tcareatall14 Wouldyoulikemetohelpyouwiththehousework A That sverykindofyouB NotatallC You rewelcomeD That sagoodidea C A 1 PukouRailwayStation in1911andithasbecomeafilminglocationforfilmsandTVplaysinrecentyears 2015 南京 A buildB isbuiltC builtD wasbuilt2 Manyhouses bytheearthquakeandthousandsofpeoplewerelefthomeless 2015 广州 A damagedB weredamagedC weredamagingD aredamaged3 Harry sbeendrivingallday He betired 2015 杭州 A needB canC shallD must D B D 4 Chengduisagreenercitynowbecausemoreandmoretrees everyspring 2015 成都 A wereplantedB areplantedC willbeplanted5 Whenyou adifficulttask trytocontinuewithitandfinishit 2015 沈阳 A giveB aregivingC gaveD aregiven6 ThebookHarryPotter MarybecauseJ K Rowlingisherfavoritewriter 2015 贵阳 A mustbelongtoB can tbelongtoC maybe B D A 7 Tinadoesn tliketherestaurantbecausethemusictheremakesher 2015 贵阳 A sleepingB sleptC sleepy8 IwonderifthissmartphoneisMary s It belongtoher istotallydifferentfromthisone 2015 兰州 A mustn t HerB can t HerC can t HersD may Hers9 Hehasorderedawatchonthelineforhisfatherandit tohimbeforeFather sDay 2015 兰州 A sendB willbesentC wassentD sent C C B 10 Themascot 吉祥物 ofRio2016OlympicGamesis goodluck 2015 昆明 A thenumberofB thesymbolofC thedayofD thecolorof11 Didyoutalkbacktoyourmotherwhenyouwereachild Yes ButnowIrealizeIwaswrong Ireallyregret thatsillythingtomymum 2015 襄阳 A doB todoC doingD did B C 12 Ifallofuspulltogether theremustbesomethingwecando 2015 凉山 A improvetheenvironmentB toimprovetheenvironmentC improvingtheenvironmentD improvedtheenvironment13 Ihaven tfinishedmyreportyet You dbetterhurryup It tomorrow Itisthedeadline 2015 大庆 A maybehandedinB canhandinC mustbehandedinD shouldhandin B C 14 haveyoulivedinLanzhou Sincemyparentsfoundjobshere 2015 兰州 A HowlongB HowfarC HowsoonD Howmuch15 Tomdidn tgoforapicnicyesterday 2015 黔西南 A SodidI B SoIdid C NeitherdidI D NeitherIdid A C 16 Briandoeswellinmath Healwaysgetsgoodscoresonhismathexams 2015 达州 A doeshe Yes hedoes B doesn the Yes hedoes C doeshe No hedoesn t D doesn the No hedoesn t B 17 Davidasked inChina Ofcoursenot Chineseusuallyshakehandswithaladyasagreeting 2015 广东 A whyhecangreetaladybykissingherB whyhecouldgreetaladybykissingherC whetherhecangreetaladybykissingherD whetherhecouldgreetaladybykissingher D 18 Confuciuswasafamousphilosopher 哲学家 hasinfluencedtheworldgreatly 2015 黄石 A whoseB whoC whichD when19 Youwillseemanyauntsdancingtogetheronthesquareifit intheevening 2015 连云港 A doesn trainB rainsC willrainD won train20 Wouldyouliketogotothemoviewithmethisevening butIpromisedtogoswimmingwithEric 2015 绵阳 A Nevermind B Idon tthinkso C I dloveto D It snotabigdeal B A C

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