2019版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1含解析).doc

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2019版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1含解析).doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1含解析).doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1含解析).doc_第3页
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Unit 3 一、词汇讲解1. stubborn adj. 顽固的,固执的;顽强的或有决心的;坚持的;棘手的 比较级: stubborner 最高级: stubbornest【派生词】stubbornly adv. 倔强地,顽强地,顽固地【派生词】stubbornness noun U 倔强,顽强;牛性;牛脾气;犟劲2. organizev. 组织;安排;规划;建立组织【派生词】organizer-iser n.组织者,编制者,发起人;生形成体;口公文柜,(分类记事 的)备忘记事簿;计整理器【派生词】organization n. 组织;机构;团体;【派生词】organizational adj. 组织的;编制的3. determinevt.& vi.(使)下决心,(使)做出决定( on sth/to do sth 决定,决心(做某事) ) vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;使决定;限定vi. 主用于法律了结,终止,结束【派生词】determination n. 决心;决定,确定;物测定,计算【派生词】determinedadj. 确定的;坚定的;毅然的v. 确定;决定;(使)下决心,(使)做出决定( determine 的过去式和过去分词);使决定【派生词】determinedly adv. 坚决地;坚定地;断然地;决然地4. journey (Journey to the West 西游记 )n. 旅行,旅程行期;历程,过程vi. 旅行,出游vt. 在旅行或旅行到过【近义词辩词】1) journey 指经由陆路、空路或海路,从一地到另一地的旅程,如:a journey of over 2, 000 miles (2, 000 多英里的旅程)。表示旅行到某个地方用 journey,这是文雅的用法:The nights became colder as they journeyed north(他们北上的过程中,夜晚变得越来越冷)。2) voyage 通常指乘船或乘坐飞行器进行的长途旅行:the voyage to the moon in 1972(1972年的登月之旅)。3) trip 通常指短期逗留的往返旅程:a business trip to Milan(到米兰出差)。注意,trip 用作 动词时含义不同。4) excursion 指 短 途 的 观 光 游 览 或 有 其 他 目 的 的 短 途 旅 行 : The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace of Knossos(旅游局组织去克诺索斯王宫观光游览)。5) travel 泛指旅行的行为而非某次具体的旅行,用复数形式时多指到远方作长期旅行或旅 游,不强调直接目的地。例如:a record of her travels in the Far East 她在远东游历的记录6) tour 旅游,观光。指以游乐为目的、最后返回出发地的观光游览,途中走访数个不同地 点,距离可长可短。例如:He has gone on a tour to Europe.他到欧洲旅游去了。5. mind 短语1) bear/keep sb./sth. in mind; bear/keep in mind that【双语解释】 将记在心中;记起;考虑to remember sb./sth.; to remember or consider that2) be/go out of your mind【双语解释】 心智失常;发疯to be unable to think or behave in a normal way; to bee crazy【例句】(informal) Youre lending them money? You must be out of your tiny mind!你要把钱借给他们?你真是疯到家了。3) have it in mind to do sth.【双语解释】 (formal) 打算做某事 to intend to do sth.4) have a mind of your own【双语解释】 有主见;能自作决定to have your own opinion.Make your own decisions without being influenced by other people【例句】She has a mind of her own and isnt afraid to say what she thinks.她有主见,并且敢于表达自己的观点。(humorous) My puter seems to have a mind of its own!我的电脑好像也有它自己的想法!5) lose your mind【双语解释】 发疯;神经错乱to bee mentally ill6) make up your mind/make your mind up【双语解释】 做出决定;下定决心 to decide sth.【例句】Theyre both beautifulI cant make up my mind.两个都很漂亮我难以决定。Youll never persuade him to stayhis minds made up (= he has definitely decided to go) .你根本无法劝他留下来他已经拿定主意了。e onits make your mind up time ! 嗨!你该作出决定了!7) put/get sth. out of your mind【双语解释】 不再想;有意忘记to stop thinking about sb/sth; to deliberately forget sb/sth【例句】I just cant get her out of my mind.我就是忘不掉她。8) put sb in mind of sb/sth【双语解释】(old-fashioned) 使某人想起to make sb think of sb/sth; to remind sb of sb/sth9) put/set sbs mind at ease/rest【双语解释】 安慰;宽解;使宽心to do or say sth. to make sb stop worrying about sth.10) set your mind on sth.【双语解释】 集中精力做;下决心做to decide you want to achieve sth. and give this all your attention【例句】She could have been a brilliant pianist if shed put her mind to it.如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一名杰出的钢琴家。11) blow your mind【双语解释】(informal) 使某人兴奋(或吃惊)to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feeling【例句】Wait till you hear this. Itll blow your mind.等着听听这个吧。它会让你大感意外的。12) change your/sbs mind【双语解释】 改变决定(或看法、主意)to change a decision or an opinion【例句】Nothing will make me change my mind.什么都不能让我改变主意。13) cross your mind【双语解释】(of thoughts, etc. 想法等) 掠过心头;出现在脑海to e into your mind同义词: occur to sb.【例句】It never crossed my mind that she might lose (= I was sure that she would win) .我从来没想过她会失败。14) have/keep an open mind (about/on sth.)【双语解释】 愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对)不怀成见;思想开明 to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions15) open your/sbs mind to sth.【双语解释】(使人)思想开阔,意识到某事to bee or make sb. aware of new ideas or experiencespush sth. to the back of your mind 刻意忘掉(不愉快的事);把丢到脑后to try to forget about sth. unpleasant【例句】I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind.我尽量把这个念头忘掉。16) out of sight, out of mind【双语解释】(saying) 眼不见,心不想used to say sb. will quickly be forgotten when they are no longer with you17) slip your mind【双语解释】 被遗忘if sth. slips your mind , you forget it or forget to do it18) stick in your mind【双语解释】(of a memory, an image, etc. 往事、形象等) 经久不忘;铭记在心to be remembered for a long time【例句】One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.他有一幅画我记得特别清楚。6. give 短语give away 1.赠送;捐赠2.丧失,失去,错失(优势)3.泄露(秘密)4.使露出真面目5.(基督教婚礼上)将(新娘)交给新郎give back归还;退还give in1.认输;承认做不到2.屈从;让步give off释放,放出,发出(气体、热量、气味等)give out1.释放,放出,发出(气体、热量、气味等)2.分发;散发3.公开,宣布(消息等)4.(设备或身体部位)停止运转,停止运行give over to/give up to专门用于give up1.放弃;戒除2.认输;放弃3.辞去(工作)4.让出5.自首;投案give up on对绝望;对不抱希望词汇练习 一、单词拼写1.The first and most sproblem was that of reductions in the number of aircraft. 2.He kept on drunning despite an injured toe.3.I couldnt tell if his refusal to talk was simple s.4. Most of these specialized schools are provided by voluntary o.5. Advanced methods and techniques in oand managerial research, including aspects of operations research and data processing.6. The size of the chicken pieces will d the cooking time7. She has jon horseback through Africa and Turkey.8. I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the o. 9.Ive always been fond of poetry and one piece has always s in my mind. 10.Its that kind of courage and d that makes him such a remarkable character. 二、选词填空crossed his mind;put. mind to;stick in your mind;change your mind; made up . minds;out of mind;open your mind to;set .mind on;put . mind at ease; slip your mind;bear in mind;have an open mind;changed my mind;blow your mind;1. I was going to vote for him, but Iand voted for Reagan 2.It had neverthat there might be a problem.3.You could do fine in the world if youit. 4.Practically using vocabulary can help it .5.This way, nothing willduring the morning rush. 6.Problems, once they are out of sight are.7. When youimpossible, you will find the truth.8. In order to develop a sense of humor, one mustand the ability to deal with unpleasant events and people.9. If you are flexible, you can, your plans and the direction of your life.10. .I am sure you will succeed in whatever youdoing.11. .Our family doctorwhen he told her he felt I would not have any major medical concerns.12. Now Im going toa woman always knows what youre thinking. 13.Have youwhere to go for your honeymoon?14.We mustthese lessons paid for with blood.2.give in;give in to;give away;give out;give off;give up;1. His teachers seem to haveon him.2. The Chinese people will neverthe disaster. 3.After a week on the run heto the police.4. Hemost of his money to charity.5. After a month their food supplies. They need to figured out a way to cope with the problem.6. We all fell in love with Mr. White garden , where the flowersa fragrant perfume.7. Wedhope of ever winning the petition.8. It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game. 9.My family insisted that I should not, but stay and fight10.All children in our class was educated totheir seats to people in need. 11.He often came to check their studies andnew assignments.翻译练习 练习一:根据所给中文提示填写空白处1.His face was set in.(固执坚定的表情)2.His( 始终不愿接受任何 新事物)eventually wore out the patience of his superiors3. He(固执地拒绝)to tell her how he had e to be in such a state.4. I finally(放弃了我的固执)and visited unexpectedly. 5.Never let your persistence and passion( 变 成 固 执和无知).6.Well(组织一些学生参加)the basketball team. 7.Tom(具有组织的能力), coordinate and supervise staff.8. Id like to let you know that(你是一个天生的组织领 导者).9. I am aware that(该书的编排还有 待改进).10. .I have gone through the training of team spirit, and I have (一定的组织管理能力).11.(她的幽默言谈和坚定决心)were a source of inspiration to others.12. This timewas unshakable. (他是铁了心要走)13. The exact quantity cannot(目前尚不能确定).14. (他们决意回到) the land of their forefathers. 15.If the love bees to the bitter wine,(就毅然地放下 执着).16.My films( 试图描述一个自我发现的心灵之 旅), both for myself and the watcher.17.She reached Karachi on Monday evening,(这段行程耗时)three days and nine hours练习二:中译英1.我对付不了那个孩子,他很固执。2.她怎么都不肯付钱。3.失业率居高不下。4.我爱你的勇气,你的固执。5.我们应当组织更多的社交活动。6.他很有组织才能。 7.我认为是时候组织起来了。8.警方收集到了大量关于该组织的有用信息。9.我有良好的管理技巧和组织能力。10.我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该做什么。11.关键在于要有决心和信心。12.我们定下决心,要在元旦前完成这项工作。13.他是个有决心有毅力的人。14.坚定向前行动以您的计划。15.这次旅行给他们留下了良好的印象。16.我们的旅客一路上的行为让人很难解释。 参考答案: 一、单词拼写stubborn;determinedly; stubbornness; organizations; organizational; determine; journeyed; organization; stuck; determination二、选词填空1. changed my mind; crossed his mind; put your mind to; stick in your mind; slip your mind; out of mind; open your mind to; have an open mind; change your mind; set your mind on; put her mind at ease; blow your mind; made up your minds; bear in mind2. given up; give in to; gave himself up; gave away; gave out; gave off; given up; away; give in; give up; give out三、中译英练习练习一1. His face was set in an expression of stubborn determination.他脸上流露出固执坚定的表情。2. His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors他始终不愿接受任何新事物,最终让上司失去了耐心。3. He stubbornly refused to tell her how he had e to be in such a state.他固执地拒绝告诉她自己是如何沦落到这种地步的。4. I finally gave up my stubbornness and visited unexpectedly.我终于放弃了我的固执,并参观了意外。5. Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance.永远不要让你的坚持和激情变成固执和无知。6. Well organize some students into the basketball team.我们将组织一些学生参加篮球队。7. Ability to organize, coordinate and supervise staff.具有组织,协调和管理职工的能力。8. Id like to let you know that you were a natural born organizer.你是一个天生的组织领导者。9. I am aware that the organization of the book leaves something to be improved.我知道该书的编排还有待改进。10. .I have gone through the training of team spirit, and I have a certain organizational manageme- nt capabilities.这种经历培养了我的团队合作精神,并让我具有一定的组织管理能力。11. Her humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others.她的幽默言谈和坚定决心对其他人来说是一种鼓舞。12. This time his determination to leave was unshakable.他这次是铁了心要走。13. The exact quantity cannot be determined at present.确切数量目前尚不能确定。14. They were determined to go back to the land of their forefathers.他们决意回到祖先的土地上。15. .If the love bees to the bitter wine, and put down determinedly.如果爱已变成苦酒,就毅然地放下执着。16. My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher. 我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅。17. .She reached Karachi on Monday evening, the journey having occupied three days and nine hours她在星期一晚上抵达了卡拉奇,这段行程耗时 3 天 9 小时。练习二1.I cannot cope with that boy; he is stubborn.我对付不了那个孩子,他很固执。2. She stubbornly refused to pay.她怎么都不肯付钱。3. Unemployment remains stubbornly high.失业率居高不下。4. I love your courage and your stubbornness.我爱你的勇气,你的固执。5. We ought to organize more social events我们应当组织更多的社交活动。6. He has the ability to organize.他很有组织才能。7. I think its time to organize.我认为是时候组织起来了。8. The police gained a great deal of useful information about the organization.警方收集到了大量关于该组织的有用信息。9. I have good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.我有良好的管理技巧和组织能力。10. My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该做什么。11. What counts is determination and confidence.关键在于要有决心和信心。12. We are determined to get the work done before New Years Day.我们定下决心,要在元旦前完成这项工作。13. He is a very determined and strong-willed person.他是个有决心有毅力的人。14. To move ahead determinedly with your plans.坚定向前行动以您的计划。15. The journey leaves a favourable impression.这次旅行给他们留下了良好的印象。16. .Our travellers behaviour on the journey is hard to explain我们的旅客一路上的行为让人很难解释。


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