2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空基础课外题(9).doc

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2019年中考英语:完形填空基础课外题(9)及答案第一篇Mothers Day is a holiday for mothers. It is celebrated(庆祝)in the United States, England, India and(1)countries. In a short time, it becomes widely celebrated. Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people(2)gifts(礼物)of love to their mothers.The(3)of a day for mothers was suddenly given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia(费城)As a result of her(4), the celebration of the first(5)Mothers Day was(6)in Philadelphia on May 10,1908. Soon the(7)became popular all over the U. SA. and around the world.In China, people do the same on the day for mothers. And, in some cities, people sometimes ask(8)to be broadcasted(广播)on the radio for his or her mother only.(9)might cost a little money, but as it is said,“(10)is invaluable(无价的)”()1A. the othe B.any otherC. some other D. another()2A. put B.send C. write D. post()3A. visit B.workC. trouble D. idea()4A. good newsB.hard workC. nice photo D. bad accident()5A. American B.EnglishC. Indian D. Canadian()6A. holding B. heldC. deciding D. decided()7A. game B .meeting C. holiday D . city()8.A. a present B. a songC. some flowers D. some clothes()9.A. This B. TheseC. She D. They()10.A. Money B. TimeC. Love D.Hate答案:1C 2B 3D 4B 5A6B 7C 8B 9A 10C第二篇xx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案政治经济文化类从每题的三个选项中,选出最佳答案。In China, very few children make pocket money. However, in western countries, most kids make pocket money by themselves. They make money in many different. When kids are very young, their parents help them sell the fruits of their own trees to neighbors. Kids may also helpdo housework to make money at home. When they reach sixteen , they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants, during the summer holidays. There are manyof making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn tomoney to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to the daily life problems by helping their parents or others. Making pocket money isfor children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage their kids to make pocket money.【小题1】A. waysB. levelsC. homes【小题2】A. teachersB. friendsC. parents【小题3】A. reallyB. hardlyC. especially【小题4】A. choices B. advantages C. problems【小题5】A. funB. value C. message【小题6】A. countB. wasteC. manage【小题7】A. give upB. look upC. deal with【小题8】A. helpfulB. carefulC. beautiful第三篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。An old carpenter(木匠) was ready to retire. His boss was 1 to see the good worker go. He asked the carpenter 2 he could build just one more house. The carpenter said yes, 3 his mind was not on his work any more. He used poor materials and worked on the house 4 . When the carpenter finished his work, the boss 5 the front-door key to him, This is your house, he said, A 6 for you. What a surprise! What a 7 ! If he had known he was building his 8 house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live in the house he had poorly built. 9 it is with us. Sometimes we build our 10 carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we have 11 . We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we dont have a 12 to make it all over again. Think of 13 as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it 14 . It is the only life you will ever build because life is a do-it-yourself project.Your life today is the 15 of your attitudes and choices you made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you make today.1. A. glad B. nervous C. ready D. sorry 2. A. if B. when C. how D. why 3. A. and B. but C. or D. so 4. A. carefully B. completely C. carelessly D. successfully 5. A. handed B. left C. sold D. threw 6. A. gift B. promise C. choice D. question 7. A. task B. wisdom C. shame D. stress 8. A. real B. expensive C. old D. own 9. A. Neither B. So C. Nor D. As 10. A. studies B. lives C. jobs D. feelings 11. A. created B. changed C. discussed D. affected 12. A. plan B. chance C. method D. pleasure 13. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. yourself 14. A. wisely B. peacefully C. rapidly D. widely 15. A. talent B. wealth C. result D. difference【文章大意】本文通过一位木匠的故事告诉我们要认真仔细地对待自己的生活。 15D A BCA 6-10 A C DB B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14. A 15.C第四篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world. But do you know they can teach us?Geese (雁), for example, teach a very good lesson about 41 . In the fall, Canada geese fly to the warm south to 42 Canadas cold winter. They lift off in no order. Yet 43 they form a V shape, with one bird leading the group.This V shape allows geese to 44 energy. When the front bird moves its wings up and down, the resulting force of the air lifts the next one. This continues down the line. The bird 45 has the hardest job. When it gets 46 . it moves behind, and another bird moves into the lead. By sharing the role, the group can travel great distances. Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without 47 than birds flying alone.During the long flying journey, geese communicate with one another. They honk (鸣叫)to 48 the birds up front to keep up the speed. They also cheer each other up 49 working toward a common goal.What have we learned from the lovely geeses experience and skills? 50 together! Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs, we need other people. We need the spirit of teamwork!41. A. experienceB. successC. friendshipD. teamwork42. A. look forB. get away from C. wait forD. walk away from43. A. busilyB. quicklyC. bravelyD. suddenly44. A. saveB. wasteC. createD. lose45. A. in frontB. at the backC. in the middle D. on the left46. A. boredB. tiredC. hungryD. thirsty47. A. restB. sleepC. excuseD. result47. A. leadB. liftC. teachD. encourage49. A. untilB. afterC. whileD. before50. A. PlayB. TravelC. LiveD. Work【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章通过列举大雁南飞过程中排成V字形,方便雁群节省体能,提高飞翔速度,大雁的团体合作精神也给了我们很多启示。 41. D考查名词词义辨析。句意:例如,大雁教了有关_非常好的一课。experience经验,体验;success成功;friendship友谊;teamwork团队合作。联系文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了大雁的团体合作,故选D。42. B考查动词短语辨析。句意:加拿大的大雁飞到温暖的南方去_加拿大的寒冷冬季。look for寻找;get away from摆脱,逃离;wait for等待;walk away from离开,从 走开。联系常识,大雁南飞去过冬,摆脱寒冷的冬季,故选B。 43. B考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们没有秩序地升空,但是_组成V行。busily忙地;quickly快速地;bravely勇敢地;suddenly突然地。分析句意并联系常识,大雁南飞升空后迅速组成V字形,故选B。 44. A考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种V字形容易_能量。save节省;waste浪费;create创造;lose丢失。联系下文,头雁上下扇动翅膀,空气的合力举起后面的另一只鸟儿,可知后面鸟儿可以借助这个力量,所以V字形让大雁群南飞节省能量,故选A。 45. A考查介词短语辨析。句意:_的鸟儿有着最艰苦的工作。in front前方,在前方;at the back在后面;in the middle在中间;on the left在左侧。分析句意并联系下文,如果头雁累了,后面的另一只大雁会飞到前面领队,所以头雁的工作最艰苦,故选A。 46. B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当它_,会移到后面。bored无聊的;tired劳累的;hungry饿的;thirsty渴的。联系常识,头雁累了,会移到后面,另一只大雁会继续领队,变成头雁,故选B。47. A考查名词词义辨析。句意:南飞中大雁V字形没有_比单飞要远行70%。rest休息;sleep睡眠;excuse借口;result结果。分析句意并联系常识,大雁南飞不必休息很多次,并飞行的更远,故选A。 48. D考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们鸣叫是为了_鸟儿保持速度。lead带领;lift举起;teach教;encourage鼓励。分析句意及联系常识,雁群不停地鸣叫,是为了鼓励别的大雁保持速度,故选D。49. C考查连词词义辨析。句意:_朝着一个共同的目标飞行,他们也彼此振奋。until直到 以来;after在之后;while当时候;before在之前。分析句意并联系常识,当他们朝着一个目标飞行时,彼此照顾、呼唤、振奋精神,故选C。 50. D考查动词词义辨析。句意:_一起!play玩,播放;travel旅游;live生存;work工作。分析文章主要介绍了大雁的团体合作精神,故选D。


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