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10, to begin with,the legal system has structure. the structure of a legal system consists of this kind:the number and size of courts;their jurisdiction;and modes of appeal from one court to another.structure also means how the legislature is organized,what a president can(legally)do or not do,what procedures the police department follows,and so on. another aspect of the legal system is its substance. by this it meant the actual rules,norms,and behavior patterns of people inside the system.首先,法律制度有结构。一个法律制度的结构由这类的数量和大小的法院;管辖;和诉求方式从一个法院another.structure也意味着如何立法组织,什么总统(法律)做或不做,什么程序,警察部门如下,等等。法律制度的另一个方面是它的实质。这意味着系统中的人的实际规则、规范和行为模式。11 , the law of contract is concerned with the enforcement of promissory obligations. contractuai liability is usually based on consent freely given in the form of an express promise or one implied in fact form the acts of the parties. in some circumstances,however,the courts will imply a promise(often called implied in law or quasi contract)in order to avoid unjust enrichment in spite of lack of consent by the party who is bound by.合同法与履行义务有关。contractuai责任通常是基于同意的情况下随意的形式给出一个表示承诺或一个事实默示形式当事人的行为。然而,在某些情况下,法院将意味着一个承诺(通常被称为隐含在法律或准合同),以避免不公正的丰富,尽管缺乏同意由党谁被约束。12 , paragraph 1 of article 153 of the criminal law is amended as:whoever smuggles goods or articles not specified in article 151 ,article 152 and article 347 herein shall,depending on the severity of the circumstances,be punished in accordance with the following provisions respectively:1、if he smuggles goods and articles to evade or dodge the payable duties to a larger amount or commits smuggling again after being given administrative penalties twice against smuggling within one year,he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and be concurrently subject to a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged.2、if the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged for smuggling goods and articles is huge or there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years,and shall be concurrently subject to a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged.3、if the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged for smuggling goods and articles is especially huge or there are other especially serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment, and shall be concurrently subject to a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged or confiscation of property.刑法第153条1款修改为:走私本法第一百五十一条、第一百五十二条、第三百四十七条规定以外的货物、物品的,根据情节轻重,分别依照下列规定处罚:1、他走私货物、物品逃避或回避应缴税额数额较大或构成走私再次被给予行政处罚后一年内两次打击走私,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金。2、如果需要支付的偷逃走私货物、物品巨大或者有其他严重情节的,,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金;3、如果应付偷逃走私货物、物品数额特别巨大或者有其他特别严重情节的,应当处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金或者没收财产。 13、one article is added after article 276 of the criminal law as article 267 :文章276条后增加了一条,作为刑法第267条:以转移财产、逃匿等方法逃避支付劳动者的劳动报酬或者有能力支付而不支付劳动者的劳动报酬,数额较大,经政府有关部门责令支付仍不支付的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金;造成严重后果的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。单位犯前款罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照前款的规定处罚。有前两款行为,尚未造成严重后果,在提起公诉前支付劳动者的劳动报酬,并依法承担相应赔偿责任的,可以减轻或者免除处罚。14、私法private law involves the various relationship that people have with one another and the rules that determine their legal rights and duties among themselves. the area is concerned with rules and principes pertaining to private ownership and use of property,contracts between individuals,family relationships,and redress by way of compensation for harm inflicted on one personby another. historically, government involvement was usually minimal. private law has also operated to provide general guidelines and security in private arrangements and interactions in ways that are complementary to morality and custom but that are not necessarily enforceable in a court of law,such as non-contractual promises and agreements within an association of private individuals.私法涉及到人与人之间的各种关系,以及确定自己的法律权利和义务的规则。该地区是有关规则和有关私有财产和使用原则,合同之间的个人,家庭,和补偿的补偿方式伤害造成一人以另一个。从历史上看,政府的参与通常是微乎其微的。私人法律也为私人安排和相互作用提供了一般的指导和保障,这些方法与道德和习俗是相辅相成的,但在法庭上不一定能强制执行,比如私人私人的合同承诺和协议。the relative significance of purely private law has decreased in modern times. public law dominates in government-controlled societies; democratic societies increasingly have a mix of public and private law. the private sphere includes individuals and a vast array of groups,associations,organizations,and special legal entities such as corporations. they compete with one another and with government for control of resources,wealth,power,and the communication of ideas and values. special fields of law,such as labor law,facilitate and control this competition. much of such law is in the commercial and corporate areas. the formerly purely private law of property and contracts,for example,is now overlaid with legislation,regulationg,and judicial dicisions reflecting the competition. the public law of taxation has significant impact on the whole private sphere. courts have increasingly regarded resolution of seemingly private disputes as vehicles for response to changing social conditions and values especially in the u.s. thus,manufacturers have experienced an expansion of liability for physical injuries caused by defects in their products. the mechanism of insurance allows manufacturers to spread such costs across the general consuming public.纯粹私法的相对意义在近代有所下降。公共法律在政府控制的社会中占主导地位;民主社会日益具有公共性和私法性的混合性。私人领域包括个人和一个庞大的群体,协会,组织和特殊的法律实体,如企业。它们相互竞争,与政府控制资源、财富、权力、思想和价值观的交流。法的特殊领域,如劳动法,促进和控制这一竞争。这类法律中的大部分都是在商业和企业领域中的。以前纯粹的私有财产法和契约,例如,现在用立法,规定,和司法决定反映了竞争。税收的公法化对整个私人领域有着重要的影响。法院越来越多地将看似私人纠纷的解决视为应对不断变化的社会环境和价值观的车辆,尤其是在美国,制造商们已经经历了一个扩展的责任,在他们的产品缺陷造成的身体伤害。保险机制使得生产商能够在普通消费大众中传播这种成本。15、self-defense means that a person is justified in the use of force against an aggressor when and to the extent it appears to her and she reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend herself against such aggressors imminent use of unlawful force. such justification requires both a belief on the part of defendant ang the existence of facts that would persuade a reasonable person to that belief.自卫权意味着一个人是有道理的武力侵略时使用,似乎她的程度和她有理由认为,这种行为保护自己反对这样的侵略即将使用非法暴力是必要的。这样的理由要求对被告的一部分的信念,以及是否存在的事实,将说服一个合理的人,相信。where self-defense is asserted,expert testimony on the battered woman syndrome may be offered to prove the reasonableness of defendants belie that she was in imminent danger.在自卫是断言,在受虐妇女综合症的专家证言可以提供证明被告的合理性,相信她在迫在眉睫的危险。the interests in human dignity and privacy which the fourth amendment protects forbid any such intrusions on the mere chance that the fruit or evidence of crime might be obtained. in the absence of a clear indich.ation that in fact such evidence will be found,these fundamental human interests require law officers to suffer the risk that such evidence may disappear unless there is an immediate searc第四修正案保护的人的尊严和隐私的利益,不允许任何此类侵犯,只要有可能获得的水果或犯罪证据的机会。在一个明确的indich.ation缺位,事实上这样的证据会被发现,这些人的基本利益要求执法人员遭受这样的证据可能会消失,除非有一个即时搜索的风险before a person can avail himself of the plea of self-defense against the charge of homicide,he must do everything in his power,consistent with his safety,to avoid the danger and avoid the necessity of taking life.在一个人可以利用自己的抗辩,对杀人的指控,他必须尽一切力量,符合他的安全,以避免危险,避免采取生活的必要性。


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