广东版(开心)六上《Unit 9 The Green fish is the biggest》ppt课件1.ppt

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广东版(开心)六上《Unit 9 The Green fish is the biggest》ppt课件1.ppt_第1页
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Unit9Thegreenfishisthebiggest older old younger young LiuXiang Dong slow slower shorter tall er small HOW 怎样 去潜水 去潜水 dive diving go 戴上 穿上 puton these oxygenbottles divingsuit divingglasses 这些 divingshoes puttheseon treasure some treasures some 宝藏 金银财宝 andgodiving Theysee 看到 manythings 许多东西 Oneday see 1 Whatcanthey see Theyseesome greatfish bigfish beautifulfish多姿多彩的鱼 greatfish 2 Cantheyseeany 宝藏 treasure 2 Cantheyseeany No theycan t treasure 2 Whatcantheyinthebox see Thatredfishis big Thebluefishis bigger Thegreenfishis the biggest Let swrite 独立完成 Thatredfishis big Theblueis bigger Thegreenis the biggest one one fish fish Lookatthebeautifulfish Thatredoneisbig Ouch Thisgreenfishisthebiggest Theblueoneisbigger Let sreadanddo Let sgodiving Yeah Puttheseon You llseesomegreatfish Thanks Lookatthebeautifulfish Thatredoneisbig Theblueoneisbigger Wow Here ssometreasure Look Ouch Thisgreenfishisthebiggest ReadPwithyourpartneranddoexercise2 9 Thegreenfishisthebiggest ConversationListenandlook 47 47 2 Write T or F intheblanks A Theredfishisbiggerthanthebluefish B Thegreenfishisthebiggest C Theycanfindthetreasure T F F Let swrite 小组讨论完成 Theisthebiggest yellowfish What sthebiggest Theisthebiggest animals What sthebiggest animal elephant What sthebiggestanimal 世界上 intheworld 18公尺 Task5 Discuss 讨论 长度 18米重量 40000kg 18公尺 18公尺 高度 2米重量 2000kg 长度 26米重量 150000kg 18公尺 高度 4米重量 8000kg Theisthebiggest whale Thewhaleisthebiggest What s intheworld thebiggestanimal smaller small thesmallest Theisthesmallest ant What sthesmallestanimalinthis Pairwork 对话 Theantisthesmallestanimalinthisbook Thewhaleisthebiggest A What sthebiggest smallestinthepicture B The isthebiggest The isthesmallest 1 The isthebiggest The isthesmallest whale whale dog tiger dog Let stalkandwrite Let stalkandwrite A What sthebiggest smallestinthepicture B The isthebiggest The isthesmallest 1 The isthebiggest The isthesmallest whale bus whale dog tiger bike bus taxi dog 2 The isthebiggest The isthesmallest bike watermelon A What sthebiggest smallestinthepicture B The isthebiggest The isthesmallest apple banana pineapple watermelon pear strawberry chair book bag pen chair 3 The isthebiggest Thestrawberryisthe smallest 4 The isthe The isthesmallest chair pen Let stalkandwrite biggest theSahara撒哈拉沙漠 Thebiggest desert ostrich鸵鸟 Thebiggestbird hummingbird蜂鸟 Thesmallestbird 它身长若5厘米 重若2克 相当于一粒花生米重 hummingbird Animalsareourfriends 动物是我们的朋友wemustprotectthem 我们必须保护他们 保护海洋生态环境 Wemustprotectthemarineecosystem Summary 小结 thebiggest thesmallest TheconversationandthetargetofUnit9 hasthebiggestheadinourclass Findoutthebiggest thesmallestinyourclass family has havethesmallestmouthinmyfamily Homework 1 Finishthepaper Findtheanswersinyourclassandfamily 2 Surfthenetandfindoutmoreinformationabouttheworldrecords 上网搜索更多 世界之最 的信息 Whoisthebest


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