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上海牛津英语2A期中试卷Part 1 Listening(听力部分)1、Listen and choose (听录音,圈出听到的单词) 20%1. A. pizzaB. biscuit2. A. swimB. soup3. A. danceB. juice4. A. playB. run5. A. birdB. building6. A. binB. park7. A. waterB. window8. A. tableB. desk9. A. swimB. sweep10. A. cleanB. close2、Listen and number the words(听录音,给单词编号)10% sweep biscuit desk road play 扫 饼干 课桌 道路 玩 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) bin floor water building pizza 垃圾箱 地面 水 大楼 比萨饼 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、Listen and number (给你听到的句子编号)10%( ) Im from Shanghai.( ) Clean the desk, please.( ) Sweep the floor, please. ( ) Come and play with me.( ) Have some noodles.Part 2 Writing(笔试部分)1、Copy the following (正确抄写字母)12% A B C D E F f e d c b a2、Look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)10%1. D ( a b d )2. F ( f e d ) 3. E ( d f e ) 4. C ( e c a ) 5. B ( d a b ) 3、根据所给中文,选出相应的英文单词,在括号内写出相应的序号。12% ( )1、果汁 A. juice B. waterC. coke( )2、公园 A. binB. roadC. park( )3、游泳 A. soup B. swimC. sweep( )4、妈妈 A. mother B. brother C. father( )5、跳舞 A. pizza B. danceC. run4、Look and tick(看中文,选句子)16%1) 请吃一些面条。 ( ) A. Have some noodles, please. ( ) B. Have some soup, please.2) 我喜欢扫地。 ( ) A. I can sweep the floor. ( ) B. I like to sweep the floor.3) 我可以要些水吗? ( ) A. May I have some water? ( ) B. Have some water.4) 我住在上海。( ) A. I live in Shanghai.( ) B. I love Shanghai.5) 来和我一起游泳吧。 ( ) A. Come and sleep with me.( ) B. Come and swim with me. 6) 当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说_. ( ) A. Thank you.( ) B. All right. 7). 当别人问你看见了什么时,你可以对别人说_. ( ) A. I see a bird.( ) B. I like a bird. 8).当你想让别人擦窗户时,你可以说_.( ) A. Clean the door, please. ( ) B. Clean the window, please. 5、Read and choose (圈出不同类的词)10%1. noodlesdeskpizzabiscuit2. juicewatersoupeat3. dancesouprunswim4. applebirdcatdog5. redsleepgreenyellow


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