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部编版2018年小升初专题复习(语法专练)代词小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)These socks _small. A . areB . isC . am2. (2分)This morning, we _Tom hit his hand. A . watchesB . watchingC . watched3. (2分)My brother and I _ Shanghai last Saturday. A . visitB . visitedC . will visit4. (2分)Mike, is this _ bike?No, I think its _.A . your; herB . yours; hisC . your; hers5. (2分)The wind was very strong. It my English paper at that time. A . blow, awayB . blow, outC . blew, awayD . blew, out6. (2分)There is a party _ the princes house. A . inB . onC . at7. (2分)This is the report. Its warm today. A . weatherB . classC . library8. (2分)Do you like this pencil _ that pencil? A . AndB . orC . but9. (2分)Tony was sick. He _ eat dinner today. A . isntB . didntC . wasnt10. (2分)Can you see _ in the picture? A . something unusualB . anything unusualC . unusual somethingD . unusual anything11. (2分)_ name is Mary Green.A . SheB . HerC . her12. (2分)_ color is the skirt? A . HowB . WhatC . Who13. (2分)Did you like apples ? A . No , I did .B . No , I didnt .C . Yes , I didnt .14. (2分)Whats your favourite sport? _.A . Table tennisB . SundayC . Chinese15. (2分)My school is close to a park.A . B . 16. (2分)In winter, I often_ with my friends. A . swimsB . skatesC . go skating17. (2分)Labour Day is in May, Mothers Day is_ in May A . tooB . alsoC . two18. (2分)_ is my father. A . YouB . SheC . This19. (2分)How_. A . loveB . loveyC . lovely20. (2分)你饿了,你会对妈妈说: A . Mum,Im hungry. B . Have some bread.21. (2分)_ your sister _ her homework every day? A . Do; doB . Does; doesC . Does; do22. (2分)The gloves _pretty.Can I try_on?A . is;themB . are;themC . are;it23. (2分)Please tell _ something about your city. ( )A . meB . IC . my24. (2分) .I like summer best.A . What do you do on the weekend?B . Which season do you like best?C . Why do you like winter best?25. (2分)Power is off and _ can watch TV. A . notB . noC . nobody26. (2分) often A . lastB . neverC . fruit27. (2分)They have _ bread, but they dont have _ water. A . Any, anyB . some, anyC . some, some28. (2分) are you?Im 50 kilogramsA . How tallB . How heavyC . How much29. (2分)How many caps do you see? A . I see twelve. B . I see fourteen.30. (2分)Did you do ?A . anything elseB . something elseC . else something31. (2分)_ can I get _there?A . How, /B . What, toC . How, to32. (2分)Are these Sarahs blue _?A . scarfB . glovesC . umbrella33. (2分)Is Tom in the study? B: Yes, _ is.A . heB . sheC . his34. (2分)What does _ want? A . theyB . heC . you35. (2分)Mum bought _ a book. ( )A . IB . meC . my36. (2分)_ are monkeys .A . ItsB . TheyC . She37. (2分)Let help you. A . IB . meC . my38. (2分)Mary is ill and she doesnt feel like . A . to eat somethingB . to eat anythingC . eating somethingD . eating anything39. (2分)Come here, please. Ill tell you _. A . anything importantB . important anythingC . something importantD . important something40. (2分)Let _ have a look. ( )A . IB . meC . my第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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