2019-2020年牛津译林版英语高二下册Module 8《Unit 1 The written world》word教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版英语高二下册Module 8Unit 1 The written worldword教案. Words1classic(1) adj. 古典的,典型的a classic style 古典派的风格classic literature 古典文学a classic case of pneumonia 典型的肺炎病例(2) n. 古典作品,名著中国古典作品 the Chinese classics2wisdom n. 智慧,明智(1) 他是一个很有智慧的人。He is a man of wisdom.(2) 随着年龄的增长,人会变得更加聪明。People often gain wisdom with age.(3) the collective wisdom of the masses 群众集体智慧adj. wise 智慧的,英明的Its wise of sb. to do sth.3releasevt. 赦免,免除;发行,放映,发表releasefrom 把从中解脱出来豁免某人的欠款 release sb. from his debt使某人不忧虑 release sb. from anxiety我听说他下周出狱了。I heard that he was released from prison last week.release a news item 发表一个消息a recently released film / album 新发行的电影/唱片n. 释放,解除从监狱释放后,他回了家。After his release from prison, he came home.Dont A this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.AreleaseBrelieveCrelateDretain4adaptation n. 改编,编写;适应(adjust) v. adaptadj. adaptableadopt(汉) 采用,采纳;收养使适应 adapt (sb / oneself) to 他很快适应了这种新的气候。He adapted (himself) quickly to the new climate.为孩子编写的教科书 textbooks adapted for children这部影片是由张爱玲的小说改编而来的。This film is adapted from Zhang Ailings novel.adaptation C, UThe adaptation (改编) of the play for radio was easily done.An adaptation (改编本) of David Copperfield was broadcast on the radio.5work(1) n. U 工作我该打电话到你家还是班上?Should I call you at home or at work?(2) n. C 作品,著作;工厂,工程(常用pl.)the plete Works of Luxun 鲁迅全集卡尔马克思的著作 the works of Karl Marxpublic works 公共建筑工程钢铁厂 an iron and steel works(3) 起作用,(机器等)运转The sleeping pills did their work.机器运转正常。The machine works smoothly.今天所有电话都出故障了。Today all the phones dont work properly.拓展:at workwork out the problem / a planwork on 从事于,继续工作work (hard) at (努力)学习,做work as 起作用,充当,function asWe didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it A very well.Aworked outBtried outCwent outDcarried on6harm n. / v.adj. 有害的 harmful无害的,无恶意的 harmlessdo harm to sb. / do sb. harm / be harmful to sb. 对某人有害mean no harm 没有恶意e to (no) harm 受到(没受到)伤害(1) 昨晚发生的暴风雨对该地区的庄稼造成了损害。The storm which happened last night did harm to the crops in this area. (be harmful to)(2) 长时间暴露在阳光下会伤害皮肤。Being exposed to the sunlight for so long will do harm to ones skin.(3) 他并没有恶意。He meant no harm.(4) 我要和她同去以免她受到伤害。Ill go with her to make sure she es to no harm.(5) As is well-known to us all, drinking too much can C ones health.AwoundBhurtCharmDinjure7fortune n. C 财产,财富U 运气,好运(luck)词汇拓展:不幸,灾祸 misfortune幸运的,侥幸的 fortunate不幸的 unfortunateadv. unfortunately常用搭配:运气好/坏 have good / bad fortune (luck)发(大)财 make a (considerable / big) fortune外出找出路 seek ones fortune.碰运气 try ones fortune(1) In the past 20 years quite a lot of ambitious young people have gone abroad to seek their D.AhelpBequalsClivesDfortunate(2) 我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。I had the good fortune (was lucky enough) to be chosen for a trip abroad.(3) 他靠卖废料发了大财。He made a considerable / big fortune by selling waste materials.(4) 父亲死后她得到/继承了一大笔财产。(inherit)She received / inherited a large fortune after her father passed away.8prejudice n. / v. adj. prejudiced 有偏见的,对有偏见be prejudiced against / have (a) prejudice against 使某人对抱偏见种族偏见 color / racial prejudice(1) 在一些公司里对妇女的歧视仍然存在。Prejudice against women is still mon in some panies.(2) 我在日本的经历使我对日本生产的所有产品抱有偏见。My own experience in Japan prejudiced me against all the products made in Japan.(3) 我不知道他们为何对这么好的主意如此反感。I dont know why they are prejudiced against / have (a) prejudice against this wonderful idea.9bent adj. 决意的,极想的be bent on / upon doing 一心想做,决心要(1) 他一心想让他们高兴。He was bent on making them happy.(2) 一心看书,他没有看到狗跑了。Bent on reading, he didnt see the dog escape.拓展:潜心于,专心于,类似表达有:be lost in / be absorbed in / be determined to / be devoted to / be engaged inMary is C getting the first place in the petition so she practised all day long.Abusy withBbent forCbent uponDanxious to10wealth n. U 财富,财产adj. wealthy 富有的,丰富的大富翁 a man of great wealth富裕的家庭 a wealthy family社会财富是由工人农民创造的。The wealth of society is created by workers and peasants.a wealth of 大量的,众多的(lots of)a book with a wealth of illustrations 有大量插图的书He gained his D by printing of famous writers.Awealth; work Bwealths; worksCwealths; work Dwealth; works11fancy adj. 华而不实的,高档的,极好的n. 幻想,想象相关短语:have a fancy (that) 感到,感觉have a fancy for 喜爱,渴望take a fancy to 喜欢上,爱上(无明显原因)take (catch) sbs fancy / take (catch) the fancy of sb / attract sb吸引某人,引起喜爱我感觉他将迟到。I have a fancy that hell be late.展品深受参观者喜爱。The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.Why do you go to the dancing hall three times a week?Ive taken a(n) C to dancing.AinterestBhobbyCfancyDcourse12settle vt. n. settlementsettler(定居者)说出下列句子中settle的含义:(1) Weve settled to go to Wales where we are to settle. 决定定居(2) A bird settled on the branch. 落在(3) After the excitement I tried to settle myself. 使平静下来在农村家安落户 be settled in the countrysettle down 安稳,坐下来,定居下来,平静下来,(对新环境或工作等)适应起来她静下心来看书。She settled down to read a book.你什么时候结婚过上安定生活?When are you going to marry and settle down?在北京一定居下来我就定信给你。Ill write you as soon as I am settled in Beijing.With a lot of problems A, the manager will have a hard time this week.With a lot of problems D, the manager felt happy.Ato settleBsettling Cto be settledDsettled13acquaintance n. 相识;熟人v. acquaintadj. acquainted相关短语:make the acquaintance of sb. / make sbs acquaintance 结识某人(get to know)get / be acquainted with (be familiar with)acquaint sb. / oneself with (make sb. / oneself familiar with)Translate: She is an old acquaintance. 她是个老相识/熟人。He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点日语。我是在一个聚会上认识他的。I made his acquaintance / make the acquaintance of him at a party.你对莎士比亚的作品熟悉吗?Are you acquainted with the works of Shakespeare?. Language points in the text1This makes them difficult for some people to read.结构:make something +形+for somebody + to do.eg: Too many new words make the passage difficult for us to understand.太多的生词使我们难以理解这篇短文。练习:(1) The Internet makes the world easier for us to learn about.(互联网使我们了解世界变得更容易了)(2) This book has many pictures. This makes it easier for students to learn.这本书里有许多图画,这使学生学起来更容易。2They were so well written and well received that people still read them today.短语:be well received 受到好评,普遍认可该电影受到评论家们的一致好评。The film is well received by critics.3have nothing to do with life today.短语:have nothing to do with 和无关再如:have little / not much / much / a lot / a great deal to do with.练习:(1) This doesnt have much to do with me. 这与我没多大关系(2) A tsunami has a lot to do with the earthquake down the ocean.海啸与海底地震有很大关系。(3) The Iraqi war has more to do with oil than with anti-terrorism.伊拉克战争与反恐没多大关系,更多的是与石油有关。(4) Does he have anything to do with the murder? 他与这个谋杀案有关吗?4They have not disappeared and still have a place in the world today.短语:have a place in 在中占有一席之地翻译:Mr. Jones has a very important place in the pany.琼斯先生在公司中占有非常重要的地位。He has no place in his family. 他在他家庭中无地位。5I do not think these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today.(1) do not think 属于否定转移判断下列句子是否属于否定转移:I dont think it will rain tomorrow. ()We dont think you are right. ()He doesnt think you are ing. ()You dont think I will go with her. ()I didnt think it was suitable. ()I dont believe that she has done so much in a week, C?Ado I Bdont I Chas sheDhasnt she(2) Would be if had 属于现在时虚拟语气翻译:现在他如果有时间,是会帮你写的。If he had time, he would help you.昨天我太忙,否则我就与你一起去。I was so busy yesterday, otherwise I would have gone with you.如果他请你帮忙,你会帮他吗?If he should ask for your help, would you help him?(3) 此句中made into“被制成,被拍成”意思,强调成品。用适当介词或副词填空(不一定填一个词):The cup is made of glass.The book is made from wood.We can make glass into bottles.The class is made up of 60 students.6He first published many novels one chapter at a time and some were later performed on stage.at a time 每次相关短语:一度,从前 at one time有时,间或 at times 同时;但是,然而 at the same time立刻,马上 in no time 在任何时候都不 at no time及时;迟早,最后 in time (for sth. / to do sth)暂且 for the time being7By his death, one of Englands greatest writers is lost to the world.be lost to 失去,没有;将某事物置之度外eg. The opportunity was lost to him. 他失去了这次机会。When he listens to music, hes lost to the world. 当他听起音乐便把整个世界忘之脑后。Lost in thought (陷入沉思), he didnt notice me.Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, pletely D the outside world.Ahaving been lost toBto be lost inClosing toDlost to8 who would rather die than see any harm e to Pip.句型would rather do than do意为“宁愿也不愿”翻译:他宁死不屈。He would rather die than surrender.城里太拥挤了,我宁愿住在农场也不愿住在城里。Its too crowded in the city, so I would rather live on a farm than in the city.would rather后接宾语从句时,从句谓语用虚拟语气。翻译:我宁愿他们明天来。I would rather they came tomorrow.我宁愿你昨天没告诉我。Id rather you hadnt told me yesterday.rather than 意为“而不是,与其宁愿”eg. (1) 他宁可走开而不愿惹麻烦。Rather than cause trouble, he went away.(2) 她宁愿八月份去北京而不是七月份。She preferred to go to Beijing in August rather than in July.单选:Young adults D old people are more likely to prefer pop songs.Aother thanBmore thanCless thanDrather thanRather than A money through dishonest means, I prefer _ a poor but peaceful life.Amake; to liveBto make; livingCmake; livingDto make; to liveWould you rather B there tomorrow?No, Id rather he _ there instead of me.Ato go; will goBgo; wentCgo; will goDgoing; shall go9 and the fortune sets him free from financial worries.此处set free意思为“使获得自由,使没有束缚”,free from意思是“不受伤害(或影响等)”翻译:这个小男孩打开了笼子的门,把鸟放了出来。The little boy opened the door of the cage and set the birds free.从那以后,老夫妇俩就生活在这个宁静的村子里,远离对战争的恐惧。From then on, the old couple lived in the quiet village, free from fear of war.10Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.此处can hardly / not wait to do意为“想做某事都等不及了,迫不及待地做某事”翻译:那些“粉丝”迫不及待地想见到他们所喜爱的歌星。These fans can hardly wait to see their favorite pop star.那只猫迫不及待地想逃出笼子。The cat cant wait to get out of the cage.11 and before long he develops the shortings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old panions.before long意为“不久以后”,相当于soon,常用于一般将来时或一般过去时的句子中作状语。long before意为“在之前很久”,常用于一般过去时或过去完成时的句子中,也可以单独使用。完成句子:The plane took off long before he got to the airport.I had learned driving long before I bought a car.I had seen this movie long before Christmas.We heard it long before.They fell in love at the first sight and before long they got married.Hell be back before long. My work goes on well, and B I will go to play with you.Along beforeBbefore longClong agoDnot long ago12Pip dislikes it when Joe es to visit him in London.dislike it +when / if从句,适用于这种结构的常见动词还有like,hate,appreciate等。我不喜欢他呆在家里,因为他什么事也不做。I disliked it when he stayed at home, because he did nothing.我讨厌你在大庭广众之下说这样的话。I hate it if you say such things in public.如果你能帮我一下,我会十分感激。Id appreciate it if you could help me.巩固练习:一、短语翻译1对有偏见have prejudice against 2一心想要,决心要be bent on3和相识,结识make the acquaintance of4发财,致富make a fortune5无害do no harm二、单词拼写1She had acquired much wisdom (智慧) during her long life.2It was generous (大方的,慷慨的) of you to share your food with me.3Her friendliness soon overcame the prejudice (偏见) of her stepchildren.4Her face was rigid (死板的) with terror.5The birth rate in this city is almost constant (固定的).6Mr. Danial is our financial adviser.7He received a large fortune when his uncle died.8The child fell over but came to no harm.9How very civil of you!10We settled the dispute among ourselves.


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