2018-2019学年高二英语 寒假训练06 Unit 1 Art.docx

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寒假训练06 Unit 1 Art一、单词拼写1.Though it was only a small failure, it made Rose lose f_ in success.2.His theory is so _(抽象的) that only a few students like it.3.Living without an a_ is like sailing without a compass.4.It is a c_ that we arrived here at the same time.5.It is _(明显的) that smoking is harmful to health.6.This picture is _(有代表性的) of its kind.7.Although he is proud of his _(财产), he is poor in feelings.8.Simply to imagine a pig flying is r_.9.I cannot _(预言) when to meet you again.10.All his _(尝试) to get through the driving test without being trained has failed.二、单句改错11. Does the young man standing at the gate take possession of the car? No. The car is in possession of his father. _12. Theyve spent a great many of time designing the building. _13. Mr. Kern adapted the orphan as his own son. _14. The boys made attempt to leave for camping, but failed. _15.He ate a great deal of for lunch today. _16. There is a coincidence that he was born on his mothers birthday. _17. If I am you, I would work in a small mountain village._18. She visited the school with the aim of see the library. _19. On the another hand, traditional Chinese painting will take a longer time to learn than oil painting._20.I would rather you focus your attention on the subject._三、句子翻译21. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。I drink black coffee _.22. 我认为帮助你学习英语是我的职责。I consider _.23. 医生说服我戒烟。The doctor _. (convince) 24. 暴风雨造成大量物质损失。The storm _.25. 很明显,他们还没做出决定。_.四、完形填空【安徽六校教育研究会2018届高三第二次联考】A young painter lived in a small house, living on painting portraits(画像). One day, a rich mancame for a portrait. They agreed on the_26_of $10,000. The day the man came to take thepainting, an_27_idea occurred to him: “Its me in the painting. If I dont buy, no one will_28_” So he said, “Ill only pay $3,000!” The young artist had never_29_such things. Hestrongly argued, expecting the rich man to_30_the agreement. “I ask you at last, will you sell it$3,000 or not?”Realizing the man did it_31_, the artist said in a_32_voice, “No! Id prefer to not sell it rather than be humiliated(羞辱). Today you_33_your word and someday you must pay_34_ times.”“What a joke! Am I stupid?”“Well, wed better wait and see.”Soon the painter moved out to_35_some well-known teachers to work harder. Years later, he finally made a name_36_in the circle of art.The rich man had forgotten the whole thing._37_one day, some friends came to tell him, “In a famous exhibition, one painting is_38_ $200,000 and the man in it looks_39_the same as you. Its so strange that its _40_is Thief.” He immediately thought of the_41_. If the painting were that one, it would be a(n)_42_for him. He went to find the young painter_43_.And it was! He quickly apologized to the artist and paid 200,000 dollars to buy it back. With a strong_44_, the young painter made the rich man_45_his head. This young man was Pablo Picasso.26. A. award B. reward C. bonus D. salary27. A. ill B. optimistic C. abstract D. elegant28. A. neither B. either C. nor D. besides29. A. stood by B. sent for C. come across D. pulled through30. A. stick to B. take to C. see to D. turn to31. A. by accident B. in turn C. on principle D. on purpose32. A. reliable B. gentle C. loud D. firm33. A. eat B. break C. take D. give34. A. forty B. thirty C. twenty D. fifty35. A. receive B. accept C. consult D. abandon36. A. for himself B. in itself C. by himself D. of itself37. A. After B. Before C. Until D. Unless38. A. marked B. grasped C. followed D. bought39. A. eventually B. exactly C. slightly D. probably40. A. content B. cover C. sign D. title41. A. coincidence B. accident C. reputation D. incident42. A. honor B. shame C. disappointment D. pity43. A. right away B. just now C. at times D. now and then44. A. process B. head C. faith D. concept45. A. raise B. bend C. charge D. fail五、七选五【广东省深圳市南山区2018届高三上学期入学摸底考试】Mei Baojiu, a Peking Opera master,passed away when he was 82. As the_46_(nine) son of famous opera star Mei Lanfang, who was the founder of the Mei style of acting, Mei Baojiu devoted his life to_47_(promote) the traditional art of Peking Opera. He was one of Chinas most successful and_48_(admire) Peking Opera performers and enjoyed a worldwide reputation.Born in 1934, Mei Baojiu began to learn the art_49_the age of 10. When he was 13, he had his first formal performance. Gifted with_50_clear and sweet voice, Mei Baojiu was well received by the audience. Besides “The Drunken Beauty”, his classics “Mu Guiying Takes Command” and “Xi Shi, the Beauty”_51_(appreciate) by many foreigners. Mei Baojius famous performances won_52_(he) the “Asias Best-Artist Award” by the New York Lincoln Centre in 1989.Mei Baojiu was enthusiastic about his work_53_(develop) the Peking Opera in general. He hoped this Chinese traditional art could be better and_54_his fathers art could last forever. Mei Baojius_55_(die) is not just a big loss to Peking Opera but also to Chinese culture.寒假训练06 Unit 1 Art一、单词拼写【答案】1. faith 2. abstract 3. aim 4. coincidence 5. evident6. typical 7. possessions 8. ridiculous 9. predict 10. attempt二、单句改错【答案】11. in 后面加the 12. many变成deal13. adapted 变为adopted 14. attempt前加an15.去掉of 16. There 变为It17. am改为were 18. see改为seeing 19. another改为other 20. focus 改为focused 【解析】11. 考查短语辨析。in the possession of 为所有。句意:站在门口的年轻人拥有这辆车吗?不。这辆车为他的父亲所有。12. 考查短语辨析。time为不可数名词,故应用a great deal of来修饰。句意:他们花了很多时间来设计这座大楼。13. 考查动词辨析。adapt 是“适应,改编”的意思,收养孤儿应用adopt。句意:克恩先生将那孤儿收为养子。14. 考查固定短语。make an attempt to.试图做某事。句意:男孩们试图跑去野营,但都失败了。15. 考查固定短语。a great deal of修饰不可数名词,意为“大量的”;a great deal,意为“许多”,是名词,后面不需再跟名词。句意:他今天午饭吃了很多。16. 考查强调句。It is .that . 为强调句型,句意:他是在母亲生日那天出生的,这是个巧合。17. 考查虚拟语气。“If I were you.”固定搭配,如果我是你.。对现在的假设。18. 考查固定短语。with the aim of doing. 为了,目的是做某事。句意:她参观学校的目的是看看图书馆。19. 考查固定短语。on the other hand 另一方面。句意:另一方面,中国传统绘画要比油画花更长的时间学习。20. 考查虚拟语气。would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时表示现在或将来的愿望。句意:我宁愿你把注意力集中在这个问题上。三、句子翻译【答案】21. I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 22. I consider it my duty to help you with your studies.23. The doctor convinced me to stop smoking. 24. The storm did a great deal of material damage.25. It was clear that they hadnt made a decision.四、完形填空【语篇解析】这是一篇记叙文。一个有钱人让一位画家给他画一幅肖像,约定给艺术家$10,000,但是,有钱人后来食言了,只打算给$3000。艺术家对此非常生气,发誓要让有钱人付出20倍的代价。后来,艺术家成名了,他将这幅画标价$200,000,并取名为“Thief”。有钱人知道后,花了$200,000将这幅画买回。艺术家终于洗刷了自己的耻辱。【答案】26-30 BABCA 31-35 DDBCC 36-40 ACABD 41-45 DBACB 【解析】26. 考查名词词义辨析。award奖赏,奖品,奖;reward报答,酬金;bonus红利,津贴;salary薪水。年轻人请画家给他画一幅肖像,他们约定的报酬为$10,000。B选项正确。27. 考查形容词词义辨析。ill坏的,不好的,生病的;optimistic乐观的;abstract抽象的;elegant优雅的。由下文中的“Its me in the painting. If I dont buy, no one will_” So he said, “Ill only pay$3,000!”可知,富人想少付钱,这是一个非常坏的念头。故A选项正确。28. 考查副词词义辨析。neither也不;either也;nor也不;besides此外,另外。年轻人想:“画像上画的是我。如果我不买,别人也不会买。either置于句末,表示“也”。故B选项正确。该句中no one已表示否定意思,故A和C选项不正确。29. 考查动词短语辨析。stand by站在的一边;send for派人去请(叫);come across(偶然)遇见;pull through (使)渡过危机(或难关)。年轻的艺术家以前从未遇到过这样的事情。C选项正确。30. 考查动词短语辨析。stick to遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等);take to开始从事(某种职业、业务等);see to照料,留意;turn to向求助。艺术家强烈地和年轻人争论,希望他可以遵守协议。A选项正确。31. 考查短语辨析。by accident偶然,意外地;in turn轮流;on principle按照原则;on purpose故意地。艺术家意识到富人是故意要少给钱。D选项正确。32. 考查形容词词义辨析。reliable可靠的;gentle温柔的;loud大声的;firm坚定的。由后面艺术家说的话(No! 我宁愿不卖它也不愿遭受侮辱)可知,他说话的语气非常坚决。D选项正确。33. 考查动词词义辨析。eatones words公开承认自己错了;break ones words食言。年轻人原本答应给艺术家$10,000,后来只打算给$3,000,他说话不算数,食言了。故B选项正确。34. 考查数词词义辨析。forty四十;thirty三十;twenty二十;fifty五十。由最后一段中的“paid 200,000 dollars to buy it back”可知,有钱人花了原价的20倍买回了那幅画。故C选项正确。35. 考查动词词义辨析。receive收到;accept接受;consult向咨询,向请教;abandon抛弃。年轻艺术家向著名的老师请教。C选项正确。36. 考查介词短语辨析。for himself为他自己;in itself自身,本质上;by himself单独地,独立地;of itself自行,自然而然地。艺术家为自己闯出了名声。A选项正确。37. 考查连词词义辨析。after在之后;before在之前;until直到;unless除非,如果不。那个富人忘记了整件事。直到有一天,他的一些朋友告诉他:“在一个著名的展览上,一幅画标价$200,000,画里的人看起来和你一模一样。”。故C选项正确。38. 考查动词词义辨析。mark标出,标上;grasp抓住;follow跟随;buy买。在一个著名的展览上,一幅画标价$200,000。故A选项正确。39. 考查副词词义辨析。eventually最终,最后;exactly完全地,确切地;slightly稍微地;probably可能地。画里的人看起来和你(富人)完全一样。exactly表强调。B选项正确。40. 考查名词词义辨析。content内容;cover封面;sign迹象,符号;title标题,头衔。奇怪的是,这幅画的标题是“Thief”。故D选项正确。41. 考查名词词义辨析。coincidence巧合;accident意外事故;reputation名声;incident事件,事。那个有钱人马上就想起了数年前的那件事。D选项正确。42. 考查名词词义辨析。honor荣誉;shame羞耻;disappointment失望;pity怜悯,遗憾。如果这幅画就是数年前的那幅画,那么,这对他来说就是一个耻辱(这幅画的名字是Thief,而里面画的就是他)。故B选项正确。43. 考查短语辨析。right away立刻;just now刚才;at times有时候;now and then时不时地。有钱人马上去找那位画家。A选项正确。44. 考查名词词义辨析。process过程,程序;head头;faith信念,信任;concept概念。带着强烈的信念(数年前,有钱人羞辱了艺术家,艺术家想一雪前耻),艺术家使有钱人低下了头。C选项正确。45. 考查动词词义辨析。raise提高,举起;bend低(头),俯(首);charge收费,索价;fail失败。有钱人向艺术家道歉,并且花了20万美元买回了那幅画。他向艺术家低了头。B选项正确。五、七选五【语篇解析】京剧大师梅兰芳的儿子、梅派传人梅葆玖82岁去世。梅葆玖是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳的第九个孩子,生前为北京京剧院梅兰芳京剧团团长,代表作有霸王别姬、西施、穆桂英挂帅等。1989年,梅葆玖因为出色表演赢得了纽约林肯中心授予的“亚洲最佳表演艺术家”称号。【答案】46. ninth47. promoting 48. admired 49. at 50. a51. were appreciated 52. him53. to develop 54. that 55. death【解析】46. 考查数词。句意:梅葆玖是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳的第九个孩子。用序数词表示第几个,因此填ninth。47. 考查非谓语动词。句意:京剧艺术大师梅葆玖终身致力于京剧事业。献身于,致力于是devote ones life to doing,介词to后面用动名词形式,因此填promoting。48. 考查形容词。句意:他是最成功最受钦羡的京剧表演家。空格前是形容词最高级,可以得知这里用“羡慕的”形容词,因此填admired。49. 考查介词。句意:梅葆玖先生10岁开始学戏。表示年龄用at the age of,这里少介词,因此填at。50. 考查冠词。句意:13岁首台演出时,梅葆玖先生以其清澈甜美的嗓音深受观众们的喜爱。“一副嗓音”用冠词修饰,因此填a。51. 考查动词时态语态。句意:他的代表作霸王别姬、西施、穆桂英挂帅得到外国友人的欢迎。通篇是过去时态,主语“代表作”和“喜爱”是被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态,因此were appreciated。52. 考查代词。句意:梅葆玖因为出色表演在1989年赢得了纽约林肯中心授予的“亚洲最佳表演艺术家”称号。动词后面用宾格人称代词,因此填him。53. 考查非谓语动词。句意:梅葆玖先生热衷于发展京剧。形容词后用不定式结构,因此to develop。54. 考查关系词。句意:他希望中国的传统艺术越来越好并且父亲的技艺会永久流传。动词hope后面有两个宾语从句,第二个宾语从句中的that不能省略,因此填that。55. 考查名词。句意:梅葆玖先生的逝世不仅是京剧界的一大损失也是中国文化的一大损失。名词做主语,因此填death。


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