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PEP四年级英语下册课文及翻译Unit One My school 第一单元 我的学校Look!Thats the playground.看!那是操场.Wheres the library?.图书馆在哪儿?Its next to the art room. 它在美术室的旁边。Oh,No!Thats my library! 哦!不!那是我的图书馆!Is this the teachers office?这是老师的办公室吗?.No,it isnt.Its the computer room. 不,它不是。它是电脑室.Do you have an art room? 你们有美术室吗?Yes.Its on the second floor. 有的,它在二楼。Lets talk 让 我们来对话吧Excuse me .Wheres the teachers office?对不起,老师的办公室在哪儿?Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。Ok.Thanks. 谢谢!Hi,Is this the teachers office? 嗨!这是老师的办公室吗?No,it isnt.The teachers office is next to the library.不,不是的。老师的办公室在图书馆旁边。Hi,Miss White!Heres my homework.你好,怀特小姐!这是我的家庭作业。Thank you, Mike.谢谢你,麦克。Bye,Miss White.再见,怀特小姐。Look,ask and answerWheres the library? 图书馆在哪里?Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。Is it next to classroom 3? 它是在三班的旁边吗?Yes,it is. 是的。Lets learn Wheres the library?【teachers office】 图书馆在哪里?/老师的办公室Its on the first floor.【second floor】 它在一楼。/二楼Lets do Go to the library. Read a book.去图书馆,读书. Shhh.Be quiet!嘘.保持安静!Go to the teachers office.Say hello.去教师办公室.,说你好。Hi,Miss White.你好,怀特小姐。Go to the playground.Play football.去操场,踢足球.Yeah! We win!哇!我们赢了!Go to the garden.Water the flowers.去花园,浇花。.Wow! Beautiful!哇!好美Let;s spell 1. Sister ruler under erasre dinner winter3.under after water river Lets talkWelcome to our school! This is my classroom.欢迎来我们的学校!这是我的教室。Its so big! How many students are there in your class? 这么大!你们班上有多少学生?Forty-five students.有45个学生.Is that the computer room? 那是计算机房吗?No,it isnt. Its the teachers office. 不,那不是。那是老师的办公室. Do you have a library? 你们有图书馆吗?Yes,We do.Its on the second floor.This way,please. 是的,我们有。它在二楼。这边请。Lets play 演一演Do you have a library?你们有图书馆吗?【computer room/ teachers office/ classroom】Yes,we do. 是的,我们有。Where is it? 它在哪里?Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。Lets learn 让我们学习This is my school. 这是我的学校。Cool! Do you have a music room? 酷!你们有音乐室吗?Yes,we do.Its on the first floor. 是的,我们有。它在一楼。Look,ask and answerDo you have a computer room? 你们有电脑房吗?Yes,we do.Its on the first floor. 是的,我们有。它在一楼。Read and write 1.Do you have a library? 你们有图书馆吗?Yes.The library is on the second floor. 是的,图书馆在二楼。2.Do you have an art room? 你们有美术室吗?Yes.The art room is next to the gym. 是的,美术室在体育馆旁边。3.Where is the teachers office? 老师的办公室在哪儿?The teachers office is next to the library. 老师的办公室在图书馆旁边。4. Where is classroom 1 ? 一班在哪?Classroom 1 is under the teachers office. 一班在教师办公室下面。Lets sing Our schoolThis is the way I go to school,go to school,go to school.This is the way I go to school,Where I like to learn all day.This is the classroom in my school,in my school,in my school,This is the classroom in my school,where I like to learn all day.这是我去学校的路,去上学,去上学。这是我去学校的路,我喜欢学习一整天。这是教室,在我的学校,我的学校,我的学校,这是教室,在我的学校,我喜欢学习一整天。Story time 讲故事时间1. Welcome to our school! This way,please.-How beautiful!欢迎来到我们的学校!这边请。-多么美丽啊!!2. This is the library.- I like storybooks. -Oh! Im hungry.这是图书馆。-我喜欢故事书。-哦!我饿了。3.Is that the music room? -Yes,it is.那是音乐教室吗?-是的,它是。4.This is the gym. -Is that the lunch room? -Yes,it is.这是体育馆。-那是餐厅吗?-是的,它是。5. Is this the computer room? -No,its not.Its the teachersoffice. 这是计算机房吗? -不,它不是。它是教师办公室。6.Its time for lunch. -Where is Zoom? -Zoom? I know!-Im full!到吃午饭的时间了。 -鲁姆去哪儿了? -鲁姆?我知道!-我饱了.Unit Two What Time Is It? 第二单元 现在是几点?London ,12 noon 伦敦 正午12点Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch. 现在是12点钟了。吃午饭的时间到了.Cairo, 2 p.m. 开罗 下午2点.Its 2 oclock. Lets play football! 现在是2点,让我们踢球吧!-OK.好吧。Beijing, 8 p.m. 北京 晚8点Its time to watch TV! 现在是看电视的时间。New York, 7 a.m. 纽约 早7点What time is it? 这是什么时候了?Its 7 oclock.Its time to get up. 7点钟了,该起床了。Brasilia ,9 a.m. 巴西利亚 早9点Hurry up! Its time for school! 快点!到上学的时间了!Sydney 10 p.m. 悉尼 晚10点Its 10 oclock. .Its time to go to bed. 现在是10点,该睡觉了。Lets talk 让 我们来对话吧Hi!School is over.Lets go to the playground. -OK. 嗨!放学了,让我们去操场吧。 -好吧。What time is it now? 现在几点了? -Its 5 oclock. 现在是5点。Time to go home,kids. 该回家了,孩子。What time is it? -Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner. -Oh!Lets go!几点了? -现在是6点,吃晚饭的时间了。 -哦!我们走吧!Lets play 演一演Where are you? -Im in NewYork. 你在哪里?- - - -我在纽约。In Beijing,its 8:10 p.m. What time is it there? -Its 7:10 a.m.Its time to go to school. 在北京,晚上8点。 现在是几点钟?这里是上午7:10,是上学的时间。【 London 12:10 p.m. /Sydney 10:”10 p.m.】 Lets learnWhat time is it? 现在几点了?Its 9 oclock.Its time for English class.Lets go! 现在是九点。上英语课的时间到了。我们走吧!【breakfast早餐 English class英语课 lunch午餐music class音乐课 PE.class体育课 dinner晚餐】Lets do让我们做到这些Its time for breakfast.Lets drink some milk. 早餐时间到了,让我们喝点牛奶。Its time for lunch.Lets have some chicken.午餐时间到了,我们吃些鸡肉。Its time for dinner.Lets eat some rice.这是晚饭时间,让我们吃一些米饭。Its time for PE ciass.Lets jump and run.这是体育课的时间,让我们跳一跳,跑一跑。Its time for English.Lets read and write.上英语课的时间到了.让我们读读写写.Its time for music class.Lets sing and dance.是音乐课的时间.让我们唱歌跳舞。Lets spell 让我们拼写 (ir/ur)1.bird dirt 2.birth nurse 3.girl hurt 4.hamburger numberLets talk 让 我们来对话吧Oh! Its 6:30.Its time to get up. 哦!现在是6:30分,起床的时间到了.Breakfast is ready! 早餐准备好了!Hurry up! Its time to go to school! 快点!该去上学了!-OK. 好吧。What time is it? 几点了?Its 8 oclock. Its time for English class. 现在是八点。该上英语课了。-Im ready!我准备好了。Lets play 演一演What time is it?几点了?Its 3 oclock.Its time for music class. 3点了.该上音乐课了。What time is it?几点了?Its 7 oclock.Its time to get up. 7点了.该睡觉了。Lets learn 让我们学习Its 7:30.Its time to go to school. 现在是7:30,该去上学了.【6:25a.m get up, 7:30a.m go to school, 4:00p.m go home, 9:00 go to bed】Let;s play Monday6:30 get up 起床 2:15 music class 上音乐课7:00 breakfastk吃早饭 3:00 PE class 上体育课7:20 go to school去上学 4:50 go home 回家10:40 English class 上英语课 9:00 go to bed睡觉12:00 lunch 吃午饭What time is it?现在是几点? Its 7:20 .现在7点20分,Its time to go to school. 该上学了。-Yes! 是的。Read and write读和写1. Mum:Amy! Its time to get up.2. Sarah:What time is it? Amy: Oh! Its 10 oclock.Time for music class.Sarah: Hurry! Lets go!3. Mum:Its 6 oclock.Its time for dinner!Dad:Wheres Amy?4. Mum:Come on! Its 9 oclock.Dad: Its time for bed.Amy: Just a minute.Lets sing Its twelve oclockDickety tackety tack.I just saw a cat.Dickety tackety toe.Its twelve oclock,you know.Dickety tackety tack.I just heard a snap.Dickety tackety toe.He caught a mouse,you know!. 现在是十二点滴喀特 塔喀特 塔喀。我刚才看见一只猫。滴喀特 塔喀特 趾踢。现在是十二点。你知道的。滴喀特 塔喀特 塔喀。我刚刚听到一拍。滴喀特 塔喀特 趾踢。他捉到一只老鼠,你知道!Story time讲故事时间1.Wake up,Zoom.Its time to get up. 快醒醒,鲁姆。起床的时间到了。 Mmm,I want to sleep. 嗯,我想睡觉.2. Its time to get up now. 现在该起床了3. Look! What time is it? 看!都几点了?4. Its eight oclock.Oh dear!Im late for school. 八点了。噢!天那!我上学迟到了。5.Wait!Wait!Zoom,look at that clock. 等等!等等!鲁姆,看看钟。6.Its seven oclock!? -April Fool! 是七点嘛? -愚人哦!Unit Three Weather 第三单元 天气Whats the weather like in London? 伦敦的天气怎么样?Its rainy. 这里是雨天。Its cloudy in Singapore. 新加坡多云。Its windy now. 现在刮风了。Is it snowing?But it isnt cold. 下雪了吗?但是不冷。Can I make a snowman? 我可以堆雪人吗?Is it cold in Moscow? 莫斯科冷吗?Yes,it is.Its snowy here. 是的,冷的。这里是下雪天。Its hot and sunny in Sydney. 悉尼是炎热和晴朗的。Lets talk 让我们来对话吧Mum,what time is it? 妈妈,现在什么时间了?Its 11:00. 现在是11点。Can I go outside now? 我现在可以出去吗?No,you cant.Its cold outside. 不,不行。外面很冷。Have some lunch,Mike. 吃午饭了,迈克。OK.Can I have some soup? 好的。我可以喝些汤吗?Yes,you can. 是的,你可以。Be careful! Its very hot. 小心,很烫。Lets playCan I go outside?No,you cant.Its cold outside.Lets learn 让我们学习Good morning.This is the weather report.Its warm in Beijing today.早上好。这里是天气预报。北京今天是暖和的。【Lhasa cool(15C)/Harbin cold(5C)/Beijing warm(20C)/Hong Kong hot(30C)】Lets chant 让我们唱Brrr,its cold. Its cold outside. Put on a hat. Cold,bye-bye! Mmm! Its warm. Its warm inside. Take off your shoes. It feels so nice.哦,它是冷的。外面很冷。戴上帽子。冷,再见!嗯!它是温暖的。里面暖和。脱掉你的鞋子。感觉很好。Lets spell 让我们拼写 arm car card ball tall wall girl farm nurse bird wall arm far tallLets talk 让 我们来对话吧Hi,chen Jie!This is Mark. 嗨,陈洁!我是马克。Hi,Mark!Whats the weather like in New York? 嗨,马克!纽约的天气怎么样?Its rainy.How about Beijing?Is it cold? 下雨了。北京怎么样?冷吗?No,it isnt.Its 26 degrees. 不,不冷。这里有26度。26 degrees! Thats cold! 26度?那很冷啊!Huh?No,its not.Its warm! 嗯?不,不冷啊。很温暖!Lets playWhats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?【NewYork:windy,20C/London:cloudy/Sydney:sunny,30C/Toronto:sunny,7C】Its cool and rainy. 它是凉爽和下雨的。Lets learnHeres the world weather.Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.这里是世界天气预报。今天悉尼很热,阳光明媚。Whats the weather like in Sydney? 悉尼的天气怎么样?Its hot and sunny. 它是晴朗和炎热的。【London:rainy/Moscow:snowy/Beijing:windy/Singapore:cloudy/Sydney:sunny】Lets playIts cold and snowy in Kunming. 昆明很冷,下雪。No,its warm in Kunming now. 不,现在昆明很暖和。【cold and windy/hot and sunny/cloudy/cold and snowy/rainy: Kunming / Harbin / Shanghai / Qingdao / Guiyang】Read and write Read and answer.Hi,John! How are you?Im in Sydney now.Its great! Its hot and sunny here.The water is warm.I can swim outside.Is it cool and windy in Beijing?Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad你好吗?我现在在悉尼,很好!这里很热,阳光充足,水很暖和,我可以在外面游泳。北京天气凉爽有风吗?你能放风筝吗? 爱你的爸爸1.What is the weather like in Sydney? 悉尼的天气怎么样?2.Its the water cold in Sydney? 悉尼的水冷吗?3.Can Johns dad swim outside? 可以在外面游泳吗?Lets checkLook and match.cold cool hot warm sunny rainy windy cloudy snowyLets sing Thunder 迅雷There is thunder.There is thunder. 有雷,有雷。Its roaring.Its roaring. 它在咆哮,它在咆哮。Pitter,patter,rain drops. 雨声淅沥,雨滴。Pitter,patter,rain drops. 雨声淅沥,雨滴。Im all wet.Im all wet. 我都湿了,我都湿了。Story time 故事时间1. Hello. 您好。-Zip,are you OK? 热普,你还好吗? -I have a cold. 我感冒了。2. Its cold here.Whats the weather like in Beijing? 这里很冷。北京的天气怎么样? Its sunny and warm.Ill go to Dalian to see you. 是晴朗和温暖的,我会去大连看你。3. Tomorrow will be warm in Dali. 大理明天会暖和。Oh,itll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. 哦,大连明天会暖和起来。4. Ah-choo! Its cold here. 啊啾!这里很冷。5. Hi,Zoom.You look terrible.Ah-choo! 嗨,鲁姆,你看起来很很糟,啊噗! Ah-choo! 啊啾!6. Biess you! 祝福你!Recycle 1 复习1Read aloud. 大声朗读 1.We have a show in the library today. 我们今天在图书馆有个表演 What time? 什么时间? -At 4 oclock. 四点。2. What time is it now?现在是什么时间? Its 3:40. Time to go! 现在3点40,该去了。3. Its cold outside. 外面很冷。 Yes,its windy,too.Do you have a jacket? 是的,风很大。你有夹克吗? Yes,I do. 是的,我有。 OK! Lets go. 好的,走吧。4. Oh,no! Rain! Wheres the library? 哦,不!下雨了!图书馆在哪里? Its on the first floor. 它在一楼。5. Oh,no! 哦,不!Can you act it out? 你能演出来吗?Read and circle.It is 6 oclock.It is sunny outside.I get up and have breakfast.It is 7:30.I go to school.It is cloudy now.It is 9 oclock. I go to Chinese class.It is cloudy and cold outside.It is 10 oclock.I go to the library. It is on the second floor. It is rainy outside. I have no umbrella!It is 12 oclock. I have lunch.It is still raining! But it is warm inside.It is 3:15.I have PE class.It is sunny again. We can go outside!Unit Four At the farm 第四单元 在农场How many horses do you have?你有多少匹马?Seventeen. 十七匹.What are these?Are these potatoes? 这些是什么?这些是马铃薯吗?Let me try one.Theyre carrots. 让我尝一个.它们是胡萝卜。What are those?那些是什么?Theyre sheep.Let me connt. 它们是羊。让我数数.Oh,I feel sleepy. 哦,我困了。Lets talkLook at these!Are these carrots? 看看这些。这些是胡萝卜吗?Yes,they are. 是的,它们是。Wow!Theyre so big! 哇!它们那么大!What are these? 这些是什么?Theyre tomatoes. 它们是西红柿。But theyre yellow! 但它们是黄色的!Try some! Theyre good. 尝一尝!它们很好吃。Thanks.Yum. 谢谢。好吃!Lets playWhat are these?Are they tomatoes? -No.Are they apples? -Yes!Lets learnLook at the green beans.Theyre so long! 看看绿色的豆子。它们那么长!Yes,and the potatoes are big. 是的,土豆也大。【tomatoes/green beans/potatoes/carrots】Lets chant 让我们唱I like tomatoes.I like potatoes.Carrots I will try.I love to eat green beans,But onions make me cry.Lets spellhorse fork homework word mapfork for born world horse workLets talk 让我们来对话吧Wow!You have a lot of animals!What are those?哇!你有很多动物!那些是什么?Theyre horses. 它们是马。Cool!How many horses do you have? 酷!你有多少匹马?Mmm.Seventeen. 嗯.十七匹。What about those?Are they hens? 那些是什么?它们是母鸡吗?No,they arent.Theyre ducks. 不,它们不是。它们是鸭子。Lets playWhat are those?-Are they horses?-Yes, they are.【cat:meow/duck:quack/dog:woof/hen:cluck/cow:moo/horse:neigh】Lets learnThese are sheep. 这些是绵羊。Wow!Theyre so cute! 哇!它们是如此的可爱!【horses/cows/hens/sheep】马/母牛/母鸡/绵羊Draw and sayThis is my farm.Its big. Are these.?【西红柿、绵羊、山羊、马铃薯、母鸡、豆子、胡萝卜、母牛】Yes,they are.Read and writeRead and tick()Hi!This is Mr MacDonalds farm.Lets have a look!嗨!这是麦当劳先生的农场,让我们看看吧!This is the vegetable garden.These are carrots and potatoes.这是蔬菜园,这是胡萝卜和土豆。Those are tomatoes and green beans over there.那里是西红柿和青豆。There are animals,too.What are these?They are sheep.Mr MacDonald has ten sheep on the farm.也有动物?那里是?它们是羊。麦当劳先生的农场上有十只羊。Are those sheep? No,they are goats. They love to eat carrots!那些是绵羊吗?不,它们是山羊。它们喜欢吃胡萝卜。Can you see these on Mr MacDonalds farm? Vegetables: potatoes 马铃薯 carrots胡萝卜 green beans青豆 tomato番茄 Animals: cows 母牛 sheep绵羊 hens母鸡 cats 猫Look and write.These are cows. Those are sheep.Draw some animals or vegetables here and write a sentence.Lets check 让我们检查Look and match.A:Sheep,cows and horses.Tomatoes,carrots and green beans.B:Cows,sheep and hens.Green beans,tomatoes and carrots.Lets singMary has a little lambMary has a little lamb,little lamb,little lamb.Mary has a little lamb,Its fleece is white as snow.Everywhere that Mary goes, Mary goes,Mary goes,Everywhere that Mary goes, the lamb is sure to go.Story time 故事时间1.Look at the vegetables.I love vegetables! 看看蔬菜。我爱蔬菜! I dont like vegetables。 我不喜欢蔬菜。2. Whte are those? 那些是什么? Theyre cows.I like them. 它们是奶牛。我喜欢它们。 I like milk. 我喜欢喝牛奶。3. Are those turkeys? 那些是火鸡吗? No,they arent.Theyre hens. I like them.不,它们不是。它们是母鸡。我喜欢它们。I like chicken and eggs.我喜欢鸡肉和鸡蛋。4. Are those sheep? 那些是绵羊吗? Yes,they are.I like them.是的,它们是。我喜欢它们。 I like mutton。我喜欢羊肉。5. Its hot.Lets make a hat. 天气热,让我们做一顶帽子吧。 Good idea! 好主意!6. Im hungry. 我饿了。Me too! I love grass! 我也是。我爱草!Ah! 啊啊啊啊!Unit Five My clothes第五单元 我的衣服Whose are these? 这些是谁的?Theyre Johns. 它们是约翰的。Whose cap is this? 这是谁的帽子?Its my brothers.Thanks. 这是我哥哥的。谢谢。Where are you,Zip? 你在哪里,热普?Is this yours? 这是你的吗? Yes.Thank you. 是的,谢谢你。Lets talk 让我们来对话吧OK.Its four oclock.Its time to go home! 好吧,现在是4点。该回家了!Amy,are these yours? 艾米,这些是你的吗?No,they arent.My shoes are green.Theyre Chen Jies.不,它们不是我的。我的鞋子是绿色的。它们是陈洁的。What about this hat? Is this Johns. 这顶帽子呢?这是约翰的吗?No,it isnt.Its Mikes.不,它不是。它是迈克的。Lets play Are these yours,Mike? -Yes,they are. Is this Johns? -No,it isnt.Its Wu Yifans.Lets learnI like that green skirt. 我喜欢那条绿色的裙子。Me too.And I like those pants. 我也喜欢,我还喜欢那条裤子。【clothes/hat/skirt/dress/pants】Lets doPut on your shirt. 穿上你的衬衫。Hang up your dress. 挂起你的连衣裙。Take off your hat. 取下你的帽子。Wash your skirt. 洗你的裙子。Put away your pants. 收起你的裤子。Lets spell Read,underline and listen.朗读,划线并听录音1.a little bike 2.Uncle Dan 3.a green apple 4.nice people 5.a big table1.一辆小自行车2.丹叔叔 3.一只绿苹果 4.好人 5.一张大桌子Lets talk 让我们来对话吧Sarah,can you help me,please?莎拉,来帮帮我,好吗?OK. 好啊。Whose coat is this? 这是谁的外套? -Its mine. 这是我的。And those? Whose pants are those? 那些?那是谁的裤子?Theyre your fathers. 那是你父亲的。Oh,no! Sam! 哦,不,山姆! Youre funny! 你真逗!Lets find outAre these Mikes or Sarahs?Whose hat is this? -Its Sarahs.Whose pants are these? -Theyre Mikes.Lets learnMum,where are my new socks?妈妈,我的新袜子在哪里?【coat/shirt/sweater/shorts/jacket】What colour are they? 它们是什么颜色的? -White. 白色的。Lets find outYoure going on a trip.What do you want to wear?Choose and colour.I want to wear my blue pants.I want to wear my yellow dress.Read and write Read and circle.读下文并圈出来。Oh,its time to pack my clothes.This is my red T-shirt.These are my blue pants.And those are my shoes.Wait! Is this my hat? No,this is Amys.Amy! Is this yours?哦,该收拾我的衣服了。这是我的红色T-恤。这是我的蓝色的裤子,那是我的鞋子。等等!这是我的帽子吗?不,这是艾米的。艾米!这是你的吗?1. Are these Sarahs blue pants? A.Yes. B.No.2. This is Amys red T-shirt. A.Yes. B.No.3. Whose shoes are these? A.Amys. B.Sarahs4. Whose hat is this? A.Amys. B.SarahsDraw your pants and write a sentence.Lets check 让我们来检查T-shirts hats socks sweaters dresses coats shirts pants jackets sweaters skirts hatsLets sing 让我们唱歌 This old hatThis old hat,this old shirt.These old jeans,and this old skirt.Put them away! Its a sunny,sunny day.Its time to wear your shorts to play. 这顶旧帽子这顶旧帽子,这件旧衬衫。这些旧牛仔裤和这条旧裙子把它们带走!这是一个阳光灿烂的日子。该穿你的短裤去玩了。Story time 讲故事时间1.Dad,can I have your old T-shirt? 爸爸,我能要你的旧T恤吗? Sure.What for?当然。你要干嘛呢?2.We having a party at school. 我们将在学校举行一个晚会。 Really?真的?3. First,tie these.首先,把这个系上。 -Let me help. 让我帮你。4.Then cut two small holes for my eyes, 然后剪下两个小孔做我的眼睛。 and cut two big holes for my arms. 再剪两个大洞放我的手臂。5.Now let me drew something on it. 现在让我在上面画点东西。6.How do I look?我看起来怎么样? You look like Zip! 你看起来像热普。 Wow! Youll be a star!哇!你会成为明星的!Unit Six Shopping 第六单元 买东西Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes.This dress is pretty.How much is it? 是的。这件衣服很漂亮,多少钱?Its eighty-five yuan. 这是85元.Can I try it on? 我可以试一下吗?Sure. 当然。How much are those big shoes?那双大鞋子多少钱?Sorry,theyre not for sale. 对不起,它们不卖。Lets talkCan I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes.These shoes are nice.Can I try them on? Size 6,please.是的,这鞋真漂亮,我可以试一下吗?请给我六号。Of course.Here you are. 当然,给你。John,are they OK? 约翰,合适吗?No.theyre too small. 不,它们太小了。Hmm.OK.Lets try size 7. 嗯,好吧。让我们试试七号。Theyre just right! 刚刚合适! -Good! 很好!Lets playCan I help you? 我能帮您吗?Yes.Can I try these on? 是的,我可以试一下吗?OK.Here you are. 好的,给你。Oh,theyre too big! 哦,它们太大了!Lets learnCan I help you? 我能帮你吗?The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? 手套很好看。我可以试一下吗?【sunglasses/scarf/umbrella/gloves】Sure. 当然。Complete and sayIts hot,so I put on my T-shirt. .Listen and chant.Two little birds are sitting on a wall.One is big and the other is small.A cute little girl is playing with a ball.Be careful,little girl!Dont knock them off the wall!两只小鸟坐在一堵墙上,一只大,一只小。一个可爱的小女孩在玩球。小心点,小女孩!不要把它们从墙上掉下来!Lets talkSarah,how do you like this skirt? 莎拉,你觉得这裙子怎样?Its very pretty. 它很漂亮。Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes.How much is this skirt? 是的。这条裙子多少钱?Its 89. 这条89美元。Oh,thats expensive! 哦,那太贵了!I like it,Mum. 我喜欢它,妈妈。Sorry,Sarah.Its too expensive. 对不起,莎拉。它太贵了。Lets actIt will be cold soon.You have 50 yuan.Choose three things.That scarf is pretty.How much is it?Its 10 yuan.Ill take it!很快就要冷了,你有50元,选择三样东西。那条围巾很漂亮,多少钱?这是10元。我会把它拿走!【衬衫 10元、羊毛衫 20元、裤子 16元、围巾 10元、 袜子 4元、手套 6元、帽子 12元、鞋子 15元】Lets learnLook at that dress. Its pretty. -Yes,it is.看那条连衣裙,很漂亮。 -是的,它是。【帽子,nice/ 衬衫,chea


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