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2019-2020学年高中英语下学期第13周周训练题双向细目表题号分值考点识记理解简单运用综合运用难易程度11.5动词辨析易21.5动词辨析易31.5时态辨析易41.5名词辨析易51.5形容词辨析中61.5时态辨析易71.5动词辨析中81.5名词辨析难91.5副词辨析易101.5介词辨析难111.5动词辨析中121.5动词辨析中131.5副词辨析难141.5代词辨析易151.5动词辨析易161.5连词辨析中171.5形容词辨析中181.5连词辨析中191.5介词辨析中201.5名词辨析中212细节理解题难222语境运用易232推理判断题易242推理判断题中251.5语境运用易261.5考查副词中271.5考查介词难281.5考查动词时态易291.5考查搭配易301.5考查动词搭配中311.5考查连词中321.5考查形容词、副词中331.5考查时态中341.5考查连词中351.5考查非谓语难第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A8 SUNDAY 1 P.M.Molly Sinclair McCartney, a former (以前的) Washington Post reporter, will discuss“Americas War Machine: Vested Interests, Endless Conflicts”at Politics and Prose,5015 Connecticut Ave.NW. 202-364-1919.7 P.M.Richard Russo, a Pultizer Prize-winning novelist, will read from his book “Everybodys Fool,” about friends inNew York, at Politics and Prose. $36-$50.10 TUESDAY 7 P.M.Angela Duckworth, aUniversityofPennsylvaniaprofessor, will discuss her book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue, 600 ISt.NW. 202-408-3100. $16-$40.11 WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M.Ben Lindbergh, a writer forFiveThirtyEight., will discuss his book “The Only Rule Is It Has to Work: Our Wild Experiment Building a New Kind of Baseball Team” at Busboys and Poets 5th and K, 1025 5thSt.NW. 202-364-1919.6:30 P.M.Patricia Engel, whose novel“Vida”was a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award, will read from her novel“The Veins of the Ocean,”about a woman feeling guilty (内疚的) about her brothers criminal act, at Kramerbooks &Afterwords, 1517 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-387-1400.7 P.M.Nathaniel Philbrick, a winner of the National Book Award, will discuss his book “Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution” at Politics and Prose. $5-$10.12 THURSDAY 7 P.M.Irene Pollin, a doctor, will discuss her book “Irene and Abe: An Unexpected Life,” about her marriage to former Capitals and Wizards owner Abe Pollin, with George Solomon, a former sports editor at The Post, at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue. $12-$20.For more literary (文学的) events, go towapo.st/litcal21. Where should you go if you want to talk about Ben Lindberghs book?A. Politics and Prose.B. Busboys and Poets.C. Kramerbooks &Afterwords.D. Sixth and I Historic Synagogue.22. If you are interested in “The Veins of the Ocean,” you should attend the event on _.A. 8 SUNDAY 1 P.M.B. 9 MONDAY 7 P.M.C. 12 THURSDAY 7 P.M.D. 11 WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M.23. How much will you pay if you attend Nathaniel Philbricks literary event?A. $5-$10. B. $12-$20. C. $16-$40. D. $36-$50.24. Both Angela Duckworth and Irene Pollin will _.A. discuss their books in the same placeB. make speeches on the same dayC. share their own experiencesD. talk about the same topicBAs a child, Sue Hendrickson loved to look for buried treasure. She would also walk along streets, looking at the ground and hoping to find interesting things.One day, Hendrickson visited an amber mine (琥珀矿). One piece of amber had an insect in it, and a miner told her that it was 23 million years old. At that moment, Hendrickson knew that she wanted to search for fossils (化石).In 1990, she traveled toSouth Dakotawith a team of scientists looking for dinosaur bones. The teams car broke down. When the others went to get the car fixed, Hendrickson and her dog stayed behind and went for a walk. On her walk, Hendrickson saw some bones on the ground and then looked up. There, in the high area of rock, was a huge dinosaur skeleton (骨骼)! The group uncovered the biggest, most plete skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex (霸王龙) that had ever been found. TheT. rexwas named“Sue”after its discoverer.This was not Hendricksons only adventure. Two years later, she dove with scientists to explore a sunken ship. It was a Spanish trading ship from the 1600s. At it, the scientists found hundreds of huge stone bowls and more than 400 gold and silver coins.Hendrickson has plans for more adventures. She wants to look for more dinosaur bones and hopes to find a woolly mammoth (长毛象) skeleton. Often, Hendrickson travels to The Field Museum inChicago,Illinois, her hometown. That is where Sue theT. rexis on display. Sue Hendrickson likes to visit Sue the dinosaur whenever she can.25. Hendrickson found Sue theT. rex_.A. while walking her dogB. with the help of her dogC. when waiting for a car repairD. along with a group of scientists26. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Hendrickson wants to bring woolly mammoths back to life.B. Hendrickson spends most of her life in her hometown.C. Hendrickson prefers research work to adventures.D. Hendrickson has a deep love for Sue theT. rex.27. Which word can best describe Hendrickson?A. Smart. B. Quiet.C. Funny.D. Adventurous.COne day in xx, inPhoenix,Arizona, a woman was getting in her car, which was parked in her driveway. Suddenly, her husband ran out of the house. He was waving his arms and shouting. Without another word, the woman ran back in her house and closed the front door. A few minutes later, the sky began to darken. And then, sand began to swirl (打旋) around the house. Soon, sand and dust were everywhere, blowing all around the house.This is a violent dust storm inPhoenix. A dust storm is a kind of storm where wind picks up clouds of sand and dust from the desert and blows them into the air.Phoenixis deep in theSonoranDesert, one of the largest deserts inNorth America. It gets several dust storms every year.When a dust storm hits, it makes it difficult to see. If you are outside during a dust storm, you may not be able to see more than a few inches in front of you. When a dust storm is ing toPhoenix, the local weather stations start giving warnings for people to get off the street. Airplanes are not allowed to take off from or land inPhoenixbecause the pilots cannot see well.Paul Fisher and his family have lived inArizonafor more than twenty years. He can remember seeing many serious dust storms during that time. One time, he was out walking his dog, Jimbo, shortly after he had moved toPhoenix. As he was walking, he looked out at the desert and saw what looked like a big, dark wall. He looked at it for a few minutes. Suddenly, he realized what he was looking at. He took Jimbo and ran back to the house. He was just able to get inside before the storm hit. “Once youre in a violent dust storm, you never forget it,” he said.28. Why did the husband shout at his wife?A. He wanted to use her car.B. He badly needed her help.C. A dust storm was arriving.D. A traffic accident happened.29. Which of the following shows the position ofPhoenix?=Phoenix30. Whats Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. What to do in a dust storm.B. The harm of the dust storm.C. The cause of the dust storm.D. How a dust storm es into being.31. What happened to Fisher?A. He decided to move away fromPhoenix.B. His house was destroyed in a dust storm.C. He escaped from a terrible dust storm.D. His dog got lost in a dust storm.DWWOOF organizations connect people who want to live and learn on organic (有机的) farms with people who are looking for volunteer (志愿者) help. WWOOF hosts (主办方) offer food, housing and opportunities to learn about organic ways of life. Volunteers (WWOOFers) give hands-on help in return. They help on the land for 4-6 hours a day. WWOOF is a network of national organizations. If you want to have hands-on experience, learn and share organic ways of living then WWOOF might be for you.VolunteersUsually you live with your host and are expected to join in the day to day activities. In most countries the exchange is based on 4-6 hours work in exchange for a full days food and housing. You may be asked to help with a variety of tasks like gardening, planting, cutting wood, packing, milking, feeding, wine making, cheese making and bread making. The length of your stay at the farm is discussed directly between you and your host. Most WWOOF visits are between one and two weeks, though some may be as short as two or three days or as long as six months.The first step of your WWOOFing experience is to choose the place you are going and join the right WWOOF organization. As a member you will be able to receive information about farms in your chosen country and start making plans.HostsIf you have an organic farm or garden, you might consider opening your home to WWOOFers. Our volunteers can provide an extra pair of hands to help with various projects you are busy with. Hosting WWOOFers can be hugely helpful as you are enabling people to learn about organic growing techniques. Many WWOOFers are so encouraged by the experience that they end up changing their living and even setting up their own organic farms! As a host you are improving munication and helping growth within the organic movement. In order to host WWOOFers you will need to join WWOOF in the country where your farm is located.Make a difference! Join WWOOF! Think global act local!32. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A. WWOOFers can get free food from hosts.B. Hosts teach WWOOFers how to build farms.C. WWOOFers should help hosts to do housework.D. Hosts share their work experience with WWOOFers.33. What will WWOOFers do before starting their WWOOFing?A. Decide where to go.B. Call the hosts directly.C. Learn how to work on farms.D. Search for information on farms.34. What is the benefit of being WWOOF hosts?A. It attracts more visitors.B. It brings in a lot of money.C. It improves growing techniques.D. It increases the number of organic farms.35. What is the purpose of this text?A. To introduce organic farms.B. To call on people to live organically.C. To encourage people to join WWOOF.D. To offer opportunities to learn about WWOOFers.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Creating a reader-friendly homeA home filled with reading material (材料) is a good way to help kids bee enthusiastic readers. What kind of books should you have?36Here are a few other tips:37Collect books with mirrors and different textures (质地) for babies. Preschoolers enjoy alphabet books and picture books. Kids above 7 years old will enjoy variety: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and dictionaries.Create a special reading place.As kids grow, keep books and magazines on shelves they can reach in their favorite places around the house.38Place some of the books with the covers facing out so theyre easy to notice. Put a basket full of books and magazines next to their favorite places to sit. Create a fortable reading corner, and encourage kids to use it by setting up “reading corner time” each day.Keep it attractive.Make sure reading areas have good lighting. Change the materials oftenadd seasonal books, change different magazines, and include books that relate to what kids are interested in or studying in school.39Place a CD or tape player nearby for audio (有声的) books.Encourage kids to create their own reading.Set up a writing and art center and encourage kids to make books or posters that they can decorate with their own pictures and writing.40And they will want to share their creations with family and friends.A. Keep a varied choice.B. Turn to parents for help.C. Ask your kids about their interests.D. Create regular reading time for your kids.E. Kids love to read things theyve written themselves.F. Make these shelves attractive and keep them organized.G. Decorate the corner with your childs artwork or writing.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Do you believe cats have nine lives? If they do, then a cat named Scarlett may have used a few of her41all at once.Scarlett was a cat42inan old, empty building inNew York. One day, the building caught fire. Most animals would have tried to quickly43. But, Scarlett had five kittens to44. As the fire got bigger, Scarlett ignored the45. One by one, she carried her46to safety. By the time Scarlett47the last kitten, her fur was badly burned, and her eyes were burned shut.A48firefighter found all the kittens and49their mother. Even though Scarlett could not see him, she50his voice and let him pick her up. He put her in a box with her babies. She could not51her kittens, so she counted them by touching each ones nose.Scarlett and her kittens were52to an animal hospital where it took almost three months for them to heal. Scarletts53story was reported in the local newspapers. Many people wanted to54Scarlett and her kittens. An official of the hospital made sure that they were all adopted into55homes.Scarletts fur grew back, and her eyes fully opened once again. In her new56, she played with paper balls57. She did not act as if she were58. She was just happy to live in a safe home with59owners. To prove it, she purred (发出呼噜声) loudly when her60were near. Scarlett was a true survivor.41. A. chances B. interests C. lives D. partners42. A. missing B. surviving C. wandering D. playing43. A. change B. escape C. hide D. return44. A. feed B. chooseC. protect D. follow45. A. danger B. troubleC. unfairness D. anger46. A. boxes B. food C. friends D. kittens47. A. lost B. left C. saw D. saved48. A. kind B. smart C. busy D. strange49. A. asked for B. looked for C. knew about D. gave up50. A. forgot B. heard C. recognized D. trusted51. A. see B. touch C. raise D. smell52. A. invited B. introduced C. rushed D. forced53. A. scary B. sad C. heroic D. romantic54. A. praise B. help C. examine D. cure55. A. good B. rich C. healthy D. old56. A. basket B. city C. home D. hospital57. A. proudly B. bravely C. nervously D. happily58. A. famous B. blind C. ill D. cute59. A. patient B. humorous C. loving D. positive60. A. enemiesB. doctors C. babies D. owners第卷第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Cheung Chau is a small island near Hong Kong in theSouth China Seathat has a 61. _ (colour) festival each spring, 62. _ draws tens of thousands of local and overseas tourists. The main 63. _ (attract) of the festival is a procession (游行) through the streets in which children 64. _ (dress) in beautiful clothes are carried high in the air on long bamboo sticks. The children appear to fly and the man who teaches them to do this 65. _ (be) retired school- teacher Yeung Yuk Lun. Every child on the island hopes 66. _ (choose) to take part. “Obviously, the children have to be small and light,” says Yeung Yuk Lun. “This means they are 67. _ (usual) between four and seven years old. They are extremely brave because 68. _ is quite frightening to be up in the air above a noisy crowd.” Towers of cakes carried beside the children 69. _ (offer) to the ancient god Pak Tai, who, according to an old story, once saved the island 70. _ great danger.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I think that teenage years should be the best in everyone life because you have few problems than adults. Most teenagers have a lot of friends with whom they can discuss things they are interesting in. Teenagers have a preference to up-to-date clothes and modern music. They also like do sports and pete. Their parents are such curious about their life that theyll sometimes enter their rooms without a permission. Teenagers stop think like children as they grow up, and their beliefs and interests changes as well. So my opinion is that teenage years are total magical and Id like to stay a teenager forever.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)请阅读所给的漫画,按要求用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。内容要求:1.描述漫画内容;2.分析漫画所揭示的问题;3.提出你的看法。 选做题I.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。It all started with a simple request. In xx, Cathryn Couch was working as a chef (厨师), making home-delivery meals for customers. One day, a friend called and asked: Did Couch have any cooking work for her teenage daughter? She didnt, but the friend continued to beg (乞求). So Couch finally came up with a project: making meals and sending them to a local homeless center.After seeing how excited and proud her friends daughter was after making the meals, Couch decided to replicate (复制) their lesson on a larger scale. Thats how, in xx, the Ceres munity Project was born. The Bay Area-based program asks teen volunteers to cook healthful, all-organic meals and send them to sick people with cancer and other serious conditions.That first year, 21 volunteers made 4,500 meals. In xx, 400 volunteers prepared more than 90,000 meals. Couch has opened five branches (支部) across the Bay Area. And she has helped start similar programs in cities likeEugene,Ore., andMadison,Wis.And now, the group has expanded east ofSan Francisco. In February, the Ceres Project opened up inAlameda,Calif., working with a supportive housing organization called Alameda Point Collaborative (APC). Much of the financial support came from the $100,000 left by a local woman who passed away from breast cancer. Generally, their money es from a mixture of individual and foundation donations.“Im seeing a lot of the kids natural leadership and social skills e out in the kitchen,” says Aileen Suzara, the Alameda program coordinator and chef. “I see a bright light from the kids eyes. They have a sense of how the project is really touching someones life.”When she first started the program, Couch thought that the cooking skills the teens got would be the most valuable part of the program. But thats not the case. “Its really about learning that they matter in the wo


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