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Practicemakesperfect Mayyousucceedinyourstudies 高中英语第一轮复习 RevisionoftheAttributiveClause定语从句复习 1 Thisisourschool 2 Weliveandstudyhereeveryday Thisisourschool whereweliveandstudyeveryday Thisisourschool whereweliveandstudyeveryday 1 Theteacherswhoarepresentatourclassareallexperiencedteachers 2 Ourclassisabigfamilywhichconsistsof12girlsand50boys 3 YaoHuiistheboywhoseEnglishstudyisverygoodinourclass 4 Theschoolwherewearestudyingisveryfamous 5 Asweallknow ourschoolis50yearsold where who whose As which 基础知识回顾 基础知识回顾 关系词及其意义 指代人指代事物所属关系指地点指时间指原因 who whom that aswhich that aswhosewherewhenwhy 归纳总结 考点与难点归纳 考点与难点归纳 1 that与which2 对theway的考查3 介词 关系词4 as的使用5 对where的考查6 综合考查 考点 难点 1 Doyouhaveanything youdon tunderstand 2 Theonlything wecandoistogiveyousomeadvice 3 Whoistheman isstandingthere 4 Herbag in sheputallhermoney hasbeenstolen 5 Sheheardaterriblenoise broughtherheartintohermouth that that that which which 考点1 that与which 1 先行词是everything nothing anything something much little none等不定代词或由不定代词any some no much few little every all等修饰时 引导定语从句用that不用which 2 先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰且指物时 引导定语从句用that 3 先行词中既有人又有事物时 引导定语从句用that 4 先行词被thevery theonly等修饰且指物时 引导定语从句用that 5 当先行词前面有who which等疑问代词时 只用that 介词后 2 用于非限制定语从句中 只使用that应遵循的规则 只使用which应遵循的规则 填上合适的关系词并分析原因 1 Theway heexplainedthesentencetouswasnotdifficulttounderstand 2 Theway heexplainedtouswasquitesimple that which 不填 that inwhich 不填 缺状语 缺宾语 考点2 theway用做先行词 3 Whatsurprisedmewasnotwhathesaidbut hesaidit 04湖北 A thewayB inthewaythatC inthewayD thewaywhich 高考题链接 考点3 介词 关系词 1 Doyouknowtheboy yourmotheristalking 2 Hegavemesomenovels Iamnotveryfamiliar 3 Istillremembertheday IfirstgottoParis 5 06浙江 Iwasgiventhreebooksoncooking thefirst Ireallyenjoyed A ofthatB ofwhichC thatD which towhom withwhich onwhich Thisisthechildwhom thatIwilltakecareof 4 译 这是我要照顾的小孩 3 isknowntoall heisthebeststudent 4 Jimpassedthedrivingtest surprisedeverybodyintheoffice As which 难点一 as的用法 as that which1 Itissuchabigstone nobodycanlift 2 Itissuchabigstone nobodycanliftit as that 归纳 as引导限制性定语从句先行词前常被such thesame so as修饰 即构成such as thesame as so as 结构 做题时容易忽略 as在定语从句中应充当成分如 主语 宾语或表语 as与which引导定语从句都能指代整句内容 但定语从句位于句首时 只能用as 意为 正如 恰如 模拟训练 1 Heissuchalazyman nobodywantstoworkwith 04模拟训练 A as himB that C as D whom him2 Mrs Blacktookthepolicebackto place shewitnessedtherobbery A thesame asB thesame whereC thesame thatD asthesame as 05模拟训练 1 I vecometothepointwhereIcan tstandhim 2 Thecountryisinthesituationwhereawarwillbreakoutatanytime 我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了 国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中 where引导的定语从句先行词大多数情况下是表示地点的名词 但也有特殊情况 难点二 一些特殊词之后的where 解析 如果定语从句分别修饰point situation part condition和case等表示抽象意义的词 常用where引导 意思是 到了某种地步 在某种境况中 1 Wearetryingtoreachapoint bothsideswillsitdowntogetherandtalk 06山东 A whichB thatC whereD when2 Doyouhaveanythingtosayforyourself Yes there sonepoint wemustinsiston 06江西 A whyB whereC howD 高考题链接 做题要灵活 要分析句子成分 选择恰当的关系词 where that1 Thisisthelibrary Iborrowedthebook 2 Itisfromthislibrary Iborrowedthebook where 定语从句 that 强调句型 综合考查一 定语从句与强调句 3 WheredidyoulastseeMr Smith Itwasinthehotel Ilived A thatB whichC whereD when 难点三 综合考查 近年来 高考对定语从句和其它从句如 强调句 名词性从句和状语从句等的综合考查越来越多 这就要求考生有扎实的基础知识和较强的综合分析能力 友情提示 综合考查二 定语从句与同位语从句 1 Weallhaveheardthenews ourteamwon 2 Wedon tbelievethenews hetoldusyesterday that that which 综合考查三 定语从句与表语从句 Theplace thebridgeissupposedtobebuiltshouldbe thecross rivertrafficistheheaviest 05江苏 A which whereB atwhich whichC atwhich whereD which inwhich that which 对比训练与巩固 1 Weshouldgototheplace wearemostneeded 2 Weshouldgototheplace needsusmost A itB whereC thatD what B C 3 ItwasOctober wemetinDamiaoforthefirsttime 4 ItwasinOctober wemetinDamiaoforthefirsttime A thatB whichC whenD while C A 对比训练 5 Heissuchagoodteacher wealllikehim 6 Heissuchagoodteacher wealllike A whomB thatC asD which B C 7 Thenewscame theBritishQueen smothercelebratedher101thbirthdayingoodhealth isn tsurprising becauseshelivesaneasylifeandgetsthebestmedicalcare A that whichB which whichC that thatD when as 05模拟训练 能力提升 Ourclassisabigfamily Itconsistsof12girlsand50boys Mostofthemaremainlyfromthecountryside ZhaoQiangisakind heartedboy Heisalwaysreadytohelpothers Heissuchagoodboythatwealllikehim Ourclassisabigfamilywhichconsistsof12girlsand50boys mostofwhomaremainlyfromthecountryside ZhaoQiangisakind heartedboy whoisalwaysreadytohelpothers Heissuchagoodboyaswealllike 定语从句的运用 这是教我们英语的老师 旁边是她的儿子 她儿子的名字叫虫虫 这张照片是在公园拍摄的 众所周知 大宁绿地是个美丽的公园 是浦西最大的绿地 周末就要到了 到时我们会再去游历它 Translatetheshortpassage usingtheAttributiveClauseasmanyaspossible Asisknowntoall Beijingwillhostthe2008OlympicGames English whichisaninternationallanguage playsanimportantpartincommunicatingwithforeigners WeSeniorThreestudentsshouldseizethisopportunitytolearnitwell bywhichwecanmakeourcontributionstotheOlympicGames


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