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Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto SectionA 1a 2d 单词填写1 更喜欢 v 2 电子的 adj 3 推断 料想 v 4 平滑的 adj 答案 1 prefer2 electronic3 suppose4 smooth 5 spare adj 6 director n 7 war n 8 Australia n adj 澳大利亚人答案 5 空闲的6 导演7 战争8 Australian 短语连线1 既然那样A WorldWar 2 哪种B inthatcase3 第二次世界大战C whatkindof 句型填词1 你喜欢哪种音乐 我喜欢能随着唱歌的音乐 Whatkindofmusicdoyoulike Ilikemusic Icansingalongwith 2 我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐 Iprefermusic greatlyrics 答案 1 that which2 thathas IlikemusicthatIcandanceto Carmenlikesmusicianswhoplaydifferentkindsofmusic 答案 不能 因为that和who作为关联词引导定语从句时 who代替先行词人 而that既可以代替人 也可以代替物 Ilikemusicthatisn ttooloud IlikemusicthatIcandanceto 答案 句中的that不能省略 因为that作从句的主语 句中的that可以省略 因为它作从句中的宾语 1 preferv 更喜欢 语境领悟 Iprefermusicthathasgreatlyrics 我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐 Jillprefersswimmingtoskating 吉尔喜欢游泳胜过滑冰 Theyprefertospendtherestofthemorningwanderinginthestreets 他们更喜欢把早上剩下的时间都用来在街上闲逛 IprefertowatchTVratherthangoout 我宁愿看电视也不愿出去 自主归纳 prefer为动词 意为 更喜欢 后接名词 相当于like better 其常见结构 1 preferAtoB 比起B更喜欢A 或preferdoingsth todoingsth 比起做某事更喜欢做某事 2 prefertodosth 更喜欢做某事 3 prefertodosth ratherthan do doing sth 宁愿做某事也不愿做某事 答案 do 学以致用 I msleepy Iprefer athometogoingoutforawalk A sleepingB tosleepC sleptD sleep 2 Carmenlikesmusicianswhoplaydifferentkindsofmusic 卡门喜欢能演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家 句型剖析 1 本句是复合句 其中 引导的从句是定语从句 修饰前面的名词 先行词 其句式结构如下 2 关系代词who在定语从句中作主语 不能省略 答案 who musicians 归纳拓展 关系代词that与who的用法 学以致用 Linda canyoutellmesomethingaboutMoYan Sure Heisthewriter wontheNobel 诺贝尔 LiteraturePrize A whichB whoseC whoD whom 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Mymotherprefersmusicthat have greatlyrics 2 Beethovenwasoneofthegreatest music inthe19thcentury 3 Moreandmorepeopleprefer send e mailstowritingletterstotheirfriends 4 Henrylikesthe Australia musicbest 5 Iliketolistentodifferent kind ofmusicinmysparetime 答案 1 has2 musicians3 sending4 Australian5 kinds 单项选择1 Canyoudance themusic Yes Ican It seasy A withB inC atD to2 Howwonderfulthemusicis Let strytosingalong it Thatsoundsgood A toB withC forD on 3 Lucylovessingers arecreativeandenergetic A whichB whoC whomD what4 Theactionmovie Isawlastweekisreallyexciting A whenB whoC thatD what5 Mr Whiteprefers athomeratherthan out A read hangB toread tohangC reading hangingD toread hang Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto SectionA 3a 4c 单词填写1 documentary n 2 down adj 3 superhero n 4 drama n 5 有才智的 adj 6 对话 n 7 end v n 结尾 结局答案 1 纪录片2 悲哀 沮丧3 超级英雄4 戏 剧5 intelligent6 dialogue7 ending 短语互译1 stickto 2 plentyof 3 关闭shut 4 偶尔地once awhile答案 1 坚持2 大量3 off4 in 句型填词1 当我沮丧或疲劳的时候 我更喜欢看能让我振作的电影 I mdownortired Iprefermovies cancheermeup 2 大笑两个小时是放松的一个好方式 twohours agoodwaytorelax 答案 1 When that2 Laughingfor is 3 我总是带一位朋友 他不怕这种电影 并且它感觉不再那么吓人 Ialwaysbringafriend isn tafraidofthesekindsofmovies anditdoesn tfeelsoscary 4 当作者悲伤或疲劳的时候 他或她更喜欢观看哪种电影 kindsofmoviesdoesthewriterprefer whenheorsheissadortired 答案 3 who anymore4 What towatch 1 Whydoesthewriterpreferthemoviesthatmakepeoplelaugh 2 Howcanthewriterwatchthescarymovies 答案 1 Becauselaughingisagoodwaytorelax 2 Heorshecanbringafriendtowatchtogether 1 downadj 悲哀 沮丧 语境领悟 WhenI mdownortired Iprefermoviesthatcancheermeup 当我沮丧或劳累时 我更喜欢可以使我振作起来的电影 CanIsitdown 我能坐下来吗 Theytookatripdowntheriver 他们沿河往下游旅行 自主归纳 1 down形容词 意为 悲哀 沮丧 情绪低落 2 down副词 意为 坐 倒 躺 下 向下 表示范围或顺序的限度 下至 3 down介词 表示 从高处 向下 表示位置 在 的下方 表示方向 沿着 向下 表示时间 自 以来 学以致用 Theboyissleeping Please theradio A turnupB turndownC turnon 2 plentyof大量 充足 语境领悟 DocumentarieslikeMatchofthePenguinswhichprovideplentyofinformationaboutacertainsubjectcanbeinteresting 像 企鹅的比赛 这样的纪录片 提供了大量的特定主题信息 可能很有趣 Whatyouneedisn tenoughoutdoorexercise 你们所需要的不是足够的户外锻炼 自主归纳 1 plentyof既可修饰可数名词 又可修饰不可数名词 相当于 或alotof 2 plentyof常用于肯定句 在否定句和疑问句中常用many much或 enough alotof 代替 答案 1 lotsof 2 enough 学以致用 Makesurethere s foodforeveryone A plentyofB alotC manyD few 定语从句 观察领悟 仔细观察例句 体会句中的先行词及关系代词 1 IlikemusicthatIcandanceto 2 Ionlyeatfoodthattastesgood 3 Ilovesingerswhowritetheirownlyrics 4 ThemanwhomourteacheristalkingwithisJim sfather 5 ThisisthevillageinwhichIwasborn 知识构建 归纳拓展 1 关系代词只用that的情况 先行词既包括人又包括物时 先行词被最高级 序数词修饰时 先行词是all any everything anything none theone等不定代词时 当主句是who或which引导的特殊疑问句时 为避免重复 只用that 2 关系代词只用which的情况 引导非限制性定语从句 主句和从句之间用逗号隔开 且先行词指物时 关系代词只用which 3 其他注意事项 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时 定语从句中的谓语动词要与先行词在人称和数上保持一致 关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可省略 作主语则不可省略 学以致用 用that who whom 或which填空1 Theyoungman iswearingglassesisourmathteacher 2 Mygrandmaprefersmusic isquietandgentle 3 Thisistheroomin Ilivedtwoyearsago 4 Thegirl wetalkedaboutjustnowisanexchangestudentfromAmerica 5 Thisisthefirstgift Igotfrommyparents 答案 1 who that2 that which3 which4 whom that5 that 单项选择1 Ihatepeople don thelpotherswhentheyareintrouble A whoB whichC whoseD where2 Theyoftentalkaboutthingsandpersons theyareinterestedin A whoB whichC thatD what 3 Thisisthemostexcitingmovie I veeverseen A whichB thatC whatD where4 Shanghai isthebiggestcityinChina isreallybeautifulandmodern A whereB thatC whenD which 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Myunclelikestowatch documentary thatarefunny 2 Doyouenjoy listen tomusicthatisloud Yes Ido 3 Pete thefamousfootballplayer wasvery intelligent whenhewasyoung 答案 1 documentaries2 listening3 intelligent 4 Mr Blackdislikespeoplewhotalkmuchbutalways shut offtheirbrains 5 Haveyouheardofthesong call YesterdayOnceMore 答案 4 shut5 called 单项选择1 Hehasafriendwho thepianoverywell A playB playingC playsD played2 FangFangfailedinthesingingcompetition Let sgoand A callherupB wakeherupC pickherupD cheerherup 3 Teresais nervous talkinfrontoftheclass A such thatB too toC so thatD too that4 Aliceprefers to Let saskhertotakepartinourdancingclub A dancing singingB singing danceC singing dancingD tosing dance5 Sorry wedon thavethecoat youneed A whoB whichC whatD whom 完成句子1 像 天下无贼 这样的电影让我感到更安全 MovieslikeAWorldWithoutThieves mefeel 2 你可以在网上搜寻大量的信息 Youcansearchfor informationontheInternet 答案 1 make safer2 plentyof 3 你怎样描述这首歌曲 youdescribethesong 4 你更喜欢哪种乐曲 能随着跳舞的 What musicdoyouprefer Musicthatcandance 答案 3 Howdo4 kindof to Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto SectionB 1a 1d 句型填词1 他喜欢奇异的衣服 Helikesclothes unusual 2 说说你喜欢的每件事情的原因 Say you eachthing 答案 1 thatare2 why like 1 WritethethreethingsthatMichaellikesinthefirstcolumnofthechart 2 WritewhyMichaellikeseachthinginthesecondcolumnofthechart 答案 1 that引导的是定语从句 that是关系代词 2 why引导的是宾语从句 why是连接副词 unusualadj 不同寻常的 独特的 语境领悟 Helikesclothesthatareunusual 他喜欢奇异的衣服 Whydoyoulookunhappy 你为何看起来不高兴 BecauseIfailedtheexam 因为我考试没考好 自主归纳 1 unusual为形容词 意为 不同寻常的 独特的 其反义词为 usual 2 unusual是由un 否定前缀 usual 平常的 构成 un 为否定前缀 意为 不 非 归纳拓展 否定前缀un 的用法 1 un 形容词 表示 相反 的状态 如unimportant unhappy unhealthy等 2 un 动词 表示 相反 的动作 如unlock unpack等 学以致用 Thisisausefuldictionary Ithink Soitis andit s unusualone A theB anC aD 不填 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Doyouknowthe direct ofthemovie Yes It sFengXiaogang 2 Karenhadan usual experiencewhiletravelinginEurope 3 Samlikesmoviesthat be reallyfunny 4 Theship sink quicklyafterithitthebigiceberg 5 Pleasetellmewhyyourmother like thismovie 答案 1 director2 unusual3 are4 sank5 likes 单项选择1 Frankwantstobeabasketball sohepracticesbasketballeveryday A playerB actorC writerD singer2 Ilikefriends liketodothesamethingsasIdo A whichB whoseC whatD who3 Myparentsgotthepianothat veryexpensiveformeonmyfifteenthbirthday A tobeB isC areD was 4 Stevelikestowearclothes lookreallycool A whatB whoC thatD where5 Idon tknowwhyLaura booksabouthowtokeephealthy A likesreadB likesreadingC likereadingD liketoread Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto SectionB 2a 2e 单词填写1 感觉到 意识到 v 2 痛苦 n 3 反映 v 4 表演 v 5 lifetime n 6 pity n 答案 1 sense2 pain3 reflect4 perform5 一生6 遗憾 7 praise v 8 recall v 9 wound n 10 sad adj n 悲伤 悲痛11 move v adj 动人的 令人感动的12 pain v adj 令人痛苦的 令人疼痛的答案 7 表扬8 回忆起9 伤口10 sadness11 moving12 painful 短语互译1 lookup 2 intotal 3 随着 与 一起along 4 例如such 答案 1 查阅2 总共3 with4 as 句型填词1 那首用二胡演奏的乐曲特别使我感动 Thepiece playedontheerhuespeciallymovedme 答案 whichwas那首二胡曲听起来就像有人在哭泣 我听的时候几乎随之哭起来 Theerhu someone andIalmostcried itasIlistened 答案 soundedlike crying alongwith 2 遗憾的是 总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏 可是 人们 对他的喜爱一直持续到今天 It apity onlysixpiecesofmusicintotalwererecordedforthefutureworldtohear buthispopularity thisday 3 它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己的生活中 而且也让人们回忆起来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深伤痛 Itssadbeauty paintsapictureofAbing sownlife makespeoplerecalltheirdeepestwoundsfromtheirownsadorpainfulexperiences 答案 2 is that continuesto3 notonly butalso 1 WhotaughtAbingtoplaythedifferentmusicalinstrumentswhenhewasyoung 2 WhichpieceofmusicofAbing swasthemostwell knownforthefutureworld 答案 1 Abing sfather 2 ErquanYingyue 1 lookup查阅 抬头看 语境领悟 LaterIlookedupthehistoryofErquanYingyue andIbegantounderstandthesadnessinthemusic 后来我查阅了 二泉映月 的历史 才开始理解了音乐中的悲伤 Mylittledogislost Allofmyfriendsarehelpingmetolookforit 我的小狗丢了 我所有的朋友都在帮我找它 Haveyoufoundthelostdog 你找到那只丢失的狗了吗 Ifoundoutthephonenumberbylookingitup 通过查找 我查到了那个电话号码 妙辨异同 lookup lookfor find findout的用法辨析 答案 up for out 学以致用 Ihave mywatcheverywhere ButIcannotfindit A lookatB lookedupC lookedfor 2 performv 表演 执行 语境领悟 Heperformedinthiswayformanyyears 他以这种方式演出了多年 Ourfootballteam sperformancehasbeenexcellentthisyear 今年我们的足球队表现出色 Theperformersarefromallovertheworld 表演者来自全世界 妙辨异同 perform performance performer的用法辨析 学以致用 Inthelasttenmonths SeptemberMiracle 奇迹 inCCTVformorethanfivetimesandispopularalloverthecountry A hasplayedthepianoB hasgivenouttheirsongdisksC haswrittensongsD hasperformed 3 ItssadbeautynotonlypaintsapictureofAbing sownlifebutalsomakespeoplerecalltheirdeepestwoundsfromtheirownsadorpainfulexperiences 它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己的生活中 而且也让人们回忆起来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深伤痛 句型剖析 notonly butalso 句型 1 notonly butalso 意为 不但 而且 用来连接两个 相同 不同 的成分 主语 谓语 宾语 表语 状语等 SheisfamousnotonlyintheUSA butalsoinotherpartsoftheworld 她不仅在美国出名 而且在世界其他地方也出名 2 notonly butalso 连接并列主语时 由于强调butalso后边的成分 因此句中谓语动词在人称和数上要与butalso 前边 后边 的部分保持一致 即遵循 就近原则 答案 1 相同 2 后边 学以致用 NotonlymyfriendsbutalsoI interestedinfootballandMessiisourfavoritestar A beB amC isD are 备选要点 intotal总共 语境领悟 Itisapitythatonlysixpiecesofmusicintotalwererecordedforthefutureworldtohear buthispopularitycontinuestothisday 遗憾的是 总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏 可是 人们 对他的喜爱一直持续到今天 WhatisthetotalpopulationofJapan 日本的总人口为多少 Theirexpensesreachedatotalof1 000pounds 他们的花费总计一千英镑 自主归纳 1 total作形容词 意为 总计的 总括的 全体的 2 total作名词 常与in构成短语intotal 总共 合计 atotalof意为 总计 学以致用 市场共有17年时间一直处于萧条 Themarketstayeddepressedfor17years 答案 intotal 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Youshouldsnapoutofyour sad 2 It sapitythatI notsense thepainandsadnessinthemusic 3 Ican tforgetthe pain experiencesforever 4 Thisisamovethat praise bymanypeople 5 Myunclewasafamous perform inthecompany 答案 1 sadness2 didn tsense3 painful4 ispraised5 performer 单项选择1 Whatdoyouthinkofthefilmyousawyesterday Oh It soneof filmsI veeverseen A interestingB moreinterestingC mostinterestingD themostinteresting2 Manypeoplehaveto themeaningofthiswordinthedictionary A lookupB lookinC lookatD lookafter 3 Thebookisexpensive it sworthit A ThereforeB AnywayC HoweverD Otherwise4 Nowadays manypeopleprefertoeatoutonNewYear sDay kids A speciallyB especiallyC onlyD probably5 Nick ajobinabank buttooursurprise hedidn ttakeit A offeredB hasofferedC wasofferedD isoffered 句型转换1 Isensedastrongsadnessafterlisteningtothemusic 改为一般疑问句 you astrongsadnessafterlisteningtothemusic 2 Thisbookdoesn tinterestme 改为同义句 I mnot thisbook 3 Ilikethepeople Theyarehonest 合并为一句 Ilikethepeople honest 答案 1 Did sense2 interestedin3 whoare 4 Thesearethethings Youneedthem 合并为一句 Thesearethethings you 5 Mymothercan tstandthrillers 对画线部分提问 Whatdoesyourmother thrillers 答案 4 that need5 thinkof Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto SectionB 3a SelfCheck 3b Useyournotestowriteanarticleforanewspaperormagazinetotellpeopleaboutyourfavoritekindofmusic movieandyourfavoritesong movie Usethefollowingexpressionstohelpyou Myfavoritekindofmusic movieis Ilike because Itwas by WhenIlistento watchit Ifeel Ithinkyoushouldlistento watchittoobecause 思路点拨 1 体裁 说明文 2 人称 第一人称 3 时态 一般现在时 写作模板 妙笔成篇 参考范文 MyfavoritekindofmusicisErquanYingyue ItwasplayedonakindofinstrumentErhubyAbing IlikeitbecauseIcanrecallAbing spoorlifeandI mproudofhisamazingmusicalskillswhenIlistentoit IfeellikecryingwhenIlistentoit ButIwouldliketolistentoitassoonasI mfree IthinkyoushouldlistentoitatyoursparetimebecauseitwasoneofChina snationaltreasures 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Wouldyoulike watch Titanicagain Sure Betterwithyou 2 Theerhusoundslikesomeone cry whenyoulistentoit 3 Alexenjoysmusic Hewantstobeoneofthebest known music intheworldoneday 答案 1 towatch2 crying3 musicians 4 Jenniferenjoys spend timealonewhenshewassad 5 Ican tstandloudmusic Itmakesme feel nervous 答案 4 spending5 feel 完成句子1 我疲惫或沮丧时喜欢看电影 泰坦尼克号 IliketowatchthemovieTitanic I mtired 2 我喜欢充满活力的乐队 Ilikebands lotsof 3 我父母不喜欢看戏剧和纪录片 Myparentsdon tlike dramas documentaries 答案 1 when ordown2 thathave energy3 towatch or 4 你更喜欢哪幅摄影作品 大的还是小的 Whichphotograph you thebigoneorthesmallone 5 苏喜欢能使她愉快的音乐家 Suelikesmusicians herhappy 答案 4 do prefer5 whomake 完成句子1 Icansingalongwiththemusic Ilikeit 合并为一句 Ilikethemusic Ican 2 TheypreferstayingathometogoingtothecinemaonSundays 改为同义句 Theyprefer athome gotothecinemaonSundays 答案 1 that which singalongwith2 tostay ratherthan 3 Weprefermusicthathasgreatlyrics 对画线部分提问 doyouprefer 4 Lilyprefersthiskindofmusic 改为一般疑问句 Lily thiskindofmusic 5 Helovesgroupsthatplayquietandgentlesongs 对画线部分提问 groups helove 答案 3 Whatkindofmusic4 Does prefer5 Whatkindof does 补全对话从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话 有两项多余 A Whendiditcomeout B Howmanytimeshaveyoureadit C Isitfarfromhere D Whoisyourfavoriteauthor E Itiswonderful F SodoI G Howfarisit A Hi Bill You rereadingthenovelagain B Yes Tom I llneverbetiredofit A 1B Threetimes EverytimeIreadit Icanalwayslearnsomethingnew A Really 2B CharlesDickens IthinkheisagreatEnglishwriter Whataboutyou A 3Heisalsomyfavoriteforeignwriter Pleaseletmehavealookatit B OK hereyouare Whatdoyouthinkofthisnovel A 4Ihaven tseensuchanicenovelforlong Wheredidyoubuyit B IntheRoseBookshop A Idon tknowwhereitis 5B No Only10minutes walkfromhere nexttothePeople sCinema A Oh Isee I mgoingtheretogetone too Thankyou B You rewelcome 1 2 3 4 5 答案 1 5 BDFEC 真题体验1 2014 连云港中考 I dlikeacupofblackcoffee Whataboutyou Maggie Iprefercoffee sugar A thanB forC withD to 解析 选C 考查介词辨析 with 带有 句意 我想喝杯不加牛奶的咖啡 你想喝什么呢 玛吉 我更喜欢喝加糖咖啡 2 2014 鞍山中考 Wehaveto ourselveswhenweareawayfromhome A lookatB lookforC lookupD lookafter 解析 选D 考查动词短语辨析 lookat意为 看 lookfor意为 寻找 lookup意为 查阅 lookafter意为 照顾 句意 当我们离开家时 我们得自己照顾自己 3 2014 孝感中考 Teenagerslikereadingthebooks arewrittenbyGuoJingming A whoB whatC whoseD that 解析 选D 考查定语从句的引导词 这是一个定语从句 其先行词是thebooks 所以用关系代词that which 故选D 4 2014 潍坊中考 Theman istalkingtoourteacherisBetty sfather A whichB whomC whoD what 解析 选C 考查定语从句的用法 句意 正在和我们老师谈话的那个人是贝蒂的爸爸 先行词是人 故排除A项和D项 关系词在定语从句中作主语 所以用who 答案选C Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto 导语 有人非常愿意做一名志愿者 但是当有人向他求援时 却远而避之 这无异于下面的 叶公好龙 不是吗 LordYe sLoveoftheDragonThereisayoungman LordYe Helikesdragonsverymuch Hedrawsmanydragonsinhishouse Thehousebecomesaworldofdragons AreddragonhearsofLordYe andisdeeplymoved HewantstovisitLordYeandmakefriendswithhim Hi Mr Ye Nicetomeetyou therealdragoncomestovisitMr Ye ButMr Yerunsawayasfastashecan Oh myGod Help Help herunsandshouts 词海拾贝 lord地主dragon龙god上帝 天 我的感悟 Changingoflovedoesn tgosofastasLordYeruns 爱好变得快 还不及叶公跑得快


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