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人教版六年级上册英语教材课文翻译Unit 1 3 Recycle1Unit1 How can I get there? Hey,Robin. Where is the science museum?嘿,罗宾。科学博物馆在哪儿?Its near the library.它在图书馆附近。I see. How can I get there? 我知道了。我怎么到那儿?Turn right at the school. Then go straight.到学校右转。然后直走。OK. Lets go.好的。让我们走吧。Excuse me. Can you help me?打扰一下,你能帮助我吗?Sure.当然。How can I get to the science museum? 我怎么到科学博物馆?Its over there.它在那边。Thanks.谢谢。Oh, where is Robin?哦,罗宾在哪儿?P4 Lets tryWu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick.吴一凡和罗宾正在看一些机器人。听一听并打钩。1.Where are they? 他们在哪儿?In the museum在博物馆里。In the bookstore 在书店里。2.Is Grandpa there? (外)祖父在那儿吗?Yes,he is是的,他在。 No,he isnt.不,他不在。P4 Lets talk部分翻译Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.吴一凡:罗宾,博物馆的商店在哪儿?我想要买一张明信片。Robin:Its near the door.罗宾:在大门附近。Wu Yifan:Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today.吴一凡:谢谢。邮局在哪儿?我想今天把它寄出去。Robin:I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir.罗宾:我不知道。我去问一下。打扰一下,先生。Man:Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum!男人:哇!一个说话的机器人!多么伟大的一个博物馆啊!Robin:Where, is the post office?罗宾:邮局在哪儿?Man:Its next to the museum.男人:它挨着博物馆。Robin:Thanks.罗宾:谢谢。Where is the museum shop/post office? Talk about the places in your aty/town/village.博物馆的商店由B局在哪儿?谈论一下你的城市城镇村庄里的地点。Is there a.?有一(个家)吗?Where is it?它在哪儿?Its near/next to/behind.它在附近挨着在后面。park公园library图书馆zoo动物园post office邮局school学校museum博物馆Lets learnMake a map and talkpet hospital宠物医院 park公园There is a pet hospital in my city.在我的城市里有一家宠物医院。Where is it?它在哪儿?Its near the park.它在公园附近。P6 Lets try Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross.吴一凡正在和迈克通电话。听一听,打钩或打叉。1.They want to go to the bookstore. 他们想要去书店。2.The cinema is next to the bookstore. 电影院挨着书店。P6 Lets talkPopcorn爆米花Mike:What an interesting film! 多么有趣的电影啊!Wu Yifan:Yes,but Im hungry now. I know a。great Italian restaurant.吴一凡:是的,但是我现在饿了。我知道一家很棒的意大利餐馆。Mike:Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? 迈克:好呀!我喜欢比萨饼。餐馆在哪儿?Wu Yifan:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. 吴一凡,:它在东方大街上,挨着公园。Mike:How can we get there? 迈克:我们怎么到那儿?Robin:Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.罗宾:到书店左转,然后到医院右转。Mike:OK. Lets go! 迈克:好的。让我们走吧!How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant? 吴一凡和迈克怎么到餐馆?Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there?谈论你喜欢的一个电影院或餐馆。你怎么到那儿?I like.我喜欢How can I get to the.?我怎么到?Turn left / riqht at.到左转右转。Lets learnBe a tour guideChen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Can you help her?陈杰正在试着给在北京的奥利弗当导游。你能帮助她吗?Palace Museum故宫博物院 Beihai Park北海公园 Tiananmen天安门 Youre here.你们在这儿。Now we are in front of Tiananmen. 现在我们在天安门前面。Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum. 直走,你会看到故宫博物院。Read and write P8You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place?你在一辆小汽车里。下面这些中的哪个能帮你找到一个地方?map地图 compass指南针 GPS全球(卫星)定位系统 stars星星Robin has GPS!罗宾有全球(卫星)定位系统!Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a now featureHe now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant.吴一凡的(外)祖父给罗宾提供了一个新的特点。他现在有了全球(卫星)定位系统。他能帮助男孩们找到意大利餐馆。1 Robin:Were in front of the cinema. Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please! 罗宾:我们在电影院前面。让我们直走,到书店左转。请跟着我!2 Mike:Is it far? 迈克:它远吗?Robin:No. Now we are behind the hospital, Lets turn right and then turn right again.罗宾:不。现在我们在医院后面。让我们右转,然后再右转。3 Mike:There is the restaurant! 迈克:餐馆在那儿!4 Robin:My new GPS works! 罗宾:我的新全球(卫星)定位系统奏效了!Wu Yifan:Yes! Ill tell Grandpa. But lets eat first. Im so hungry!吴一凡:是的!我会告诉(外)祖父的。但是让我们先吃(饭)吧。我非常饿!Read the text and answer the questions.1.What is Robins new feature?罗宾的新特点是什么?He can find food.他能找到食物。 He can find the way.他能找到路。2How many places did they pass by? 他们经过了多少个地方?Underline them in the text.在课文中给它们画线。3.Which word under the fourth picture means“奏效,起作用”?在第四幅图片下面,哪个词的意思是“奏效,起作用”?Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story.Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an ltalian restaurant. They_ and_. They_ and then turn right again.吴一凡和他的朋友们想去一家意大利餐馆吃一些比萨饼。他们_并_。他们_,然后再右转。Tips for pronunciation Listen, look and say.听一听,看一看,说一说。Robin has GPS. 罗宾有全球(卫星)定位系统。Follow me,please!请跟着我!Is it far?它远吗?Where is the restaurant?餐馆在哪儿?P10 Lets checkListen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures.听一听并给你听到的地方打钩。在图片下面写出单词。Popcorn爆米花Listen again and answer.再听一遍(录音)并回答(问题)。1.Where does the boy want to go?这个男孩想要去哪儿?2.How can he get there from the post office?他从邮局怎么到那儿?Lets wrap it upTry to write more words.试着写出更多的单词。Can you make sentences with these words?你能用这些单词造句吗?next to挨着near在附近beside在旁边Story time P111 Zoom:Hey, that looks tasty. Where can I buy one?祖姆:嘿,那个看起来很好吃。我能在哪儿买一份?Boy: Near the London Eye. Go that way.男孩:在伦敦眼附近。走那条路。2 Zoom:Excuse me. Where is the London Eye? 祖姆:打扰一下,伦敦眼在哪儿?Man:Its next to the film museum near the Thames. 男人:在泰晤河附近,挨着电影博物馆。3 Zoom:Excuse me. Is the Thames far from here? 祖姆:打扰一下,泰晤士河离这儿远吗?Man:No. Go straight and turn-left. 男人:不远。直走,然后左转。4 Zoom:Zip, look!祖姆:次波,看!Zip:Finally! 次波:终于(找到了)!FISH & CHIPS 炸鱼薯条5 Zoom:Hi! Three large portions and one small one, please.祖姆:你好!请来三大份和一小份。Man:OK. 男人:好的。6 Zoom:Oh,my stomach hurts! I miss my tanghulu! 祖姆:哦,我的胃痛!我想念我的糖葫芦!Zip:You still want to eat?! 次波:你还想吃?!Unit 2 The ways to go to school教材第12页 SUBWAY地铁Wait! Dont go at the red light! 等一等!别闯红灯!Sorry.对不起。You must pay attention to the traffic lights.你必须注意交通信号灯。Good morning, John. How do you go to school?早上好,约翰。你怎么去上学?I often go by subway.我经常乘地铁去。教材第13页Hi, Mike. Is this your bike?嗨,迈克。这是你的自行车吗?Yes.是的。Nice!好漂亮!Thanks. How do you come to school?谢谢。你怎么来学校的?I usually come on foot.我通常走路来。Lets tryAmy meets Mike at school this morning.今天早上埃米在学校遇见迈克。Listen and tick or cross.听一听,打钩或打叉。1.They are talking about a sports meet他们正在谈论一场运动会。2.They will go by bus他们将乘公共汽车去。P 14 Lets talkMike:Good morning, Mrs Smith! 迈克:早上好,史密斯老师!Mrs Smith:Hi, children. Youre earlyHow do you come to school?史密斯老师:你们好,孩子们。你们真早。你们怎么来学校的?Amy:Usually, I come on footSometimes I come by bus.埃米:通常,我走路来。有时我乘公共汽车来。Mike:I often come by bike. 迈克:我经常骑自行车来。Amy:How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car?埃米:你怎么来学校的,史密斯老师?乘小汽车吗?Mrs Smith:Sometimes,but I usually walk. 史密斯老师:有时,但是我通常走路(来)。Mike:Thats good exercise. 迈克:那是很好的锻炼。How do Mike,Amy and Mrs Smith come to school? 迈克、埃米和史密斯老师怎么来学校的?What about your classmates and teachers? Do a survey. 你的同学和老师呢?进行一个词查。How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校的?I usually/often/sometimes. 我通常经常有时usually通常 often经常 sometimes有时Three students usually come to school by bike. 三名学生通常骑自行车来学校。P15 Lets learnWrite and sayFrom从起;始于 How?怎样? To到China中国 USA美国 your school你的学校 your home你的家A:How do you get to the USA from China?你怎么从中国到美国?B:By plane.乘飞机。Lets tryWhat does Mrs Smith tell the children to do? Listen and tick.史密斯老师告诉孩子们去做什么?听录音并打钩。2Lets talkWu Yifan:Mr Jones,how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 吴一凡:琼斯先生,我怎么到复兴医院?Mr Jones:Take the No.57 bus over there. 琼斯先生:在那边乘57路公共汽车。Wu Yifan:Thanks. Wow! many pictures of bikes! 吴一凡:谢谢。哇!这么多张自行车的图片!Mr Jones:Theyre from my cousin in the USA. 琼斯先生:它们来自我在美国的表哥。Wu Yifan:Whats t this? 吴一凡:这是什么?Mr Jones:A helmet In the USA people on bikes must wear one.琼斯先生:一个头盔。在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。Wu Yifan:I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Jones.吴一凡:我明白了。哦,公共汽车来了!再见,琼斯先生。Mr Jones:Hey,dont go at the red light! 琼斯先生:嘿,别闯红灯!Wu Yifan:Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights!吴一凡:哦,对!谢谢。我必颏注意交通信号灯!What do you learn about riding a bike from the dialogue? 关于骑自行车,你从对话中学到了什么?Tell your partner: What do these signs mean? Where can you see them?告诉你的伙伴:这些标志是什么意思?你在哪里能看到它们?You must look right before you cross the road. You can see this on the road in Hong Kong.你必须在横穿马路之前看右边。你能在香港的道路上看到这个标志。Dont touch the door. You can see this in the subway.不要接触门。你能在地铁上看到这个标志。P16 Lets learnRole-playSlow down and stop! 慢下来并停下!Stop and wait! 停下来并等一等!Lets go! 让我们走吧!Read and writeHow many ways can you think of to go to school? Talk with your partner.你能想到多少种去学校的方式?与你的伙伴谈论一下。Different ways to go to school去学校的不同方式Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany. 在德国慕尼黑,一些孩子步行去学校。In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. Its fast在美国的阿拉斯加州,雪下得很多。一些孩子坐雪橇去学校。它很快。Some children in Jiangxi,China,go to school by ferry every day.在中国江西,一些孩子每天乘轮渡去学校。In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children go to school by ferry,too. But in 2009,they went to school by plane because the ferry didnt work. 在苏格兰的帕帕韦斯特雷岛,孩子们也是乘坐轮渡去学校。但是在2009年,他们乘飞机去学校,因为轮渡不工作了。Grandpa,let me read this for you. (外)祖父,让我读这个给你(昕)。Thanks,Robin. 谢谢,罗宾。I dont go to school. I learn at home. 我不去学校。我在家学习。Read the text and answer the questions.1.How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? Underline them.在课文中你能找到多少种去学校的方式?给它们画线。2.Does everyone in the text go to school?课文中的每个人都去学校吗?Choose some suggestions for the kids on page 18.Pay attention!注意! You must你必须 On foot步行You must stop at a red light.你必须在红灯(的时候)停下来。By sled坐雪橇 You must drive slowly.你必须缓慢地驾驶。By ferry乘轮渡 You must wear a life jacket. 你必须穿救生衣。Dont不要 On foot步行 Dont go at a red light.别闯红灯。By sled坐雪橇 Dont let the dogs run too fast.不要让狗跑得太快。By ferry乘轮渡 Dont run on the ferry.不要在轮渡上跑。What suggestions will you give to your friends? Make a poster.你将给你的朋友们什么建议?制作一张海报。Tips for pronunciation Listen,look and say.听一听,看一看,说一说。come and have a look过来看一看pictures of 的图片stop at a red light 在红灯(的时候)停下来Look at the text on page 18.Find and say more like these.看18页的课文。找出并说出更多像这样的(句子)。Lets checkListen and number. 听一听并标号。Listen again and answer the questions. 再听一遍(录音)并回答问题。1.How does Wu Yifan go to the park?. He goes by_. 吴一凡怎么去公园的?他乘_去的。2.How does the girls father go to work? He goes by_.这个女孩的爸爸怎么去上班的?他乘_去的。3.How does Amy go home? She goes_. 埃米怎么回家的?她_回(家)的。4.What will the woman do? She will _and_. 这个女人将要做什么?她将要_和_。Lets wrap it up Come or go? Where is Mike? Tick or cross.来还是去?迈克在哪儿?打钩或打叉。Go to the cinema.去电影院。 At the cinema.在电影院。Not at the cinema.不在电影院。Come to the park and play with us.来公园和我们一起玩。In the park.在公园。Not in the park.不在公园。How does Mrs Zhao come to school?赵老师怎么来学校的? At school.在学校。Not at school.不在学校。How can I go to the museum? 我怎么去博物馆? At the museum. 在博物馆。Not at the museum.不在博物馆。Story time1 Amy:Its so good to see you,Annie! 埃米:见到你真是太好了,安妮!Annie:You too,Amy. I missed you. 安妮:见到你也是,埃米。我想你了。2 Annie:WowChinese food is so different from British food.安妮:哇,中国食物和英国食物是如此的不同。Amy:Yes. Can you use chopsticks? 埃米:是的。你能用筷子吗?Annie:NoI cant. 安妮:不,我不能。3 Amy:Lets take a bus home. We must cross the road. In the UK you drive on the left side. In China,people drive on the right side. 埃米:让我们乘公共汽车回家吧。我们必须横穿马路。在英国,你们在左边驾驶。在中国,人们在右边驾驶。4 Annie:I see. We must look right before crossing the road. 安妮:我明白了。我们在横穿马路前必须看看右边。Amy:No,first left and then right! 埃米:不,先看左边然后(看)右边!5 Amy:Look,the bus is over there! 埃米:看,公共汽车在那边!Annie:Wow, its a double-decker! The same as in London.安妮:哇,它是一个双层公共汽车!跟在伦敦的一样。6 Annie:Where is the door? Amy,there is no door on the bus!安妮:门在哪儿?埃米,公共汽车上没有门!Amy:Haha,youre looking at the wrong side again! 埃米:哈哈,你又看错的一边了!Unit3 My weekend plan 教材第22页What are you going to do in the nature park? 你打算在自然公园里做什么?Im going to draw some pictures. What about you? 我打算画画。你呢?Im going to look for some beautiful leaves. 我打算寻找一些漂亮的叶子。Mike is going to see a film. John is going to buy his favourite comic book. Hmm,what am I going to do this weekend?迈克打算去看电影。约翰打算去买他最喜欢的连环画册。嗯,我这个周末打算做什么呢?ON SALE出售Robot World机器人世界Lets tryIts Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike. 星期六的早上,萨拉正在给迈克打电话。Listen and circle. 听一听,圈一圈。1.Can Mike go swimming today?. 迈克今天能去游泳吗?A. Yes, he can 是的,他能 B. No, he cant不,他不能。2.Why or why not? 为什么(能)或为什么不(能)?A. He has homework to do.他有家庭作业要做。B. He is fishing now. 他现在正在钓鱼。P24 Lets talkMike:What are you going to do tomorrow. 迈克:你明天打算做什么?Sarah:Im going to have an art lesson. 萨拉:我打算上美术课。Mike:What are you going to do in your lesson? 迈克:你们打算在你们的课上做什么?Sarah:Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 萨拉:我们打算在人民公园里画画。Mike:Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. 迈克:听起来很棒!我明天打算去看电影。Sarah:Have a good time! 萨拉:(祝你)玩得开心!Mike:You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye.迈克:你也是。我现在不得不做我的家庭作业了。再见。Sarah:OK. Bye 萨拉:好的。再见。What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow?迈克和萨拉明天打算做什么?Talk about your and your friends weekend plan. 谈论关于你和你朋友的周末计划。What is.going to do? 打算做什么?What are.going to do? 打算做什么?He/She is going to. 他她打算They are going to. 他(她)们打算go ice-skating 去滑冰 wash clothes 洗衣服 draw pictures 画画make a snowman 堆雪人 go for a picnic 去野餐P25 Lets learnMake a planIt is Saturday morning now. Make a plan and share it with your partner.现在是星期六早上。制订一个计划并与你的伙伴分享它。When?什么时候?What are you going to do? 你打算做什么?this morning 今天早上this afternoon今天下午 this evening今天晚上tonight在今晚 tomorrow明天 next week下周What are you going to do this morning?你今天早上打算做什么?Im going to visit my grandparents.我打算去看望我(外)祖父母。Lets tryJohn is on his way home. He sees Amy. Listen and answer.约翰走在回家的路上。他看到埃米。听一昕并回答。1.What is Amy going to do?埃米打算做什么?2.ls the ice cream for John?冰淇淋是给约翰的吗?P26 Lets talkJohn:My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. 约翰:我表哥杰克打算下周来看我。Amy:Thats nice. Where are you going? 埃米:那很好。你们打算去哪儿?John:Were going to the cinema. Were going to see a film about space travel!我们打算去电影院。我们打算去看一部关于太空旅行的电影!Amy:Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going?埃米:酷!我有许多关于太空的连环画册。你们打算什么时候去?John:Next Wednesday. 约翰:下星期三。Amy:Why not go Tuesday? Its half price then! 埃米:为什么不在(下)星期二去呢?那时是半价!John:Really? Thank you!约翰:真的吗?谢谢你!Where are John and Jack going next week?约翰和杰克下周打算去哪儿?Interview your classmates and then give a report.采访你的同班同学,然后进行一个报告。Questions问题1.Where are you going this afternoon?今天下午你打算去哪儿?2.What are you going to do there?你打算在那儿做什么?3.When are you going?你打算什么时候去?Answers回答 What什么 Where在哪儿 When什么时候Lets learnRole-playCan I help you?我能帮助你吗?Yes. Do you have comic books?是的。你有连环画册吗?Yes! Here they are! 有!它们在这儿!What are you going to buy, Sarah?你打算买什么,萨拉?Im going to buy some word books. 我打算买一些单词书。Read and writeWhat are these holidays? What do your family do on these days? Tell your partner about another time when your family get together.这些是什么节日?你的家人在这些日子里做什么?告诉你的伙伴你的家人团聚的其他时间。Sunday星期日Dear Diary,亲爱的日记:Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Change. Robin and I are going to read a poem .This is our poem:明天是中秋节。我的家人将会团聚,吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。我婶母将要做月饼。我(外)祖母将要给我们讲关于嫦娥的故事。罗宾和我将要朗诵一首诗。这是我们的诗:F is for family. We will all be together tonight. F代表家人。今晚我们都将团聚。A is for autumn. It is the autumn season. A代表秋季。(现在)是秋季。M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.M代表月亮。我们吃月饼,讲关于月亮的故事。I is for I. I am so happy today. I代表我。今天我是如此高兴。L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. L代表喜爱。我们喜爱中秋节。Y is for you. You can be together with your family too! Y代表你。你也能和你的家人团聚!For Mid-Autumn Festival,Im going to_. 为了(迎接)中秋节,我打算_。My partner is going to_. 我的伙伴打算_。Tips for pronunciation Listen, clap and repeat.听一听,拍一拍并复述。lesson课 dinner晚餐 tonight在今晚 tomorrow明天Look at the text on page 28.Find and say more words like these.看28页的课文。找出并说出更多像这样的单词。Lets checkListen and tick. 听一听并打钩。WORD BOOK单词书Robot World机器人世界 BOOKSTORE书店Listen again and训in the blanks. 再听一遍(录音),填空。1.John is going to_ _ _tomorrow afternoon.约翰打算明天下午_。2.This evening the boy is going to _ _ _ _.今天晚上这个男孩打算_。3.The boy is _ _ _ _.这个男孩_。4.The woman is going to_ _ _.这个女人打算_。Lets wrap it upHow many sentences can you make?你能组成多少个句子?going to/going打算 do做What什么Where在哪儿 When什么时候am/is/are是I我you你(们)we我们they他(她它)们he/she他她Story time1 Zip:What are you going to do tomorrow?次波:你明天打算做什么?Zoom:Im going to learn how to swim祖姆:我打算学习怎样游泳。Zip:OK. Ill teach you.次波:好的。我将会教你。2 Zoom:Please dont disturb me. Im learning to swim.祖姆:请不要打扰我。我正在学习游泳。Zip:How can you learn to swim without going to a pool?次波:不去游泳池你怎么能学会游泳呢?3 Zip:Come on. Lets go to the swimming pool.次波:快来。我们去游泳池吧。Zoom:No! Im afraid of water.祖姆:不!我害怕水。4 Zip:Just jump in! Catch this. Practise and you will learn.次波:只是跳进去!抓住这个。练习一下你就会学会了。Zoom:Help! Help! 祖姆:救命!救命!5 Zip:Just try. This way.This way.OK,now can you do it?次波:只是试一试。这样这样好的,现在你能游泳了吗?6 Zoom:Oh,its easy.祖姆:哦,很容易。Zip:We should always remember: “Learn by doing.” 次波:我们应该总是记住“在做中学”。Recycle1教材部分课文翻译 P32 Listen and circle部分翻译Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks.First_ _.首先_。Then_ _.然后_。Al the traffic lights_ _.在交通信号灯处_。Listen again and answer部分翻译1.Are they going by bus or on foot?他们打算乘公共汽车去还是步行去?2When are they going?他们打算什么时候去?3Yifan and Robin see a.部分翻译RESTAURANT餐馆These may help you:这些可能会帮到你:Stop! Dont go at.!停!在不要行走!Lets go to.让我们去Go.Turn.到转。Now listen and tick or cross.1.The boy cant find his dog.这个男孩找不到他的狗。2.They are going to the police station.他们打算去警察局。3.They should turn right at the crossing.他们应该在十字路口向右转。The little boy is waiting for his mother. Robin is singing a song to him. Listen and read the song aloud.Hush,little boy,dont say a word.安静,小男孩,不要说话。Papas going to buy you a little bird爸爸打算给你买一只小鸟。And if that bird doesnt sing,如果那只鸟不唱歌,Papas going to buy you a big,big ring.爸爸打算给你买一个大大的戒指。And if that ring is lost in class,如果那个戒指在班级里丢了,Papas going to buy you a looking glass.爸爸打算给你买一面镜子。And if that looking glass falls down,如果那面镜子摔碎了,Well,youll still be the sweetest boy in town.好吧,你将依然是这个城镇里最可爱的男孩。In the song,what is Papa going to do?在这首歌曲里,爸爸打算做什么?Read and circle部分翻译1.Who is the song for?这首歌曲是为谁唱的?A. For a sad kid.为一个伤心的孩子。B. For a happy kid.为一个快乐的孩子。2.What is the meaning of hush”?2. hush”是什么意思?A. Be nice. 好的 B. Be quiet. 安静。The little boys mother is on the phone. Look at the map and fill in the blanks.Maam, we have your son. Come to the police station, please.女士,你的儿子在我们这儿。请到警察局来。Thank you. Thank you! How can I_ _? 谢谢你。谢谢你!我怎么_?Where are you now? 你现在在哪儿?Im in front of_ _. Is it far? Should I go by bus?我在_的前面。它离这儿远吗?我应该乘公共汽车去吗?No, you can come on foot._ _at the hospital. Then_ _.The police station is_ _the supermarket. 不,你可以步行来。在医院_,然后_。警察局_超市。SUPERMARKET超市1.How can the boys mother go to the police station?男孩儿的妈妈怎么到警察局?2.Circle the words for transportation (交通方式).What other kinds do you know? Write them down.圈出表示交通方式的单词。你知道其他种类(的交通方式)吗?把它们写下来。Man:Are you Mrs Zhang? 男人:你是张女士吗?Woman:Yes,I am. Thank you so much!女人:是的,我是。非常感谢你!


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