中考英语总复习 第三轮 中考题型实战 题型五 补全对话课件.ppt

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中考英语总复习 第三轮 中考题型实战 题型五 补全对话课件.ppt_第1页
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中考英语总复习 第三轮 中考题型实战 题型五 补全对话课件.ppt_第3页
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补全对话 补全对话是近年来中考考查的热点 该试题通过设置语言环境 把语言知识升华到语言技能 旨在通过书面形式来考查学生熟练并灵活运用英语口语的能力 具有较强的综合性 是中考试题中的难点 广西中考测试题型的形式有 选句子补全对话 写单词补全对话 1 中考要求 掌握打电话的交际用语 特别是拨电话和接电话与平时交谈用语的区别 掌握购物的交际用语 能运用购物的交际用语进行模拟购物活动 能熟练运用看病的交际用语 掌握问路和应答用语 要特别注意礼貌用语的运用 掌握就餐用语 能运用相应的交际用语进行模拟就餐活动 能熟练运用交际用语进行借东西和归还东西 能运用交际用语对某一活动计划进行讨论 会用交际用语谈论天气 注意天气预报的播报用语 掌握其他交际用语 如 问候及其应答语 道歉及其应答语 感谢及其应答语 请求及其应答语 帮助及其应答语 邀请及其应答语 祝贺及其应答语 建议及其应答语等 2 解题技巧 确定对话的情景类型 带着空格快速默读对话 并根据对话所给的信息确定对话的情景类型 理顺关系 各个突破 了解对话发生的情景之后 要在头脑中迅速回忆起相关的习惯表达法 然后再开始答题 答题时应注意理顺上下文之间的关系 并利用已知信息推断出正确答案 考生可以先把有把握的空格填好 没把握的可暂时放下不管 然后回过头来解决那些暂时确定不了答案的空格 正确书写 从容答题 答题时应注意单词的正确拼写 时态的正确运用 还要注意句子的习惯表达方式等 书写应工整 规范 通读全文 核对答案 不管做哪种类型的 补全对话 题 这一环节都是必不可少的 因为同学们在做题的过程中难免会出现一些失误 如果最后再仔细检查一遍 就能及时纠正错误 确保答案的准确性 例1 情景交际 根据对话内容 从A G七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项 2016 黄石 A Goodmorning sir 1 B I dliketobuyashirt please A Oh good We vegotlotsofnewshirtsofdifferentstyles Thisway please 2 B Letmehavealookfirst A Thisblueoneismadeofcotton 棉 andthatgreenoneismadeofsilk Bothofthemfeelsoftandcoolinsummer B Thegreenonelooksnice 3 A Ofcourse Hmm itfitsyouverywell B Thankyou 4 A 78 B 5 A Butitreallylooksbeautifulonyou B Thatistrue OK I lltakeit A CanItryiton B Hereisthemoney C Whichonedoyoulike D Whereistheshirt E WhatcanIdoforyou F Howmuchisit G Thatisalittlebitexpensive 解析 1 服务员见到顾客 习惯上说 WhatcanIdoforyou或CanIhelpyou 2 句意为 你喜欢哪一件 我先看一看 根据语境可知本句是服务员为顾客介绍商品 3 句意为 绿色的看起来好看 我可以试穿吗 当然 嗯 很合身 由后句 Itfitsyouverywell 可知顾客请求试穿 4 根据回答可知询问价格 Howmuchisit 多少钱 5 前句询问了价格 后空由一个but表示转折 但是真的很合你的身 可以推测出本句是在对商品的价格进行谈论 Thatisalittlebitexpensive 有一点儿贵 答案 1 2 3 4 5 E C A F G 根据对话内容 从下面方框中选出五个适当的句子补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 2016 南宁 A Hello ThisisJohnBrown 1 B Hello ThisisJulieStone Thewindowofmylivingroomgotbrokenthismorning 2 A Noproblem Iwillcometomorrowmorning 3 B Couldyoucomeimmediately A Well Iwillgettoyourhouseassoonaspossible B That snice Itcostsabout60dollars right A Yes aslongasit sasmallwindow Mrs Stone didn tIrepairawindowforyouafewweeksago B Yes youdid G D A A 4 Weretheyplayingballinthehouse B No Itoldthemnottodothatagain 5 Iwaspractisingvolleyball A IsthatOK B ThistimeIbrokeit C Howcanwedothat D Can tyoucomeandrepairit E Oh myGod Youbrokeitagain F Yoursonshavebrokenthewindowagain G CanIhelpyou F B 1 WhatdidZachdoduringthesummervacationin2010 A Hestayedathometolookafterhisfamily B Hetravelledtohishometownwithhisfamily C Hejoinedinaschoolactivitywithotherkids D Hewalkedtocollectmoneyforkidsinneed 2 WecanlearnfromParagraph2thatZach A begantohelppeopleataveryearlyageB mademoneytopayforhiseducationC enjoyedplayingaroundinhiscommunityD workedveryhardforhisfamily D A 例2 请根据对话内容 在下面的空白处填入适当的词 使对话完整与正确 每空一词 2016 南宁 A It salwaysraining Idon tlikespringinthiscity B Yes It sterrible A Doyoulikesummerhere B No it s1 hot I msureyouwon tlikeitifyouhavetogotoworkon2 everyday A Well it strue Butsummerinmyhometownislovely especiallythebeach B Oh thatmustbeverybeautiful A Youcancometothebeachwith3 thissummer I msureyouwillenjoyitverymuch B No 4 Ipreferclimbingmountains A Climbingmountains Oh youwillbetired B Maybe butIcanenjoythebeautifulsightsandthe5 air 解析 1 根据前句的问句 你喜欢这儿的夏季吗 和答语 No 可知不喜欢夏天 因为太热 2 前句讲夏天太热 结合本句句意和空前的介词on推测 应该是表达如果每天步行去上班 onfoot意为 步行 是固定搭配 3 根据前句可知A的家乡有海滩 所以建议B可以和自己一起去海滩 介词后用宾语 4 根据答语 No 可知拒绝了A的邀请 但根据英美文化可知仍要感谢对方 5 根据前半句 Icanenjoythebeautifulsights 可知讲登山的好处 再根据空后的air和常识推理此处指新鲜的空气 答案 1 2 3 4 5 so too very quite foot me thanks fresh clean 根据下面对话情景 在每个空白处填上一个适当的单词 使对话的意思连贯 完整 2016 北海 Jack Hello Anna Nicetomeetyou Anna Hi Jack Niceto6 you too Jack Thesummervacationiscoming And7 isyourplanforit Anna I llgotoGuizhouwithmyfriends Jack Really YoucangotoseeHuangguoshuWaterfall Anna Soundsgood I ll8 alotofphotosthere Jack Great Ican twaittoseethephotos Anna Doyouwantto9 us Jack No Justwanttostayathomeandrelax Anna Well haveahappysummervacation Jack The10 toyou meet what take join same AA Goodmorning Sitdown please B Morning doctor A What sthematter1 you B Iwascaughtintherainyesterday I vegotabadcoughandmyheadhurts A Doyouhaveafever B Yes My2 is38 Ifeelterrible A Oh letmesee There snothingserious Youjusthaveacold Haveagoodrest andyou llbefinesoon B Thanks Iwill Anyothersuggestions A You3 betterchooseyourclothesaccordingtotheweatherreport Theweatheroftenchangesinsummer B 4 willtheweatherbetomorrow A Now we reintheseasonofrain 5 willstillberainytomorrow Whenyougoout pleasetakeanumbrella with temperature had How It BA I llmissyou Diana B Oh Ifeeljustthe6 Wemusttrytocontinueourfriendship eventhoughwewillno7 beatschooltogether A Yes Iwishweweren tgoingtodifferentseniorhighschools Ifeelreallysorrytohavetosay8 toyouandallourotheroldfriends B We llmakenewfriends too though Butlet spromisetostayin9 Wemaynotseeeachothersooften butwecangettogetherinthesummervacation A Yes that sagood10 Andthinkofallthehappytimeswe llhavethen same longer goodbye touch idea CA Hello 68307142 B Hi Judy 11 isTony A Goodafternoon Tony Howisitgoing B Very12 thanks I mcallingtoaskwhereyouhadyourfamilypartylastweek A AtHiltonRestaurant Why B I m13 foraproperrestaurant Someofmyfriendswanttogettogetherforabigdinner A HiltonRestaurantopenedlastmonth It salittlebitexpensive butit s14 themoney B Istherestaurant15 frommyhome A No itisn t B Thankyouverymuch A Youarewelcome This well looking worth far DA Howareyou Jane B Fine 16 Andyou A Verywell I veheardthataforeignteacherishelpingthepeopleinYa an 17 don twedosomethingforothers B That sagoodidea Doyouhaveanyplansforit A I mgoingtogivemyoldclothestothechildreninthecountrysidetogether18 myfather Wouldyouliketojoinus B I19 loveto Whenshallwegothere A Ihavetimeon20 FridayandSaturday Howaboutyou B I mbusyonFridaybutfreeonSaturdaymorning Shallwestartat10o clock A Sorry I mafraidnot Let smakeit10 30onSaturday B Thatwouldbefine Shallwemeetattheschoolgate A Allright thanks Why with would both EA Whatareyougoingtodonextweekend B Ihaveno21 A Wouldyouliketodosomethingwithme B Sure Whatareyougoingtodo A How22 goingboatingonSaturday B Thatsoundsgood Wherearewegoingtomeet A Atmyhouse Myfatherhasacar Hecan23 ustothelake B Whattimeshallweleave A At5 30inthemorning Boatingisgoodatthattime B Soearly Canwemake24 alittlelater A Well no25 Whatabout6 00 B OK I llgettoyourhouseat5 50 Seeyoutomorrow idea about drive it problem


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