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Unit6I mwatchingTV 第一课时 SectionA1a 1c 一 根据句意及图片提示完成句子 5 3分 15分 1 Lisa herroomnow 2 What syourfatherdoing Heis a 3 Johnis inthekitchen 4 Tomis now 5 Jackis onthe talkingphone iscleaning readingnewspaper doingthedishes watchingTV 二 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 Mymotheris do thedishesnow 7 Itisseveno clock They eat somecakes 8 Lookattheducks They swim intheriver 9 heoften get upearly Yes hedoes Andhe read Englishnow 10 Listen someboys talk intheroom aretalking doing areeating areswimming Doesgetisreading 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 Mymotherusuallymakes 汤 fordinner 12 Canyou 洗 yourclothes Yes Ican 13 Whatareyoudoing Tom I m 使用 mycomputer 14 I 锻炼 forthirtyminuteseverymorning 15 Myfatherisreadinga 报纸 newspaper soup wash using exercise 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 Listen thegirl anEnglishsong A singsB singC tosingD issinging17 Isyourbrother TV No he s anewspaper A watching lookingB watching readingC looking watchingD watching read18 MypenpalandIoftentalk A onphoneB bythephoneC onthephoneD withthephone19 What sMarydoing A SheiswashingthedishesB SheoftenwashesthedishesC SheexercisesD Shesometimescleanstheroom20 What you I toaCD A are doing amlisteningB are do listenC do do amlisteningD are doing listen A D B C A 五 按要求完成下列句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 Tomisplayingtheguitar 对画线部分提问 Tom 22 Mygrandfatherisreadinganewspaper 改为否定句 Mygrandfather anewspaper 23 SheisvisitingHongKong 改为一般疑问句 she HongKong 24 Theyruneverymorning 用now改写句子 They now 25 Aretheyplayingbasketball 作否定回答 they Noaren t Whatisdoing isn treading Isvisiting arerunning 六 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 26 戴尔正在做什么 他正在锻炼 Dale He 27 你父母正在做什么 他们正在打扫房间 yourparents They theroom 28 莫莉现在正在做汤 Molly now 29 我妈妈现在没有在看电视 Mymother TVnow 30 他们正在吃午饭吗 不 没有 they lunch No they Arehaving eatingaren t Whatisdoingisexercising Whataredoingarecleaning ismakingsoup isn twatching 第二课时 SectionA2a 2d 一 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 What sMike He swatchingTV 2 Sallyis aCDnow 3 Myparentsoftenread intheevening 4 Isyourmother thedishes 5 CanJim thepapertomakeaboat Yes hecan use doing listeningto newspapers washing 二 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 Hi Peter Doyouwant go tothemovies 7 It sseveno clock I wash clothes 8 Let smeetatschool one 9 I mlisteningtoaCD Whataboutyou I exercise 10 JimandJohn do theirhomeworknow aredoing togo amwashing first amexercising 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 It 刚好 takestenminutestocleantheroom 12 The 电影 TheSecretLifeofPets 爱宠大机密 isveryinteresting Let sgoandwatchit 13 Look Myfatherishelpingmymother 洗 clothes 14 Wecan 出去吃饭 becausemyparentsaren tathome 15 The 汤 tastessogood soup just movie wash eatout 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 Hello Peter Hello Peter It sLindahere A ThisisB IamC ItisD Thatis17 Whatareyoudoing Becky Notmuch I m doingmyhomework A eitherB alsoC justD too18 Idon tliketheTVshow Ithinkitis A interestingB beautifulC boringD exciting19 Let sgotothemovies That great A looksB soundsC hearsD feels20 Where sTom He newspapersathomenow A readB readingC isreadingD reads C A C C B 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 他们正在电话中交谈 Theyaretalking 22 咱们七点钟见吧 at7o clock 23 这部电影有点无聊 Themovieis boring 24 你想和我们一起吃晚饭吗 Doyouwantto us dinner 25 明天晚上见 tomorrowevening Seeyou onthephone Let smeet kindof joinfor 六 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 有两项多余 5 4分 20分 A Hello ThisisAnna B Hi Anna 26 A Oh hi John 27 B Notmuch I mhavinglunchnow Whataboutyou A 28 B Isitinteresting A 29 B Thenlet sgotothezoothisafternoon A 30 Let smeetat2o clockatthezoo B OK Seeyouthen A Seeyou C G E D A 第三课时 GrammarFocus 3c 一 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 Canyoutellmehowto thecomputer 2 Weneedto eightcupsofwatereveryday 3 Maryhasto herclothesonweekends 4 Canyoucometomyparty evening 5 It takestwentyminutestogettothesubwaystation just use drink wash tomorrow 二 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 Look Maria ride abikethere 7 Listen Ms Li tell astorytothestudents 8 Thegirls sing intheclassroomnow 9 Whereisyourmom She make dinnerinthekitchen 10 Mr Brown write abookthesedays iswriting isriding istelling aresinging ismaking 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 Jennyis 喝 milk 12 茶 isakindofdrink 13 Wecleanour 房子 everyday 14 Howaboutgoingtothemovies 明天 evening 15 Myfatherisreading 报纸 newspapers drinking Tea house tomorrow 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 Frank hishomeworknow No he A Does doing doesn tB Is doing doesn tC Is doing isn tD Is do isn t17 Mybrother basketballeveryday Look He basketballnow A plays playsB plays isplayingC isplaying isplayingD isplaying plays18 Let sgothereat7o clockinthemorning A WheredoyouwanttogoB HowdoyougetthereC WhendoyouwanttogoD Whatareyoudoing19 Sam tothemovieseverySaturday A goingB isgoingC goesD go20 Doyouwanttogotothemovies A Yes I mwatchingamovieB ThemovieisinterestingC Thatsoundsgood IlikewatchingmoviesD Idon twanttowatchTV C C B C C 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 简正在听音乐 Janeis music 22 你叔叔正在看电视吗 youruncle now 23 海伦经常通过电话和朋友交谈 Helenoftentalkswithherfriends 24 今天我妈妈不在家 我要出去吃饭 Mymotherisn tathometoday Iwill 25 你会煲汤吗 Canyou makesoup listeningto IswatchingTV onthephone eatout 六 按要求完成下列句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 26 Lisaisdrawingapicture 改为否定句 Lisa apicture 27 Theyarehavingdinnerathome 改为一般疑问句 dinnerathome 28 Jimistakingphotosinthezoo 对画线部分提问 Jim inthezoo 29 IsLucyplayingthepianonow 作肯定回答 30 IsJackreadingEnglish 作否定回答 Noheisn t isn tdrawing Aretheyhaving What sdoing Yessheis SectionA单元话题阅读 一 完形填空 TodayisSaturday Ann 1 toschool HerparentsMr KingandMrs King 2 towork TheywanttogototheHaishanPark 公园 Theparkisneartheirhouse sothey 3 tothepark It s9o clocknow Thereare 4 peopleinthepark Somepeopletalk somepeople 5 somepeoplesing andsomepeople 6 intheriver Annplaysonthemerry go round 旋转木马 7 otherboysandgirls Mr King 8 inthesportsclub Mrs Kingdancesinthemusicclub They 9 it svery 10 1 A don tgoB doesn tgoC notgoD goes2 A don tgoB doesn tC notgoD go3 A takesawalkB onfootC walksD takeawalk4 A noB manyC alotsofD lotof5 A playtheguitarB playguitarC playstheguitarD playsguitar6 A runB swimC playchessD dance7 A havingB andC withD or8 A playstennisB playthetennisC playsthetennisD playtennis9 A thinkB thinksC thinkingD look10 A relaxB relaxingC relaxedD boring B B A D B A B C A A 二 阅读理解 It sSundaymorning TheKingfamilyareathome Mrs Kingisinthekitchen Sheismakingcakes Mr Kingisinthelivingroom Heissittinginachairandreadingabook TimandhisfriendJimareinthegarden Theyareplayingsoccer LilyandherfriendTinaareinLily sbedroom Theyarepaintingsomepictures 根据短文内容 选择正确答案 11 Thereare peopleinMr King sfamily A sixB fiveC fourD three12 isinthekitchen A Mr KingB Jim smotherC Tina smotherD Lily smother13 Mr Kingisreadingabook A inthekitchenB inhisbedroomC inthegardenD inachair14 WhatareTimandJimdoing A Theyarereadingbooks B TheyarewatchingTV C Theyareplayingsoccer D Theyarepaintingpictures 15 WhichofthefollowingsentencesisRIGHTaboutTina A TinaisMr King sdaughter B TinaisLily sfriend C Tinaismakingcakes D TinaisTim ssister B C D D C 三 任务型阅读 ItisSaturday TheBrownsareathome Mrs Brownisinthekitchen She smakingapplepies 苹果派 Thepiesareverydelicious 美味的 Doyouwanttohaveataste Mr Brownisn tinthelivingroom Heisinfrontofthehouse Heiswashinghiscar Thecarisnewandverybeautiful Sohelooksafteritverywell Jimisoutsidethehouse Heisplayingsoccerwithsomeboys WhereisJim ssister Sue She sinherbedroomwithherfriend Ann TheyarewatchingHappyCamp 快乐大本营 Whoisthelittleboyunderthetree It sBob heisplayingwiththecutecat Playingsoccer Washinghiscar Inthekitchen Bob WatchingTV HappyCamp 第四课时 SectionB1a 1e 一 根据图片提示回答问题 5 3分 15分 1 Whatishedoing 2 Isheplayingvolleyball 3 Whatishedoing 4 Issheplayingbasketball 5 Whatisshedoing Sheisshopping Heisswimming No heisn t He swatchingTV Yes sheis 二 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 Look Theboys swim intheriver It sdangerous 7 LinTao put onhiscoatnow 8 SometimesIgo shop withmymother 9 Listen Thebirds sing inthetree 10 Those man areplayingtennisnow men areswimming isputting shopping aresinging 三 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 11 Iwanttogotothe tobuysomevegetables 12 Lucyis booksinthelibrarynow 13 Jackusuallyswimsina insummer 14 Isthe exercising Yes heis 15 Doyoulike Yes Ialwaysbuysomeusefulthings shopping supermarket reading pool man 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 Pleasebequietinthe A poolB restaurantC zooD library17 IsPaulplayingbaseballnow He splayingbasketball A Yes heisB No heisn tC Yes hedoesD No hedoesn t18 WhereareJeffandJack They atthesupermarket A aretakingawalkB areshopingC areshoppingD areplayingbasketball19 they basketball No theyaren t A Do playB Are playC Are playingD Does play20 What sJimdoing He abook A islisteningtoB isreadingC islookingD isspeaking B D B C C 五 按要求完成下列句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 Aretheyhavinglunchathomenow 用everyday改写句子 they lunchathome 22 MysisterandIarecleaningourroom 对画线部分提问 areyoursisterandyou 23 She srunning 改为一般疑问句 she 24 We retalkingtoourfriends 对画线部分提问 areyou to 25 I mswimminginthepool 对画线部分提问 you Whereareswimming Dohaveeveryday Whatdoing Isrunning Whotalking 六 用所给词的适当形式补全对话 8 2 5分 20分 A Hello ThisisMarie MayIspeaktoKaren B Hello ThisisKaren Howareyou Marie A I mfine What26 do B Nothingmuch I27 study math Whataboutyou A I28 clean myroom B Hey doyouwant29 go tothemovies A That30 sound boring B IjustcallLucy She31 swim Doyoulike32 swim A Sure Wecanswimintheschool sswimmingpool Whendoyouwanttogo B Let s33 go totheswimmingpoolnow A Great go areyoudoing amstudying amcleaning togo sounds isswimming swimming 第五课时 SectionB2a 2c 一 英汉互译 5 3分 15分 1 包粽子 2 寄宿家庭 3 DragonBoatFestival 4 readastory 5 talkonthephone 用电话交谈 makezongzi hostfamily 端午节 读故事 二 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 6 Twomenare 研究 theleavesunderthetree 7 Mr Brownhastwo 孩子 asonandadaughter 8 Billisan 美国的 boy 9 The 年轻的 girlisverybeautiful 10 David 希望 tohaveanewcomputer studying children kids American young wishes 三 根据句意及首字母提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 Theyarewatchingtheboatr onTV 12 Thefoodisreallyd Ilikeit 13 Mymotherisn tathome Im heralot 14 Youcangetthisbookata bookstore 15 Johnlearnshistory geographyando subjects ther aces elicious iss ny 四 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 16 Look She talk withherfriends 17 It ssixo clock Mymother make dinner 18 Herfather notread abooknow 19 Doyouwant go tothemovies 20 Whatabout watch TV watching istalking ismaking isn treading togo 五 单项选择 5 4分 20分 21 Myfather metohaveagoodjob A hopesB makesC wishesD lets22 Whatareyourtwosistersdoing They TV A watchB watchingC arewatchingD watches23 What friendsdoyouhaveinJapan A otherB theotherC othersD another24 isitinNewYork It snineo clockinthemorning A WhattimeB WhereC WhoD What25 Lilyis inBeijing She herfamilyverymuch A studying missesB studying missingC learning missesD learning missing A C C A A 六 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 26 我妈妈每天晚上给我读故事 Mymother stories meeverynight 27 音乐与任何别的艺术形式迥然不同 Musicisdifferentfrom artform 28 吉尔正在电视上看足球比赛 Jill asoccergame 29 他们希望这周五离开这儿 They herethisFriday 30 你和你父母住在一起吗 Doyou yourparents livewith readsto anyother iswatchingonTV wishtoleave 单元写作小专题 SectionB 3a 3b 基础写作一 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1 Whatareyoudoing I mr anewspaper 2 Mybrotherlikest withhisfriendsonthephone 3 Mary mayIu yourdictionary OK Hereyouare 4 Isshew TV No sheisn t Sheisdoingherhomework 5 June1stisC Day 6 Bestw toyourparents 7 BillandhisfriendsarefromNewYork Theyare 美国人 8 How 美味的 thechickenis 9 Those 男人 areplayingsoccernow 10 Cindyis 洗 herclothes washing eading alking se atching ishes hildren s Americans delicious men 二 连词成句 11 he join to wants dinner for me 12 you do to movies want to the go 13 is a he test studying for 14 let s at home meet my first 15 your doing father what is now Whatisyourfatherdoingnow Hewantstojoinmefordinner Doyouwanttogotothemovies Heisstudyingforatest Let smeetatmyhomefirst 典例分析 典型例题 假设现在是周六上午10点 Tony和他的朋友们正在做不同的事情 请你根据下表内容写一篇短文 描述他们正在做的事情 要求 1 词数 40 50词 2 可适当发挥想象 思路点拨 写作时要按照如下思路进行 1 交代时间 根据题目所提供的信息可知 时间是 周六上午10点 故在开头部分要交代现在的时间 2 总述句 用总述句引起下文 此时可以发挥想象 描述 Tony和他的朋友们都很忙 正在做不同的事情 3 详细描述 根据表格信息可知 有四个人物 而且分别提到了他们正在做的事情 此时要使用现在进行时的句式结构 连句成篇 TodayisSaturday It s10 00a m Tonyandhisfriendsareverybusy Theyaredoingdifferentthingsnow Tonyis1 TVathome Maryisdoingher2 Annaisdoingsome3 inthe4 andKateis5 ina6 pool watching homework shopping supermarket swimming 巩固演练动物园里今天可真热闹 看 动物们正在举办派对呢 请你根据图片提示 写一篇60词左右的短文 描述一下它们正在做的事情吧 Onepossibleversion Todayisagreatdayforalltheanimalsinthezoo Theyarehavingaparty Look Theelephantisplayingthepiano Thepandaisplayingtheguitar Thecatisplayingtheviolin Whatistheliondoing Oh heisplayingthedrums Whatabouttheotheranimals Theyarewatchingtheshow Theyareallhavingagreattime SectionB单元话题阅读 一 完形填空 It sMondaytoday Tony 1 at6 00 Look Hismother 2 Hisfatherisreadinganewspaperinthelivingroom Lily hissister issleeping She syoung soshedoesn t 3 togotoschool Sheislucky Tony 4 Afterhaving 5 Tony 6 abustoschool It s7 55whenhe 7 school Schoolstartsat8 00 8 therearemanystudentsintheclassroom 9 studentsarecleaningtheclassroom 10 arewritingandreading Tonyhelpshisclassmatescleantheclassroom 1 A getstoschoolB goeshomeC getsupD goestoschool2 A iscookingB iscookC cooksD cooking3 A wishB haveC wantD hope4 A talksB speaksC readsD says5 A dinnerB supperC lunchD breakfast6 A bringsB asksC takesD sells7 A arrivesB arrivesatC arrivesinD arrivesto8 A becauseB orC soD if9 A SomeB AnyC YoungD New10 A TheseB ThoseC WeD Theothers D C A B D D C B C A 二 阅读理解 Thereisabigsquare 广场 nearmyhome Peopleliketogotothissquareafterwork Someofthemgotothesquareeveryday Look ThatisMr King Heissittingonachairandwatchingthechildren Somechildrenareplayinggames Somechildrenareflyingkites 放风筝 Someboysareplayingfootball LucyandLilyarestandingunderatree Theyaretalking Listen Agirlissinging Thisisreallyanicesquare Icomehereafterschooleveryday 11 liketogotothesquare A ChildrenB FathersandmothersC LucyandLilyD People12 Therearesome inthesquare A birdsandcatsB chairsandtreesC ballsanddesksD housesandbuses13 Lucyistalkingwith A Mr KingB theboysC LilyD thebirds14 Thewriter 作者 can tsee inthesquare A kitesB boysC girlsD birds15 Whatisthewriterdoing A He swatchingthepeopleinthesquare B He splayingagame C He sflyingakite D He ssinging A D B C D 三 任务型阅读 It saquartertoeightinthemorning Everyoneisbusynow ThetelephoneringsandJodiegoestoanswerit Hello who sthat sheasks It sme David DavidisafriendofSam s SamisJodie sbrother theonlyboyinthefamily Oh hello David What sup saysJodie CanIspeaktoSam No saysJodie Youcan tspeaktohimnow Heisbusy Heisgettingreadyforschool Heiseatinghisbreakfast Grandmotheriscombing 梳 hishair Sisterisunderthetable puttinghisshoeson Motherisgettinghisbooksandputtingtheminhisschoolbag Ihavetogonow Ihavetoopenthedoorforhim Theschoolbusiscoming Goodbye 根据短文内容 判断句子正 T 误 F 16 It ssevenforty fiveinthemorning andthedoorbellrings 17 DavidwantstospeaktoJodie sbrother 18 Jodie ssisterisputtinghershoeson 19 TheirmotherisputtingSam stoysintheschoolbag 20 JodiehastoopenthedoorforSambecausetheschoolbusiscoming T F T F F


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